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Construction Law DDIT-CoTM

Dire Dawa Institute of Technology Questions

Department of Construction Technology and Management 1. What possible environmental law principles are reflected in the
Course Title Construction Law above case? Write step orderly if any course of action should have
Course Code CoTM 4241 been followed or going to be followed and the possible remedies that
Assessment Type Home Take Model Examination/Worksheet can be sought?
Case One (Environmental) 2. The community lately agreed to bring the case to a court against the
A Turkish company has planted a mining industry in Dire Dawa after an company. As an advocate of environmental law, how would you
international call for foreign investors made by Ethiopian Government. advise them?
The mining industry employs a very old Italy made machines which are Case Two (Environmental)
not environmental friendly, and naturally the raw materials in the area Society of Chemical Manufacturers Association, SOCMA, is an Israeli
have more toxic organs. Hence, it emits huge amount of Carbon based manufacturer and supplier of specialty dangerous chemicals and
Monoxide to the atmosphere and leaks toxic liquid sediment to nearby radioactive elements that have industrial applicability in different sectors.
Lega Oda stream. The radioactive elements are specially used in detecting different signals
The community around the plant is suffering from skin and respiratory from the distance and they are employed to control aviation traffic by
organs diseases. The government, considering the problem, plans to showing the distance and direction of planes. Different chemicals
relocate the people to other region. However, the community firmly manufactured by SOCMA are used in the production of explosives in the
objects the government plan for the land and its territory is their ancestral military field. As such the association has received orders from the
land which they do not want to relinquish in lieu of development. On the Ethiopian Air lines and from the Ministry of Defense for the importation
other hand, the company has established infrastructure such as road, of these radioactive elements and dangerous chemicals respectively.
elementary school, clinic and sewerage and creates job opportunity for With a view to expand its flight horizon worldwide, the Ethiopian Air
most members of the community. The government plans to take another Lines has a plan to construct three new international air ports at Mekele,
action – to close the industry while the company is promising the Jijiga, and Bahir Dar. So, the agreement between SOCMA and the
community to pay some amount of money. The community decides to die Ethiopian Air lines is to transport and install the radioactive elements in
with the company before the government closes it. these cities so as to facilitate flights to different parts of the world. The

1 Compiled By: Tewodros G. [MSc.]

Construction Law DDIT-CoTM

lawyer of SOCMA was so conscious that the production and distribution Being aware of these facts, a consortium of environmental clubs from
of radioactive elements are banned and subject to serious restrictions on a Mekele, Bahirdar and Jijiga University students are preparing to file a case
treaty signed at Rio. He checked different legal instruments and found before the court.
that Ethiopia is also acceding to this treaty. But the good news to the Questions
lawyer was that none of the environmental legislations in all regional 1. Does the consortium of environmental clubs from the three
states prohibit the use and importation to the regions of radioactive universities have the standing /vested interest/ to take the matter
elements. before the court?
Using this loophole, the agent of the company in Addis Ababa concludes 2. Assuming that they have the vested interest; can they represent the
an agreement with Mart Importer. The importer agreed to import the rights of future generations in this regard?
radioactive elements cautiously and to deliver them in the above 3. On whom the civil liability falls in this particular case? Clearly explain
mentioned three cities but demanded huge sum of money since the the kind of civil remedy that you may award victims at Bahir Dar,
importation of the elements are dangerous. The radioactive elements were Mekele, and Jijiga.
successfully delivered and the aviation terminals were built at Makele and 4. Is it possible to institute a criminal action? If yes, against whom, on
Jijiga. But the surrounding community complained about the construction what grounds and what will be the extent of the liability?
of the air ports. Five pregnant women soon died and new born children in 5. Can the victims in all cities bring action on private nuisance?
these cities were found to be physically disabled because of rays from the Why/why not?
radioactive elements in the terminal. Case Three (Land Law)
Two buildings in each city were cracked and demolished because of the On January 2nd 2015,Dire Dawa city administration has announced in
high vibration and sound from the air ports. Five individuals that faced Dire TV documentary program that in order to met the objectives of
hearing problem by this similar reason have spent five thousand birr for growth and transformation of the country, the city will undertake some
medical expense. The process of delivery at Bahir Dar was much worse measures of displacement and relocation of people from some locality of
that these radioactive elements have contaminated part of lake Tana and a the town such as Gendekore and Kezira. Exactly after two months, a letter
mechanized sugar cane farm owned by Midroc. of expropriation has been sent to some residents of Gondekore and Kezira
including Ato Komche Kifle, an owner of villa with three rooms fallen in

