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1.Psychosocial___a term pertaining to psychological and social factors in the interaction of

these factors.
2.Psychosocial issue____needs concerns relating to one or all of the psychosocial
3.Reproductive role______the social script ascribed to individuals pertaining to their role in
child-rearing and related tasks such as maintaining the household.
4.Productive role_____the social script ascribed to individuals pertaining to their role in
economic production and related tasks such as engaging in public affairs and living in the
world of work.
5. For instance since the human female is capable of bearing a child the society interprets
this capacity as associated to Womanhood____.
6. Both women and men can perform childrearing roles( true or false?) True
7. This perspective of exploring and understanding human sexuality in the lens of
psychological social processes is referred to as Psychosocial perspective_____.

8. The term “psychosocial__” is an encompassing term. It is composed of two primary

aspects: psychological and social.
9. Psychological____it pertains to anything associated with mental processes and

10. Social___it pertains to anything associated with human relationships connections and
11. Psychology___is a field of science which concerns itself with how people think and feel
and how thoughts and feelings interact and lead to behavior.
12. What are the three psychological domains?(1-3) Affect, Behavior & Cognition
13. This domain pertains to people’s emotions and feelings Affect or Affective
14. This domain pertains to people’s actions-both observable (overt) or not readily
observable (covert) Behavior or Behavioral Domain ___.
15. This domain pertains to people’s thought processes and sexuality Cognition or
Cognitive Domain____.
16 Sociology.____ It is a field of science which concerns itself with the human person’s
realities and experiences as part of groups and institutions.
17 Awareness___ It is our conscious understanding of something.
18. True___ We live our lives in relation to others( true or false)
19. Human Relationship____It is a bond formed between two or more people manifested
through communication and interaction. These relationships may be in the form of family
friendships romantic friendships or others.
20. This process of knowing others and allowing others to know us is Intimacy____.
21. The process by which we learn cultural norms and traditions is referred to as
22. What is the ultimate goal of understanding the psychosocial aspects of our experiences?
___ well-being
23. Well-being____It is a state of satisfaction, meaning, and purpose.
24. What are the two sides to well-being? Objective and Subjective
25. Objective well-being___it is the kind of well-being which is observed, outward, and can
be evaluate through the presence or absence of particular element in our environment.
26. Subjective well-being ____Another side of well-being is our personal experience of
satisfaction meaning and purpose. It pertains to our own appreciation of how well we are.
27. What is the closest word also mean subjective to well-being? Happiness
28. What are the 5 dimensions of well-being?(1-5) Physical, Mental, Emotional, Material,
29. Physical_____ It is the dimension of well-being that involves physical/biological health.
30. Emotional_____It is the dimension of well-being that involves positive feelings, mood
31. Mental_____It is the dimension of well-being that involves clarity of mind, healthy
thought process.
32. Material_____It is the dimension of well-being that involves available and adequate
financial and other resources.
33. Social_____It is the dimension of well-being that involves healthy and positive
interaction and relationships with others.

