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po NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOO) = ati =XDTG-S-DNK TEST BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO_ Test Booklet Seriey_ TEST BOOKLET GENERAL STUDIES PAPER - II INSTRUCTIONS IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE EXAMINATION, EIA’ i i, YOU SHOULD CHECK ‘THIS TEST BOOKLET DOES NOT HAVE ANY UNPRINTED OR TORN OR MISSING PAGES OR ITEMS, 4 ETC, IF SO, GET IT REPLACED BY A COMPLETE TEST BOOKLET. Please note that it is the candidate's responsibility to eneode and fill in the Roll Ni : ber and ace ra td Segue aes eee ae a a fate places in the OMR Answer Sheet. Any omission/diserepancy will render the Answer approp’ bs Sheet liable for rejection. g, You have to enter your Roll Number on the rest Booklet in the Box provided alongside. ‘D0 NOT write anything else on the Test Booklet. ‘This Test Booklet contains 80 items (questions). Each item is printed both in Hindi and English. Each item comprises four responses (answers). You will select the response which you want to mark on the Answer Sheet. In case you feel that there is more than one correct response, mark the response which you consider the best. In any case, choose ONLY ONE response for each item. You have to mark all your responses ONLY on the separate Answer Sheet provided. See directions in the Answer Sheet. 6, All items carry equal marks. 7. Before you proceed to mark in the Answer Sheet the response to various items in the Test Booklet, jou have to fill in some particulars in the Answer Sheet as per instructions sent to you with your ‘Admission Certificate. 8. After you have completed filling in all your res] ‘on the Answer Sheet and the examination has concluded, you should, ad ‘over to the Invigilator only the Answer Sheet. You are permitted to take away with you the Test Booklet. 9. Sheets for rough work are appended in the Test 10. Penalty for wrong answers : THERE WILL BE PENALTY FOR WRONG ANSWERS MARKED BY A CANDIDATE IN ALL THE QUESTIONS.’ ( There are four alternatives for the answer to every question. For each question for which a rang answer has been given by the candidate, one-third of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty. (ii) Ifa candidate gives more than one answer, it will be treated as a wrong answer even if one of the given answers happens to be correct and there will be same penalty as above to that question. (iii) If'a question is left blank, i.e., no/answer is given by the candidate, there will be no penalty for question. st Booklet at the end. XDTG-S-DNK Scanned with CamScanner In India, at source is TARE: jnformal sector. municipal bud transportation, ¥ processing/Tesouree Where does wastert Ideally it fits well-regulated in India, ners, alike, are not only ‘spray, have an element called not applied in the right dose, it n of the consumer. id when to use it are Scanned with CamScanner iy : pears in resulted in the disaPP' 1g food 8° mes since Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner problems credibility of the firms. International capital markets ensure that the firms maintain good corporate governance. Good corporate governance paves the way for robust supply chains. Scanned with CamScanner If p,q, r and s are distinet single ° i iiimbers, then what/is the gre" (p+ arr+s)? Passage - 3. i Elephants are landscape _ architects, for the regeneration of others, which in turn ide sustenance to other herbivorous animals. ants eat) plants, fruits and, sosla ting the seo when they defecate in oer ae i «as they trayel, Blephant dung provides |1f BA: By vy wc ishment to plants and animals and acts asa |. 99 Pg coe of drought, | f the following statements b Which one o! logical and rational infer reflects the most I avast area of rich Elephants are the Keystone species they benefit the biodiversity. iodiversity cannot be maint without the pres (a) Elephants forests with species i requirement. im of all digits which appest '° 10 to 100? @ 11@30=5, phe value if 70901028, 9 1 = 13, what ist 1161782 23 @4@15? (@ 910 (a) 6 ) 8 o B és ABCD is @ square. ‘One point on each of @ ‘and two distinct points 0” each of BC . How many distinct yy three points Let x be a positive ingles can be drawn using an divisible by x. How 7 ‘of these six points ? possible ? (a) 10 (b) () 1 (d) Infinitely many Scanned with CamScanner ‘The emissions hum i ‘ans put’ into the SUBORERETO now will affect the elimatelin the ‘middle ofthe century and onwards, Technological change, meanwhile, could make a future transition away from fossil fuels cheap or it ‘might not, leaving the world with « terrihie choice between sharply reducing emissions at huge ‘cost or suffering through the effects of unabated warming. Businesses that do not hedge against the threat of uncertain outcomes fail. The world cannot afford such recklessness on climate change. 