Climate Change and Ethics

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Climate change and ethics

Tim Hayward
What does it matter if the climate changes? This kind of question does not admit of a scientific answer. Natural science can tell
us what some of its biophysical effects are likely to be; social scientists can estimate what consequences such effects could
have for human lives and livelihoods. But how should we respond? The question is, at root, about how we think we should live—
and different people have myriad different ideas about this. The distinctive task of ethics is to bring some clarity and order to
these ideas.

limate change is a matter of concern because, according to Where debate has been more intense is on the question of the
various prognoses offered by scientists, its effects are likely ‘who’—who has a responsibility to shoulder the burdens. Regarding
to be detrimental to human—and not only human—life on the range of potential bearers of responsibility, which could be
this planet: “human beings are transforming Earth in ways that are individuals, corporations or states, for instance, the allocation of
devastating for other forms of life, future human beings, and many responsibilities has so far focused in practice at the level of nation-
of our human contemporaries”1. Given that premise, the central role states, and there has been international agreement to the principle
of ethics is to organize thought about what humans ought to do in of common but differentiated responsibilities among them9. It has
response to the threats they face, and to some extent are creating. generally been assumed, as Grubb noted in 1995, that the main
People engage practically in ethics whenever they make or assess question is justice of allocation of emissions as between states10. This
particular proposals about what should be done; but academics par- assumption is not without its critics11, but the relevance of focusing
ticularly focus on clarifying the structure of moral considerations on states is that they still have main political decision-making pow-
that are brought to bear on a problem, along with elucidating the ers in the world today.
assumptions being borne upon. In practice and in theory, then, eth- Most attention has focused on the criteria for differentiation of
ics reflects on the human goods that climate change can undermine, responsibilities. Because responsibilities imply costs or burdens to
and examines questions such as what actions are right or wrong be borne, and because people have a general preference to shift these
in relation to climate change, who has what duties, and how these whenever possible onto others, there is the most argument here (see
relate to others’ rights, for example, to be protected against effects Table 1). The issues involved have been brought into particular focus
of climate change. The relevant range of problems has come into in connection with debate around international climate change
focus only relatively recently, with most literature appearing during agreements. The Kyoto Protocol adopted the ‘grandfathering prin-
the past 20 years or so, but with considerable acceleration since the ciple’: the developed (Annex-I) countries were required to reduce
time of Gardiner’s seminal review in 20042, and as witnessed by two emissions by an average of 5% compared with 1990 levels. Hence
noteworthy collections of influential articles appearing in the past those already heavily polluting in 1990 could continue emitting
two years3,4. more GHGs than lower-emitting countries. In post-Kyoto negotia-
In what follows, I show first how the greater part of debate about tions, which envisage developing countries also being included in
the ethics of climate change focuses on questions about who has what the emissions reduction programme, the richer countries continue
responsibility to bear the burdens of mitigating it or adapting to it. to press for application of the principle12. Philosophers assessing the
These questions are frequently in practice inflected in the language principle’s rationale, however, have generally regarded it as a prag-
of rights, and the various connections between human rights and matic accommodation rather than a moral argument13: if it is the
climate change are examined next. If some questions concern justice only politically feasible way to get major polluters to accept emis-
in the present, others regard our responsibilities to the future, as sions reductions, it is better than forgoing agreement altogether14.
examined in the third section. The fourth main area of inquiry con- Recent attempts to tease out what more, morally, might be said for
cerns the relation between individual and collective responsibilities. it have not claimed to defeat the main ethical objections15. These
include concerns that the ‘grandfathering’ of emissions rights will
Responsibilities entrench existing inequalities by preventing those who are worse
If humankind were a unitary agent, it could pursue clear objectives off from having the same opportunities and life chances enjoyed
for reducing or capturing carbon emissions, where necessary also by affluent citizens of more heavily polluting countries16; and it
implementing measures for assisting those of the body of human- would effectively prevent less economically developed countries
ity having to adapt to consequences of climate change. But human- from tackling energy poverty, thereby locking them into a state
kind is not a unitary agent. So a prominent debate in climate ethics of underdevelopment17.
