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ENGLISH REVIEW: Journal of English Education p-ISSN 2301-7554, e-ISSN 2541-3643

Volume 11, Issue 1, February 2023


Asmah Boru Munthe
Universitas Sumatera Utara, Indonesia

APA sCitation: sMunthe, sA. sB. s(2022). sNew sNormal sCampaign sof sCovid-19 sAdvertisements sby sWHO: sA
sMultimodal sStudy. sEnglish sReview: sJournal sof sEnglish sEducation, s11(1), 275-282.

Received: 19-10-2022 Accepted: 27-12-2022 Published: 28-02-2023

Abstract: After Covid-19 outbreak spread around the world, many advertisements campaign the new normal
life. WHO made some rules how the way to life in new normal. This research aims to describe verbal land
lvisual lelements lin lthe lnew lnormal lcampaign lof lCovid-19 ladvertisements lby lWHO. lThe lresearch lused
lqualitative ldescriptive lresearch lwith lan linteractive lmodel. lThe ltechnique lof lcollecting ldata lwas
ldocumentation. lThe lresearcher lused lIdeational lFunction lto lanalyze lverbal lelements land lGrammar lVisual
lDesign lTheory lto lanalyze lvisual lelements. lBased lon lthe lfinding, lthere lwere lthree ldominant lelements lin lverbal
lelements. lFirst, lthe ldominant lparticipant lwas lthe lgoal l(19). lSecond, lthe ldominant lprocess lwas lmaterial l(20).
lThird, lthe ldominant lcircumstance lwas lmanner l(4). lMeanwhile, lthere lwere lalso lthree ldominant lelements lin
lvisual lelements. lFirst, lthe ldominant lrepresentational lwas lnarrative l(17). lSecond, lthe ldominant lelements lin
linteractive lwere loffer l(19), lmedium llong lshot l(6), loblique l(16), land leye llevel l(17). lThird, lthe ldominant
lelement lin lcompositional lwas lsalience l(54). lThe lconclusion lwas lthe lvisual lelements lwere lmore ldominant lthan
lthe lverbal lelements. The visual element showed many images that made the readers understand by looking at
them and the verbal elements were just additional information to the readers to not get misunderstood the
images. Thus, the verbal elements correlated with the visual elements to convey the meaning from
advertisements to the viewers
Keywords: advertisements; covid-19; multimodal study; new normal.

INTRODUCTION life is misinterpreted by some people who

The Corona Virus, also known as Covid-19, was comprehend the new normal as back to normal life
first discovered in Wuhan, China at the end of without Covid-19. Globally, the number of positive
December 2019. This virus spread quickly all over cases of Covid-19 crease. There are 4.7 million
the world and death rate caused by this virus has new cases reported. The data is taken by WHO
made countries race against the time and from health national authorities. It happened
unpreparedness to find the right solution. Thus, because the awareness of society in implementing
WHO officially declared the Covid-19 as a health protocols is low. It is also because they do
pandemic on March 9, 2020. The pandemic has not understand well the meaning of the new normal
completely changed the way people live (Erwani et life during the Covid-19 pandemic.
al., 2022). The methods that have been tried by Advertisements are a form of written
many countries affected by Covid-19 are regional communication that is often used in society.
quarantine or lockdown (Satnoto et al., 2020). According to Nederstigt & Hilberink-Schulpen
Lockdown is a regulation that is made by the (2018) advertisement is a communication medium.
government to ask societies to do all the activities The purpose of advertising is to persuade people to
at home such as working, studying, praying, and buy or use the services or products offered. The
shopping. But, a lockdown is not an effective way product is not only in the commercial field but it
because it had a drastic impact on economies can also be in the non-commercial field. There are
around the world. Therefore, WHO suggests to use two types of advertisements, namely commercial
another way to prevent the spread of coronavirus advertisements, and non-commercial
by implementing the new normal life. advertisements. Commercial advertisements are
The new normal is a situation of new life to advertisement which promotes the sale of goods to
carry out activities as usual. New normal life is the public generally. As a result, advertising has
more emphasis on changing society's habits to get developed into a potent marketing technique for
used to having a healthy lifestyle by implementing luring customers away from non-consumers and
health protocols. Unfortunately, the new normal toward their goods or services (Jaworska, 2020).