2 Compiled By: Tewodros G. [MSc.]

Construction Law DDIT-CoTM

450m2 in Gendekore near Smarat hotel, W/ro Tejitu Getu,an owner of a commence construction of the building within two months. One of the
house with two rooms fallen in 400m2 in kezira near Mekonen bar, Ato investor Ato shenkute, after the building site is dug, reinforcement
Haile weregna ,an owner of a house of four rooms fallen in 550 m2 in concrete filled, its floor completed, an incidental force majure interrupts
Number one near Dire Dawa High court, and Mr.Shaf Redi for his the construction process which will postponed the completion of the
dwelling villa fallen in 500m2 in Kezira. Accordingly, the letter states that building beyond five years.
on April 2, 2015, these persons and other displaced persons will receive Questions
their replacement land a size of 250m2 for construction of dwelling house A) How can you challenge the legitimacy of expropriation decision,
in accordance with land distribution rule of the town on the way to process and compensation process against urban dwellers including
Melkajabdu, four kilometer away from the center, which lacks adequate the resident house owned by the company?
water, road and electricity. Moreover, it stated that they will be vacated on B) Advice Ato Shenkute based on the new land leas proclamation as to
May 17, 2015 and paid adequate compensation for the houses only the effect of the violation of the contract with administration and
because the administration has not adequate finance to give compensation what is expected from the investor
for the improvement made which will be determined by the committee of Case Four (Contract Different Case Problems)
five persons with necessary qualification established by the administration. Instruction
On May 2, 2015, when members of the committee are visiting the house  You are expected to discuss in detail every question & to give reasons
of Mr Shafi Redi to determine the amount of compensation, disagreement for your analysis or arguments or decision or award, as the case may
appeared on the amount of compensation whereby the committee said be, either from the applicable contract clauses and/or the articles of
that the value will be calculated at the time of construction of the house. the MDB FIDIC Version 2006, PPA 2011 & any other relevant &
The administration, as per the plan and the new land lease proclamation, valuable reference materials.
has started redistributing the land in kezira and Gendekore by lease for  Do not assume or add extra facts except to attempt the examination
investment of hotel and restaurants before evacuation process was question on given facts.
finalized by 50 birr for one m2 for fifty and ninety-nine years. Based on Problem 1 Price Escalation
the agreement, the investors have agreed to build five star hotels in Kezira Does the client have the right not to pay the price escalation on some
and Gende Kore within three years starting from lease contract. And will items (like fuel) unit Price that already exists on the contract agreement?