concerns who has a responsibility to do what. The ‘what’ is usually A stronger ethical argument can be made for the principle, found
discussed under two headings: mitigation and adaptation. Ethical intuitively persuasive by many, that those who have been causally
evaluation can apply both to the decisions that cause climate change responsible for overburdening the atmosphere have moral respon-
and to its effects. Some philosophers emphasize the distinction sibility for dealing with the consequences. Nevertheless, there are
between the two kinds of responsibility 5, and there are those who considerations of both justice and practicability that tell against the
focus attention primarily on mitigation6 or adaptation7; but there principle that moral responsibility should track causal responsibil-
are also reasons to think an integrated theory appropriate8. ity. One such consideration regards applying it to present or future

Politics and International Relations, School of Social and Political Science, University of Edinburgh, 4.09 Chrystal Macmillan Building, 15a George Square,
Edinburgh EH8 9LD, UK. e-mail:


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Table 1 | Differentiating common responsibilities: who should bear the costs of dealing with climate change?
Principles Differentiation criteria Pros Cons
Causal responsibility Those who have caused the It seems fair that those who cause a Those who emitted in the past may not have realized
(‘polluter pays’) build-up of CO2 in the atmosphere problem should deal with it they were doing anything wrong, and now are dead
should bear the costs anyway; so while requiring future polluters to pay
may be fair, we cannot impose costs on
past polluters
‘Beneficiary pays’ Those who have benefited from This principle maintains connection with Because it assumes that strict liability can apply
excess emissions should pay causal responsibility by allowing that retrospectively and can be inherited, present
past polluters can be deemed to have beneficiaries can complain that it is unfair on them
bequeathed liabilities to those who have
been advantaged today by past emissions
Ability to pay Those who are able to should pay This recognizes that past emissions may Disconnecting responsibility from causation can
not have yielded present benefits for a given have perverse incentives if the ecologically efficient
country and places costs on those least are effectively required to subsidize polluters
harmed by having to bear them

actions as opposed to applying it retrospectively. Retrospective of public goods such as modern medicine or better technologies
application of the principle can be challenged on the general that have also raised living standards in developing countries28. But
grounds that this is presumptively illegitimate for any principle18. Shue’s rejoinder is that whatever benefits less developed countries
More particularly, the ‘polluter pays’ principle—which is a specific have received, these have mostly been charged for, the recipients
application of causal responsibility (and sometimes misleadingly being “left with an enormous burden of debt, much of it incurred
conflated with it)—is normally not deployed as a principle of his- precisely in the effort to purchase the good things produced by
torical accountability but as a practical device for ‘internalizing’ industrialization”29. Finally, another possibility is that past emis-
the externalized environmental ‘costs’ of economic activities19. So sions may not have yielded appreciable benefits to the present gen-
understood, it is a future-orientated principle that allows rational eration at all, but here Smith’s suggestion of applying thresholds of
decision-making about the acceptability of costs in advance of ability to pay 30 seems a sensible solution.
incurring them. The imputation of obligations and costs retrospec- In fact, one further principle frequently invoked in the climate
tively, which is anyway questionable ethically and legally, is the justice literature is that those with the ability to pay should shoulder
more so if the emitters of previous generations were ignorant of the the burden. This has pragmatic advantages over the previous two
detrimental consequences of their actions20. Furthermore, there is in that it does not require investigations of causality, or other prob-
the evident practicality that principles of liability cannot apply to lematic historical considerations. It is not usually commended as a
members of deceased generations themselves. Thus some people sole or primary principle for allocating responsibilities, however, as
argue that the causal responsibility principle can be amended so that that could support injustice or perverse incentives in cases where
if we inherit assets from our grandparents, then we should also be an ability to pay has been achieved through particular efficiency or
prepared to accept any liabilities that are attendant on those assets. ecological frugality. But it is arguably appropriate to apply where the
Simon Caney suggests that to adopt this stance is not to amend but other principles fail or cannot apply 13.
