CS&IS Daily Report

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IS & CS Daily Report

November 4, 2021


Channel Total
CRM 16
Facebook 6
Instagram 0
Telegram 1
Total 23

Questions and Answers

1. Is there any rebate in maxco?
Yes, you can register as a partner. Once the client you invite makes a transaction, you
will get rebate immediately, up to $15 per lot. this is the registration link:
our sales manager will contact you and give details.

2. I have already deposited almost 15 minutes. Why still no top up?

After checking, your deposit of USD 1,000 has been top up to your account.

3. I want to join Partner Program, why unsuccessful?

Based on our checking, your application has been REJECTED due to invalid ID Card.

4. I am interested in earning Rp. 100,000,000, per month for this sales position,
what should i do?
Please send your CV to hrd@maxco.co.id. Maxco's HR team will contact you as soon
as posssible.

5. How to invite client to open a live account?

In your partner area, cilck “invite” button and copy the link to your client.

6. Maxco is a local broker, right?

Yes, We are a local broker supervised by BAPPEBTI. Our initial name was Panin
Futures which later changed to Maxco Futures. For more detailed information, please
visit our official website www.maxco.co.id Thank you!
7. I closed with a profit of $94 With a stable market, but settled with $88, what is
the matter?
The problem may occur due to the latency, market situations, lack of liquidity at the
moment. For details, we need to check with dealing department and inform you.

Inside Sales:

The Performance of Inside Sales on Nov 4nd

Group Name Deposit Withdraw Net Deposit Volume Partner Client

Group1 Arsen $13200 0 $13200 315.9 2 1

Windy 0 $160 -$160 0.5 4 0

Jessica $7000 $5000 $2000 0 0 0

Aris 0 0 0 0 3 1

Group2 Yuli $100 0 $100 3.5 3 1

Shania 0 0 0 0 3 0

Jane 0 0 0 0.2 1 0

Dewi 0 0 0 2.3 1 0

Total 8 $20,300 $5,160 $15,140 322.4 17 3

Added today

Source Total Valid Call Partner Demo Live Deposit

CRM 42 7 21 15 3 1

Personal - - - - - -

Tele 590 187 0 3 1 1



内容方面——对于新注册的 Partner,目前获取的信息非常有限,无法进行有效的
画像分析,所以只能将 Partner 的优势,支持等信息无差别的发送,效果非常不好,回

建议在注册环节增加一些选填信息,如是否有 partner 的经验,是否有行业资源,如果

成为 partner,如何进行推广,之前在哪家 broker 做过 IB,既不引起注册流程的繁冗,

跟进时间—— 尝试晚间联络客户,本周试执行,下周计划安排执行。

2.目前 Sales kits 和 Partner kits 的检查和使用,反馈对于我们的每日的市场分析感兴趣,


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