21. Which one of the following statements best reflects the crucial message conveyed by the author of the passage ? (a) Businesses that cause emissions may need to close down or pay for pollu fture. (b) The only solution is technological development related to the issues of| climate change. (©) Waiting to deal with carbon emissions until technology improves is not a wise strategy. a change is ince future technological (a) Since a i ain, new industries based on renewable energy souress (13-8) XDTG-S-DNK Scanned with CamScanner Passage - 3 ‘Many people are not eating the right food. For some, it is simply a decision to stick with food they enjoy but which is not too healthy. This is leading to an increase in non-communicable diseases. This in turn leads to major burden on our health-care systems that have the potential to derail the economic progress which is essential ‘for the poor to improve their lives. For others, it {is about limited access to nutritious food or a lack ‘Three of the five positive in are even and two of them necessarily in order). Consider! 1. p+q+r—s—t is definit 2, 2ptqt2r-2e+t isd Which of the above stateme (a) lonly (b) 2only (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 Consider the following in number p and composite num a 20+ Cela odd 3. pecan be odd Which of the statements giver correct ? ‘ (a) land 2only as (b) 2and 3only (©) Land 3 only @) 1,2and3 eae ‘A 3digit number ABC, on m D gives 37DD where A, B, different non-zero digits. What A+B+C? (a) ) © @ Scanned with CamScanner 27. For any choices of values of X, Y and 2, the G-digit number of the form XYZXYZ is divisible by : fa) Tand 11 only (b) 1and 13 only (@ Tand 13 only @ 7, Mandis 28, 125 identical cubes are arranged in the form of | a cubical block. How many cubes are . by other cubes from each side ? distinct 8-digit numbers can be } rearranging the digits of the 13344 such that odd digits occupy and even digits oceupy even Read the following three passa items that follow the passages. YO items should be based on the pa Passage -1 We often hear about different States in India over ri 20 major river systems, 1 water-stressed; 75% of the pop water-stressed regions, a third water-scarce areas. Climate cha of rising population and the need. to keep pace, and increased rate 0 and industrialization will exad stress. According to the Constitut water is a State subject and not Union, except for regulation of inter Key to ensuring balance between demands of various stakeholders is approach to allocate water among: regions and States. Allocating fair to them requires assessments based criteria, such as specificities of the size of dependent population, existi and demand, efficiency of use, proje use, ete, while ensuring the environme 7 of the river and aquifers. : 31. Which one of the following stater , B, C working independently can do a piece reflects the most. rational, pra Fwork in 8, 16 and 12 days respectively. A immediate action required to enst one works on Monday, B alone works on equitable allocation of water ‘Tuesday, C alone works on Wednesday; A stakeholders ? ‘alone, again works on Thursday and so on. (a) A national, pragmatic, legal Consider the following statements : framework for water all be made. 1. The work will be finished on Thursday. Al eee 2, The work will be finished in 10 days be linked and huge aq | Which of the above statements is/are correct ? (c) Water channels b ( < water surplus and . fey deficit should be created, _ ! ao (a) To mitigate water erisi (©) Both 1and2 if osclutee eee _— @)_—“Neither 1 nor 2 industry should be redu XDTG-S-DNK (17-B) ” oy Scanned with CamScanner Passage -2 More than half of Indian women and almost @ quarter of Indian men of working age suffer from anaemia. According to studies, they are anywhere from 5 — 15% less productive than they could be, as a result thereof, Ine also has the largest tuberculosis burden in the world, costing 110 million workdays to the country annually. But what is just as important as lost productivity now is lost potential in the future. It is becoming inereasingly clear that on many measures of cognitive ability, malnourished Indian children perform two or three times worse than their adequately nourished peers. For an economy that will be more dependent on highly skilled ificant challenge. And it is one that really should be addressed given India’s demographic outlook. this poses a si one of the following statements best ‘what is implied by the passage ? Education system must be strengthened in rural areas. Large scale += and_—_—effective: implementation of skill development programme is the need of the hour. For economic development, health and | nutrition of only skilled workers needs special attention. (@) For rapid economic growth as envisaged by us, attention should be paid to health ‘and nutrition of the people. XDTG-S-DNK (19- Passage -3 In India, a majority marginal and small, less @ possess low adaptive cap change, perhaps because of constraints. So, one autonomous adaptation to Even if it was possible, it sufficient to offset losses change. To deal with this, climate change is paramou fast mitigation response. Anoth to have a planned or adaptation, which would government to come up recommendations. Perception i prerequisite’) for: adaptation: farmers are adapting agricultur to climate change depends on perceive it or not. However, this enough for adaptation. It is impo farmer pereeives the risks: climate change. 