Bullying Among Studentss

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First of all let’s pray and thanks to our God who has given us mercies and blessings. So we can
attend in this competition without any trouble and obstacles.
Secondly, Sholawat and Salam always be with our Prophet Muhammad Peace be Upon
Him,because his teaching, we are now live in the light of islam.

The Honorable all the judges, participant and all of the audience.
I am Denada Fatahan I come from SMP Negeri 13 Kota Ternate. In this honor moment, allow
me to deliver speech about "Bullying among The students”.
What causes bullying? Coz, someone who feels strong, powerful, rich, and feel I have
everything. Bullying occurred due to chance, they see the weaknesses of others.

Ladies and gentlemen,

in the world there are many educational issues and one of them is bullying. Bullying has been
our issues for years. Bullying happens in all level of school, from primary, middle and high
school. And this problem seems cannot be eradicated from our life and society. In society point
of view, bullying considered as an usual phenomena where they do not pay attention much.
Bullying is happening inside the society. And unfortunately the society even do not realize they
have done bullying. Bullying is kind of hidden in our society life. Not to mention the phisically
one but the psychologically one like verbal bullying, they do it not realizing that they are doing

I think bullying activities can take place because the school is only concerned with learning
activities, but lacking in any moral lesson. Morale is very important for today's students. because
in this day and age a lot of the students in moral decline. Therefore, come on, we keep ourselves
together each and also invite our friends to avoid bullying activities. Because such acts only
harm us, harm our learning time, and hurt a lot of other things.

It can happen everywhere and anytime, but the most common place it happens is at school. You
might think…Why? Altough almost people think and say that school is the safest place, well,
they’re wrong. As we can see, bullying is like high school violence in general. How can bullying
being so popular among students? The reason is many students think that bullying is funny, and
it’s not cool if you are not doing it.

Bullies try to justify their actions by saying that it is their victim’s fault for being different. They
may pick on someone who is tall or small, or fat or thin, or wears glasses, or has a different
accent, or another religion, or is shy or clever, or good looking, or disabled etc. Any excuse will
do, and if there is no real difference then the bullies will invent one.
The consequences of bullying doesn’t impact to the person who face bullying itself, but also the
bullies too. The person who face bullying will lost his/her confident and isolated from others.
While the bullies will always do it over and over again. How to cope with bullying activitie?
There are ways :
1. follow religious activities at school!
2. follow the extracurricular activities at school, such as OSIS , Boy Scouts, and paskibra.
3. avoid negative activities and choose good friends. due to the good, it is not possible we
hit the bullying activities.

Now, we have know that bullying doesn’t consist good manners. It’s also not good for ourself
and our living space. Bullying is cruel too. Imagine if it would be more closer to us and people
around us do it! What will this world will be?

I hope everyone be positive thinkers not negative thinkers. The way we see bullying based on
our own opinion. If we see things positively, it will give good impact to us but if we see
negatively instead, it will give bad impact to us.

So, young people! Don’t  be silence! Let’s stop bullying from now! Yes! We can do it together!
Don’t be the bullies and help the victims of bullying! Don’t let our generation ruins just because
this case, which is bullying. Don’t make our young time useless without any achievement!

I think that’s all for today. And I hope my speech can be useful for you all and for myself. Thank
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.

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