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_____________________________________________________________________CHEM 100 LECTURE UNIT 2.

THE STRUCTURE OF ATOMS Chapter 4 in Chemistry by Whitten Radiation: the emission and transmission of energy through space in the form of waves X-ray: highly energetic radiation that penetrates matter and darkens photographic plates; not charged, not deflected by magnet; discovered by Wilhelm Rntgen in 1895 Radioactivity: spontaneous emission of particles and/or radiation; discovered by Antoine Becquerel in uranium Marie and Pierre Curie worked on radioactive elements Ra and Po Types of Radiation: 1. alpha ( ) rays consist of positively charged particles 2. beta ( ) rays consist of negatively charged particles 3. gamma ( ) rays neutral high energy radiation similar to x-ray Electrolysis: Humphrey Davy discovered that compounds decompose into elements when electricity is passed through it; meaning compounds are held by electrical forces Michael Faraday recognized that the amount of reaction that occurs during electrolysis is proportional to the electrical current passed through the compound

The Electron J.J. Thomson (1900s) discovered the electron while working with cathode ray tubes; used the cathode ray tube to determine the charge to mass ratio of the electron (-1.76 x 108 C/g) oil drop experiment: used by R. Millikan in 1917 to measure the charge of the electron based on Thomsons charge to mass ratio charge of the electron: -1.6022 x 10-19 C mass of the electron: 9.10 x 10-28 g Thomsons Plum-Pudding Model: the atom is a uniform positive sphere in which electrons are embedded

The Proton Eugene Goldstein (1886) observed positively charged particles moving in opposite direction of cathode rays; postulated the existence of positively charged particle called proton discovered by Rutherford in 1918 charge of the proton: +1.6022 x 10-19 C mass of the proton: 1.67262 x 10-24 g

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_____________________________________________________________________CHEM 100 LECTURE The Nucleus discovered by Ernest Rutherford (1910) together with Hans Geiger and Ernest Marsden thin gold foil experiment: majority of the alpha particles penetrated the foil; a few were scattered at large angles the atom is comprised of a vast empty space with a tiny nucleus at the center where the positive charge and mass are concentrated the nuclear diameter is 1/10,000 to 1/100,000 times less than atoms radius

The Neutron discovered by James Chadwick in 1932 by bombarding thin foils of Be with alpha particles mass of the neutron: 1.67493 x 10-24 g Atomic Number H.G.J. Moseley (1913) observed that elements differ from each other by the number of protons in the nucleus the atomic number is equal to the number of protons in the nucleus. the number of electrons in a neutral atom is also equal to the atomic number

Mass Number and Isotopes

Atomic number (Z) = number of protons in nucleus Mass number (A) = number of protons + number of neutrons = atomic number (Z) + number of neutrons Isotopes are atoms of the same element but with different neutron numbers (or mass numbers)

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_____________________________________________________________________CHEM 100 LECTURE Mass Spectrometry and Isotopic Abundances Francis Aston devised the first mass spectrometer

The Atomic Weight Scale and Atomic Weights The atomic weight of an element is the weighted average of the masses of its stable isotopes Basis for atomic masses: C-12 isotope assigned as 12.00 amu 1 amu = 1.66 x 10-24 g Example 4-2: Naturally occurring Cu consists of 2 isotopes. It is 69.1% 63Cu with a mass of 62.9 amu, and 30.9% 65Cu, which has a mass of 64.9 amu. Calculate the atomic weight of Cu to one decimal place.

Example 4-3: Naturally occurring chromium consists of four isotopes. It is 4.31% 2450Cr, mass = 49.946 amu, 83.76% 2452Cr, mass = 51.941 amu, 9.55% 2453Cr, mass = 52.941 amu, and 2.38% 2454Cr, mass = 53.939 amu. Calculate the atomic weight of chromium.

Example 4-4: The atomic weight of boron is 10.811 amu. The masses of the two naturally occurring isotopes 510B and 511B, are 10.013 and 11.009 amu, respectively. Calculate the fraction and percentage of each isotope.

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