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July 2022

Jumma Too close to Eid!

Mubarak! 2 3
1 Write your
about this month Lazy day!
Waqf al
4 5
8 Eid al Adha!

6 7

Draw a Picture
Hug a
member of
11 12 13
of your favorite
your family
National Ice
14 15
Cream Day 18 20
16 Read a book
the USA

19 World

about your
favorite pet
21 22 23
Bake cookies
with your parent
International Day
First day of the
last week

28 of Friendship 31
26 27 Write a journal
about this month
29 30 Choose a book to
read next month
July 2022 • Issue 16
Atlasia Kids™ (ISSN 2766-7545) is published
monthly by Paramus Publishing Inc., 335 Clifton
Avenue, Clifton, NJ 07011, USA. Periodicals
postage paid at Paterson, NJ 07510 and
additional mailing offices. USPS# 024-800.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Atlasia
Kids Magazine, 335 Clifton Ave., Clifton, NJ 07011.

Atlasia Team
Editor-in-Chief: Hasan Ahmet Gokce, MA, MEd, PhD
Senior Editor: Sumeyra Ozcan, BA, BLib, MPub
Associate Editors: Zainab Sana Noor, Betty Oz,
Sarah Bayza, Jasmine Baten
Educational Consultant: Emma Malik, MEd
Copy Editor: Maya Salem
Graphic Design: BAY Design
Hello, Atlasians!
Rights and Permissions: Ahmed Guray How lucky we are that our Lord has given us
Jummah, a "Friday Holiday", that we can celebrate
Social Media: Safiyya Jeenah
Digital and Audio Production: Gurhan Gulcan
Marketing Coordinator: Mauree Akhi every week. More than 50 holidays in a year? Wow!
Contact & Subscriptions: On top of these, we have two big holidays that we
To order, make a payment, change your address,
or for other customer services,
celebrate throughout the year. There is another
please contact us: Online: one of them knocking on our door this month. Eid
• Email: • Call: +1 (201)
554-1020 • Write to: 2 University Plz Ste 100,
Hackensack, NJ 07601-6210.
This year, something amazing has happened. The day of
Subscriptions: US & Canada $59.95 • UK & Arafah coincides with Friday, or Jummah Day! Do you know
Europe $69.95 • Australia $69.95 • Africa $59.95 what happens on the day of Arafah? Thousands, tens of
Institutional $49.95 • Bulk rates for schools
available. • Prices may be subject to taxes and thousands of Muslims will gather on Mount Arafat and
shipping rates. pray all day. Everyone will meet in the same place under
©Atlasia Kids magazine is a trademark of the same conditions, regardless of their background, age,
Atlasia, 2022. All rights reserved, including the gender, or skin color. It is just like our Prophet said in his
right of reproduction in whole or in part, in any form.
farewell sermon more than 1400 years ago.
Designed for classroom and home use. Address
manuscripts and other editorial contributions to In this issue, our friend Chick wants to tell you more about
the editors. Include a self-addressed stamped
envelope for our reply only; manuscripts will not
this unique and wonderful day. Spi isn’t too happy about
be returned. All letters and competition entries it, but don’t worry. He’ll appreciate the stories and the
are assumed for publication and become the
property of Atlasia. Authors are responsible
blessings that come from knowing Islamic history when
for all statements made in their work. No part Chick tells him all about it. Go to Page 28 to hear what our
of this magazine may be used or reproduced
without prior written permission of the
teacher Chick has to say.
publisher. For information regarding our privacy
policy and compliance with the Children’s This month, we have stories for you to read, but also a
Online Privacy Protection Act, please visit our game for you to make your own story. Head to the last
website or write to us.
page of your magazine and play the storytelling game with
Think Green! family or friends.
Save this issue to reread, or pass it along to a
friend, classroom, or library. If it’s too worn to be
read anymore, please recycle it.
All right, Atlasians. Time to start exploring!
What’s in
Folk Tale from Germany
Everyone has different skills. The
Diary of Layla
Layla learns about her new friend
and celebrates Eid without some
of her family members who are
hare forgot that being fast isn’t the
performing Hajj.
only talent someone can have, but the
hedgehog has a plan!

