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#TITLE: A Love To Share

#TEASER: Years of heartache have culminated at this fateful event. Will you reject
this opportunity to redeme your feelings? Or will your heart open up to heal olds
wounds? If so, can you ride these wildhorses like a real cowgirl?

*scene club_64
Narrator: Waiting for them, you could have sneaked if you wanted to, but curiosity
makes you stay.
Narrator: Finally, Trevor comes back, alone. He sits beside you.
Charlie: So did he talk some sense into you and you're going to stop holding me
here against my will?
Trevor: If you want me to take you home right now I will, but I'm hoping you'll
stick around for a while
Charlie(angry): I told you he wouldn't want to talk to me. I'm not a fool, Trevor.
Charlie(angry): What you wanted to happen back at Jack's isn't going to happen now.
Find someone else to play with.
Narrator: Trevor stands over you, a dangerous glint in his dark eyes.
Trevor(angry): Is that what you think this is about? That I brought you here today
only with hopes to fuck you?
Charlie(angry)*think: I'm sick of this. I've wasted enough time with these fools. I
A. Tell him that's exactly what I think.
B. Tell him to get out of my way.
C. Stand up and shove him aside.
Charlie(angry): That's exactly what I think. You don't know a damn me at all!
Trevor(sad): {May Name}, let me prove you wrong.
Charlie(angry): Leave me alone!
Charlie(angry): Out of my way, Trevor. You said I can leave. I'm doing just that.
Trevor(sad): I know. But this is not what you think it is.
Charlie(angry): Forget it. You've done enough to humiliate me for one day. I can
find my own way back to town.
Narrator: You push him aside as you storm towards the door, Trevor at your heels.
Narrator: Sitting on the bench by the exit, you start putting your boots on while
Trevor stands over you.
Charlie(angry): Go away!
Narrator: Clutching one of your boots, you throw it Trevor who evades it with
little grace.
Narrator: Kegan's baritone laughter fills the room, stoking your anger even more.
Kegan(laugh): Woah! Close one! I told you she's a hellcat. Always have been.
Trevor(laugh): Almost got me though. Damn, she's quick!
Narrator: Trevor gives you back your boot. You snatch it from him and stomp your
foot into it.
Charlie(angry)*think: Do they think this is a joke? Screw them. I'll say...
A. To hell with you both! I can find my own way home. (Cost: 17 Diamond) *goto
B. How can you laugh at me after hurting me? (Cost: 12 Diamond) *goto pc1_b
C. Oops, sorry. *goto pc1_free
Charlie(angry): I am so done with you two. I'm out of here, and I don't neet your
Trevor: It's fifteen miles. Let us take you home at least.
Charlie(angry): Fifteen miles isn't that bad. Besides, I have a thumb.
Kegan: That'll be totally unnecessary, {May Name}. This is on us. Let us make it up
to you.
Trevor(angry): Do you really think we're going to let you on your own?
Narrator: Trevor reaches out to you but you slap his hand away.
Charlie(angry): Don't touch me. I'm tired of you mandhandling me.
*goto merge_1
Charlie(angry): Kegan, you asshole. You still have the nerve to laugh at me?
Narrator: Kegan's face drops, erasing any trace of humor. He reaches out to you.
Kegan(sad): I'm sorry, but it was Trevor...
Charlie(angry): No, Kegan, you too, Trevor! Keeps your hands to yourself.
Trevor: Seriously, now, baby. Let us make it up to you. Let us drive you home at
Charlie(angry): You're not going to drive me against my will again.
*goto merge_1
Charlie(shy): I guess I shouldn't have done that.
Kegan(laugh): Yeah, you should've hit him square on the chest. Trev could use some
of that.
Trevor(angry): Very funny, Kegan.
*goto merge_1
Trevor(smile): C'mon, {Charlie Name}! I'll forgive you for insulting me if you'll
forgive me for kidnapping you.
Charlie(angry): Forgive you? Are you fucking kidding me?
Narrator: Two weeks of sexual frustration plus years of hurt and loneliness boiled
to the surface.
Charlie(angry): You arrogant bastard. Keep your big paws off me or I'll press
charges against you for kidnapping.
