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Constitutions help us in many ways in terms of the law that the government and even the people of a

particular country have followed this will reign to solve the different issues of the country and based
on my observation every constitution that is made depends on different narrative or because of
particular events that happened like example the Malolos constitution which is rooted in American
soil and this constitution is all about the rights of the national and individual person, protection from
the abuses and through this law, some special people have different responsibilities that make the
government function and improve the country in many ways. The 1935 constitution which is made
because the Philippines was an independent country after being colonized by the American
government. Next is the 1945 constitution was made because of World War II the Japanese
government is the next and last country that colonize the Philippines. They change the 1935
constitution and make 1945 that served the system followed by the government and its community
but after colonialism, the Philippines get their full freedom from the different countries who claimed
their land and abuses their people, resources, and a lot more, and because of this freedom the 1935
constitution comeback as the system that operates the country. In 1947 the declaration of American
Citizens gave the philippine’s citizens equal rights of developing natural resources and having public
utilities. In 1973 constitution is one of the constitutions that will never forget by every Filipino
because this constitution is the declaration of martial law in which the military have the power to do
anyone if they did not follow the rules that affect the lives of some Filipinos. They have been killed,
abused, and tortured which is said in some of the stories of anyone but in others, martial gives
disciplined to Filipinos on how to be a good citizen, and also this gives peace even at night because it
gives protection and security to everyone. The 1973 constitution is one of the reasons why 1987 is
produced. People fight for democracy through the hardship of martial law that brings to the lives of
many people, people unite with each other to overthrow the way Marcos governs the country which
leads by cory Aquino and succeed to replace it. 1987 constitution became the symbol of true
democracy because of the way people give all their effort into it. We can say that there is no perfect
kind of government but those imperfections of every constitution lead the system to change and
make it better because we also learn from those mistakes. We can say that constitutions have their
reason why they were created and this is always beneficial to the community and even the country to
improve. The charter change will gonna be a good thing to change the system and solve the other
issue that the constitution gives a reason why some issues are never solved because of the ongoing
system giving borders to it. So constitution is like our heart that makes us function and lives in this

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