The History of Hajj

Chick is teaching Spi about the history of
Hajj. Spi doesn’t want to stay and listen, but
Have You Heard?
the stories are so important and interesting
A garden on the moon and good news
that he can’t help but want to know more!
for the animals? Read all about it!
Atlasia Toolbox

Write Do Enjoy Website

Take a
Draw Listen photo/ Act Send
nside me?
The Life of Our Prophet
As Mecca became more dangerous, a
Take some inspiration and run
with it! Tell us your best monster
small group of Muslims fled to Abyssinia, story with this imaginative game.
where a kind Christian king said that he
would keep the Muslims safe.



Backpack has gone to a country

Checklist Crack a

to see some incredible animals

up close on a safari and explore What If
incredible bodies of water. Can you
guess where he went?
NINETY- NI NE By Yasmin Ayub Art by Sepideh Baratian

Al- wahhab
The Giver of Gifts

orize and r

Let's m

ite this poe

‘Twas the night before Eid,
The planning had begun,

Presents stacked and piled high,


Each gift wrapped neatly,

With a perfect, shiny bow.
To express to others our love,
And to help it grow.

But what about the gifts

That are impossible to count,
Pouring from the Heavens,
In an endless amount?

My healthy body and mind,

That can see, touch, and feel.
A loving family, a warm house,
And clean water with every meal.

My special skills and talents

That help me stand out in the crowd.
The faith in my heart
That makes me feel safe and proud.

Countless gifts in nature,

That we fail to recognize.
Beautiful creations all around us,
Giving a glimpse of paradise.

God’s gifts are not wrapped in paper,

Nor with a shiny bow.
But they remind us that Allah loves us,
More than we can ever know.

So be grateful for these blessings,

And share them with family and friends,
Because Allah is Al-Wahhab, the Giver of Gifts,
Whose generosity never ends.

NPAT By Maya Salem

Prophets Pomegranate
Paradise Al-An'am, 141
Ghafir, 78
Al-Baqarah, 82 One on the outside, a thousand,
Prophets spread the
and one on the inside–what
message to people in their Have you ever imagined what is this? A pomegranate!
communities, oftentimes Paradise would look like? It Pomegranates are red fruit with
facing great hardship. Some will be much more beautiful a tough rind and many seeds.
prophets are mentioned in the than the Earth and everything The seeds grow in bunches, so
Quran, such as Musa (as) and in the universe. In the Quran, it can be fun to separate them
Muhammad (pbuh). But Allah Paradise is described as a when opening the fruit. Each
also tells us that there are garden where everyone is seed is encased in juicy pulp,
many more prophets that do healthy and happy, surrounded making pomegranates delicious
not appear in the Quran. We by their loved one. Allah tells all to eat. This fruit is one of the
get to learn from the stories the believers that whoever does many fruits mentioned in the
of the prophets and their good deeds on Earth will stay in Quran.
actions when overcoming Paradise after this world.

There are plenty of precious things in the Quran
that start with the letter “P.” What is your favo
fruit? How about
researching wh
it is mentioned
in the
Quran? Share w
ith us
Prayer if you can find it
the Quran!

Al-Baqarah, 153

Luqman, 27

Prayer is an important and
beautiful part of Muslim life. We
In the Quran, Allah declares that if remember being thankful when
we pray to Allah (swt) for our

all of the trees on the Earth were

pens and all of the oceans were lives and for all the blessings.
made of ink, they would not be We ask all we need from Him.
able to write down all of Allah’s Muslims perform prayers five
goodness. This verse from the times a day and make dua
Quran says that the signs of Allah’s (prayer) anytime they want.
greatness are too numerous to What do you want to ask for?

count. One gift from Allah (swt)
is the pen, which allows us to
write down the knowledge we are
blessed with. What is your favorite
thing to write about?

P BUH By Emma Malik Art by Karen Tuba

As Mecca became more dangerous, some Muslims

were getting ready to escape to Abyssinia.

Letter to Negus
As life was getting more and more difficult for the Muslims
in Mecca, the Prophet urged some of his people to go to
Abyssinia so that they could be safe. Ashama, who was the
Negus (king) of Ethiopia, was a Christian. He was known to
be a just ruler. The Messenger of Allah wrote a letter asking
Negus to protect Jaafar ibn Abi Talib and his friends. Negus
responded positively to the invitation and said that he would
protect the Muslims who would come to his country.



