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I.Pilihlah jawaban yang paling benar dengan memberikan tanda silang ( X ) pada huruf
a,b,c atau d pada lembar jawab yang tersedia!
The text is for no 1 - 2
In a stationery
Shopkeeper : Excuse me, can I help you?
John : Do you have any backpack in stock?
Shopkeeper : Yes, we have a few. What type of backpack do you want?
John : I need one for school.
Shopkeeper : We have a few different types. This one is popular with students.
John : It is very good. I … (1) this type, but do you have other colour options?
Shopkeeper : Yes, we have black and blue.
John : Okay, I … (2). I don’t like blue.
1. The answer is … .
A. like
B. dislike
C. don’t like
D. doesn’t like
2. the answer is … .
A. I like blue better
B. I prefer black to blue
C. I prefer blue to black
D. I would rather blue than black

3. If you are at the principal office and you want to go to the basketball court, so you will …
a. go to the north
b. go to the south
c. go to the west
d. go to the east
4. The principal room is … the teacher room and the staff room.
a. behind
b. beside
c. in front of
d. between
5. The nearest place to the school hall is … .
a. classrooms
b. staff room
c. toilets
d. library
The Text is for no 6 – 8
Lela : Excuse me, could you show me the way to the post office?
The man : Well, the quickest way is to follow this road. When you found the second traffic
light turn left. In 200m you can turn right and you will find the post office at the
right side of the street. It is … (6) the bookstore and the pharmacy.
Lela : Thank you, is it …(7) Jl. Sudirman?
The man : Yes, you are right, It is …(8) Jl. Sudirman no 112.
Lela : I see. Thank you very much, Sir.
The man : My pleasure.
6. The answer is … .
a. beside
b. behind
c. between
d. in front of
7. The answer is … .
a. on
b. in
c. at
d. near
8. The answer is … .
a. on
b. in
c. at
d. near
The picture is for no 9

9. The traffic sign means … .

a. we may park in this are
b. we must stop in this area
c. we must not park in this area
d. we must not stop in this area
10. There are many traffic signs on the street and we must obey them. The underlined word
has the same meaning as … .
a. road
b. alley
c. lane
d. hall
11. I want to accompany my mother to buy daily needs, we want to go to the … .



d. .

12. Look at the yard! … a lot of children. They are playing games. They look happy.
a. this is
b. that is
c. there is
d. there are
13. Sandra : How many … are there in your house?
Cindy : Five, my father, my mother, my sister, my brother and me. What about
Sandra : Just three in my house. I am the only child of my parents.
a. child
b. person
c. people
d. children
The dialogue is for no 14 – 16
Jeje : Who is your favourite football player?
Ryan : Cristiano Ronaldo. He is the best football player I know.
Jeje : What do you know about him?
Ryan : He is a Portuguese football player. He used to play for several football clubs
such as Sporting Lisboan and Manchester United and now he became one of the
best player in Real Madrid for the salary of 32 million EUR. He is well known
for his sprint skills. He starts wearing number 7 since he became the member of
Manchester United.
Jeje : Amazing! He also achieves so many honors and achievement such as FIFA
Ballon d’Or FIFA World player of the year and many others.

14. What are the speakers talking about? They are talking about … .
a. Football
b. Football player
c. Cristiano Ronaldo
d. Favourite football player
15. A lot of people in the world know him. It means he is … .
a. good player
b. best player
c. well known
d. sprint skills
16. Now Cristiano Ronaldo is a football player of … .
a. Sporting Lisboan
b. Manchester United
c. Real Madrid
d. Portuguese
The text is for no 17 – 19
A lion has strong, compact body and powerful forelegs, sharp teeth, and jaws for
pulling down and killing prey. It likes to eat meat. Its coat is yellow-gold. Adult male has
shaggy manes that range in colour from blond to reddish-brown to black and also vary length.
The length and colour of the mane is believed to be determined by such factors as
age, genetics and hormones. A young lion has light spotting on its coat that will disappear as it
grows up. A male lion grows up larger than female, reaching up to 3 meters long. Female
reaches up to 2,7 meters long.

