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Q1. Which ERP software is your company using? 

Q2. Do you use ERP regularly to perform your job? 

 Regularly

 Occasionally

 Never

Q3. Have you taken ERP training? 

 Yes

 No

Q4. Do you feel you have been adequately trained to use the ERP system? 

 1 Strongly Disagree

 2 Disagree

 3 Neutral

 4 Agree

 5 Strongly Agree

Q5. Does ERP increase your project management efficiency?

 1 Strongly Disagree

 2 Disagree

 3 Neutral

 4 Agree

 5 Strongly Agree

Q6. How frequently do you experience problems with your application interfaces?  

 Almost all the time

 Frequently

 Sometimes

 Almost never

Q7. What are the benefits of using ERP? (Multiple Select) 

 Centralization and Security in terms of usage by authorized personnel only.

 Eliminate data redundancy/reduced manpower

 High speed of operation/Effective MIS Reporting

 Web based application can be accessed from anywhere in the world

 All of the above

Q8. Do you feel you have adequate support to address ERP questions/problems (e.g., User

Support Services, Help Desk)?

 1 Strongly Disagree

 2 Disagree

 3 Neutral

 4 Agree

 5 Strongly Agree

Q9. How satisfied are you with the post-purchase services? 

 1 Very Dissatisfied

 2 Dissatisfied

 3 Neutral

 4 Satisfied

 5 Very Satisfied

Q10. How quickly does your ERP consultant respond to your query? 

 1 Very Late

 2 Late

 3 Neutral

 4 Quickly

 5 Very Quickly

Q11. Do you feel comfortable in communicating your query to the ERP consultant?  

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Disagree

3 Neutral

4 Agree

5 Strongly Agree

Q12. How quickly your query gets resolved? 

1 Very Late

2 Late

3 Neutral

4 Quickly

5 Very Quickly

Q13. Which of the following words would you use to describe the products? Select all that

apply. (Multiple Select) 

 Reliable

 High quality

 Useful

 Unique

 Good value for money

 Overpriced

 Impractical

 Ineffective

 Poor quality

 Unreliable

 Scalability

 Localization

Q14. How would you rate the value for money of the product? 

 1 Poor

 2 Fair

 3 Neutral

 4 Good

 5 Excellent

Q15. How responsive has your ERP consultant been to your questions or concerns about the


 1 Not at all responsive

 2 Somewhat responsive

 3 Neutral

 4 Responsive

 5 Extremely responsive

Q16. How long have you been a customer of the company; who provides you with ERP


 Less than three months

 Less than six months

 Six months to a year

 1 - 2 years

 3 or more years

Q17. Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your ERP consultant?

 1 Very Dissatisfied

 2 Dissatisfied

 3 Neutral

 4 Satisfied

 5 Very Satisfied


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