Messengers and Negus

The small band of Muslims arrived in Abyssinia, where Negus was true
to his word. The Muslims were allowed to pray and recite the Quran
comfortably and safely. One day, a man from the Quraysh came to
Abyssinia and tried to convince Negus to give the Muslims back to the
Meccans. He said that the Muslims were troublemakers, and that they
would disrupt the peace in Abyssinia. But Negus refused to give the
believers to the Meccans and declared they were under his protection.
Jaafar ibn Abi Talib The Splitting of
the Moon Miracle
The men from Mecca insisted on
taking the Muslims back to Mecca.
One evening, non-believers
Negus asked whether the Muslims
challenged the Prophet to work a
had killed anyone or committed
miracle for them. Their intention
any crime. The Meccans could
was to put him in a difficult
not lie. They answered “No,” but
situation. It was a clear sky and
they complained that the Muslims
the moon was shining brightly.
stopped worshiping idols and
The Prophet rose up and
started to follow Muhammad .
pointed to the moon, which, with
Negus asked about the new religion
Allah’s permission, split into two
and the Prophet. Jaafar read the
halves and then became one
verses from Surah Maryam. Negus
whole again. Non-believers were
was surprised to hear how similar
perplexed, but they still did not
the verses sounded to what
believe. They said it was magic.
Prophet Isa taught.

To be continued...
Happy News from Abyssinia
The Muslims in Abyssinia flourished. They started to have larger
families, creating a growing new Muslim generation in Abyssinia. While
many Muslims settled down in the security of Abyssinia, Islam was
spreading everywhere by word of mouth. People now heard that the
last prophet, named Muhammad, had come and was living in Mecca.




When you’re on
vacation, which
tourist activity is most
interesting to you?

Going to a Exploring the

cultural center nature around you

Which trip is more

fun for you?

When there are When many family

only a few people members and
Which one friends come
sounds better?

Visiting historical Seeing famous

buildings paintings

What weather do
you prefer?

Warm Cold

Which activity is
your favorite to What music do
do with your loved you prefer to listen
ones? to while traveling?

Eating food Taking photos Classical music Upbeat songs

Which one do you

find most interesting
When eating, what when you travel?
do you prefer?
Learning about Seeing the natural
different cultures landscapes
Sticking to flavors
Trying new things
I’ve had before

This country, with its phenomenal fjords, Get ready for a country with so many
lakes and magical skies, will take your different things, from bustling cities to
breath away. While visiting the perfect famous mountains. While you’re there,
places in Norway, you should definitely try see if you can do a photo shoot with the
to see the Northern Lights. Japanese cherry blossoms. You won’t be
able to get enough of their beauty!


You should go to Italy to see Venice, When you see the nature of the
Colosseum, La Fontana di Trevi, and Philippines, you won’t believe that
more! You’ll have the best pizza and you’re still on Earth. The culture is rich
spaghetti there. and beautiful, and everywhere you
look there is natural beauty.

Hare and


One lovely day, Franz decided to check out the turnips

in the nearby garden. Franz was a sweet hedgehog who
loved to make new friends. After telling his family where
he was going, Franz happily set off on the path. Just as
Franz entered the garden, he spotted Jules, the hare.
"Good morning, Jules!" Franz greeted the hare. “Isn’t it a
wonderful day?”
Jules nodded at Franz but didn't say anything. Jules felt
that hares were too good to talk to hedgehogs. Instead of
wishing Franz a good morning, Jules asked, "What are
you doing here so early?"
"I am out for a walk," Franz responded politely, "And
checking on my turnips!"
"Good luck walking on those stumps," laughed Jules.
That hurt Franz's feelings. He couldn't help that his legs
were short and crooked. And he always thought that he
got around just fine.
"Are you saying that your legs are better than mine?"
"You're a genius!" snarked Jules.
Franz felt angry. Jules was being so rude! "I challenge
you to a race!"
"Your legs against mine? Let's go!" Jules laughed.
"Not right now," Franz said, "I have to have my lunch
Franz ran home and found his twin sister, Pina.
"Pina! I need you to help me teach the mean
rabbit a lesson!"
"What do you need?" Pina knew how
unkind Jules could be.