88, Which one of the following sta reflects the most logical and ratid conveyed by the author of the @ (by (©) @ 8) Scanned with CamScanner 84. Raj has ten pairs of red, nine pairs of white| 37, and eight pairs of black shoes in a box. If he randomly picks shoes one by one (wi replacement) from the box to get a red p: shoes to wear, what is the maximum nu: of attempts he has to make ? @) ) © @) oe SEs 35, In how many ways can a batsman sco: | exactly 25 runs by scoring single runs, four and sixes ony, irrespective of the sequence o are four letters and four envelopes and one letter is to be put in exactly one with the correct address. If the are randomly inserted into the ‘envelopes, then consider the following statements : 1. Its possible that exactly one letter goes : into an incorrect envelope. ‘There are only six ways in which only two letters can go into the correct envelopes. eM ‘Which of the statements given above is/are correct ? (a) lonly (b) 2only (c) Both 1and2 ie (d) Neither 1 nor 2 By XDTG-S-DNK } Whapis the remainder 85 x 87 x 89 « 91 x 95 x 961 (a) 0 ) 1 © 2 @ 4 ‘What is the unit digit in (5724901 2 (a) 2 ) 4 © 6 @ 8 If ABC and DEF are both | such that A, B, C, D, distinet non-zero digits ABC + DEF = 1111, then what: A+B+C+D+E+F? Scanned with CamScanner Directions for the following 3 (three) items : Read the following three passages and answer the items that follow the passages. Your answers to these items should be based on the passages only. Passage - 1 \ In India, while the unemployment rate is a frequently used measure of poor performance of | the economy, under conditions of rising school and college enrolment, it paints an inaccurate picture. The reported unemployment rate is dominated by the experience of younger Indians who face higher employment challenges and exhibit greater willingness to wait for the right job than their older peers. The unemployment challenge is greater for people with secondary or higher education, and rising education levels inflate unemployment challenges. 41. Which one of the following statements most likely reflects as to what the author of the passage intonds to say ? (a) Enrolment in schools and colleges is high but there is no quality education. (b) Unemployment must be seen as a function of rising education and aspirations of young Indians, ‘There are no labour-intensive industries to accommodate the huge number of unemployed people. ©) ‘The education system should be properly designed so as to enable the educated people to be self-employed. @ XDTG-S-DNK (23- Passage - 2 “Science by itself is not must be a force and disci sciences to coordinate them goal. It is not possible to run @) when the goal itself has placed. What science needs if the analysis of scientific coordination of scientific results; without this, any = relationship which states: politics : movement guid Knowledge and perspective, aimless and individual seel 42, Which one of the following reflects the most rational, . Scanned with CamScanner Passage -3 “The last end of the state is not to dominate Pe ee ‘men, nor to restrain them by fear; rather it is so to free each man from fear that he may live and Maing De Set Wil Kil ecu UA SHERT inj, results in 975. Further A, By himself or his neighbour. The end of the state, 1 are distindt digits, FB = 0, repeat, is not to make rational beings into brute _ A+B+C equal to? beasts and machines. It is to enable their bodies | and their minds to fiction safely. It is to lead * ‘men to live by, and to exercise, a free reason; that 7 they may not waste their strength in hatred, % anger and guile, nor act unfairly toward one a another.” 43. Based on the above passage, which one of the following terms best expresses the ultimate goal of the state ? (a) Personal safety (b) Health of body and mind (© Communal harmony (@) Liberty Consider ‘ing stat of five candidates P, Q, Ry 44. What is the remainder if 21% is divided by 6? f@) 0 (b) © @ “4 45. Consider the sequence ABC__ABC_DABBCD_ ABCD ‘that follows a certain pattern. Which one of the following completes the sequence ? (a) DACB (b) CDAB (@ DeCA (d) DDCA XDTG-S-DNK eee Scanned with CamScanner oe a Q, R, S and T be five statements such 1, _ IfPis true, then both Q and 8 are trig “IL IfRand 8 are true, then T is false of the following can be concluded ? If T is true, then at least one of » must be false. TfQis true, then P is true the correct answer using the code given and R her 1 nor 2 dimensions 7 em x 5 em x 3 emis i, green and blue colour on each pposite faces of dimensions 5 cm x 3 cm, 7 em x 3 cm hen the cuboid is cut and various cubes each of side Which of the following correct ? sxactly 15 small cubes with no ny face. exactly 6 small cubes with “two faces, one painted with blue ‘other with green. answer using the code given h Land 2 Inor 2 ee ieee vol HENSIBILITIES” are