to abandon the causal responsibility principle21; it is certainly to take In any debate about distributing responsibilities, to define them
a distinct position. is also to delimit them, and the flipside of the question concerns the
This line of reasoning supports a second principle discussed in rights that people have. For instance, determining a responsibility
the climate justice literature, the ‘beneficiary pays’ principle: those not to emit more than a certain amount of carbon dioxide is, in
who enjoy benefits generated by past activities that also cause effect, to license emissions up to that amount, and it is this amount
harms to others have responsibility to shoulder a burden of alleviat- that negotiators want to know about in practice.
ing those harms22. On an approach sometimes referred to as ‘the
Brazilian proposal’ in Kyoto discussions, we should take account of Debates about rights
countries’ historical emissions because countries that have polluted The language of rights has figured prominently in climate ethics
heavily have benefited considerably therefrom in terms of increased debates. In particular, there is debate about whether climate change
wealth and more developed infrastructure23. Such countries have an can be regarded as a human rights issue, and if so how31. Two prom-
‘ecological debt’ to repay 24. inent lines of argument can be distinguished: one treats the use of
One objection, noted by Caney, is that it is unfair to hold cur- the planet’s carbon absorption capacity as a necessary good that
rent members of more affluent nations responsible for over-use of humans have a right to share; the other focuses on how harms to the
the atmospheric commons by their predecessors when there is little planet’s capacities can undermine goods that humans have a right
that they could have done to alter the energy choices of their ances- to see protected.
tors25. Others, however, point to the many advantages those living The idea that there is a human right to a certain amount of green-
in developed countries enjoy over their counterparts in developing house-gas emissions has emerged with the idea that an appropri-
countries today as a result of their nations’ historical emissions26. ate benchmark for international agreements should be an equal per
Neumayer suggests that “the current developed countries readily capita entitlement. Some have argued that there is an entitlement
accept the benefits from past emissions in the form of their high to equal or minimum emissions32, and the idea of a human right
standard of living and should therefore not be exempted from being to ‘subsistence emissions’ has been influential in debates about the
held accountable for the detrimental side-effects with which their ethics of climate change since it was first proposed by Henry Shue,
living standards were achieved”27. albeit then in the different context of ozone emissions33. Other phi-
Another objection, though, is that some of the benefits of past losophers, however, have entered sceptical considerations. As David
emissions are not confined to the emitting countries. Grubb et al., for Miller says: “People have human rights to whatever is necessary to
example, argue that past emissions made possible the development meet their basic needs as human beings, but they cannot claim a


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right to whatever means they themselves prefer to use to meet those
needs”34. And as I have elsewhere argued, carbon emissions should Box 1 | Taking decisions regarding the future.
not be the object of a human right because a decent human life does
not inherently depend on them: subsistence needs can be (and for How to act against climate change cannot be decided on the
much of human history have been) met without fossil-fuelled eco- basis of ‘hard numbers’ because there are no ‘hard numbers’
nomic development35. A right to minimum emissions risks exac- when it comes to climate change. To outsiders, the cost–ben-
erbating rather than resolving the problem of excessive emissions. efit analyses (CBA) of economists may suggest otherwise.
What the rich owe to the poor should be seen not as ‘more emis- But those who understand what the studies do, also know
sions’ but as an equitable share of the benefits that they have derived two things. First, many effects of climate change simply can-
from their own excess use of the atmosphere—and, indeed, other not be adequately valued in monetary terms. Second, what
environmental services and natural resources, or ‘ecological space’36. can be valued needs to be transformed from values in the dis-
A different way in which human rights are brought into climate tant future to present values; any CBA recommendation is
ethics debates is through a focus on how the harms brought about therefore crucially dependent on the discount rate used, and
through climate change can have an adverse impact on the inter- there is no such thing as the ‘right’ discount rate, for the rate
ests that human rights are intended to protect. Derek Bell makes the chosen is in turn inextricably linked to normative value judge-
striking claim that “anthropogenic climate change violates human ments. It follows that, one way or the other, the decision-making
rights”37; Caney offers the more circumspect argument that there is towards climate change is heavily influenced by ethical choices.
a human right “not to be exposed to dangerous climate change”38. (Adapted from Neumayer 96.)
