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CE5510 Advanced Structural

Concrete Design

6. Detailing of Reinforcement
- Cover; Anchorage & Lapping -

Professor Tan Kiang Hwee

Dept of Civil & Environmental Engrg
National University of Singapore


6.1 General 3
6.2 Cover to Reinforcement 4
6.2.1 Exposure class and requirement 5
6.2.2 Fire resistance requirement 7
6.3 Anchorage of Bars 11
6.3.1 Anchorage bond & length 12
6.3.2 Design anchorage length 15
Example 1 18
Exercises 1 & 2 19
6.4 Lapping of Bars 21
Example 2 25

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6.1 General
Purpose of Structural Detailing:

 to ensure satisfactory durability and serviceability

performance under normal circumstances
 provide protection against corrosion and fire
 prevent excessive shrinkage or thermal cracking

 to resist action effects at ultimate limit state

 develop force where required (anchorage,
lapping of reinforcement)
 prevent buckling of compression & provide
confinement to concrete
 stability considerations
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6.2 Cover to Reinforcement

• Nominal cover equivalent bar

diameter for
cnom = cmin + 10 mm* bundled bars

• cmin : minimum cover, based on requirements for bond ( e),

durability, & fire resistance
* may be reduced by 5 mm if an approved quality control system is

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6.2.1 Exposure class & requirement
X0 – No risk of corrosion
X0 : Concrete inside bldgs with very low air humidity
XC – Carbonation-induced corrosion risk
XC1: Dry or permanently wet – e.g. inside struct. (except high humidity)
XC2: Wet, rarely dry – e.g. foundations
XC3: Moderate humidity – e.g. external concrete sheltered from rain
XC4: Cyclic wet & dry
XD – Chloride-induced corrosion risk (not due to sea water)
XD1: moderate humidity – e.g. bridge parts away from spray
XD2: Wet, rarely dry – e.g. swimming pools, industrial waters
XD3: Cyclic wet & dry – e.g. part of bridges, pavements, car park slabs
XS – Chloride-induced corrosion risk (due to sea water)
XS1: airborne salt – e.g. structure near or in coast See Table 4.1,
EN 1992-1-1:2004
XS2: permanently submerged – e.g. marine structures
for details.
XS3: tidal, splash & spray zones – e.g. marine structures
© Tan K H, NUS 5

Cover to reinforcement (50-year design life, Portland

cement concrete with 20 mm max. aggregate size
(Based on UK NA; BS8500-1:2006) (SS 544:1:2014 – requires one class higher)

1 Cement content to be increased by 20 kg/m3 .

2 Cement content to be increased by 40 kg/m3 & w/c ratio reduced by 0.05.
© Tan K H, NUS
6.2.2 Fire resistance requirement

 Minimum member dimensions and cover

• Simplified tables to ensure
that a member is capable of
withstanding fire for a
specified period of time
• Applies when normal
detailing rules have been
followed and when moment
redistribution is not more
than 15% Axis
• For low fire periods, the
cover requirement for
durability will govern

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R : mechanical resistance for load bearing

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R : mechanical resistance for load bearing

E : integrity of compartment separation
I : insulation

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Columns & Walls

R : mechanical resistance for load bearing

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6.3 Anchorage of Bars
- To ensure that bond forces are safely transmitted to
concrete without longitudinal cracking/spalling

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6.3.1 Anchorage bond & length

• To prevent bond failure, a sufficient length of bar is

required beyond any section to develop the
necessary force at that section.

Fs = (2/4)fs = fbd

Fs  Basic anchorage length:

 b,rqd  
4 f bd

fbd : ultimate anchorage

bond stress

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Basic anchorage length  b,rqd  
4 f bd

• Design values of bond stresses

f bd  1.50 f ctk  0.315 f ck
Note : f ctk  0.7 f ctm  0.21 f ck

 above value includes a safety factor of 1.5

 multiply fbd by (132 - ) / 100 for bar sizes  > 32 mm

 multiply fbd by 0.7 for poor bond conditions (see next slide)

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600 mm ≥

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6.3.2 Design anchorage length
 bd  1 2 3 4 5 b,rqd   b,min

• Concrete

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 bd  1 2 3 4 5 b,rqd   b,min

   Ast  0.25 As / As for beams

   Ast / As for slabs

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 bd  1 2 3 4 5 b,rqd   b,min

Bar to be
b,min  0.3 b,rqd for tension bars;
Bearing 0.6 b,rqd for compression bars
area,  both 10 and 100 mm

 = R/(bw)
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Example 1 – Anchorage length

Determine the anchorage length required for the 25 mm diameter bars
in the cantilever shown. Given: fck = 30 MPa and fyk = 500 MPa.

Solution: 50 25 200
Assume poor bond conditions.
fbd = 0.7 x 0.315fck2/3 = 2.1 MPa
cd = min (a/2, c1) = min (200/2, 50)
= 50 mm < 3 = 75 mm
 1 = 1.0
2 = 1 – 0.15(cd – 3)/ = 1.05 > 1
bd = 1 2 [fyd/(4fbd) ] bd
= 1x1x[(500/1.15)/(4x2.1)]x25
= 51.8x25 = 1294 mm
> 0.3 b,rqd = 0.3 x 1294 = 388 mm
> 10 (= 250 mm) Effective span
> 100 mm
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Exercise 1
The beam shown in Fig. Q-1 is simply-supported over an effective
span of 9.6 m. It is to carry a characteristic permanent load
inclusive of self-weight, gk, of 20 kN/m and characteristic
imposed load, qk, of 16 kN/m. Given: fck = 30 MPa; fyk = 500

(a) Determine the force to be carried by the bottom longitudinal

bars (3H32) due to bending moment and shear force at the
face of support.