Asmah Boru Munthe
New snormal scampaign sof scovid-19 sadvertisements sby sWHO: sA smultimodal sstudy

Meanwhile, Non-commercial advertisements sdesign sor ssemiotic sevents sand sin ssome sways,
contain messages that remind and invite the public sthese smodes sare scombined sto sstrengthen,
to participate in the success of a program aimed at scomplete, sor sbe sin sa sparticular. Multimodal (text,
common interests. They also play an important role image, and audiovisual) advertisements are a
to create public awareness. The language used in successful technique to introduce products or
an advertisement must be persuasive and engage to services (Alhadi et al., 2022; Miharti & Fitrawati,
influence the readers. The language used is short, 2022).
clear, concise, and effective hence it can be easy to Multimodal salso scan sbe sdefined sas sa stechnical
understand by readers. Selective phrases and sterm sthat saims sto sshow sthe smeaning sthat swe
visuals that allow for numerous readings contribute shave sdone sso sfar sto sutilize sa svariety sof ssemiotics.
to the diversity of meanings in ads (Eynullaeva, The multimodal analysis emphasizes that all means
2018). To make it more attractive, advertisement of communication, both verbal and nonverbal, play
is also supported by the use of colors, illustrations, an important role in making meaning.
and logos (Al-Omar, 2019; Pecoraro et al., 2020). Many researchers have studied advertising
The use of verbal and nonverbal language aspects using multimodal analysis such as Guo & Feng
in the advertisement helps to express its meaning (2018), Napitupulu (2018), Sitanggang (2018),
(Arinata et al., 2022; Dewi et al., 2022). Amatullah (2019), Raharjo et al (2020), and Dania
At this time, we can find lots of new normal & Sari (2020). Guo & Feng (2018) conducted the
campaign advertisements in various kinds of 2014 Brazil World Cup advertisements with
media, videos and images, such as magazines, grammar visual design to represent semiotic acts.
newspapers, television, radio, or internet. The Raharjo et al.'s (2020) study on the multimodal
multimodal aspect of advertising is one of its most analysis of Wardah Lipstick examined aspects of
crucial components (Perangin-Angin et al., 2022). multimodal on advertisements that featured
The purposes of the new normal campaign persuasive messages impacting the buyer's
advertisements are to give brief explanation about decision. Hafrianto (2019) did another study that
the new normal and to remind us the importance of examined the multimodal analysis of Indomie in
implementing health protocols. The new normal the Arabic translation. Sitanggang (2018)
campaign advertisement is a non-commercial investigated the visual and verbal elements in
advertisement that aims to give information and to political satire through the use of metafunction and
increase the awareness of public society about the grammar visual design cartoons and illustrated
attitudes and behavior to the problem advertised. how they are specifically interrelated to construct
Regarding non-commercial advertisements, satire. Napitupulu (2018) identified the visual and
WHO as the biggest World Health Organization is verbal elements in advertisements of the online
responsible to educate societies about the new marketplace Shopee. He used metafunction to
normal in the Covid-19 pandemic. Not all societies analyze the verbal elements and grammar visual
have the same knowledge about the new normal design and generic structure to analyze the visual
(Effendy et al., 2020). Therefore, WHO launches elements. Amatullah (2019) analyzed and
non-commercial advertisements, the new normal compared semiotic systems such as linguistic,
campaign of Covid-19 advertisements, on its visual, audio, gesture, and place in beauty product
official website. Through advertisements, it hopes advertisements. Raharjo et al (2020) analyzed
that all societies can easily understand Covid-19 wardah lipstick advertisements. Dania & Sari
and how to live in new normal life. (2020) identified food advertisements. Meanwhile
The researcher chooses the Covid-19 some researchers who conducted a research of a
advertisements by WHO is because they provide campaign are: Serena Williams and Megan
different modes. These modes are sentences and Rapinoe are among the cast members of this
images that are contained in the advertisements. advertisement, which was launched as part of
These modes work together to create messages Nike's promotion for International Women's Day
which means to be communicated. The purpose of 2020 (Verry, 2020). Lose Count is the name of the
new normal campaign of Covid-19 advertisements second advertising. One of Nike's ads, Lose Count,
is to set examples of implementing health protocol which was part of the Stronger than One campaign
during Covid-19. and debuted in February 2021, is designed to
Multimodal is a theory that looks at how people empower female football players, therefore it
communicate and interact with other people makes sense to label it femvertising. The Stronger
because it uses different modes. It scan sbe sdefined Than One campaign was created to empower the
sas sthe suse sof ssome ssemiotic smodes sin sproduct

