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Republic of

President Ramon Magsaysay
State University
(Formerly Ramon Magsaysay Technological University)
Castillejos, Zambales, Philippines
College Department College of Teacher Education

Course Code GEC3A



Place of the Course in the General Education


Semester and Academic Year 1st Semester 2021 -2022

CHAPTER 4 Contemporary Global Governance: The United Nations

This chapter presents the political dimension of globalization as a primary component in
studying contemporary world. This includes examining the nature of global governance and how
these nations and states work in a globally competitive environment. Likewise, the major political
institutions and organization that have high effect on the sovereignty and existence of a country are
introduced. It seeks to answer questions as regards: Who are responsible to issues at the international
level? Are national governments responsible and accountable to the problems arising at a global
scale? These questions are the main points that this chapter attempts to answer.
Specific Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Identify the roles and functions of the United Nations
2. Identify the challenges of global governance in the twenty-first century.
3. Explain the relevance of the state amid globalization.
4. Demonstrate the understanding of the development of UN and its challenges and relationship with
the Philippines.

Duration: 3 Hours

Chapter 4: Contemporary Global Governance:

The United Nations Role and functions of the United Nations.
Challenges of global governance in the twenty-first century.
Organs of United Nations Relevance of the state amid globalization.
Development of UN and its challenges and relationship with the Philippines.
Lesson Proper

4.1 Global Governments and Governance

Ann Florini of Brookings Institution described the global order that is not under the control
and umbrella of a particular political body. The term global government is a response on the actions
of various stakeholders on finding out pressing global problems like climate change and issues on
peace and security. The world has no global government and global authority. There are political and
economic bodies operating worldwide but no single organization possesses a global authority in
enforcing and compelling others to follow.

What the world has is the idea of global governance. This term refers to domestic institutions
and governments on how large-scale problems and public-policy issues are being solved at a global
level. It involves a range of actors including states, national and regional bodies that have the
willingness and commitment to confront a particular problem (WHO, 2015). Global Governance
involves management, authority, cooperation, and mechanisms that are aimed to attain certain goals.
This international process is bounded by consensus and agreements where members are expected to
perform based on the guidelines and policies. United Nations, World Trade Organization, and World
Health Organization are examples of governments that operate globally.

The downside of global governance is establishing its sovereignty and accountability to all
decisions framed and actions implemented. States may not conform and deviate from the norms set by
international institutions like UN and WTO especially if it will compromise their economic and
political interests.

4.2 Role and Functions of the United Nations

The primary role of the United Nations in global economic governance is as a political forum
for dialogue concerning the major issues on the global economic agenda and as an integrator of the
different perspectives on the economic, social, and environmental pillars of sustainable development.

The United Nations has made numerous positive contributions in maintaining international
peace and security, promoting cooperation among states and international development.

According to Delbriuck, the UN, has become a global actor with a meaningful role to play in
the process of globalization. It should serve as forum for the determination of international public
interest, promote the participation of non-state actors, and works to expand and reshape the
international legal framework.

4.3 Challenges in Global Governance

1. Jurisdiction Gap. The lack of global governance in taking actions to problems affecting key sectors
arises from the absence of authority. This involves the need to create power and jurisdiction to
governments and international organizations that have the commitment in confronting issues like
unemployment, human rights, peace and crimes.

2. Incentive Gap. Global governance is formed with the participation of countries that have the
interests to deal problem affecting their sovereignty. Incentive gap is an issue between the rich and
the poor countries of the world because of uneven distribution of authority and control over decisions
policies. Poor countries usually do not receive much attention and support from the coalition of body
due to its contributory constraints. Countries that do not provide higher material contribution usually
receive lesser amount of incentives.

3. Participation Gap. Almost all international organizations are facing the problem of consensus in
decision-making. Member -states sometimes disagree on issues that harmful to their interest. They do
not involve in decisions that are critical to the economic and political welfare of their sovereignty.

4.4 Organs of United Nations

a. General Assembly This is UN’s main deliberative and decision-making body represented by all its
193 members. The assembly holds general debate from September-December in its headquarters in
New York City. Two thirds of votes are required to decide range of issues like peace and security,
budget, and admission of new members to the organization.

b. Security Council The Security Council is responsible in the maintenance of peace and security. All
member-states of UN are obligated to follow decisions made by the council. In some cases, the
council has the power to impose sanctions or punish members or other bodies for destabilizing
international peace and security. Security Council is composed of 15 members, five are permanent
members and ten are non-permanent members elected for two-year term. China, France, Russia,
United Kingdom, and the United States are the council’s permanent members.

c. Economic and Social Council This body is commonly called as ECOSOC. Its main function is to
coordinate, review, and recommend policies relating to economic, social, and environmental issues. It
serves as the main agency of UN in monitoring and evaluating key results on sustainable
development. The 54 members of ECOSOC, composed of experts from various fields and
disciplines, is elected by the General Assembly.

d. International Court of Justice The ICJ is the principal judicial body of UN. Its role includes settling
legal disputes among concerned states and provides opinions on legal matters. This is the only UN
organ that operates outside United States with headquarters in the Peace Palace, Netherlands.

e. The Secretariat The Secretariat is headed by the UN Secretary-General who sits as its Chief
Administrative Officer. The appointment of the Secretary-General is done through the
recommendation of the Security Council for a five-year term. This organ is responsible for the UN’s
peacekeeping mission and its day-to-day work and operation having thousands of international staff
stationed in different countries.

