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(AC-S08) Week 08 - Pre-Task: Quiz - Weekly quiz

Fecha de entrega
22 de mayo en 23:59
16 de mayo en 0:00 - 22 de mayo en 23:59
7 días
Límite de tiempo
20 minutos



Congratulations for having reviewed the information for the week and having practiced with
the different exercises proposed. The time has come for you to challenge yourself and take
the next quiz, remember that you have only one attempt. Review the questions carefully and
evaluate your answers before submitting the quiz.

Good luck!

Historial de intentos
Intento Hora Puntaje
16 minutos 16 de 20

Las respuestas correctas estarán disponibles del 23 de mayo en 0:00 al 25 de mayo en

Puntaje para este examen:

16 de 20
Entregado el 22 de mayo en 15:52
Este intento tuvo una duración de 16 minutos.

Pregunta 1 2
/ 2 pts

He __________ in his project since May.

have worked

has worked

was worked

Pregunta 2 2
/ 2 pts

Where ______ you ______ a ghost last year?

has / seen

did / saw

did / see

Pregunta 3 2
/ 2 pts

I _______________ comics since I was a little boy.


have read

was reading

Pregunta 4 2
/ 2 pts

A: ______ you ever ______ a horse, a camel or an elephant?

B: No, I haven't.

Did / rid​

Have / ridden

Have / ride​

Pregunta 5 2
/ 2 pts

They ......... a few minutes ago

have left



Pregunta 6 2
/ 2 pts

The teacher _________________ the task for half an hour.

has explained

is explaining


Pregunta 7 2
/ 2 pts

A: When ________ you travel to the jungle of Brazil?

B: I _________ there 2 years ago.

did / travel

have / traveled

did / traveled

Pregunta 8 2
/ 2 pts

___________ the mayor of your city __________ to the community?

Have / spoke

Has / spoken

Did / speak

Incorrecto Pregunta 9 0
/ 2 pts

She __________ this computer program in 2005.

has learnt


was learnt

Incorrecto Pregunta 10 0
/ 2 pts

_____________ the soldiers ___________ well?

Did / shot

Have / shoot

Did / shoot

Puntaje del examen:

16 de 20

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