Lesson 9: Love intimacy and Relationship

1. Love____a complex phenomenon characterized by an affective and cognitive inclination to

someone and a set of social behaviours geared towards cohesion.
2. Intimacy____the psychosocial component of love; knowing and being known by someone in
deeply personal levels; emotional closeness and connection. While Passion____ is the
emotive and physical component of love drives towards sexual and romantic attraction.
3. Commitment___decision to engage and maintain a loving relationship.
4. Relationship__it is a social bond between individuals manifested through communication in
other forms of interaction this bond may be biological or determined by social contacts such
as social consensus of laws.
5. Hegina 2015__who said that Filipinos were expressive of love among the Asia pacific
countries study How many times in a week does Filipino say "iloveyou?".
6. Robert Sternberg__He is a psychologist renowned for his theory of love cast in his 1986
paper: what does it mean to love someone? does it always mean the same thing, and if not
in what ways do loves differ from each other?
7. Love___is human experience differently defined and conceptualized.
8. Culture universal___is a phenomenon experienced similarly by people across time and
9. Love as culture universal___this means that human whether those who live in past or who
are living now and regardless of their geographic evolution and socio-cultural identities have
experienced love in one way or another.
10. Social phenomena___events or experience which ensure within our interaction in
relationship with other people.
11. Communication___the process of giving and receiving information between and among
12. Language__symbols that are culturally agreed upon as possessing certain meanings and that
are used by people to express certain realities in worldviews.
13. Love is viewed as a social phenomenon___ because it entails communication and it also
entails using language.
14. Emotions__are physiological response that we evaluate psychologically as we experience
particular life events.
15. Basic emotions___these are emotions such as joy sadness fear disgust and anger among
16. Complex emotions___these are emotions which are combination of basic emotions and
varying magnitudes are made intricate the circumstances surrounding the experience.
17. Every split of second information is being passed on within our nervous system_____-a
conglomerate of organs (including our brain or spinal cord and our nerves among others)
responsible for ability to process in transmit essential information among the many organs in
our body.
18. The information comes in the form of electric signal running along our neurons___ or (nerve
cell)which a movement is facilitated by neurotransmitter___( the variety of chemical found
in our nervous system).
19. The loving experience of love is associated with the activation of the ventral tegmental
area____ of our brain which is just right behind our left eye.
20. It is also associated with the increased amount in endorphins___(hormones believed to
provide you mans a good mood).
21. Psychodynamic theory is a collective term which pertains to the psychoanalytic tradition
forwarded by Sigmund Freud___ ( Viennese neurologist) as well as the succeeding theories
that support, redefined, or refute his propositions.
22. It means death thanatos___agressive behavior that hurt, manipulate or harm ourselves and
others might be viewed as influence by our death instinct____; it means life eros___desired
behavior that promote positive relationship woth others might be viewed as influence by
our life instinct____.
23. Unconscious__ province of our mind, which we are highly unaware of.
24. From conception to around six years old refers to as formative years____.
25. ___ It is our primary caregiver.
26. It refers to the kind of attachment psychic bond____ we have our primary caregiver.
27. Life energy__What do we mean by libido?
28. Object__a thing or a person towards who we transfer our psychic energies to ease pain or
achieve pleasure.
29. John Alan Lee__he is a Canadian, psychologist who suggested that there are different types
of love.
30. What are the primary(3) and secondary types(3) of love according to him? Eros (sexual and
romantic), Philia (Friendly) & Storage (Parental/Filial love)
Pragma (Practical love), Agape (Universal love) & Philautia (Self love)
31. Eros___sexual and romantic
32. Philia__friendly
33. Storage__parental/filial love
34. Pragma__practical love
35. Agape__universal love
36. Philautia___ self- love
37. Sternberg__Who proposed one of the most popular theories of love.
38. This theory looks at love from one psychometric stance which means that it is generally
concerned about trying to measure love as a psychological variable and in determining the
various dimensions in phases that love has experienced by people triangular model____.
39. According to Sternberg (1986) love has three interlocking dimension what are these?
Passion, Intimacy & Commitment
40. Infatuation__there is only passion but no other components. While if there is only
commitment it is called empty___
41. Companionate love__intimacy and commitment are present, passion is absent.
42. Ludic love/Fatuos love___passion and commitment are present, intimacy is absent.
43. Consummate love__ passion, intimacy, and commitment are present.
44. When there is passion and intimacy romantic love__love is formed.
45. Passion___refers to physical or emotional aspect.
46. Intimacy___ pertains to the psychological/relational aspect.
47. Commitment___pertains to the agency component that is the choice we make with regards
to engaging and maintaining the loving relationship, the combination of these dimension
yields a particular love type.
48. When there is only commitment there is empty___ love.
49. When there is passion and intimacy there is romantic__ love.
50. When there is passion and commitment there is ludic___ love .
51. Romantic__ is characterized by intense passion "a state of intense longing for union with
your partner".
52. Companionate___ is characterized by intense intimacy emotional which is also characteristic
of liking.
53. Gary Chapman___ a world renowned author suggested that people have various ways
through which we give and receive love he referred to these unique ways as love languages.
54. People whose love language is words of affirmation___ tend to verbally express their
thoughts and feelings of love towards the people they love.
55. Those whose love language is physical touch___ on the other hand express love nonverbally
through hugs, kisses, or simply a tap on the back.
56. They value proximity(what do you mean by proximity?nearness___) and yearns for physical
contact (not necessarily sexual in nature) with their partners.
57. Those whose love language is quality time___ tend to value quality moments with their
loved ones; they are much willing to create memories with the people they love.
58. Those whose love language is gifts__ want to show and receive affection through material
objects especially during special occasions.
59. Those whose love language is act of service___ are much willing to serve the other person
by helping her or him in things that they do.
60. The Greek philosopher Aristotle____ has been widely quoted as referring to humans as
social animals. This means that we survive thrive and flourish when we are together such
that relating to other human is not only a sentimental but also and evolutionary in a
practical process.
61. .Social connection___ is necessary for our growth as individuals in certain cases. It also
serves as a foundation for family life which then provides as humans a venue for nurturance
and care a platform where we can develop to our greatest potentials.
62. George Levinger__ Who postulated that there are stages that intimate relationship go
through? Also state the 5 stages.
63. Acquaintance__ Crucial in this stage is attraction