Kegan(laugh): Now, now, bichito, he didn't mean anything by it.
Narrator: Your face and ears grow hot from anger. You turn your gaze at Kegan.
Charlie(angry): ...
A. Don't you ever call me that.
B. Do you think that little of me?
C. Fuck you!
Narrator: The fury in your eyes is enough to wipe the grin off his face.
Kegan(shy): No, no, that's not what I mean...
Narrator: The fury in your eyes is enough to wipe the grin off his face.
Charlie(angry): I'm not your little bug. I haven't bugged you for eight fucking
Charlie(angry): Eight goddamn years of me trying to figure out what the hell I did
to make you leave.
Narrator: Trevor remains still while Kegan bites his lip, pain and regret climbing
up his eyes.
Charlie(angry)*think: I can't control myself. My anger and sadness just keeps
pouring. I will...
A. Confess that I still love him. (Cost: 17 Diamond) *goto pc2_a
B. Tell him I've been suffering. (Cost: 12 Diamond) *goto pc2_b
C. Just cry and break down in front of them. *goto pc2_free
Charlie(angry): I kept wondering if you're okay, if you're happy, praying you're
just as miserable as I was.
Charlie(angry): Then I find you here and your life is wonderful.
Narrator: Kegan approaches you, tries to hold you, and you claw at his chest,
trying to rip his heart out.
Charlie(angry): Stupid me, I never stopped waiting for you, hoping you'd come back,
praying you'd want me.
Narrator: Once your strength and anger have been spent, you yield to his warm and
tight embrace.
Charlie(cry): Damn you, I tried to hate you but I never stopped loving you.
Narrator: A sad smile climbs up Trevor's face while Kegan holds you, swaying you.
Kegan(sad): {May Name}, oh girl...
*goto merge_2
Charlie(angry): You promised me you'd come back, you lied. You left me, and Gram
died and I was completely alone!
Narrator: Kegan tries his best to hold your gaze as he learns about the tortures
you've been through.
Charlie(angry): I kept wondering if you're okay, if you're happy, praying you're
just as miserable as I was.
Charlie(angry): Then I find you here and your life is wonderful.
Narrator: Kegan approaches you, tries to hold you, and you claw at his chest,
trying to rip his heart out.
*goto merge_2
Narrator: You body trembles, unable to contain the storm of emotions.
Charlie(cry): Kegan... Why? What did I do wrong?
Narrator: Before your body collapses, Kegan catches you in his arms.
*goto merge_2

Narrator: Kegan holds you until you calm down. Then you realize the things you just
Charlie(sad): Oh, god, Kegan. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have lashed out on you.
Charlie(sad): I shouldn't blame you from moving on. And from what I've seen and
heard, you're a good man
Kegan(sad): I deserved your anger, {Charlie Name}, and so much more.
Kegan(sad): It's me who has no right to say I'm sorry. Saying it won't ever make up
for what I did to you.
Narrator: Simply looking at Kegan tells the whole misery he's in.
Charlie(sad)*think: Kegan has suffered just like me. I will...
A. Hug him tighter.
B. Caress his arms.
C. Just curl up into him.
Narrator: Kegan kisses the top of your head.
Narrator: Kegan kisses your neck and stays there breathing you in.
Narrator: Kegan holds you closer, pressing your head against his cheek.
Narrator: By this time, Trevor maintains a short distance to give you and Kegan
some space to talk.
Kegan(sad): I know you don't want my excuses. I won't blame you for telling me to
get the hell out right now.
Kegan(sad): But I'm hoping you'll give me a chance to try and explain.
Charlie(sad)*think: My years of asking questions, wondering where he'd been can end
now. I will...
A. Grab the chance and let him spill the beans. (Cost: 17 Diamond) *goto pc3_a
B. Tell him I don't want to hear it. *goto pc3_free
Charlie(smile): I'm ready, Kegan. I will listen.
Narrator: Kegan takes a deep breath, looking up to somewhere to collect his
thoughts. Then he begins.
Kegan(shy): I didn't want to leave you, I swear I didn't, but I couldn't stay
anywhere near my old man.
Kegan(shy): I had no money, no food, no home, and no direction. And then I was
hired by Trevor's dad.