"I need you to stay at one end of the track, and when
you see the hare coming, pop your head up and say, 'I'm
already here!' Can you do that?"
"Of course, I can!" Pina promised, "This will be fun."
Off they went!
Jules was waiting impatiently.
"Finally!" The hare and the hedgehog got into position.
"Go!" yelled Jules. She ran off like a shot, leaving Franz far
Jules ran, not even bothering to look over her shoulder. In no
time, she was at the end of the track.
But she didn’t know about the hedgehogs’ plan. When Jules
looked up, she was shocked.
"I'm already here!" cheered the hedgehog at the end of the
"What? No!" Jules fumed. "Fine, we race back! Go!" She
spun around and started to sprint the other way.
Jules charged along the track. As she approached the
starting line again, she heard someone shouting.
"I'm already here!" a hedgehog squealed.
"No!" Jules yelled. "We go again! Go!"
And off she went again.
It went on like this for quite a while. Each time, Jules was met
at the finish by a hedgehog who was already there. Finally,
the poor hare couldn't take it anymore.
"Fine, you win! I need some water and a
break," Jules said.
"We both won," Franz said, "You are faster
because you are lucky to have fine, strong

Pina stepped out from behind him, and Jules
gasped. “But, Pina and I outsmarted
"You cheated!" Jules said.
"Your legs against mine would also be
cheating," Franz said, "After all, no one
can run as fast as you, let alone a shuffling
short-legged fellow like me. Maybe in the future,
you’ll think twice before you think you’re better
than someone else because of something silly like
short legs," Franz said.
"Maybe in the future, you won't think you are better
than someone else at all," Pina declared.

DIY Art by Daria Konovalova


Materials needed:
• Empty shoebox or
cardboard box
• Cardboard tube
• Rubber bands
• Duct tape

S ay
Bis milla h

f ir s t!

First, cut a hole on the

shortest side of the
cardboard box.

Insert the tube on top of

the hole you just made and
duct tape in place. Then, cut
another, larger hole on the
large side of the box.
our craft's


get fea
Take a
video ur


3 Cut 5-6 slits into the top of the

tube, approximately ¼” long
each. This is where your guitar
strings will go, so only cut
along one side of the tube.

Next, take your rubber bands and
cut them so that they are strings
instead of circles. Attach the
ends of the rubber bands from the
slits in the tube top to the bottom
of the box. Tape in place.

5 Then, tape the rubber bands

in place at top of the tube.

Decorate your guitar, then

strum away! Enjoy your guitar! 6
Bonus: Try making recycled box guitars of
different sizes using different types of boxes
and compare the sounds they make.

THE LIFE OF OUR PROPHET- 1 6 By Maya Salem Art by Ishmael Bay

While the Muslims Let’s

started their new I can't give
prepare an army
lives in Medina, the anything!
and declare war on
Quraysh made evil the Muslims!
plans. Me


Muhammad is
getting stronger in
Medina every day.
We must stop him.

We’ll raise money to

fund the army.

Some of the
Fine! Then we’ll plunder the Meccans protested.
Muslims’ homes and sell what
we find in Damascus.

Where are you

taking these goods
that don’t belong to Be
you? quiet and
get out of our

This must be the So what we heard

stolen property of the was true!
Muslims who migrated
to Medina.

The Muslims met and decided to follow the
O Muslims! The
caravan from Mecca. They would confront the
Messenger of Allah
caravan at Badr and take their things back.
wants us to gather!

O Rasulullah! The
Quraysh is preparing to
fight us. They looted all
of our property in Mecca.
They plan to sell everything
to fund an army!

Abu Sufyan!
Muhammad is following
us. And there are many
others with him!

Go to Mecca
immediately. Tell Abu Jahl
that Muhammad is following
us with his army.

O Abu Jahl!
Muhammad has blocked Find as many warriors as
our way at Badr. Abu Sufyan you can and go to his aid!
asks for help.

Let’s take our

idols with us!

Let’s see if Muhammad and

his army of 300 can defeat
1,000 well-equipped soldiers.
Abu Sufyan! With
an army like this one,
we finally have our
chance! I won’t leave
without killing them!

O Abu Jahl,
Muhammad has lost
track of us. We don’t
have to fight anymore.