Three reasons why attraction takes place:

64. Propinquity or proximity__when we are physically closer to one another

65. Exposure__when due to proximity; there are repeated possibilities and interactions.
66. Similarity__when there is common preferences, interest and probably, beliefs and values.
67. Buildup___ this is the stage when two persons test their boundaries they test the waters
before engaging fully and so committed in the relationship.
68. Consolidation and Continuation__ this stage is when people commits to a long term
69. Decline or Deterioration__ Unfortunately some intimate relationship are unable to sustain
and maintain their commitments or attraction.
70. Infidelity__ the breach of loyalty and promises as agreed upon by both individuals (example
presence of a third party and marital affairs)
71. Irreconsilable differences__ which are already harming each individual and the partnership
as a whole.
72. Finally for those intimate relationship who are an able to address the cause and
circumstances leading to the deterioration of the relationship the stages cultimate into

LESSON 10: SEXUAL BEHAVIORS (sample questions)

1. Sexual behavior__ an action with sexual intention and context.
2. Erotic__ related to sexual stimulation; has something to do with erogenous zones.
3. Sexual response cycle__ sequence of events from arousal to orgasm to resolution of social
4. Sexual dysfunction__ a concern or problem in any of the phases of the phases of the sexual
response cycle(e.g. inability to have an erection or orgasm, painful intercourse)
5. Copulatory behavior__ related to insertion of the penis to the vagina.
6. Paraphilia__ arousal from non-living object and or non consenting persons.
7. Affect, Cognition & Behavior__ What are 3 primary components of psychology?
8. Affect__ A component of psychology that refers to emotion and feelings.
9. Cognition__ A component of psychology that refers to the thought process.
10. Behavior__ A component of psychology that refers to the action.
11. Motivation__ something that drives us to do something.
12. __ some psychologists believe that we behave as a response to stimuli(true or false). true
13. Sexual behavior__ are actions that humans agree to interpret as an expression of their
sexual motivations or intentions.
14. Sexual behavior such as masturbation of the stimulation of one’s own genitals can be
considered as auto-erotic__.
15. Homoerotic behaviors__ are sexual behaviours oriented to the same sex.
16. Heteroerotic behaviors__ are used to refer to sexual behavior oriented to the other sex.
17. Ventral-Ventral position (ventries:abdomen) & ventral-drosal position (dorsum:back) __ 2
positions in copulation
18. Copulation__ The insertion of penis to the vaginal orifice.
19. Fellatio__ oral stimulation of the penis.
20. Cunnilingus__ oral stimulation of the vagina.
21. Anal sex__ stimulation or penetration of the anal orifice.
22. For heterosexual couples one of the ultimate goals of the sexual act is Reprodeuction____.
23. This is made possible through the fertilization of the ovum by sprain which necessitates
ejaculation (___) release of the sperm from the human male and to the internal
reproductive system of the human female.
24. Before this ultimate process both the human male and female undergo a sequence of bodily
changes which prepare them for the sexual climax . This sequence of changes is referred to
as the Sexual response cycle___.
25. Master Johnson’s Model__ They proposed that there are four phases in the sexual response
26. This is the first phase in sexual response cycle Excitement__.
27. For the human male, the goal of this phase is erection __or tumescence the elongation and
stiffening of the penis) so that it can be efficiently inserted into the vagina.
