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Table of Contents

Dedication ii
Acknowledgements iii
Abstract v
Table of contents vi
List of tables ix
List of figures x
Abbreviations xi

Chapter One: Introduction 1-17

1.1 Background of the study ' 1
1.1.1 The concept of ESP 2
1.1.2 The meaning of the word “SPECIFIC'’ in ESP 2
1.1.3 Origins of ESP 3
1.1.4 The difference between ESP and EGP 4
1.1.5 The genesis of ESP in India 5
1.1.6 Types of ESP 6
1.1.7 The importance of language and words in the discipline of law 9
1.1.8 Developments in ESP in India 10
1.2 Statement of the problem 13
1.3 Research questions 14
1.4 Research hypotheses 15
1.5 Significance of the study 15
1.6 Organization of the study 16
1.7 Definition of key terms 17
1.8 Delimitations of the study 17

Chapter Two: Review of Literature 18-62

2.1 Introduction 18
2.2 Theoretical framework 18
2.2.1 The importance of vocabulary in ELT 18
2.2.2 Methodologies in teaching vocabulary 20
2.2.3 Vocabulary knowledge and comprehension 23
2.2.4 Knowing a Word 24
2.2.5 Vocabulary retention 28
2.2.6 Defining Strategy, language learningstrategy, and vocabulary 29
learning strategies
2.2.7 Classification of Language Learning Strategies 30
2.2.8 Taxonomies of vocabulary learning strategies 36

2.2.9 Schmitt’s VLSs Taxonomy 40

2.2.10 The importance of training in vocabulary learning strategies 43
2.2.11 Factors influencing the choice of vocabulary learning strategies 44
2.2.12 Studies on "good” learner strategies 46
2.3 Experimental framework 46

Chapter Three: Experiment, Planning and Conduct of the 63-86

3.1 Introduction 63
3. A Back-end preparation of the Experiment 64
3.2 Participants 64
3.3 Instrumentation 65
3.3.1 Proficiency test 65
3.3.2 Pilot-test 66
3.3.3 Pre-test 66
3.3.4 Immediate post-test 66
3.3.5 Delayed post-test 67
3.3.6 VLSs students’ questionnaire 67 Details of the Questionnaire 68
3.3.7 Observation instrument 68
3. B Conduct of the Experiment 68
3.4 Procedure 68
3.5 Material 69
Chapter Four: Data Analysis 85-101
4.1 Introduction 85
4.2 Results of control group tests 88
4.3 Results of Paired Samples T-tests vocabulary achievement (Control 88
4.4 Results of Paired Samples T-test of vocabulary retention (Control 89
4.5 Results of male learners in the control group tests 90
4.6 Results of female learners in the control group tests 91
4.7 Results of experimental group tests 91
4.8 Results of Paired Samples T-test forvocabulary achievement 92
(experimental group)
4.9 Results of Paired Samples T-test forvocabulary retention 93
(experimental group)
4.10 Results of male learners in the experimental group tests 94

4.11 Results of female versus female learners in the experimental group on 95

the delayed post-test (vocabulary retention)
4.12 Results of male versus female learners in the experimental group on 95
the delayed post-test (vocabulary achievement)
4.13 Results of male versus female learners in the experimental group on 96
the immediate post-test (vocabulary retention)
4.14 Comparative results of both groups on the three tests 97
4.15 Results of frequency of VLSs use in the experimental group 99

Chapter Five: Discussion and Conclusion 102-119

5.1 Introduction 102
5.2 Discussion 102
5.2.1 Research Question One 102
5.2.2 Research Question Two 104
5.2.3 Research Question Three 106
5.2.4 Research Question Four 106
5.2.5 Research Question Five 108
5.3 Conclusions 113
5.4 Pedagogical implications of the study 115
5.4.1 Implications for ESP learners 115
5.4.2 Implications for ESP teachers 115
5.4.3 Implications for curriculum developers and material designers 116
5.5 Delimitation of the study 117
5.6 Recommendations for further research 118

References 120-127

Appendices 128-153
Appendix A: English language proficiency test 128
Appendix B: Pre-test 132
Appendix C: Immediate post-test 136
Appendix D: Delayed post-test 138
Appendix E: VLSs students’ questionnaire 140
Appendix F: Observation sheet 142
Appendix G: Research Paper extracted from the present study 143

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