Garbage Informacion

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Garbage is one of the great problems of society due to changes in habit in its
consumption, because of this, society has ceased to take importance

The objective of this theme is to raise awareness of the importance of sustainable
development according to garbage

Garbage is everything physical considered as waste and that needs to be eliminated.
Garbage is a product of human activities that is considered to have a value equal to
zero due to its disposition, it does not necessarily have to be smelly, disgusting and
undesirable, that depends on its origin and composition.

It is normally placed in predestined locations for the collection to be funneled to

landfills or landfills, landfills, or elsewhere. Currently, this term is used to refer to that
fraction of waste that is not usable and therefore must be treated and disposed of to
avoid health or environmental problems.

how does it affect us?

As you can see, our school has green areas and if the weeds affect is, why can it cause
many diseases, bad smell, animals, that feed in the Garbage may arribe, so teachers
and students look bad

In teams we elaborate some proposals for the care of the school according to the
garbage, these are the following
1. Reduce the consumption of plastics
2. Avoid watering
3. Avoid throwing garbage in the corridors or corridors
4. Recycle plastic cups
5. Do not throw garbage in the classrooms
6. Reuse your white sheets
These are some penalties that can be applied for students who litter in inappropriate
1. Whoever is seen throwing garbage who collects garbage two or three days a
2. Pay a fine of 5 pesos who is seen throwing garbage
3. If they are seen littering they will have to clean the area where they threw the
4. They will have to pick up the garbage thrown from the school
5. Whoever is seen throwing garbage in non-corresponding places to collect
garbage from the salon

In conclusion, garbage is an element that we must take into account, its importance
and the consequences that it brings when not handling it correctly, and that apart from
affecting the land, it also affects our school

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