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First year B. Tech Student

Computer Science and Engineering

Vellore Institute of Technology

Academic Details
Year Degree Institute Percentage/CGPA
2019 Class XII-CBSE Chaitanya 82.2%
2017 Class X-ICSE DBMS 93%
2022 UG-2023 VIT 81%

To pursue under graduate studies in computer science and engineering,
leading to a career in research. I am interested in computer technologies and
its opportunities with its overwhelming vision towards development of

Major Projects
 Hospital Management worksheet and software using Data structures,
Java programming and some other fundamental programming surfaces.
It was termed as a pioneering task by one of our professors for its
exhilarating flow of interface and an adequate workspace.

 District Collector Report registering Website Html, CSS, Js, MongoDB.

This website kept track of citizens who are registering complaints to the
state DC. It had several types according to which the complaint type was
divided and the customer had to choose between the appropriate
complaint type and register the complaint. This is a database heavy
website where the database was important to manage and sort it
according to the priority. 

 Company Dashboard for various functionalities including To-Do List- I

did a project where I build a faux company dashboard that consisted of
the following functionalities – To Do List, Employee growth statistics and
efficiency, Report generation of an employee, Job Switch within
company. The dashboard built for job switching supports shortlisting
jobs, filtering jobs by necessary filters and descriptions and finally filling
forms based on vacancies. The website/dashboard also had contact
details and live replying facilities so that any complications can be
reported directly through E-mail and other contact details of Hr and
manager. I built this software using a no coding website Web flow for
experience of how these no coding websites work.

 Movie Review Website- I’ve built a movie review website using React
and Node Js. It had a basic interface with functionalities like – movie
filtering, giving reviews, submitting new movies to the admin for its
advertisement, Task-based rewards for using the website. The website
had all the basic features of popular websites like Rotten Tomatoes and
IMDB but the additional features that I’ve included were submitting
Indie movies for Indie filmmakers and creators to spread their creation.
The other was reward-based system. A user with first 50 reviews will get
a reward for his time on the platform. Other features included a
discussion forum and parental lock on movie browsing.

Other Non-Domain Projects

 Temperature Estimator - With Temperature Sensors and cohering to IBM
Technology I made a Temperature estimator featurette with capability of
sensing all kinds of anomalies in weather.
 Assistance stick for the visually impaired- This project was build using
Arduino and Arduino based sensor modules. The modules used were-
Ultrasonic sensor, Water sensor, Temperature sensor, Air pressure sensor
and alarm sensor. This system could detect almost any weather and
hurdles. 

Scholastic Achievements
 In class X, I won a quiz competition and stood first.

 Participated in a debate competition and stood 3rd.

 Stood 5th in an Inter school writing competition.

 Won the best orator in an inter house elocution contest.

 Won an award for charity work and gathering donation for

Humanities club.
 Awarded with Regional and cultural Arts and poetry Award during my
third grade for an acoustic poetry narrated and written by me in the
 ICSE school merit Certificate and Award for getting 90% in more than
four subjects in boards exam.


 IBM DEV organized by IEEE SPS chapter from VIT.

Relevant Courses
 Computer Science: Data Structures and Algorithm, Computer
Architecture, Computer Networks and Programming Languages
 Mathematics: Calculus, Discreet mathematics, Statistics

Computer Skills
 Programming Languages: Java, C/C++ and Python, Html, CSS, Js, React,
Assembly Language
 Software Packages: MATLAB, R code, Jupyter
 Platforms: Windows, Linux/Ubuntu

Languages spoken and accustomed to-
• English
• Hindi
• Bengali
• Greek

Co-Curricular Activities
 Positioned as a key member in VIT FILM SOCIETY as a Script writer.
 Debate 
 Cricket and Football in sports
 An avid literature reader. My reading routine includes- Greek,
German, Russian, Spanish, French and English Literature including
plays and novels.
 Writer

Position of Responsibility
 VFS club representor as an administrator.
 Quiz Administrator at Inter School level

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