Narrator: You have one ear on his chest, listening to his heart beat, his deep
voice reverbarating.
Kegan: Three square meals and an old bed. That's all I had. I had no way of taking
care of you.
Kegan(sad): You are the only thing I missed after I left.
Narrator: You feel yourself opening up to his confession. But you're still wary.
Charlie(sad)*think: He'd been poor all his life but that didn't stop me from loving
Charlie(angry)*think: Did he really think I'm shallow that I wouldn't want him if
he had no money? I'll say...
A. I would still take you even if you're poor! (Cost: 17 Diamond) *goto pc4_a
B. That's not enough reason to give me up! (Cost: 12 Diamond) *goto pc4_b
C. Fine. Whatever. *goto pc4_free
Charlie(angry): You broke your promise because you were poor? I have to wonder if
you ever knew me, Kegan.
Kegan(amazed): No! That's not what I meant. I knew I couldn't take care of you,
{Charlie Name}...
Kegan(sad): You had dreams and goals. I knew if I stuck around, you wouldn't be
able to reach them.
Narrator: Kegan cups your face and stare right into you your eyes.
Kegan(sad): It was hard for me to stay away, but I had to. You deserved so much
more than what I could offer.
Charlie(sad)*think: None of us had it easy. It's as if, there was no better way it
could've turned out for us.
Narrator: The sad understanding settles upon your aching heart. All you can do is
weep is he holds you.
Charlie(cry): Oh, Kegan. The years I have longed for you...
Kegan(sad): I feel the same way, {Charlie Name}. But I'm so happy those days are
*goto merge_4
Charlie(angry): How could you give me up just like that? We could've fought through
the odds together.
Kegan(sad): {Charlie Name}, I know we could have. But my life was a mess back then.
Kagan(sad): I didn't want to be a burden and drag you down. You had your dreams and
Narrator: Kegan cups your face and stare right into you your eyes.
Kegan(sad): It was hard for me to stay away, but I had to. You deserved so much
more than what I could offer.
Charlie(cry): Oh, Kegan. The years I have longed for you...
Kegan(sad): I feel the same way, {Charlie Name}. But I'm so happy those days are
*goto merge_4
Charlie(sad): Now that is some excuse.
Kegan(sad): {Charlie Name}, please, believe me.
Charlie(sad): Oh, I do. I'm just glad those days are behind us.
Narrator: Kegan embraces you and you hug him back.
*goto merge_4
*goto merge_3

Charlie(smile): You know what? Forget it. We're here now. That's all that matters,
Narrator: Kegan embraces you and you hug him back.
Kegan(smile): Oh, {Charlie Name}. You don't know how happy I am now.
*goto merge_3
Narrator: Pinching your chin up, he kisses your mouth, intensifying as you give him
more of you.
Charlie(flirty): Mmm... Kegan...
Kegan(flirty): Mmm, {Charlie Name}... You know what? Why don't we take this inside?
Charlie(shy): Wait, what do you mean?
Narrator: Kegan wraps his arms around your waist and carries you off on his
shoulder like a sack.
Charlie(amazed): Kegan Colburn...!
A. What the hell are you doing?
B. I'm not some stupid sixteen year old you can manhandle.
C. Put me down this instant!
Kegan(flirty): Taking back what's mine, that's what!
Kegan(flirty): Oh, {Charlie Name}, I am very, very aware that you are no longer
Narrator: He spanks your ass as your legs kick at the sky.
Kegan(flirty): Just hold on, {Charlie Name}. We'll get there soon.
Narrator: Your body scream in glee from the thrill, but your mind protests yearning
for control.
Charlie(angry): Dammit, Trevor, can't you control him? Get over here!
Trevor(flirty): Sorry, babe. That man of yours is as stubborn as a little boy.
Narrator: To your dismay, Trevor opens the door for Kegan to bring you in.
*scene bedroom_282
Charlie(shy): Kegan, I mean it, put me down. This is ridiculous.
Narrator: Now that your in their room, Kegan lets your feet touch the floor but
without letting you go.
Narrator: He kisses you again, hungry like a wolf, and the he holds you out and
speaks to you.
Kegan(flirty): God, {Charlie Name}, I want you so bad. You don't know how long I've
wanted you.