O Almighty Allah!
Help us against
this army!

You will be
punished for denying
the religion of our



As soon as
the battle began, thousands
of angels rushed to the
Muslims’ aid.

How are three hundred

people fighting like they are an
army of one thousand?

That day was an unexpected
victory for Muslims.

DI AR Y OF L AYL A By Marzieh Abbas Art by Olga Surina

July 5, Tuesday
Today is Sajna’s birthday! She’s my bus buddy. When I first met her,
I didn’t like her. I tried saying hello every time I got onto the bus,
but she didn’t even bother replying. A few weeks later, I saw the bus
conductor sign to her. Sajna is hard of hearing and uses American Sign
Language most of the time. I realized I totally mis judged her and was
only thinking about one kind of person instead of how different every
single person can be.
The day after that, I noticed the cochlear implant device on her ear
and the side of her head. I felt silly, but I’ve worked to be a better
friend after that! Since then, I’ve been learning to sign. Sajna also told
me that her cochlear device helps her to hear, even though sometimes
she gets a headache from everyone talking all the time! Sajna is a really
great friend now, and I’m so glad we can communicate better.
For her birthday, Baba helped me to make cupcakes for her to eat at
school. They were vanilla with sprinkles-Sajna's favorite f lavor. Sajna is
also going to have a birthday party next week, and everyone from the
class is going. I can’t wait!
July 9, Saturday
Eid Mubarak! Today is Eid-ul-Adha! We had a wonderful
Eid, but I missed Dadi, Dada, and Muhammad Chacha.
They are all in Mecca because they went to do Haj j.
They’ve been there for 10 days, doing all of the
steps that I learned about in Saturday School.
Even though I miss them, Mama told me that
Eid is the end of Haj j rituals. Dadi and Dada
video-called us while they were still wearing their
Ihram. Dadi held up the camera, and I could see a
sea of white. There were so, so, soooo many people
in white clothes. SubhanAllah! I told Dadi to pray we
can go for Haj j someday too. Dada said it feels very
special to be in the Holy Land. Mama and Baba had
tears in their eyes, but they told me it was because
they were so happy. They remembered their first trip
together was for Haj j. They said they missed Mecca
and Medina and hope to take us someday inshallah!
For our Eid celebrations, we visited Aria’s house. Teita
had prepared a feast, as usual. It was delicious! After
we’d eaten, we could barely move.

July 23, Saturday

Today in Saturday School, Aunty Fatimah talked about how
important it is to say “Salaam” to others.
Allah’s Prophet (a.s) said: “You will not enter Heaven unless you
believe. You will not believe unless you love each other. Do you
want me to tell you what to do to help you love each other? Greet
each other by saying ‘Salaam’ (peace, greetings, hello).”
She also told us that saying salaam a great way to break the ice
and start a conversation with someone new. She said that it’s
important especially when we don’t know someone at the mas jid.
Saying “Salaam” to others is great because it gives you and the
other person blessings!
When I got home, I asked Mama if we could add the word Salaam
to our front door wreath. Mama and Baba both thought it was
a great idea. So, we got the supplies and got to work. It looked
beautiful in the end! Now it’s as if we wish peace and blessings on
anyone passing by. Maybe those who don’t know the meaning will
ask. Then I can tell them it’s a greeting of peace!

FIND IT IF YO U CAN By Sarah Bayza Art by Katya Reyda
Some Atlasians gathered in the park to celebrate Eid al-Adha. silly in

Spot th

But they've lost some items. Can you help find them? Enjoy

Z OOM By Hamza Rafiq

Hajj from
Past Today
Happy Eid al-Adha, Spi! Today,
many Muslims have done their
Hajj at the Kaaba. I’m going to tell Okay, are you going to
you all about it, and you have to start today?
listen, haha!

Chick: Let’s begin with the story of the construction

of Kaaba. It is one of the miracles of Allah.

Spi: Wow, okay, from the very beginning! It’s going to

be a long day for me.

Chick: Hazrat Hajar, the wife of Prophet Ibrahim and

mother of Prophet Ismail, was in the endless desert
with her baby Ismail far from her husband. The sun
was directly overhead, too hot to withstand the thirst.
While Hazrat Hajar desperately sought water for her
baby, she walked to a hill hoping to find anything or
anyone there. But there was nothing.