But these arguments are not always as clear as they might be on
the relationship between interests and rights: not all philosophers
agree that rights necessarily protect people’s interests39; and, even adopted51. Yet the broader point remains that some indeterminacy is
allowing that they can do so, the mere existence of an interest is not always likely to affect our thinking about the ethical claims on us of
itself sufficient for there to be a right. For the positing of a right to future generations. For instance, if we think about assigning rights
be meaningful, it must imply that there is some duty on someone to future generations, and non-individualistically, we face the dif-
to bring about the outcome specified as the content of the right40. ficulty that it is not straightforward to speak of groups having rights
Certainly, to speak of a right being violated implies a strong claim even in the present, and it is problematic to speak of rights of beings
that someone is doing something direct and pernicious. Yet the real- who do not even exist yet. Nor are such difficulties surmounted by
ity is that responsibility is more diffused and complex41. speaking instead of our duties regarding them, because the same
Nevertheless, this general issue also affects rights other than sorts of questions arise.
those relating to climate change, and still the human rights dis- Nevertheless, we are accustomed to the idea that although much
course has real traction. Recent years have seen developments about the future is uncertain, we still have to make decisions now.
towards international recognition of environmental human rights42, There is a very basic and quite simple principle articulated by pro-
with procedural rights having the firmest footing 43, but with grow- ponents of a stewardship approach to environmental ethics that
ing acknowledgement too of an underlying substantive right to we should treat the world as if held by us in trust, which means
an adequate environment44. Vanderheiden has suggested that as a leaving it in no worse condition for future generations than we find
corollary such a right includes a claim to climatic stability6; Hiskes it 52. This principle is reflected in the concept, influential since the
argues that environmental human rights can serve as the basis for Brundtland report for the World Commission on Environment and
intergenerational environmental justice45. Yet although the impetus Development 25  years ago, of sustainable development: “develop-
to use human rights discourse and instruments has a clear moti- ment that meets the needs of the present without compromising the
vation, there remain issues and uncertainties around using human ability of future generations to meet their own needs”53. This con-
rights for environmental ends or the pursuit of environmental jus- cept has met little resistance, even if questions have been voiced,
tice46. Those difficulties are all the more marked when we think such as why we should take ‘now’ as the baseline for future genera-
about climate change having future effects. tions when past generations did not always inherit as much as we
did54. But it is notoriously susceptible of different interpretations55.
Ethics for the future One key area of debate in environmental values has always focused
Although we now take a view of climate change as having effects on the question of how much of nature’s ‘capital’ can be substituted
already in the present, the future horizon remains a focus of concern by manufactured goods or other kinds of technological capacity,
(see Box 1), with questions about justice between generations and with the concept of ‘strong’ sustainability allowing much less substi-
our obligations to future generations looming large47. tution than ‘weak’ sustainability 56. Depending on the interpretation
Concerns about climate change are premised on the idea that adopted, the difference in the degree of constraint implied for eco-
there is something wrong in allowing the environment to deteri- nomic ‘business as usual’ is considerable. The weaker the constraints
orate for future generations of humans. Yet when we think more are taken to be, the more latitude there is for thinking that human-
closely what this might mean we encounter certain conundrums. kind will be able to develop its way out of environmental problems,
One much discussed in the climate change literature is the notori- through the application of innovation and technology. The latitude
ous ‘non-identity problem’ formulated by Derek Parfit48. The puzzle of this conception is consistent with economists’ assumptions about
is that if an act is wrong, this is because it harms future persons the possibility of economic growth continuing indefinitely into
or makes things worse for them than otherwise they would have the future.