ENGLISH REVIEW: Journal of English Education p-ISSN 2301-7554, e-ISSN 2541-3643
Volume 11, Issue 1, February 2023

future generation of female athletes, particularly images were about human bodies, objects, and
those playing American football (Codega, 2020). illustrations in public places. Meanwhile, Verbal
Although many researchers have conducted elements were clauses found in advertisements.
research related to multimodal analysis in Based on Halliday's in Systemic Functional
advertisements, there is still a need to investigate Linguistics, a clause is a unit of linguistics.
how multimodal analysis contributed to other types Therefore, verbal elements included words,
of advertisements. In this research, the difference phrases, and clauses.
and the novelty of this research are the data and the The source of data took from WHO's official
theory. Numerous research used commercial website:
advertisements as the data, but the current research
used non-commercial advertisements, new normal virus/newinfograpihics/new-normal. It was
advertisements by WHO. This research is accessed on Tuesday, January 5 , 2021. The reason
conducted to determine the elements of verbal and why researcher took from the WHO official
visual that appears in new normal campaign of website, is because of WHO as the biggest world
Covid-19 advertisements by WHO. Therefore, the organization gave guidance on us how to
researcher takes the snew snormal scampaign sof implement health protocols and how to implement
sCovid-19 sadvertisements sby sWHO sas sthe sdata sof the new normal life during the Covid-19 pandemic.
sthe sresearch. sThe spurpose sof sthe sresearch swas sto In analyzing the data, the researcher used the
sidentify sthe svisual sand sverbal selements sin sthe interactive model analysis. There were four steps
snew snormal scampaign sof sCovid-19 in analyzing data: data collection, data
sadvertisements sby sWHO. sIt suses sthe sideational condensation, data display, and conclusion.
sfunction sby sHalliday smetafunctions' stheory sto
sanalyze sthe sverbal selements. sThen, sit scombines
swith svisual selements, sthe sgrammar svisual design.

In this research, the researcher used a descriptive
qualitative design. It aims to explain what exists in
a situation in terms of variables or conditions and
to obtain information concerning the current
phenomenon. The research on multimodal is
usually divided into two groups: verbal elements
and visual elements to see how the modes screate Figure: 1. Four steps of analyzing data
smeaning sin scommunication. sThus, sthis sresearch Based on the interactive model presented in
saims sto sidentify sthe sverbal sand svisual selements figure 1, the first step was ldata lcollection. lData
sin sthe snew snormal scampaign sof sCovid-19 lcollection lmeans lthe lprocess lof lgathering land
sadvertisements sby sWHO. s lmeasuring linformation labout ltargeted lvariables lin
The sreason sbehind sselecting sthe snew snormal lan lestablished lsystem, lwhich lenables lone lto
scampaign sof sCovid-19 sadvertisements sresides sin lanswer lrelevant lquestions land levaluate lthe results.
sthe sfact sthat multimodal is claimed to look at how This research applied documentation techniques
people communicate with other people in different for collecting data. Documentation technique is a
modes. Modes are socially and culturally shaped technique that documents as a form of data include
resources for making meaning. Moreover, the material obtained via the internet. The documents
previous research did not use non-commercial had been provided by WHO official sites and they
advertisements as the data in multimodal. Whereas were available for other people to check.
non-commercial is public service advertisement to To collect the data, the researcher searched the
create awareness or raise funds. Non-commercial data from WHO's official website, then the
advertisements attempt to influence public opinion researcher selected some new normal campaigns of
on the happening issue such as the Covid-19 Covid-19 advertisements based on the
pandemic. representation of implementing the health
The data of this research were visual and verbal protocols in the new normal. Next, the researcher
elements in seven new normal campaigns of downloaded the selected advertisements and
Covid-19 advertisements by WHO selected by the classified the data into visual and verbal elements.
researcher. Visual elements were taken from the The lsecond lstep lwas ldata lcondensation lthe
image components of the advertisements. The lprocess lof lselecting, lfocusing, lsimplifying,