Spi: I am already tired and thirsty!

Chick: Be patient, cheeky monkey! I’ll tell the story
quickly, and you’ll have the benefit of the knowledge.

Spi: Hope so.

Chick: Then, she saw another hill and so she ran

there. But the result was the same. No water! Hazrat
Hajar ran between the two hills of Safa and Marwa
seven times with the hope of finding water.

Spi: Chick, this is so sad! Please don’t tell me more.

My heart can't handle it!

Chick: Keep listening, my friend. Hazrat Hajar tiredly

looked at her baby. At that moment, baby Ismail, who
was still crying, stomped on the sand with his feet.
Suddenly, water started flowing!

Spi: WOW! Water in the desert, what a miracle!


Chick: I told you! Anyway, there’s more. Hazrat Hajar

cried, “Zam-zam! Zam-zam!” which means “stop
stop!” She was afraid it would run out. But the water
didn’t stop. In fact, the well of Zam Zam water has
not stopped since then.

Amazing! Okay, now please Zam-zam!, or should I say

“Stop! Stop!”

Chick: Yeah, very funny, smart cookie. Later on,
Prophet Ibrahim returned to his wife Hazrat Hajar and
his son Ismail. Ismail became a prophet, and the two
prophets built the Kaaba together there. Zam Zam
still flows from the same source around the Kaaba

Spi: So, the place where the Kaaba was once a vast
desert. It’s hard to believe when you look at it now.

Chick: That was centuries ago, Spi. Thousands of

years ago. After the construction of the Kaaba those
who followed Prophet Ibrahim visited the Kaaba
for centuries. The Kaaba and its surroundings have
become a very important place.

Spi: Like now, right?

Chick: Yes, but in a different way. Right before the

Prophet Muhammad was born, a ruler who did not
believe Prophet Ibrahim did not like the fact that the
Kaaba was visited so often.

Spi: Who was he?

Chick: Abraha, the ruler of Yemen. He was angry and

jealous, so he had another temple built as a rival to
the Kaaba. He used the most valuable fabrics and
stones for this temple. He called everybody to visit
there instead of the Kaaba. But he was greedy and
he decided to destroy the Kaaba.

But the Kaaba is the House of Allah!

Chick: Yes, it is. Remember, Allah will always protect
the Kaaba. Listen to the rest of the story! Abraha took
a large elephant army, including the giant elephant
Mahmud, with him to destroy the Kaaba. However,
as they approached the Kaaba, the elephant knelt
and did not move at all. Whenever they directed it
northwards, southwards, or eastwards, the elephant
moved quickly, but it knelt when directed westwards
towards the Kaaba.

Spi: Did Abraha give up?

Chick: Not immediately. Abraha started to torture the

elephant. Mahmud, the elephant, had wounds all over!
Meanwhile, the sky filled with little birds flying. These
birds began to throw stones of baked clay at the army.

Which birds are these? Where did they find those


Chick: They were Ababil birds that were

commissioned by Allah to protect Kaaba. Most
of Abraha’s army was defeated by these birds,
and Abraha had to retreat.

Spi: When did this happen?

Chick: Shortly before the birth of our Prophet

Muhammad . This event is often used to identify
the year our Prophet was born. We call it the
Year of the Elephant. This story is also in Surah
Fil in the Quran.

Spi: Allah prepared the world for our Prophet!

How many times did our Prophet perform Hajj?

After our Prophet
became a prophet, the Quraysh
did not allow Muslims to go to the Kaaba
for a very long time. They prevented Muslims
from worshiping however they could. This made
it difficult for many Muslims to perform Hajj. Our
Prophet Muhammad performed Hajj once. Now,
just as our Prophet said in his farewell sermon, all
Muslims perform their Hajj in the same clothes, in the
same place, by performing the same prayers. Every
person, of every race, ethnicity, gender, age, or class
worships equally in Allah’s house. In the Kaaba, no
one is superior to anyone, and everyone is a
part of the Muslim family.

Inshaallah, we'll go on the

next Eid-al-Adha, Chick!