28. At this phase some part of the scrotum starts to elevate and some parts of the skin reddens
a phenomenon referred to as a reddens___.
29. For human female the goal of this phase is lubrication ___(wetness of the vaginal orifice to
facilitate insertion of the penis).
30. Only in male heart rate increases during the excitement phase(true or false) false
31. Plateau__this phase is characterized by a sustained peak in stimulation of the organs.
32. Orgasm___represents the peak or sexual climax of excitement, though not all men and
women necessarily reach this stage.
33. Resolution __in this phase the male penis and its return to its normal and unerected phase
whereas the testes and scrotum descend and the human female the outer and inner
productive organs also relax.
34. He sees the sexual response cycle as having relatively independent stages.___ Kaplan’s
35. The 3 phases of the sexual response cycle according to Kaplan’s model.___ Desire, Arousal &
36. Desire__ is a psychological component of the sexual response that involves sexual thoughts
and feelings which are necessary for a satisfying sexual experience. However it does not
necessarily translate into action.
37. Arousal__ is the phase where the excitement and plateau as defined by Masters and
Johnson take place. It is the physiological component of the sexual response where in bodily
changes occur as an outcome of sexual stimulation. Just like desire it may not necessarily
translate into orgasm.
38. Orgasm__ In Kaplan’s model it is the completion of the sexual response.
Examples of sexual response dysfunction
39. Sexual desire disorder- when an individual has low levels of desire or has an aversion to
sexual activities;
40. Sexual arousal disorder__- when an individual has problems in achieving the necessary
physiological state for copulation (e.g. erectile dysfunction in males);
41. Orgasmic disoder__- when an individual has problems in achieving orgasm (e.g. premature
ejaculation among males; male and female orgasmic disorders); and
42. Sexual pain disorder__- when there is an experience of pain during the sexual response
cycle (e.g. painful erection or dyspareuinia, and vaginal spasms or vaginismus).
43. The origins of sexual dysfunction disorders are varied. It can be organic__ (problem with the
anatomy and physiology of the reproductive organ). It can also be psychosomatic __ ( a
psychological concern which manifests physically).
44. While there are typical sexual behavior among humans, there are also those behaviors that
are relatively atypical. They are atypical due to any of the following reasons except one:
(a) they are not prevalent,
(b) they are dangerous to self and to others,
(c) they are socially acceptable,
(d) they are distressing either to the doer or to other people involved in the act.
45. Paraphilia__ is when an individual gets sexually aroused by an object, a person, or a
circumstance that unusual (e.g. pain-inflicting, humiliating, non-consenting persons).
46. A Paraphilic Disorder__ is when the urge or act lasts for at least six months and is a
manifestation of clinically significant distress.
47. Exhibitionism__- pleasure from exposing one’s genitals to non consenting people;
48. Fetishism__- touching from non-living objects (e.g. shoes, socks, body parts);
49. Frotteurism__- touching or rubbing one’s body or genitals to non consenting people;
50. Pedophilia__- arousal from children (prepubescent)
51. Sexual masochism__- arousal from actual suffering or humiliation;
52. Sexual sadism__- arousal from actually inflicting pain to others;
53. Transvestic fetishism__- (for heterosexual males only) arousal from wearing clothing by the
opposite sex during sexual activities ; and

Voyeurism__- observing other people engaged in sexual activities.


