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OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:

PCA-Choosing an Organization Worksheet

Worksheet Objectives:
1. Identify an organization and situation you want to study over the remainder of the course.
2. Describe the organization and the situation

Complete the following making sure to support your ideas and cite from the textbook and other
course materials per APA guidelines. After the peer review, you have a chance to update this and
format for your Electronic Portfolio due in Module 6.

1) Name and describe your organization.

Starbucks was founded in 1971 by Jerry Baldwin, and it quickly became one of the most
popular coffee chains in America. It has grown to have over 7,400 stores around the
world and has received praise for its focus on community and for their commitment to
sustainability. The company's business model is primarily dependent on three things:
coffee sales, loyalty programs, and marketing. The company sells brewed beverages
through a variety of locations including grocery stores, cafes, restaurants, hotels, airports,
and stadiums. They also sell single-serve coffee pods for use at home or on-the-go.
Loyalty programs are offered as part of customers' purchases through purchases or
participating locations. These programs reward customers with rewards such as free
drinks or discounts on non-coffee items like food or clothing when they're frequenting
certain locations. Marketing campaigns include TV commercials that feature celebrities
like Oprah Winfrey and Will Smith promoting Starbucks products while encouraging
customers to enjoy them with friends or family members who are not customers
themselves. Following its mission “to inspire and nurture the human spirit- one person,
one cup and one neighborhood at a time.”

2) Describe your role in the organization (it can be an internal or external role).

I have been a Starbucks shift supervisor for a year but have been in the company for 4
years. During that time, I have had the opportunity to work with many different people, in
a number of different roles. The only real consistent thing about them is that they are all
very good at what they do and they are always willing to help me out when I need it. One
of the most important things in my role as shift supervisor is being able to work well with
my coworkers. We all have a lot of responsibilities in our day-to-day lives outside of
work, so it's hard to find time to focus on those things when we're busy at work or going
through difficult times personally. We need each other's support and guidance in order
for us all to succeed together as a team. As a shift supervisor at Starbucks, I am
responsible for ensuring that our customers have an enjoyable experience while they are
in the store. In addition to serving our customers, I am responsible for making sure that
we have enough staff on hand to manage the flow of customers through the store. I begin
my shift by setting up my area and making sure it is clean and ready for when my team
arrives. I also make sure that there is enough supply on hand, so that our product can be
replenished easily. Once my team arrives, we greet each other with a smile and get
started serving our customers. During my shift I make sure that we are running smoothly
by taking a look around at how things are going in the store. This includes watching
where people are coming from and going to, making sure that there isn't any confusion
about where products are located within the store itself or what different items look like
when they're being made available for sale (this helps prevent confusion among

3) Describe the situation, including information you think the will help the reader
understand the most important elements of the situation. (This will require
selectivity: part of the art of case writing is separating the essential facts from the
mass of information that might be included).

The situation is huge in the store I am currently working in where there is a lot of finger
pointing and gossip. The culture of the company is that of being open and honest, but it
seems to be changing for the worse.

The problem seems to be that there are not enough good team members and leaders when
it comes to values, communication and trust. In fact, it seems like the team members are
more worried about their own reputation than the good of the business. They do not want
to be seen as gossipers or backstabbers. They do not want to lose their jobs because they
are not following any rules or policies set by management. This leads to a negative
environment in which employees feel trapped by their own fear of losing their jobs if
they talk negatively about someone else in fear of retaliation.

This all seems like a recipe for disaster, but the company has recently made some
changes in order for it to be more successful in the future. For example, they have started
doing surveys among partners about how satisfied they are with certain aspects of the
company's operations such as customer service or product quality; this information helps
them determine where things can be improved and which areas need more attention than
others so that they can take action quickly, there are also lots of discusións happening
between leaders and partners trying to make a healthier work environment for those in the
store. As a leader the main goal is to follow through the lens of a political leader to lead
and fix problems and disagreements between co workers. The political leader's main
responsibility is to make sure that the people who are working in Starbucks are happy and
safe. They must also make sure that they feel like they have a voice in what happens at
the company, because if they don't like something then they should be able to speak out

about it. The political leader will work with other leaders at Starbucks to help them
achieve their goals by taking away any obstacles that could stand in their way.


Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (2021). Chapter 15. In Reframing organizations: Artistry,
choice, and leadership (7th ed., pp. 315–316). essay, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Our mission. Starbucks Stories. (2023, April 24).

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