arranged in reverse order. How many of the letter/letters will remain Directions for the following 4 Read the following four passages The paradox of choice is ill story of Buridan’s ass. Jean Bul century phil the inability and uncertainties, In the story, a d between two equally appealing Unable to decide which to eat, it st Changes in technology and innovatia smart phones and tablets only ¢: glut of choices, Constant conn overeonsumption of real-time 4 ‘media can leave little room for self rest, making decisions more about choices. Many people , wrote about yse due to numy qr -B) Scanned with CamScanner Passage - 2 Household finance in India is unique We have a tendency to invest heavily in physical assets such as gold and property Steps to encourage the financialization of savings are critical. A populace accustomed to traditional processes will not simply jump into financialization. Hurdles to change include onerous bureaucracy, a scepticism of organized financial institutions, a lack of asic information about which of the myriad services and providers is best for each family, and how (and even if) one can make the transition between them if necessary. 52. best reflect the solutions that are implied the passage? 2 3. ic ii : Tnnovations in financial technology a required Slee the correct answer using the eode given below: (@) Land 2 only ) 2and 3 only (©) 1and3 only (@) 1,2and3 XDTG-S-DNK Regarding the financialization of househotd|®% Based on the above passage, savings, which of the following. statements assumptions have been made : Passage - 3 Pharmaceutical patents grant protection t the patentee for the duration of the patent tF™- ‘The patentees enjoy the liberty to determine the prices of medicines, which is time-limited to the period of monopoly, but could be unaffordable to the public. Such patent protecti( to the patentees is believed to benefit the public over the longer term through innovations and research and development (R&D), although it comes at a cost, in the nature of higher the patented medicine. The patent re price protection — through a legally high price for the medicine during the the patent — provide the patent legitimate mechanism to get returns incurred in innovation and research, . 1. Patent protection given to p: a huge burden on public’s power in accessing patented n to 2. Dependence on other coun pharmaceutical products is burden for developing and poor « Providing medicines to the re ae ee is a key goal Wg Ith policy desi : ‘esign Scanned with CamScanner Passage - 4 India should ensure the gro%vth of the digital c ‘economy while keeping personal data of Citizens secure and protected. No one will innovate in ¢ surveillance-oriented environment oF in a placq where an individual's personal information ig compromised. The ultimate control of data mu. reside with the individuals who generate it; they should be enabled to use, restrict or monetisei¢ as they wish. Therefore, data protection laws should enable the right kind of innovation — one that is user-centric and privacy protecting. ‘i 87. 54. Based on the above passage, the following ‘assumptions have been made : 1. Protection of privacy is not just a right, but it has value to the economy. 2.- There is a fundamental link between privacy and innovation. Which of the above assumptions is/are valid? (a) lonly (b) 2only (©) Both land (@) Neither 1 nor 2 58. In an examination, the maximum marks for each of the four papers namely P, Q, R and S are 100. Marks scored by the students are in integers. A student can seore 99% in n different ways. What is the value of n ? (a) 16 b) 7 © 2% @ 35 (31-8) XDTG-S-DNk 4 flag has to be designed with 4 horizontal Stripes using some or all of the | Breen and yellow. What is different ways in which this that no two adjacent striy colour @ 1259 ae (b) ‘ © @ 18 a 36 A rectangular floor measures and 22 m jn breadth. Tiles of 60 cm have to be laid such tha overlap, A tile can be placed in, Scanned with CamScanner There are large number of silver coi “weighing 2 em. 5 em, 10 gm, 25 gm, ool ‘each. Consider the following statements ° ‘To buy 78 gm of coins one must b least 7 coins. “a ‘To weigh 78 gm using these coins one use less than 7 coins, . _ statements given above ivare only 2only Both 1 and 2 Neither 1 nor 2 sider the following : A+B means A is neither smaller nor equal to B. ‘A—B means A is not greater than B. ‘AxB means A is not smaller than B. A+B means A is neither greater nor equal to B. ‘A + B means A is neither smaller nor greater than B. ' Sent: PRQREE Tee Rss usion-1: QE Jusion- 2: S+ Q srrect in respect e of the following is ©" h ont rt and the Conclusions ? Fthe above Statemet Only Conclusion-t follows from the Statement om the jon-1 and Conclusion? Directions for the following 3 Read the following three paved perme that follow the passages. Yo ‘ items should be based on the p Both Conelusi follow from the Statement: o Neither Conclusion} OF Conclus follows from statements (33-8) Scanned with CamScanner Passage ~ 2 While awareness on use/misuse ang ase of antibiotics