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Presidential Campaign

Immigration is a recurring event, it involves hispanics and many other ethnic

groups. This all comes down to the economy and its growth, whether the increase
is good or bad, This is still something to look at. I also come from an immigrant
family, there is a lot of suffering but everything is similar to what an American
family wants and that is to succeed and be someone in life. The only thing that is
different is the journey and the opportunities that each person here has. Your
background might be different from mine, but guess what we are still here together
aren’t we? Everyone at some point in their life needs someone there, just like you
can have that communication with someone you call a friend, that is the same
communication you can have with an immigrant. Then your answer will be “but we
don’t know them and that it’s a different situation”. But guess what you didn’t know
the person you call your best friend and what did you do, you talked to them and
got to know them and built trust.

The treatment of people should be in support and not how governor Ron De Santis
decided to treat the immigrants in the state of Florida by signing SB168. This Bill
Was to enforce immigration policies and stop immigrants from getting the same
support as American citizens. In return many immigrants and people in their
support decided to stop having interactions with the state of Florida, and this
showed them that the RAZA always has each other's backs and that it is unfair to be
treated poorly in a so-called “LAND OF FREEDOM”. This land doesn’t seem so free as
immigrants suffered coming here and being here as more study and research has
found that back in 2019, the inhumane treatment of immigrants. As well as being
placed in cages and being treated like predators or as if they aren’t even human.
There are many organizations and committees willing to help and support the lives
of fellow immigrants that are here in the U.S. such as DACA which was put in place
to give immigrants the opportunity to go to school and receive a better education.
My party is well aware and has donated several funds to an organization that has
been in place since 1939 to help refugees that seek support, part of the help
couldn’t be possible if it wasn’t for you “Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service”.
I am pleased to say that if there is any way I can help to support the lives of
immigrants, it would be through my donations and support of bringing this
problem to light and wanting the horrid life of suffering to change.

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