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All samples are created from scratch by Medusa Beats & 27 Heavy

You must ALWAYS credit (Prod. You x Medusa Beats x 27 Heavy)

If selling a beat through BeatStars which uses the sample(s) and or Beat(s), you
must collaborate and split percentage YOU: 33%, Medusa Beats 33%, 27 Heavy 33%.
(Beatstars name: "MedusaBeats" "27Heavy")

If a record is placed using the sample(s)and or Beat(s), the publishing rights and
masters (royalties) will be split EQUALLY with me & producer(s) involved on the
record and credited must be issued to skeeo!
If a Non Major/Major Label or independant artist offers an advance or flat-fee for
the prodcution which uses the sample(s)and or Beat(s), an equal split must be given
to skeeo! & 4reign.

All contents in this folder are owned by Medusa Beats & 27 Heavy
By downloading this material you agree to not in any way disclose this material to
any third parties without the consent of Medusa Beats & 27 Heavy

Medusa Beats & 27 Heavy own 100% rights to all sample(s) and or beat(s) sent with
this message.
Any unauthorized use of works sent from this email is subject to legal action.

Contact Information:

Instagram: @medusabeats_ @prod27heavy


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