Asmah Boru Munthe
New snormal scampaign sof scovid-19 sadvertisements sby sWHO: sA smultimodal sstudy

labstracting, land ltransforming ldata. lThe ldata lwas Then, the actor came after it (8). It was noticeable
lselected lbased lon lvisual land lverbal lelements lin lthe that the advertisements brought important
lnew lnormal lcampaign lof lCovid-19 ladvertisements messages to the readers to get a clear understanding
lby WHO, then the process of the data focused on of the new normal and health protocols. WHO
verbal elements and visual elements. In verbal engaged the readers to obey the rules of the new
elements, the data were analyzed based on the normal life by implementing health protocols
ideational function of the transitivity process in an during outside activity.
experiential process which consisted of three Then, the most dominant process was material
aspects: participants, process, and circumstance. In (20). Many sentences used a material process to
visual elements, the data was analyzed using show what was the doer doing. It meant that the
grammar visual design which consisted of three advertisements encouraged readers to do and to
aspects: representational, interactional, and participate in maintaining health procedures in the
compositional. The researcher used code to new normal life by adhering to WHO guidance.
simplify data. The codes presented in the analysis Meanwhile, the researcher found that there were
were NNCA1, NNCA2, NNCA3, NNCA4, two circumstances. They are manner and time. The
NNCA5, NNCA6, and NNCA7. manner circumstance was 4 and the time
The sthird sstep swas sdata sdisplay sto san circumstance was 2. As a result, the manner
sorganized sassembly sof sinformation sthat sallows circumstance was more dominant than the time
sthe sconclusion. sThe sprocess sof sreducing sand circumstance. The advertisements gave more
sdisplaying sdata swas sbased son sthe sformulation sof examples of implementing new normal life by
sthe sresearch sproblem. sThe sresearch sdisplayed sthe manner circumstance than time circumstance.
sdata sanalysis sof sverbal sand svisual selements sused When the readers saw the examples of health
sin sthe snew snormal scampaign sof sCovid-19 protocols, they will easily understand how to do it
sadvertisements. by copying the actions.
The last step was the conclusion to make a On sthe sother shand, sthere swere s20 simages swith
summary of the research. Concluding is the process svisual selements sfound sin sthe snew snormal
of drawing the content of data collected in the form scampaign sof sCovid-19 sadvertisements. sThe
of good statements. The conclusion is made after sresearcher sused sgrammar svisual sdesign stheory sby
analyzing the data and then the researcher got the sKress sand svan sLeeuwen. It has three parts:
conclusion as the answer to the research problems. representational, interactive, and compositional.
Representational is used to look at the position of
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION the participants wheater writers or readers are
This data finding is divided into two elements, the dominant. Interactive is used to know the
first was verbal elements. The researcher used the interaction between the image-maker and image-
ideational function in the transitivity process by viewers. Compositional is related to the
M.A.K. Halliday (2004) to analyze the verbal arrangement of all the elements from the
elements. From the analysis, the researcher found representational and interactive. Thus,
that there were 17 clauses in advertisements. Table compositional sees how these elements from two
1. was the result of the verbal analysis: parts relate to each other into a meaningful whole.
Table 2. showed the result of the visual analysis.
Table 1. Verbal elements
Verbal Elements Table 2. Visual elements
Participants Processes Circumstances Visual Elements
Actor = 8 Material = 20 Manner = 4 Representat Interactive Composition
Goal = 19 Mental = 5 Time = 2 i-onal -al
Senser = 3 Relational = 4 Narrative = Gaze: Information
Phenomenon = 3 Behaviour = 1 17 Offer = 19 value = 30
Token = 1 Vector: 17 Demand = 1
Value = 1 Actor: 17
Attribute = 3 Goal: 19
Carrier = 1 Conceptual Social distance: Salience =
=3 Close shot = 2 54
In table 1, there were 3 elements in verbal: Carrier: 3 Very close shot = 4
participants, processes, and circumstances. The Attributive: Long shot = 5
researcher discovered that the most dominant 6 Medium long shot = 6
participant in ideational function was the goal (19).

ENGLISH REVIEW: Journal of English Education p-ISSN 2301-7554, e-ISSN 2541-3643
Volume 11, Issue 1, February 2023