(b)Determine whether the longitudinal bars can be effectively

anchored over the support without bending. Assume good
bond condition and neglect transverse links if any within the
support width. Also, assume a clear concrete cover of 50 mm
to the longitudinal bars, unless otherwise indicated.
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800 700

face of 100
support Cross-section
at face of
250 9600 support
500 All dimensions
are in mm.
Fig. Q-1

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6.4 Lapping of Bars

• needed due to limited lengths of reinforcement bars

• should be staggered & avoided in regions of high stress
• design lap length

lo  lb ,rqd  1   2   3   5   6  lo ,min
 l 

in which 1, 2, 3, and 5 are as before, and   6   

 25 
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lo  lb ,rqd  1   2   3   5   6  lo ,min

 
wherel = %tage of reinforcement
6   l  lapped within 0.65o from the centre of
 25  lap length being considered

Values of coefficient 6
Percentage of lo ,min  0.3 6lb ,rqd
lapped bars relative
< 25% 33% 50% > 50%  15
to total cross-
section area  200mm
6 1 1.15 1.4 1.5
Note: 1 ≤ 6 ≤ 1.5

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Transverse reinforcement for lapped bars

  20 mm; or
%tage of
lapped bars 

Ast  area of one

spliced bar

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Example 2 – Lap length

A column has a cross-section

measuring 400 mm by 400 60 280 60
mm, and eight H20 bars as
longitudinal reinforcement, as
shown. The concrete class is
C30/37 and fyk = 500 MPa. 400 2H20
Determine the required lap mm
length if all the longitudinal 3H20
bars are to be lapped at the
same location. Sketch the
required transverse
reinforcement for the lapped lapped bar
bars. Assume good bond

© Tan K H, NUS 25

Basic anchorage length 60 280 60
fbd = 0.315fck2/3 = 0.315x302/3 = 3.0 MPa
lb,rqd = (fyd/4fbd) 3H20
= [(500/1.15)/(4x3.0)x20 = 725 mm
400 2H20
Bars in compression;  1 = 2 = 3 = 1.0 mm
% lapped bars = 100%;  6 = 1.5 3H20

Design lap length

l0 = 1 2 3 6 lb,rqd = 1x1x1x1.5x725 4x20=80
= 1088 mm (say, 1080 mm)
> 0.3 6 lb,rqd = 326 mm 360
> 15  = 300 mm
> 200 mm
3x120 360
Use 8H10 links (4 on each end);
Ast = 8 x 78.5 = 628 mm2 > 314 mm2 (1H20) 80
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Test Your Understanding –
Detailing of Reinforcement
1. What is the purpose of detailing reinforcement?

2. What are the factors governing the minimum concrete mix and
cover, and minimum member dimensions?

3. What are the factors affecting the design anchorage length?


4. How should steel bars be lapped in general?


©Tan K H, NUS 27

Further Reading

Bhatt, P., et al., “Reinforced Concrete Design to

Eurocodes”, Ch. 5, Sect. 5.2 & 5.3.

O’Brien, et al., “Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete

Design to EC2”, Part III, Sect. 8.7.

Mosley, B., et al., “Reinforced Concrete Design to

Eurocode 2”, Chapter 6.

© Tan K H, NUS 28
Test Your Understanding –
Detailing of Reinforcement
1. What is the purpose of detailing reinforcement?
Ans: (i) to ensure satisfactory durability & serviceability performance
under normal circumstances; (ii) to resist action effects at ULS.

2. What are the factors governing the minimum concrete mix and
cover, and minimum member dimensions?
Ans: Exposure condition & fire resistance, respectively.

3. What are the factors affecting the design anchorage length?

Ans: Bar shape; concrete cover; confinement provided by
transverse steel or transverse pressure.

4. How should steel bars be lapped in general?

Ans: They should be staggered and avoided in regions of high stress.

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Solution to Exercise 1
(a) (b)
1.35gk + 1.5qk = 51 kN/m fbd = 3.0 MPa; 1 =1
M = (51x9.6/2)x0.25 – 51x0.252/2 cd = min{50, 84, 136/2} = 50 mm
= 59.6 kNm  2 =1 – 0.15(50–32)/32 =0.916
V = 51(9.6/2 – 0.25) = 232.1 kN
p = (51x4800)/(300x500)
F = 59.6/(0.9x0.7) + 232.1/2
=1.632 MPa
= 94.6 + 116.0 = 210.6 kN
 5 =1 – 0.04x1.632 = 0.935

fs = (210.6x103)/1610=130.8 MPa
b,rqd = [130.8/(4x3.0)] x 32
= 348.8 mm
 b = 1 x 0.916 x 0.935 x 348.8
= 299 mm < 450 mm 
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