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Objectives of the study

This study aims to determine The Impact of Digital Marketing on Consumers

Purchase decision. Specifically, it sought to:

1. To determine the level of Digital Marketing, in terms of:

1.1 Email Marketing
1.2 Social Networking Marketing
1.3 Mobile Phone Marketing
1.4 Website
2. To assess the level of the Consumers Purchase Decision in terms of;
2.1 Brand Concern
2.2 Convenience Concern
2.3 Social Influence Concern
2.4 Dependency Concern
2.5 Price Concern
2.6 Product Features Concern
2.7 Self-Actualization
2.8 Relative Advantage
2.9 Compatibility
2.10 Aesthetic Value

3. To determine the relationship of Digital marketing and Consumers Purchase

4. To identify the significant influence of Digital Marketing and Consumers
Purchase Decision

H1: There is no significant relationship between Digital Marketing and Consumers
Purchase Decision

H2: There is no significant influence of Digital Marketing on Consumers Purchase


Significance of the Study

The aim of this study is to determine the impact of digital marketing on

consumers purchased decision. Specifically, the outcome of this research is
beneficial to the following:

Consumers. This study may benefit the consumers, specifically the individuals in
the Municipality of Lianga Surigao del Sur for this may help them better understand
digital marketing and how it impacts their purchasing decisions.

Future Researchers. This study is beneficial to the future researchers, for this may
serve as a guide for them to decide which appropriate approach in venturing to
digital marketing and for them to know the beneficial impact to seller and consumers
well being in new modern era of marketing.

Scope and Delimitation of The Study

This study focuses on The Impact of Digital Marketing on Consumers’

Purchase Decision in the Municipality of Lianga, Surigao del Sur with a population
of . The period of time is only applicable to the academic year 2023-2024. The place
is chosen for this study because this place is lack of markets that supply products
and brands, that results for consumers to purchase online.

Theoretical Framework

Three (3) theories are supported in this study: The Market Segmentation
Theory, the Hawkins Stern’s impulsive buying theory, and the Reasoned action
theory. According to the market segmentation theory ( Murrow, 2020) postulates that
markets get divided among some commonalities to better reach their targeted
consumers. The segment of one theory suggests that marketers are moving away
from mass marketing methods to specify a more customized group of individuals
with shared buying patterns and emotions.

Another theory is the Hawkins Stern’s impulsive buying theory, Hawkins

Stern believed heavily in the idea of impulse behaviour. He argued that sudden
buying impulses fit alongside rational purchasing decisions to paint a complete
picture of the average consumer. Impulse purchases are driven largely by external
stimuli and have almost no relationship to traditional decision-making. Stern
established four categories of impulse buying. First are the pure impulse purchases,
like a candy bar at the checkout line of a grocery store. Second, consumers make
reminded impulse buys, like placing a display of hot dog buns next to a meat cooler.
Third are suggested impulse purchases, such as a warranty for an electronic device.
Finally, consumers make planned impulse decisions, where they know they want to
buy a product, but are unsure about the specifics

Lastly, is the Reasoned action theory ( Ha, 1998) views that the antecedents
of purchase behavior are attitudes towards the purchase and subjective norm. If the
antecedents of purchase behavior are integrated to predict and measure brand
loyalty, the prediction and measurement of brand loyalty will be more stable over
time and accurate.
Conceptual Framework

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Digital marketing Consumers Purchase Decision

 Email Marketing  Brand Concern

 Social Network Marketing  Convenience Concern
 Mobile Marketing  Social Influence Concern
 Website  Dependency Concern
 Price Concern
 Product Features Concern
 Self-Actualization
 Relative Advantage
 Compatibility
 Aesthetic Value

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study

The concept of this study is to examine The Impact of Digital Marketing on
Consumers’ Purchase Decisions.

The two variables employed in this study are shown in the figure above, with
digital marketing serving as the independent variable with the indicators email
marketing, social Network Marketing, Mobile Marketing and Website. Consumers’
purchase decision serving as the dependent variable with the indicators Brand
Concern, Convenience Concern, Social Influence Concern, Dependency Concern,
Price Concern, Product Features Concern, Self-Actualization, Relative Advantage,
Compatibility, Aesthetic Value.

Definition of Terms

The researchers operationally defined the phrases below in order for readers
to comprehend the study completely:

Digital marketing- This term refers to promote products, services and to reach
consumers using digital channels (email marketing, social media marketing and
other forms of digital media).

Consumers Purchased decision- This term refers to the thought process that
leads a consumer from identifying a need, generating options, and choosing a
specific product and brand (Brand Concern, Convenience Concern, Social Influence
Concern, Dependency Concern, Price Concern, Product Features Concern, Self-
Actualization, Relative Advantage, Compatibility, Aesthetic Value).

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