17. What does the lion look like?

a. looks weak
b. doesn’t like meat
c. like to pull down and kill the prey
d. strong with powerful forelegs and sharp teeth
18. The purpose of the text is to ... .
a. describe a lion
b. retell a story of a lion
c. tell how to see the lion
d. tell the writer’s experience
19. A lion has strong, compact body. The antonym of the underlined word is … .
a. big
b. tall
c. weak
d. wealth
20. Arrange these words into a good sentence!
always – every – her – Sandy – morning – mother – helps – does ?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
a. 8 – 4 – 1 – 7 – 3 – 6 – 2 – 5 ?
b. 4 – 8 – 1 – 7 – 3 – 6 – 2 – 5 ?
c. 4 – 7 – 3 – 6 – 8 – 2 – 5 – 1 ?
d. 8 – 3 – 6 – 7 – 1 – 4 – 2 – 5 ?
It means that … .
a. You have to be quiet because the test is being held
b. You must do the test carefully to make some progress
c. You are supposed to stay in the classroom during the test
d. The exam is cancelled because the students are having a test

Text is for no 22 – 23

When I was in elementary school, there was a cooking competition. I was so

amazed to join it. My family supported me and wanted me to join it.
So I tried to find a recipe on YouTube. Then I found a video of a simple fried
rice recipe that had been watched by over 1 million viewers. Then I tried to do the
steps of making fried rice on the video and I could make it well
On the day of the competition, I prepared all and I did like before. When I
finished cooking, I served the fried on a large plate. My teacher … (22) that my fried
rice was tasty and I got reward as the first winner.
I thought cooking …(23) an exciting activity. I wanted to make delicious food
more and more.

22. The correct answer is …

a. say
b. says
c. said
d. saying
23. the correct answer is …
a. is
b. was
c. are
d. were
The text is for no 24 – 25
Zena : I want to instal zoom application, but I don’t know the way. Can you help me?
Maul : Sure, first tap the google play icon. At the bottom of your screen, tap Apps. At the top
right of your screen, tap the Search Icon. Then … (24) “ZOOM” in the search box.
Once your search result appears, tap Zoom – One Platform to Connect. … (25) tap
the install button. Last, tap “accept” to confirm the installation.
Zena : I see, thanks a lot.

24. The answer is …

a. enter
b. enters
c. entered
d. entering
25. The answer is …
a. So
b. But
c. Before
d. After that

II.Pilihlah 3 jawaban yang benar dengan memberi tanda centang ( V ) pada kotak yang
tersedia pada lembar jawab!

It is my new backpack. It is a gift from my mother in my birthday. The colour is brown and
made of thick cotton. This backpack is divided into three parts, namely large section, medium
section and small section. The small section is coated with rubber. Usually I keep my flash disk, pen
and small things here.
The large section has large space so I can carry a lot of items. I decorate my bag with a bag
hanger of a toy flower and also a small dog cat in the zipper, so when I move, the handgrip also
moves automatically.
1. The statements are correct according to the text.
a. The writer keeps the small things in the small section
b. The writer bought the bag herself.
c. The colour of the bag is brown.
d. The bag has large space.
e. The bag made of leather.
f. The bag has two parts.
Nadiem Makarim was born in Singapore on 4th July 1984. His father’s name is Nono Anwar
Makarim and his mother is Atika Algadri. He has two sisters, Hana Makarim and Rayya Makarim.
Nadiem Makarim is married to Franka Franklin and they have two daughters.
Nadiem has Arabic blood so he has a pointed nose, brown eyes, and short dark brown
hair. He is tall and has a nice body. Nadiem likes to wear shirts. Many people admire him because
he is smart. I think that is why President Jokowi chose him to be the Minister of education. He is
the youngest member of Kabinet Indonesia Maju
2. What does Nadiem Makarim look like?
a. His hair is dark and brown
b. He was born in Singapore
c. He has pointed nose
d. His eyes are brown
e. He is tall and fat
f. He is smart

I have one silliest friend. Her name is Shintia Ayu. All students of my class call her Oyi. She is
a slim and short girl. Her skin is light brown. She looks cute with her little nose and baby face, that’s
why she has a sweet smile. Her hair is a bit curly and short. Her hobby is drawing and painting. Her
favourite foods are cake and apple.
She is a clown of my class. When the class is cancelled, she often tells us jokes in front of
the class. Her diction and silly act always make our class is full of laugh. She has a good self-
confidence, that’s why being a silly person and watched by all friends is not a big deal. Besides that,
she also nice and friendly. I feel so lucky to have a silly and finny best friend like her.
3. What is Oyi like?
a. She is funny
b. She is friendly
c. She is slim and short
d. Her hair is a bit curly
e. She has light brown skin
f. She has a good self – confidence