4.5 Relevance of the state amid globalization.

Globalization is penetration into different aspects like business, politics, economics, cultural
identity, law, the environment and music. They argue that the state is irrelevant because it cannot keep
pace with economic forces. Globalization has also a big part in the improvement of local and social
culture in the Philippines. Globalization is the process of increased interconnectedness among
countries most notably in the areas of economics, politics, and culture. An essential link
betweenglobalization and the nation state is the concept of sovereignty, a term dating back several
centuries, well before the nation-state system was established in 1648.
In addition to, maintaining peace, the UN aims to protect human rights and provide
humanitarian assistance when, The UN Security Council has the primary responsibility for
international peace and security. While it was defined in several ways, globalization is defined as the
fading of economic. It is not the intention of this study to give a complete account of globalization,
but rather to highlight the most important issues for public administration, government and
development. Changes in Politics, Economic and Sociocultural. The Philippines are also been
friendly to the foreign country and they now stay connected in terms of exchange of product and
some investment. First and foremost, globalization has spread American influence throughout the

4.6 Development of UN and its Challenges and relationship in the Philippines

The Philippines is one of the original 51 charter members that created the United Nations in
1945. The UN Country Team (UNCT) in the Philippines consists of eleven resident funds, programs,
and specialized agencies (FAO, IFAD, ILO, IOM, UNDP, UNFPA, UNHCR, UNICEF, UNIDO,
WFP, and WHO), six project offices (UNAIDS, UNESCO, UN Habitat, UNODC, UNOPS, UN
Women), five non-resident agencies (UNEP, OHCHR, UNOCT, DCO and ITC), and three secretariat
offices (OCHA, UNIC and UNDSS). Standing invitees are ADB, IMF, and the World Bank. The UN
assists and supports the Government of the Philippines in its important development, peacebuilding
and humanitarian priorities.

The UN has been a partner of the Philippine government for over seven decades, supporting
state institutions to respect, uphold and implement the international treaty obligations and agreed
development goals that the Philippines has voluntarily adhered to over the years. To this partnership,
the UN has brought normative policy support, technical assistance and advocacy, but most
importantly, its ability to convene, coordinate and mobilize stakeholders from across the political
spectrum in support of the country’s development agenda. In the Philippines, the quality of its
technical assistance and its effectivity and neutrality as convener and coordinator has earned the UN
the trust of claim holders and duty-bearers, both government and non-government, national and


Deocampo, Felix Jr. R., Ramos, Bernardo F., and Llonora, R. L. (2019). Globalization in
Contemporary World. Plaridel, Bulacan: St. Andrew Publishing House

Lisandro E. Claudio and Patricio N. Abinales. (2018). The Contemporary World. Quezon City: C & E
Publishing, Inc.
Activity Sheet ACTIVITY 1

Name: JOSHUA A. DE VERA Score: ________ Course, Year and Sec.: __________ Date: __________

Essay: Directions: According to what you have learned from the previous discussion, answer the following
questions/statements in your own words. Write your answer on the space provided below.
1. What is the difference between global government and global governance?
- Global government is a response to various stakeholders' actions in identifying major global
challenges such as climate change and issues of peace and security. There is no global
government or authority in the world. There are political and economic groups working all
throughout the world, but no single organization has the capacity to enforce and compel others
to follow. On the other side, Global governance involves establishing its sovereignty and
accountability in relation to all decisions made and actions taken. States may not comply with or
vary from international rules established by organizations such as the United Nations and the
World Trade Organization (WTO), particularly if doing so would jeopardize their economic and
political interests.
2. Is there really such a thing as global government? Elaborate your answer.
- YES, because Global government is the concept of a common political authority for all humanity,
giving way to a global government and a single state or polity with jurisdiction over the entire
3. What are the problems in global governance? .
- Jurisdiction Gap
Incentive Gap
Participation Gap

4. What are the roles of the United Nations as an international organization?

- The main purpose of the United Nations is to maintain international peace and security. Any
state, whether a member of the UN or not, may bring any dispute or situation to the notice of
the Security Council or the General Assembly that threatens international peace and security.

Scoring Rubric for Essay:

LEVEL 5– 4 – Good 3- Fair 2 - Poor 1- Very
Outstanding poor

DESCRIPTION Well written Writes fairly Fair Somewhat Lacking

and very clear. Good Minimal unclear. effort. Very
organized. grammar effort. Shows little poor
Excellent mechanics. Minimal effort. Poor grammar
grammar Good grammar grammar mechanics.
mechanics. presentati mechanics. mechanics. Very
Clear and on and Fair Confusing unclear.
concise organizatio presentatio and choppy, Does not
statements. n. n. Few incomplete address
Excellent Sufficient supporting sentences. topic.
effort and effort and details. No Limited
presentation detail. organizatio attempt.
with detail. n of
Demonstrate thoughts.
s a thorough
g of the

Learner’s Feedback Form

Name of Student: ___________________________________________________

Program : ___________________________________________________ Year
Level : ___________ Section : ___________
Faculty : ___________________________________________________
Schedule : ___________________________________________________
Learning Module :Number: _________ Title : ____________________

How do you feel about the topic or concept presented?

□I completely get it. □ I’m struggling.
□I’ve almost got it. □ I’m lost

In what particular portion of this learning packet, you feel that you are struggling or lost?

Did you raise your concern to you instructor?

□ Yes □ No
If Yes, what did he/she do to help you?

If No, state your reason?


To further improve this learning packet, what part do you think should be enhanced?

How do you want it to be enhanced?


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