Charlie(shy)*think: The thrill, the rush, they're making my head spin. What does
Kegan exactly want from me?
Narrator: Before you can say a thing, Trevor'ss mouth cover yours. His lips rather
sweet and tender.
Trevor(flirty): Mmm... Mmm...
Charlie(flirty)*think: They both taste good...
A. I love it.
B. This is strange.
C. They're crazy.
Trevor(flirty): Give in to what your body needs, {Charlie Name}. Don't think. Just
Charlie(flirty)*think: Maybe I can let go, just this once, and take everything they
offer me.
Kegan(flirty): Don't say no, {Charlie Name}. Let me show you how much I want you.
Charlie(flirty)*think: Kegan's vulnerability is so attractive. They're the perfect
combo. I will...
A. Take a chance and let go. (Cost: 17 Diamond) *goto pc5_a
B. Kiss him and tell him it's too fast. (Cost: 12 Diamond) *goto pc5_b
C. Push them away. *goto pc5_free
Narrator: You grab the back of Kegan's neck and pull him to you.
Charlie(flirty): Show me, Kegan. Show my body just how good you are for me.
Narrator: As Trevor's lips brushes the sensitive skin on your shoulder, Kegan's
tongue caresses yours.
Charlie(flirty)*think: Kegan and Trevor all for myself. This is so hot...
Kegan(flirty): Mmm... Her taste is unbelievable, Trev.
Trevor(flirty): Hmm, I know. I can't get enough of her.
Narrator: You throw your head back as Kegan licks your jaw and then your neck.
Charlie(flirty): Ahh...
*goto merge_5
Narrator: You kiss Kegan, his tongue inviting yours to another dance while Trevor
licks your neck.
Charlie(flirty)*think: Two of them all at once, I'm a bit overwhelmed.
Narrator: Biting and sucking Kegan's lip, you pull away with eyes heavy with
Charlie(shy): Wait, this... This is too fast.
Kegan(flirty): It's alright. We can slow down, can we, Trev.
Trevor(flirty): We have all the time in the world.
*goto merge_5
Narrator: You shove them off as if on instinct, and regret it the moment your skin
lose contact.
Charlie(sad)*think: I feel exposed, vulnerable, and wanting without them around me.
Narrator: To your relief, Kegan takes you back to his embrace to which you yield.
*goto merge_5
Trevor(flirty): That's it, it {Charlie Name}. Give in to us. We can only make you
feel so much better.
Kegan(flirty): I know you're still holding back, but we can start with this.
Charlie(flirty): ...
A. This is your chance, Kegan.
B. Make it up to me.
C. Make me forget all the pain.
Kegan(flirty): You won't regret it, {Charlie Name}. I'll give you everything I
Kegan(flirty): I will love you the way I've always wanted to all these years.
Kegan(flirty): I'll give you everything I have and love you the way I've always
wanted to all these years.
Narrator: With a lust-filled smile, Kegan holds you out, kissing you while Trevor
removes your shirt.
Trevor(flirty): My turn...
Narrator: Kegan hands you over to Trevor who tilts your head to him and kisses you
on the mouth.
Narrator: Tempted by your slender neck, Kegan bites and sucks your skin, leaving a
Charlie(flirty): Anng...
Narrator: Trevor unclasps your bra, cupping your breats for Kegan to kiss and
Narrator: His gaze up at you, Kegan kneels, pulling your jeans down. The act turn
you on and makes you moan.
Kegan(flirty): I want to taste you, {Charlie Name}...
Narrator: Kegan slides his fingers under you thongs, filling your folds before
going up to your clit.
Charlie(flirty)*think: Shit, he's so close. But I want him closer. I will...
A. I want whatever you can give me. (Cost: 17 Diamond) *goto pc6_a
B. Shyly and curiously ask what it feels like. (Cost: 12 Diamond) *goto pc6_b
C. Refuse him outright. *goto pc6_free
Charlie(flirty): Do what you want, Kegan. Fill yourself up.
Narrator: Kegan licks his lips, ripping your thongs and throwing the tattered laces
on the floor.
Narrator: He runs his fingers from your folds and up to your clit before diving
Charlie(flirty): Oh, yes, Kegan, eat me...
