Advantageous Impact of Internet in Education Area

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Assalamualaikum wr.wb.
First of all let’s pray and thanks to our God who has given us mercies and blessings. So we can
attend in this competition without any trouble and obstacles.
Secondly, Sholawat and Salam always be with our Prophet Muhammad Peace be Upon Him,
because his teaching, we are now live in the light of islam.

The Honorable all the judges, participant and all of the audience.

I am Haikal Akbar Mamonto. I come from SMP Negeri 13 Kota Ternate. In this honor moment,
allow me to deliver a speech about "Advantageous Impact Of Inernet In Educational Area"

We know that today's technological development is very rapid. Moreover, technological

developments in the field of information and communication. For example, the internet has
become a source of information that is much in demand by the general public. Even now the
internet has penetrated to the country. Internet can also be a learning support media when utilized

As a free communication and information media, internet offers such unlimited source to be
accessed in the aim of getting information either as a connector of communication among
people. In informatical use, internet is kind of a great and effective tool for searching wide
information without considering time or even distance. These are what children or students might
need in case of getting more information for their study instead of spending a long time trying
hard to find out some info which may not exist in the book or other sources. In communical use,
internet are the best media that allows poeple to contact each other even once they are in a very
long distance, say for example between poeple in two different countries or continents. This is
proven by the exsistance of the old Electronic Mail (E-mail) and some new social media
accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Additionally we may already be familiar with the name of the gadget. And even the gadget has
been used by almost all people in the world. For this time I will discuss the influence of
technological progress for students. Students certainly feel are in need of information from
various sources. One of them is the internet. Especially with the advancement of information
technology, is now a teacher began giving tasks that can be done with the help of the internet, or
the teacher can also provide tasks that must be collected in a neat typewriting. Sometimes there
are also teachers who tell their students to collect duties via email. This includes the positive
impact of technological advances. There are also other positive impacts. For example according
to the article I read, the more positive impact, namely ;. Students can learn to adapt, and expand
public socializing with friends thanks to social networking sites even though most of them have
never met in person with the people they know in the social networking site. The gadget also
allows us to accomplish tasks quickly, and can be used as a medium for doing business online.

Ladies and gentlemen,

But behind the positive impact there must be a negative impact. Therefore according to the
information I got from various sources some negative impact on the advancement of this
technology, namely, the gadget can lead to unsocial condition, where a student does not want to
play with friends and the surrounding environment. Student can shut himself as cool with all the
game in it, students are also difficult to create on and be lazy to learn and communicate in the
real world. As well as there are many other negative impacts.

After seeing some of the positive and negative effect I have mentioned before, what do you think
we-as students can do for that? Yeah, that is right that everything goes back to us as the doer.
Well,as a young generation who will bring this country in the future, we know which one is the
best for us. We know what to choose right? Internet has a lot of beneficial effects. So, I do hope
that all of us can use internet as what it’s used.
I thinks that’s all, thank you very much.
Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

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