3 Compiled By: Tewodros G. [MSc.]

Construction Law DDIT-CoTM

For what reason? How long can the Payment Be delayed after it has been He claims extension of time and financial compensation for his idleness.
invoiced if the client does pay it . Should he be entitled to compensation for such Force majeure?
Problem 2 Engineer’s Authority in Payments In the case of Force Majeure or events beyond the control of the parties,
What is the engineer’s Power in respect to payments? What is the the contractor is always granted an extension of time. Is the client
situation if the client disagrees with a payment that has been certified by responsible for the additional costs incurred by the contractor?
the engineer? Problem 5 Failure to Pay Interim Certificate
Problem 3 Contract Commencement The Client does not have sufficient funds to pay the contractor. The
The Contract requires the contractor to start work within 30 days of contractor should be Paid interest for delayed payments. Does the
being given possession of site. The Contractor starts within 7 days after contractor have the right to terminate the contract if he is not paid? If he
getting approval from the client and the engineer. The Client thinks that can, can he also claim costs other than interest?
the commencement date should be the date that the contractor actually Problem 6 Flood Damage
commenced but the contractor says that the date should be 30 days after The contractor was carrying out the construction of a bridge. He was
getting possession of site and that the 23 days should not be deducted ready to pour concrete for the super structure when a flash flood
from the time for completion. What is the correct decision? If the destroyed form work, reinforcement and temporary works.
contractor is correct, who pays for supervision costs for the 23 days? The Contractor has claimed an extension of time and the costs of making
Problem 4 Wet Weather Delay good the damage is the contractor entitled to both an extension of time
The contract requires completion of the works within the time for and financial compensation?
completion. The contractor is unable to carry out major works during the There was no rain fall in the vicinity of the site. The flood was the result t
normal rainy season and is restricted to minor works such as pipe of high rain fall in the highlands, which are far away from the site. The
production. The contractor claims an extension of time for the rainy flooding occurred outside the normal rain season.
season. Should he be granted an extension of time? Problem 7 Large Increase in Quantities
The contractor’s work is interrupted owing to adverse climatic conditions During construction the quantities of some items such as borrow
/ unexpected rain fall. materials were found to be much greater than in the Bill of Quantities.

4 Compiled By: Tewodros G. [MSc.]

Construction Law DDIT-CoTM

Can the contractor granted an Extension of time because of the higher Problem 11 Shortage of Cement 1
quantities of he makes a claim? The contractor claims an extension of time and associated costs on the
Problem 8 Delay in providing Drawings basis that he is unable to obtain cement necessary to carry out work in
The contractor requested drawings for the drainage structures. The accordance with his approved program. Is the contractor’s claim
designs are held at the engineer’s head office and the engineer is not able acceptable?
to supply the drawings on time to the contractor at site. Who is Problem 12 Shortage of Cement 2
responsible for the delay, the client or the engineer? To what extent? The contractor is complaining and claiming for the shortage of cement.
Problem 9 Lack of Drawing Once the government allowed for the importation of cement, the supply
situation on the market has improved. But the main cement supply
The Client is un able to provide drawings for a small bridge because
factories from which the Contractor intended to by cement are still unable
either they have been misplaced or the design consultant did not provide cope up with the demand. So the Contractor is complaining that he is
them at the design stage. When the engineer realized that he did not have forced to buy cement on the market at higher price than the price those
factories would have supplied.
the drawings he asked the client to provide them. The client said that he
Moreover, they are claiming for work interrupted and delayed due to a
didn’t have them and instructed the engineer to design the bridge and “Shortage“ from a supplier and not from the market. The project of our
provide details to the contractor as part of his design review. The engineer discussion is administered by FIDUC condition of contract. The
Contract provides for the Price adjustment of fuel, bitumen and re-bar
advised the client that this was not his responsibility. The construction of
and not cement. Please can I have your view on this matter.
the bridge was delayed as a result. Who is responsible for the contractor’s Problem 13 Terrorist Activity
claim? This query concerns security problems doing the project route. There has
Problem 10 Right of way been a ‘terrorist‘ attack and abduction some 70 km from the project end
The Contractor has requested an extension of time and additional point. The town has experienced a number of bombing incidents. The
payment because of a Row problem in the middle of the length or road. contractor is highly concerned about the security problem. To date there
The program shows that the section should be constructed in period for are no actual incidents of any terrorist attack on either the Contractor’s
which an extension to time is claimed. The contractor could utilize his expatriate staff or the local staff. But he is complaining that he has to
resources to construct the rest of the road apart from the problem suspend work early in the day for fear of a ‘terrorist attack ‘incident. Is the
section. Is the contractor’s claim acceptable? contractor’s action warranted in light of the contractual provisions?

5 Compiled By: Tewodros G. [MSc.]

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