is common knowledge, as impact of dosing poultry with , the environmental impact of manufacturing companies not their waste has scarcely been at any length or seriousness thus Pollution from antibiotics factories is the rise of drug-resistant infections. occurrence of drug-resistant bacteria the pharma manufacturing is well known. ‘one of the following statements best ‘the most logical and practical messaxe d by the passage ? d of drug-resistant as it is fi ig e done away with, ‘acerue only when students school after having acquired @ one of the se Benefits of good 4 ‘one picks up the basic foun Knowledge eco Scanned with CamScanner n are s Sone Y Standing in a circle a Gay child) nye = one of [6% a ring, The rin eis ‘passed clockwise, ¢ . veo Passes on to child-2, © child-4, child-4 passes: oa and s So on. After how many such including chi ild-1) will ii of child again? a x Question : Is p greater than 4? |" Statement-1: px ais ereater than zero. 2 is greater than a. one of the above Question and th ‘The Question can be answered by using tne of the Statements alone but cannot be answered using the other Statement alone. The Questio either Statement alone. a ean be answered by usin by using but) either red even the Statements together (37-8) Quest Question : Is (p+ (p-a+ integers Statement-1: (p= q)i8 Statement-2: (p= is Which one of the following: of the above Question and th (a) The Question can be one of the Statements be angwered using the alone, The Question can be answered cither Statement alone. ‘The Question ean be answer both the Statements cannot be answered Statement alone. The Question cannot be by using both the Statemer ° (b) © @ In a party, 75 persons took took coffee and 15 persons took coffee. No one taking milk ‘person takes at least one dri Question : party ? Statement-1; 60 persons t Which one of the follo of the above Question @ one of the S be answered (b) © @ Scanned with CamScanner ul Gonsider a 3-digit number. [eestion : What is the number? eaeMent-1: The sum of the number is equal of the digits, digits of th. to the product Bo. om Statement-2 : The umber is divisible by the ; Sum of the digits of the numbe Which one of the followin, 3 ig is correct in respect d the Statements ? n be answered by using ‘ments alone, but cannot 'ng the other Statement: bol | above Question ang @) Question ca: “one of the Stato, be answered Usi alone. The Question can be ans; wered by usi either Statement alone, tee The Question can be both the Statements cannot be answered Statement alone. i The Question cannot be answered even by using both the Statements together. © © together, but using either @ For five children with ages a) 2only (©) Both 1ana 2 ie (@) Neither Ynor2 by using both the Statements together. IK (39- B) Scanned with CamScanner Passage ~ 2 A global analysis of nitrogen use efficiency — a measure of the amount of nitrogen a plant takes in to grow versus what is left behind as polliition — says that using too much fertilizers, will lead to increased pollution of waterways and the air. Currently, the global average for nitrogen use efficiency is approximately 0-4, meaning 40 per cent of the total nitrogen added to cropland goes "into the harvested crop while 60 per cent is lost to the environment, says a study. More than half of the world’s population is nourished by food grown with fertilizers containing synthetic nitrogen, which is needed to produce high crop yields. Plants take the nitrogen they need to grow, and the excess is left in the ground, water and air. This results in significant emissions of nitrous oxide, @ potent greenhouse and ozone depleting gas, and other forms of _nittogen pollution, __jneluding eutrophication of lakes and rivers and contamination of river water. ‘e 72. Which one of the following statements best reflects the most logical, rational and erucial message implied by the passage2 lg) ‘An enhanced efficiency of use of nitrogen (a) is imperative for both food production and environment. (b) Production of synthetic fertilizers cannot be stopped as it will adversely affect global food security. © ‘Alternatives to crops that require excess ‘of nitrogen should be identified aot 73." Which one (41-8) cultivated. (@ Conventional agriculfgingy) using synthetic fertilizers should be replaced } with agroforestry, agroecosystems and organic farming. TG-S-DNK Justice is regarded as environmental parlance: bearings on political and nation, So far, in our elim compacts, both the ‘consensus among nation: sense, is well defined. H climate change, it has. socio-political 1 tation in the next technologies ai ‘the victims of is not confined reflects the most logical, rational é message conveyed by the passage ? Climate | globe. @ b) (©) There is @ Scanned with CamScanner following is they: 2 ae ¥ (a) R=s \ ) Ros ‘ () R) 2only f (©) Both 1 and 2 4 (@) | Neither 1 nor 2 WY XDTG-S-DNK X What is the sum than 2000 formed ___ where none of the num 10 consecutive thing circle taken inithe cloc Scanned with CamScanner

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