Medium close shot = Compositional sees how representational and

3 interactive are connected to be meaningful as a
Horizontal angel : Framing whole. Thus, compositional has three parts:
Frontal = 6 Unframed = information value, salience, and framing. Based on
Oblique = 14 17 the result, the information value found 30
Vertical angel : Framed = 3
elements. It meant that the images in
Eye-level = 17
Low level = 2 advertisements were found in strategic places so
High level = 1 the readers were easy to understand the intention of
the images. Then, salience was 54 elements; more
In visual elements, the most dominant process dominant (54) than information value (30).
in representational was narrative (17). Then it was Salience was used to attract the readers to
followed by the conceptual process (3). The participants, representational, and interactive parts
advertisements used more vectors to connect the images. It refers to the degree to of compositional
participants (images and readers) by limbs, elements draw attention to themselves. In
eyeliners, bodies, or tools to indicate the advertisements, they used soft colors and the
connection. It related to verbal elements that the dominant color was blue. The blue was used to
most participants dominant was a goal which is show that those advertisements were official from
used direct vector to the readers. WHO.
In interactive, the most dominant gaze was an Meanwhile, framing was used to refer to the
offer (19). The images of the advertisements used presence or absence of a margin to hold the image
a lack of eye contact with the readers. Participants within the page. In the result, the more dominant
in the offer image should not be aware of the framing was unframed (17) than framed (3). It
presence of the camera. Therefore, many images meant that the images were free and connected
did not seem directly to the readers when giving with other elements such as vectors and
examples of maintaining health protocols and they continuities or similarities of color, visual shape,
are represented to the readers as if they are on etc. The images of those advertisements showed
display to observe by the readers. that our daily activities must change because of the
Next, the most dominant social distance was a Covid-19 pandemic. They also gave us procedures
medium-long shot (6). It was followed by a long for how to live in new normal life by implementing
shot (5), a very close shot (4), a medium close shot health protocols. With the new normal procedures
(3), and a close shot (2). Many images in from WHO, the people hoped to comprehensive
advertisements used medium-long shots as social understanding of keeping health protocol to reduce
distance to show whole the images situation. Thus, the spread of Covid-19.
the readers could see what is going on and where is As smentioned sbefore, sthe spurpose sof sthis
it. Meanwhile, the less dominant social distance sresearch swas sto sidentify sthe sverbal sand svisual
was close shot. This social distance only shows the selements sin sthe snew snormal scampaign sof sCovid-
images from head to shoulder. It meant that the 19 sadvertisements sby sWHO. sThe sfirst swas sverbal
images were closer and bigger from the frame and selements. It is used to explain the images. There
the readers could not see around the images. were three parts to verbal elements: participants,
Then, there were two angles; horizontal and process, and circumstance. In participants, the
vertical. In horizontal angle, the most dominant most dominant was a goal (19). It meant that the
was the oblique (14). Then it was followed by WHO wanted to achieve the goal of the
frontal (6). These images were not created as advertisements. Therefore, the WHO used many
perfect images because they avoided facing the persuasive sentences in advertisements to invite the
readers. The main goal was not to see the readers readers to implement the new normal. Then, the
but to tell the readers what should they do during most dominant process was material (20). The
the Covid-19 pandemic by implementing health material process was used to show how to live in
protocols. Meanwhile, in vertical angle, the most the new normal situation during the Covid-19
dominant was eye level (17). Next, the low level pandemic. Therefore, the advertisements used
was 2 and the high level was 1. The images used concrete and observable activities such as stay,
eye level to represent that the images and the touch, spread, and so on. Next, the most dominant
readers were symbolically same position. circumstance was manner. WHO did not want any
Therefore, WHO through the advertisements misunderstanding about the new normal life, thus
invited society to build awareness of how it explained keeping shealth sprotocols sduring sthe
important the health protocols are. sCovid-19 spandemic sto sreduce sthe sspread sof

Asmah Boru Munthe
New snormal scampaign sof scovid-19 sadvertisements sby sWHO: sA smultimodal sstudy

sCovid-19. researchers just took seven advertisements based

The second was visual elements. It was also on the guidance of WHO about new normal and
divided into three parts: representational, health protocols. Then, many researchers used
interactive, and compositional. In representational, commercial advertisements as the data meanwhile
it was sengaged swith srepresented sparticipants the research which was used non-commercial
swhich scan sbe speople, sthings, sor splaces swith advertisements was hard to find. Therefore, the
scircumstances sin swhich sevents sor sactions sare researcher hoped that future research could use
sbeing sillustrated. sThe most dominant more non-commercial advertisements so that we
representational was narrative (17) because images could compare the analysis using commercial and
showed the participants and connected with the noncommercial advertisements in multimodal.
vector (17) to make an example of how to do the
health protocols. In interactive, the most dominant REFERENCES
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Volume 11, Issue 1, February 2023

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Asmah Boru Munthe
New snormal scampaign sof scovid-19 sadvertisements sby sWHO: sA smultimodal sstudy


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