been; but a person’s identity depends on the time at which he or she Much of the debate about what to do regarding climate change
is conceived, and different patterns of behaviour in this generation relates to economic considerations, but its terms are not ethically
will result in different individuals being born into future genera- neutral. Often it is framed in terms of a perceived trade-off between
tions; therefore we cannot be said to have harmed, or made worse economic benefits and environmental costs. But a case can also be
off, any future person through climate change damage by a policy made for the positive economic value of tackling climate change.
without which they would not have existed at all49. While some phi- This follows in a tradition of environmental economics that seeks
losophers attempt to find ways of dealing with this conundrum50, to attach value or price to unpriced or undervalued environmental
others doubt that it really captures what we need to be concerned ‘services’57. The influential report prepared by the British econo-
about, particularly if a less individualistic framing of the problem is mist Nicholas Stern is a noteworthy case58. Specifically regarding


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the future dimension, Stern gave serious attention to the ethical plight of the worst off today, then the better off have to make greater
issues involved in the choice of the discount rate—that is to say, commitments to both equality and reduction of environmental
the rate at which the value of assets and welfare, as well as costs demands. From this perspective, climate ethics is seen as part and
and economic damages, including as a result of climate change, is parcel of global justice more widely construed72. Those who already
assumed to diminish over time, from the standpoint of the present. suffer most from socioeconomic disadvantage globally are generally
Stern arrived at a significantly lower rate of discount in determin- most at risk of having their suffering compounded by the effects
ing the current ‘correct’ price for carbon emissions than the influ- of climate change. The international institutional order arguably
ential position of William Nordhaus: the overall social discount rate provides structural support for this ‘radical inequality’73. These are
employed by Stern was only 1.4%, compared with Nordhaus’s 5.5% institutions in which we—individuals in affluent societies—are all
(ref. 59). This led Stern to support immediate emissions reductions implicated, according to some influential theorists of justice, nota-
consistent with a US$300 per tonne tax on carbon emissions. By bly Thomas Pogge. But Pogge has been challenged on how individu-
contrast Nordhaus supports a carbon tax of only around US$30 per als can be held responsible74. This question of connection between
tonne, rising to US$85 per tonne by 2050. This difference is almost individuals and wider associations and institutions is the final main
entirely the result of the different assumptions made when calcu- topic area.
lating the social discount rate60. The high rate implies a very low
level of concern for our descendents61. So the economics of climate Individual obligation and collective action
change cannot be separated out from the ethics: it implicitly relies Much of the literature on climate ethics addresses what govern-
on ethical judgments regarding the nature of our obligations regard- ments or policymakers should do. But what about what each of us
ing future generations62. ought to do ourselves? Some, like Walter Sinnott-Armstrong, main-
Stern himself has been criticized from both sides about the tain that the problem is primarily political, and should be dealt
assumptions he allows. Not only the more conservative mainstream with at that level75. Jamieson, by contrast, argues that although the
economists but also more radical thinkers63 have identified in nation-state is a level of social organization relevant to addressing
Stern’s work a politically loaded vision of a tamed capitalism—not climate change because it is causally efficacious, it is not the pri-
unrestrained, but not seriously challenged—persisting indefinitely mary bearer of ethical responsibilities76. He advocates inculcating
into the future. A similar vision seems to be assumed also by lib- green virtues at the individual level. Others, like Gardiner 77 and
eral political theorists who suggest that an appropriate approach to Cripps78, emphasize that the key question is how to understand the
our future-oriented obligations is to adopt John Rawls’s idea of a relationship between individual and collective responsibilities. This
‘just savings principle’64, although it is questionable what exactly we is not straightforward, because what one ought to do can some-
can be saving for the future if we are already overusing the planet’s times depend on what others do, and different individuals can have
resources and environmental capacities65. different views on what should be done, as well as different degrees
The nature and shape of the ethical problem facing us becomes of commitment to actually doing it. Moreover, to address a prob-
quite different if, instead of anticipating a context of gradual envi- lem like climate change requires collective action; how is this to be