Trevor(flirty): What does she tastes like?
Kegan(flirty): Musky and sweet as honey...
Narrator: Kegan's dips a finger into your pussy and let reach up to Trevor to lick
your flavor.
Trevor(flirty): Mmm, you taste so good, {Charlie Name}.
Narrator: Trevor kisses your mouth as both of them take turns fingering your core.
Charlie(flirty): Nnng... Ahh... Fuck, I'm almost there...
Narrator: Your body blooming in bliss, you could've collapse if not for Trevor
holding you up from behind.
Charlie(flirty)*think: I want more. I will...
A. Buck my hips.
B. Encourage them with a moan,
C. Just let them do their thing.
Narrator: In response, their finger goes faster and deeper.
Charlie(flirty): Ohh, shit, yes...
Charlie(flirty): Oohhh... Mmm...
Narrator: You hear them growl and hiss, turned on by your sexy sound.
Narrator: Just as your about to peak, they slow down. Your hunger responds like an
angry lioness.
Charlie(flirty): Fuck... I want more...
Kegan(flirty): Tell us what you want, {Charlie Name}.
Trevor(flirty): It's a two-way three-way business. We have to listen to your desire
Charlie(flirty)*think: I want more of them. Make me come. I will...
A. Ask them to stimulate my clit and reach heaven. (Cost: 17 Diamond) *goto pc7_a
B. Beg for more kiss when its near. (Cost: 12 Diamond) *goto pc7_b
C. Make them stop. *goto pc7_free
Charlie(flirty): Boys, take me to paradise...
Narrator: After exchanging lustful looks, Trevor reach up to you clit, storing you
in mini cirlces.
Trevor(flirty): Feel good, {Charlie Name}?
Charlie(flirty): Ohh, hell, yess...
Narrator: Kegan starts kissing your inner thigh, sucking at your tingling skin.
Charlie(flirty): Yes, yes, fuck. Here I come...
Narrator: Orgasm rips through you, making you scream as your body pulses and
wetness seep between your legs.
Narrator: Trevor scoops your spent and pliable body up into his arms.
Trevor(flirty): You're fantastic, babe. Now, let's move you to your room.
*goto merge_7
Narrator: They slowly plunge into you, slowly building up to your peak.
Charlie(flirty): Hnng... K-kiss me. Fill my mouth...
Narrator: Trevor puts mouth over your, muffling your moans.
Kegan(flirty): Come for us, {Charlie Name}. Let go...
Narrator: With Trevor's hot kiss and Kegan's finger in your core, your orgasm
unfolds in glowious spasms.
Charlie(flirty): Oh, yes, ohh...
Narrator: Trevor scoops your spent and pliable body up into his arms.
Trevor(flirty): You're fantastic, babe. Now, let's move you to your room.
*goto merge_7
Charlie(shy): Wait, stop. This is too much for me.
Kegan(flirty): It's okay, baby. We won't force you.
Trevor(flirty): How about we bring somewhere more comfortable?
Narrator: Trevor scoops you up. Kegan leading, opening the door, they bring you to
your bedroom.
*goto merge_7

*goto merge_6
Charlie(shy): You haven't earn that much yet. But tell me, Kegan, how does my pussy
feel like?
Narrator: Kegan dips a finger into your wet core, feeling your walls constricting
around him.
Kegan(flirty): Heavenly. You have a wonderful pussy, {Charlie Name}.
Trevor(flirty): Taste her, Kegan. Tell me what it's like.
Narrator: Kegan licks his finger, sucking every trace of your flavor from it.
Kegan(flirty): But you taste even better, {Charlie Name}. I wonder what it's like
to be inside you.
Charlie(flirty)*think: Damn, this is insanely good. I can't help my body from
*goto merge_6
Charlie(flirty): No, you can't. If you want to eat, you have to earn it.
Kegan(sad): Aw, {Charlie Name}... Fine. I guess I deserve this torture.
*goto merge_6

Narrator: On your bed, with these two handsome, hot, and horny cowboys around you.
Kegan(flirty): Are you ready, {Charlie Name}?
Charlie(shy): Ready for what?
Trevor(flirty): Are you ready for our cocks?

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