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Write natural sources or artificial sources to identify the given words.

_______________1.firefly _______________6.light bulb

_______________2.flashlight _______________7.meteors

_______________3.fireworks _______________8.moon



Identify the properties of light. Write (OP) -Opaque objects, -Transluscent objects,
or Transparent objects before each number.

_______________They do not allow light to pass through and absorb all light to form
dark shadow.

_______________It allows all light to pass through and form clear shadow.

_______________It allow few light to pass through and form light shadow.

Identify the force used in each phrase. Write PUSH or PULL.

_______1.closing a cabinet

_______2.playing a kite

_______3.kicking a ball

_______4.pressing a button

_______5.raising a flag

Identify the pictures. Write the kind of weather on the blanks.

____________________ __________________ _________________

__________________ ____________________

Write loud sound or soft sound on the answer line.

_______________ _______________ _______________

Write pleasant sound or unpleasant sound on the answer line.

__________________ _______________ ___________________

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