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Count/Non-Count Nouns

Practice Exercise KEY

Part A: Divide the nouns into the boxes according to COUNT or NON-COUNT.

A--apples B--balls C--butter D--cats E--chairs F-- cheese

G--coffee H--desks I--eggs J--flowers K--honey L--ice
M--information N--ketchup O--rice P--roses Q--sand R--shoes
S--soup T--strawberries U--sugar V--tables W--tomatoes X--water

count non-count

olives olive oil

A--apples B--balls C--butter F-- cheese

D--cats E--chairs G--coffee K--honey
H--desks I--eggs L--ice M--information
J--flowers P--roses N--ketchup O--rice
R--shoes T--strawberries Q--sand S--soup
V--tables W--tomatoes U--sugar X--water

Part B: Write either _How many_ OR _How much_ in the spaces to complete the
questions. Be sure to look carefully at the nouns to decide between ‘many’ or ‘much.’

__How many_____ olives are in the house?

__How much_____ olive oil is in the house?

1--_____How much____ milk is in the refrigerator?

2--_____How many____ eggs are in the refrigerator?

3--_____How many____ strawberries are in the refrigerator?

4--_____How much____ sugar is in the cabinet?

5--_____How many____ tables are in the kitchen?

6--_____How much____ cheese is on the table?

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