1. Stereotypes __ are an “over- generalized belief about a particular group of people”
(Cardwell, 1996).
2. It can be helpful in simplifying things, after all, there 7.7 __ billion of people on the
3. A stereotype can be categorized as : explicit__ meaning the person is aware that
they have these thoughts towards a group of people and they can say it out loud.
4. Implicit___ wherein a person does not know if they have these since it lies in their
5. When the stereotype is explicit, a person cannot choose not to turn their stereotypes
into action.(true or false) false
6. While with an implicit stereotype, a person has no control or control or awareness of
it, and it may manifest into actions or behaviours. (true or false) true
7. Prejudice___ is an “unjustified or incorrect attitude (usually negative) towards an
individual based solely on the individual’s membership of a social group” (McLeod,
8. Prejudice___ represents our emotional response upon learning of a person’s
membership to a specific group (like age, skin color, race, disability, generation,
nationality, religion, sex, sexual expression, gender expression, and so on.
9. The negative attitude___ (prejudice) can be dangerous since it often leads to
negative action and behavior. For example, a sexist person is someone who has
negative attitude, towards the other sex and sees them as the lesser sex. This
negative, attitude could manifest into action such as bullying, discrimination or
10. Discrimination___ refers to action or behaviours towards an individual or a group of
11. According to the United Nations, “discriminatory behaviours take many forms, but
they all involve some form of exclusion or rejection.(true or false) true
12. People who are discriminated against are treated worse than the way people are
usually treated just because they belong to a certain group or they have certain
characteristics.(true or false) true
13. examples of discrimination: Genocide, Apartheid, Gender Discrimination & LGBT
14. Genocide___ is the action of recognizing someone as different so much that they
are treated inhumanly and degraded.
15. Apartheid___ (means separateness) is a form of racial discrimination wherein one is
viewed as less than the other, resulting in the separation of black and whites and the
mass murder of Jews in concentration camps.
16. Gender Discrimination___ is another common form of discrimination. Statistically,
women earn less than men and are often relegated to be solely responsible for child-
rearing and house chores.
17. LGBT Discrimination___ happen when LGBT people are treated as lesser than
straight people. .
18. Restricting opportunities or privileges that may be available to other groups is
discrimination___, like the right to vote in national elections.
19. In the Philippines, women only gained the right to vote in 1973 ___ and before that,
Filipino women had no legal rights even to own properties.
20. The form of institutional discrimination was based on illogical or irrational judgment
that women are weaker than men.(true or false) true
21. Article 1 Universal Declaration of Human Right ( UDHR)___ states that “all
human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights”.
22. This declaration was drafted by member countries of the United Nations, including
the Philippines in 1948 __.
23. Its preamble recognizes that the “inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable
rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice, and
peace in the world”.(true or false) true
24. Human race_______ is the key to making a safer and more inclusive environment
for everyone, regardless of race, sex, religion, sexuality, gender, or creed.

Lesson 12: LGBT Psychology

1. LGBT_____ an acronym used to refer to different genders.

2. Lebian_____ who are emotionally and sexually attracted to women.
3. gay_____ who are emotionally and sexually attracted to men.
4. Bisexual_____ who are emotionally and sexually attracted to men or
5. Transgender_____ different from your physical sex male and female.
6. Labels_____ are so powerful so it can be used to discriminate and oppress
7. Language_____ can be used to avoid offense or disadvantage to certain
groups of people
8. German Nazi______ used the word Aryan race_____ to mean superior
and Jews____ and Homosexual_______.
9. Sexual and emotional attraction_____towards the same sex has been
recorded throughout history of mankind.
10. In China______, they used the terms, Pleasures of the bitten_______
peach’ and brokeback ________.
11. In Japan, they have shudo____or nanshoku_____.
12. Kkathoey______ is used in Thailand to refer to lady boys.

