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1. Test website's loading speed using tools like Google PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix to
identify areas for improvement.
2. Check website's caching settings and make sure they are optimized for your website's
content and user traffic.
3. Optimize website's images, including compressing them and reducing their file size.
4. Check for broken links and fix them to avoid slow loading times and negative user
5. Ensure website is mobile-friendly and responsive, as this is now a key factor in search engine
6. Minimize HTTP requests by combining files like CSS and JavaScript.
7. Optimize website's code by removing unnecessary elements, compressing your code, and
using efficient coding techniques.
8. Implement a Content Delivery Network (CDN) to improve the delivery of your website's
content to users around the world.
9. Review website's hosting provider and server resources to ensure they meet your website's
10. Use a caching plugin or tool to help speed up your website's loading times.
11. Review website's plugins and remove any that are unnecessary or slowing down your
12. Monitor website's performance regularly using tools like Google Analytics to identify areas
for improvement.

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