CHECK LIS T Art by Daria Konovalova

MATH By Ali Kaya

God’s Favorite


When I was little, my

grandfather would tell me stories The honeybee is a hardworking
about honeybees. He called craftsman, a brilliant engineer,
them “Little Professors” because a genius mathematician, an expert
the bees have such intricate economist, and one of God’s beloved
ways of communicating through creations. We know honeybees are beloved
geometry and mathematics. because of Surah An-Nahl in the Quran.
I was mesmerized! Honeybees follow Allah’s instructions to pollinate
flowers and produce honey. Can you believe that to
make 1 gram of honey, honeybees visit over 60,000 flowers?
They are the best example of taking little steps to
accomplish large tasks! Honeybees are also amazing
engineers. They make perfect hexagons to store
their honey. Even more impressive is that they
construct the honeycomb so that even if
the comb were to be flipped upside
down, the design of the hexagons
would prevent leakage and waste
34 of honey.
Speaking of preventing
waste, honeybees are
conscientious economists.
They hate waste, just as Allah
doesn’t like when people waste. The
hexagonal honeycomb allows the bees
to store the largest amount of honey
in the least amount of space.
How are they so efficient?
Mathematics holds the
For example, a triangle
with a perimeter of 24 cm can
store around 28 grams of honey.
A square with a perimeter of 24 cm
can hold 36 grams of honey. However,
a hexagon with a perimeter of 24 cm can
hold around 42 grams of honey. In short, a
hexagonal shape can hold the most honey.
Allah created honeybees very uniquely. If you
work hard like a honeybee, you can be an
incredible engineer and a wonderful
mathematician. Alhamdulillah that
we have been blessed with
honeybees to look to for

WHA T IF? By Aimée Perera


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ear th,
think o at do you
f? Sna
Lions? ke s ?
Our mind might immediately go to large
animals with big teeth, but one of the
most dangerous creatures on Earth is
smaller than your thumb! The answer is
They cause the deaths of over 1 million
people each year by spreading diseases.
If you’ve ever had a mosquito bite
before, you know that they drink blood.
Through their bites, they can carry
diseases like malaria, yellow fever, Zika,
36 West Nile Virus, and the Dengue virus.
These diseases are spread by mosquitoes
when they bite someone who has the
disease and then go on to bite you. The
saliva of the mosquito, which has the
virus or bacteria, then enters your blood
stream, causing you to get the disease.
Mosquitoes don’t just affect humans.
They also affect animals as well, and just
a single bite can be fatal.

What if there were no more mosquitoes on earth?

Sounds great, doesn’t it? No more swatting away
mosquitoes in the summer and hoping not to be
bitten. No more people contracting or dying from
different diseases.
Well, mosquitoes do have other roles in the
ecosystem. They pollinate plants and are also part
of the food chain. They're a reliable food source for
many frogs, birds, bats and reptiles. Even though
we associate mosquitoes with itching and illness,
not all mosquito species do that. There are about
3,000 different species of mosquitoes, but only
about 6% of them bite or cause diseases.

So even though mosquitoes can be

dangerous, they also have a purpose.
We just need to make sure we’re
safe by wearing repellent, getting
our vaccines for different diseases,
and using mosquito nets when we are
around disease- carrying mosquitoes.


Knock Knock
Who’s there?
Boo who?
Knock Knock Don’t cry, it’s just a joke.
Who’s there?
Iran who? Knock Knock
Iran here. I’m tired! Who's there?
Cash who?
I like almonds more!!

Fun Info
• Rubber bands last longer when refrigerated.
• “Dreamt" is the only English word that end
with the letters "mt".
• Most people fall asleep in seven minutes.

• What do you call cheese that isn’t yours?
Nacho cheese!
• What breed of dog can jump higher than a
Any breed of dog. Skyscrapers can’t jump.
• Why is Peter Pan always flying?
Because he Neverlands.

Dad Jokes
• My dog is a genius. I asked him,
"What's two minus two?" He said
• I was wondering why the
baseball kept getting
bigger and bigger. Jokes
Then it hit me. • Mom asked me to put ketchup on the
• I have a grocery list. Now I can't see anything.
joke about • I used to be able to play piano by ear, but
construction, now I have to use my hands.
but I’m still • To the person who stole my place in line:
working on it. I’m after you now.

