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It is the synthesis of your entire business plan

2. It is the framework or structure of your business idea
3. It is the unique selling point of a product or service.
4. It is the sign that your objectives are being achieved.
5. It builds and develop game plan to attain competitiveness in the market
6. This part includes the discussion specifically who are the investors,
financiers and business partners
7. It is the possibility that something bad might happen
8. It is the futuristic view for your business
9. It is the section of the business plan where all the important details needed
by the audience is written
10. What are the 4 types 0f stakeh0lders
11. It is the qualitative maifestati0 that 0bectives are being achieved.
12. It is the entire pr0cess 0f c0nverting input t0 0utput then 0utc0me

13. Ability to sense without using the five senses

14. It is used in screening the opportunity
15. It is a type of investment in buying land and building for your business
16. A great desire to attain a vision or fulfil a mission that entrepreneurs must
17. How to compute or what is the formula for the Return on Assets or
18. How to compute or what is the formula for the Return on Sales
19. It is an entrepreneurial mind set that sees things in a positive and 0ptimistic
20. What are the s0urces 0f 0pp0rtunities?
21. It is a type 0f investment in preparing a pr0duct launch
22. What are the 4 financial statements?
23. Expenses plus Pr0fit is equals t0?
24. What is the f0rmula f0r Balance sheet?
25. H0w t0 c0mpute f0r Payback peri0d?
26. It is t0 ascertain the viability 0f the 0pp0rtunity
27. It is the m0st qualitative research t00ls that extracts c0nsumer and n0n-
c0nsumers experiences
28. classifies people according to their level of expertise in using a product or
29. It is the root of customers’ needs and wants.
30. Market research meth0d0l0gy that gathers data in the natural settings
31. Sampling technique that selects resp0ndents rand0mly
32. Classifying customers according to their habitats or areas of residence
33. Sampling technique that gets a sample size through referrals.
34. It refers to grouping customers and products according to certain market
35. Grouping customers’ with similar needs, wants and ability to pay
36. It is the most preferred instrument for deeper quantitative research

37. It is a type of product that does not intend to compete with large businesses.
38. It is the trademark of the product that goes hand-in-hand in positioning the
product in the market.
39. It is the major factor for customers in buying a product.
40. Type 0f pr0duct that claim a new space in the mind of the customers and
increase market share.
41. A Pricing strategy that allows organization to recover its full cost on the
42. Surveying a potential location through comparison is called ___.
43. Type 0f pr0duct that have superi0r and unique characteristic
44. It means that the product meets the quality and delivery specifications of the
45. Pr0duct that d0 n0t c0mpete with large businesses
46. 3 p0siti0ning 0verlapping 0bectives

47. Stage 0f new pr0duct that designs the 0uter appearance 0f a pr0duct
48. C0nsult the experts and c0nduct experiments t0 impr0ve a pr0duct
49. Entrepreneurial mind that research the market f0r pr0duct launch
50. Make standard pr0cesses after determining the exact specificati0ns

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