13. In the Philippines we have the babaylan_____ and the catalonan_____who

were mostly women priests, but some are males who lived their lives as women.
14. Society attitude_______towards homosexuality and other gender
variants change through history.
15. In Ancient Greek_____, all males are expected to take on a younger
male lover in a practice called pederasty_____.
16. The indigenous Native Americans, accepted and celebrated what they called
“two-spirited_____ person in a dance to the berdache______.
17. Cultures see it as sin_____ following the Abrahamic Religion_____ which
branded it as sodomy, a crime against nature.
18. It enforced its belief system of viewing same sex marriage______as a sin
through violence such as killing homosexuals through burning _____, stoning
______, or being fed to the dogs______.
19. Homosexuality_______ was classified as an illness in the 19th ___ century as a
basis for them to legally persecute homosexuals, imprison, and commit them to a
mental institution.
20. Alan Turing_____ the father of modern computing, who was persecuted in 1952
____ for homosexual acts.
21. The APA ______removed homosexuality as a psychiatric disorder or a sickness
in 1973.
22. Queer_____ people who celebrate all gender identities.
23. The term homosexuality_______sounded too clinical and it no longer
adequately represents the diversity within the LGBT community.
24. Intersex______ people who were born with sex genitals or chromosomes
patterns that do not fit the typical male or female body.
25. Asexual______ people who do not feel sexual attraction to anyone, but it does
not mean that they do not engage in romantic or sexual relationships.
26. Plus+ _______ the plus sign refers to all sexualities that do not fit in the LGBTQI
27. Androgynous_______ people whose gender expressions (their physical
appearance) may or may not be distinctly male or female.
28. Gender_______ internal sense of being masculine or feminine or neither.
29. Gender Indentity_______ how you feel, man, women, or neither
30. Gender Expression_______ how you express your sense of being male or
female or neither, maybe through hairstyle, clothes, etc.

31. Sexual Orientation________ emotional and sexual attraction to a person.

32. Sex assigned at birth________ given sex when were born based on your sex

33. Cisgender________ gender identity matches with the sex you are assigned at

34. Non-Binary_______ people who do not feel like a boy or a girl.

35. Parents_______ unknowingly set up a gender-based pattern of raising the

children upon knowing the biological sex of their babies.

36. Transgender_______ person does not feel a comfortable in their biological sex
like a person who is born male but feel like a female, and a person who is born
female may feel like he is a male.

37. Transexuals_______ is often used in the medical field to refer to people

whose gender identity is different from their biological sex and they may want to
change their body.

38. FTM_______ a person whose biological sex is female and has

transitioned to living his life as a male.

39. MTF______ a person whose biological sex is male and has

transitioned to living her life as a female.

40.Crossdressing______ the opposite gender from time to time,

however, unlike the transsexual, they are comfortable identifying with
their biological sex.
41. Drag Queen or King ______ who dress as the opposite gender for
entertainment which they do out of passion or for work.

42. Gender Queer______ are people who feel like their gender does not
fit the gender binary view that is limited to the male or female category
because they feel that these too restrictive.

43. Psychologists______ can guide the person through the transition

especially when a person wants to go through permanent changes like
sex reassignment surgery.

44. Transitioning ______ to another gender is a very challenging

process for many transgender people because of the social
stigma_______, discrimination________, medical cost________,
accessibility of medical treatment _______________ and support
_____, oppressive laws in each country_______________, and the
treatment of violence from prejudiced people______________.
45. This recognition________is a product of decades of collective effort
of the transgender community and the LGBTQ+ community.

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