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1. (Senin) Today is ...

a. Thursday
b. Monday
c. Sunday
2. The day after Sunday is ...
a. Wednesday
b. Tuesday
c. Monday
3. The day before Saturday is ...
a. Friday
b. Saturday
c. Monday
4. (Kamis) What day is today? It is...
a. Sunday
b. Friday
c. Thursday
5. Today is Wednesday. What day was yesterday?
It is ...
a. Sunday
b. Monday
c. Tuesday
6. What is the day after Monday? It is ...
a. Tuesday
b. Wednesday
c. Friday
7. What is the day before Friday? It is ...
a. Wednesday
b. Thursday
c. Saturday
8. The day before Tuesday is ...
a. Wednesday
b. Sunday
c. Monday

9. The students do not go to school on ...

a. Weekdays
b. Holiday
c. Friday
10. There are seven days in a ...
a. Time
b. Week
c. Month
arrange the jumbed letter to make the correct
name of month!
11. a - J - y - n - a - u - r
a. Januari
b. Jannuary
c. January
12. r - O - e - c - t - o - b
a. October
b. Ocboter

13. h - M - a - c - r
a. Marcht
b. March
c. Marhc
14. g - A - u - t - u - s
a. Augusts
b. Agust
c. August
15. b - r - y - a - F - e - u - r
a. February
b. Februry
c. Februery
B. Answer the question correctly!
1. What is the first month of the
year? .......
2. What is the month after March? ........
3. What is the month before
October? ........
4. This month is January. The next
month is .......
5. The previous month is June. This
month is .......
6. The National Independence day is
in .......
7. The National Education day is in .......
8. The students have flag ceremony
on .......
9. We have holiday on .......
10. National Mother's Day is in ......

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