Nunu is my pet’s name. He is a male fluffy kitten. He has greyish-brown fur all over his body
and tail. He has black stripes over his front and back legs. His eyes’ colour is black and his nose is
also black. He has short little tail. He has a pair of black triangular ears. Although he has claws on his
feet but he isn’t harmful.
I feed Nunu regularly, three times a day. He likes salty fish, raw and cooked fish and meat,
or even chicken and fish bone. He only drinks freshwater as I never give milk to him.
I train Nunu to keep his cleanliness by providing him litter pan. Sometimes I also wash him
to make him clean. I usually play with him by using a piece of paper that I tied by yarn. When I pull
the yarn up and down, the moving piece of paper will attract him and he will chase it. He is so
amazing his playful habit. I will look after him until he grows to be an adult cat.
4. From the text we can infer that … .
a. Nunu likes to play a piece of paper tied by yarn
b. Nunu has black stripes over his body
c. Nunu likes to eat raw and cooked fish
d. Nunu nunu likes to drink milk
e. Nunu has greyish-brown fur
f. Nunu is harmful
5. The writer writes the text to … .
a. tell Nunu’s habit
b. describe his pet
c. tell his experience
d. tell the story of a pet
e. t ell how to take care of a pet
f. identify Nunu’s physical appearance
III. Jodohkan pernyataan pada kolom sebelah kiri dengan gambar yang benar pada
kolom sebelah kanan dengan memberi tanda silang ( X ) pada huruf a,b,c,d,atau
e pada lembar jawab yang tersedia!
1.Rinse the rice a. b.

2.Combine the rice and

water in the rice cooker

3.Cook the rice, turn on the d.

rice cooker

4.Let the rice rest in the slow

cooker for 10 to 15 minutes.
6.Fluff the rice and serve.

IV. Isilah titik- titik di bawah ini dengan jawaban yang singkat dan jelas pada
lembar jawab yang tersedia!
1. Sandra : What book do you want to borrow, Jessy?
Jessy : I want to borrow science book; do you know where is it?
Sandra : Over there, … the bookshelf near the aquarium.
Jessy : Thank you Sandra.
Sandra : My pleasure.
2. Complete the text with the suitable words based on the sign!
If you want to go to the park, go straight along the street until you find a bridge. Then

… , go ahead and pass a … . The park is on the left side.

3. The dialog is for no 3.
Aldo : Do you know my new English teacher?
Reno : Mrs. Santi? Yes, she is my neighbour.
Aldo : What is she like?
Reno : She is smart, kind, diligent and … .She likes to give everything to
someone who is in need.
Aldo : Good person!
4. Fill in the blank using there is or there are!

… three pencils on the table.

5. Complete the sentences with suitable word!
My uncle has three … . They are Arman, Arkan and Sita. They are my cousins. We
always meet once a week.

V. Uraikan jawabanmu dengan benar dan jelas pada lembar jawab!

Text is for no 1 – 2

1. How many bedrooms are there in the house?

2. Where is the location of the dining room?
3. Answer the question according to the text!
When I wanted to send email for the first time, I was confused. I didn’t know
what must I do. Then I looked for the way from the internet, and I found it.
First, I opened the Gmail app, then tapped “compose” at the bottom right. After
that added recipients in the “To” field, or in the “Cc” and “Bcc” fields. Next, I added a
subject and wrote the message. Last I tapped “send” at the top of the page
I felt happy because I could send a message by email to my friend.
What is the text about?

4. Read the text and answer the question!

- Cut a mango, slice the flesh away from the seed in the centre of the fruit
- Put the chunks into a blender with water or milk and the optional sugar.
- Blend the juice for 30 seconds or until it’s smooth
- Pour the mango juice into serving glasses

What is the purpose of the text?

5. Rearrange the sentences into a good arrangement of “ How to install a sim card in an
android” !
a. Verify that your android is powered off
b. Place your SIM card into the SIM tray so that it properly fits and lies flat
c. Look for and identify the SIM card tray
d. Push the SIM card tray gently back into your android until it clicks firmly into place
e. Pull out the SIM card tray gently using your fingertips after the tray pops out of the
f. Insert the pointed end of the SIM ejection tool into the tiny hole located next to the SIM
card tray
g. Power on your phone

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