ronmental deterioration and incremental hardships as a likely achieved when individuals and groups are motivated by conflict-
result, we expect sudden and catastrophic changes66. With the pros- ing interests? Furthermore, even if an individual wants to do the
pect of runaway climate change precipitated by passing various right thing, how may their ethical obligations be affected by fail-
‘tipping points’ of abrupt change, questions arise, in particular, of ure of others to comply with theirs? This is the classic kind of col-
whether and when a precautionary approach ought to be adopted lective action problem, which has a particular salience in climate
by policy-makers. The ‘precautionary principle’ has neither a com- debates. If some people fail to do their bit, can others be reasonably
monly accepted definition nor a set of criteria to guide its imple- expected to pick up a share of the load that has been left by the
mentation67, but attempts to elicit a core idea for it have been made defaulters? To expect the morally conscientious to take up the slack
in debates about precaution in relation to climate change68. The could not only be unfairly demanding on them, it could create a
general idea is that if there is a potential for harm from an activity, perverse incentive for others to do even less79. Hence it could be
and uncertainty about the magnitude of impacts or causality, then counterproductive, or even wrong, for one to do what one believes
anticipatory action should be taken to avoid the harm. But the pre- we all ought to do. As Cripps observes, it remains a major philo-
cautionary principle admits of stronger and weaker interpretations, sophical challenge to outline individual climate duties, or to devise
and if a strong interpretation is too demanding in most policy areas, suitable rules to apply in all circumstances.
Catriona McKinnon argues, it could nevertheless be defensible with One can therefore appreciate why Jamieson believes we need
respect to climate change: if the consequences of failing to take to inculcate a new, greener, ethos. I have argued something simi-
precautionary action could be such extreme scarcity of resources lar in relation to the idea of ‘ecological citizenship’, where an ethos
as to render the pursuit of justice itself impossible, then we cannot of resourceful restraint is contrasted with the expansionist ideals
choose not to be precautionary 69. The question then is what kinds of immanent in liberal political visions80. A focus on the virtues—as
precaution are at issue. a complement to ethics of duty, rights or utility, and proposals such
The argument that climate change might undermine the very as carbon allowances81, or allowances even against a wider range of
circumstances that make justice possible relates to the literature on ecological services82—would seem to be a necessary factor in think-
environmental security 70. The range of views on the implications of ing about what individuals should do83. It is possible to generate a
environmental insecurities for ethical life is extremely wide, but one vision of living a life that is rich in ends and simple in means84, where
general insight to have emerged is that, whatever the future may the focus is on being rather than having 85, where one treads more
hold, the insecurities that already afflict people today are amplified lightly on the planet and shows kindness to one’s fellows, humans
by environmental changes71. For many people in many parts of the and non-humans alike. If everyone did this, the problem of climate
world, the circumstances that make justice possible have already change might be diffused entirely.
been undermined through processes of ecological marginalization Obstacles to the fulfilment of this green vision, however, are sev-
that are permitted and even encouraged by the institutions support- eral. One is that not everyone will find it attractive. Another is that
ing globalization today. even those who find it attractive are locked into more consumerist
It seems not unreasonable to suggest that a prerequisite of jus- lifestyles. Indeed, it is not only a question of what agents want or do:
tice for the future is a real commitment to justice now. The implica- there are institutional structures that maintain the incentives and
tion is that if we are not to discount the future, nor to disregard the motives for continuing, as far as possible, the current development


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trajectory. And, not least, different individuals in the world today ways that the well-off can learn to live well but with less pressure
find themselves in some vastly different situations: for some, it is on the ecological services that support our hitherto commodious
not a case of reining in their demands on the planet, but achiev- climate, while at the same time ensuring that the poorer are not pre-
ing an adequate foothold at all. A meaningful green vision would cluded from decent life chances.
have to be one that included engagement with the structures of
global inequality 86. Received 14 February 2012; accepted 7 June 2012; published
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