Letter to Baghdad
One day a bunny asked Luk the Bear to write a letter
for him.
“Where will the letter go?” Luk asked.
“To Baghdad,” said the bunny.
“I cannot go there,” Luk told him.
“But you don't have to go. The letter will go there,”
said the bunny, and Luk explained:
“Nobody can read what I write. Therefore, I must
go there to read it.”

BAC KPACK By Patrick Allen Art by Luke Swinney

Habari Atlasians! Imagine a land inhabited by
elephants, lions, cheetahs, giraffes, zebras,
hippos, rhinos and more. Well, your travel best-
friend Backpack got to visit a beautiful country
in East Africa with all of these incredible animals!
This country is named after the tallest mountain
present in this amazing land.

I met Almasi there and we became friends

instantly. She took me sight-seeing at all the
best places in her country. First, we visited
national parks and wildlife reserves. There, we
went on a safari, which let us see animals in
their natural environment up close. It was so
cool to see the lions and rhinos, even though I
was worried that the lions might come too close!
Almasi told me that the government set up
around 50 reserves and national parks for the
protection of wildlife.

Next, we visited Lake Victoria,
which is the world's second largest
freshwater lake. Almasi also told
me that her country shares this
lake with Tanzania and Uganda.
We were really tired after visiting
these places, so Almasi took me
to her home. On the way, she told
me all about her country. She
said that hydro-electricity is the
largest contributor to this country's
electricity supply. Also, agriculture
is the main part of their economy,
especially tea, coffee, and flowers. I
also noticed that people drive on the
left-hand side of the roads.

On reaching home, her mother served us

amazing food. I still savor the taste of
Nyama Choma! Almasi and her family
spoke in Swahili. Almasi's grandfather also
told me that more than 60 languages are
spoken throughout the country and there
are more than 40 ethnic groups. He also
said that people all over the country love
music and storytelling. There are also many
Olympic champions and well-known middle
and long distance runners too! I had such an
amazing time in this beautiful country.

I bid them good-bye with a heavy heart.

Can you guess where I went?

HAV E YO U HEA RD? By Gia Tareq


There have been people who have walked on
the moon...but can people garden on the moon?
Scientists at the University of Florida are working
to understand whether or not we can grow plants
on the Moon. The soil on the Moon is very
different from that on our Earth. It is powdery
and contains very few nutrients. However, the
scientists saw a tiny sprout in the first study. The
plant's roots did not develop and it died within a
few days, but they still say it could be a huge step.
We might not be able to have a moon vegetable
garden tomorrow, but maybe one day!


In the Sumatra region of Indonesia, there is
a species of rhino known as the Sumatran
rhino. These rhinos are very special because
there are only 80 of them in the world. They
are seriously endangered. However, there has
been good news for Sumatran rhinos in the
past few months. A Sumatran rhino named
Rosa recently gave birth to a female calf.
Every time a rhino is born, the population is
one step closer to not being endangered.


A giraffe named Msituni was born at the zoo in
San Diego last February. But this cute little giraffe
had a problem. She couldn't stand because one of
her front legs was bending the wrong way. The zoo
hospital knew that she needed braces to support
her legs. They applied to a Hanger clinic, which
makes prosthetics, or artificial arms and legs.
Even though the clinic usually works with people,
they made extremely rigid braces made of carbon
graphite . Now she can walk and play normally!
Word Search
Somewhere on the banner, the word “Eid” is spelled
incorrectly. Can you find it?

Guess Who I am
Can you figure out who I am using the
hints below?

I don't wear
I'm not the furthest There is no red
from the table. color in my outfit.

I have nothing in I'm not wearing a

my hand. blue shirt.

Step by Step
Using the pattern below, make your way through the
maze. You can step vertically and horizontally, but
not diagonally.
Finding People
Umayma and Aakil are making dua for the people they know.
Which person is in one of their duas, but not the other’s?

Rearrange the letters in each
word below to make a sentence
about Hajj.

Round Puzzle
Match the parts of the picture
with the letters above. Write down
the corresponding letters to find
out what the word “ihram” means.

Hajj Crossword Numbers
Solve the crossword. Place the numbers so that the mathematical equations
We’ve given you a result in the same number.
keyword to get started!

1. Holy water coming out of a well in the

Masjid al-Haram in Mecca.
2. Messenger of Allah.
3. The Holy Book of Islam.
4. During the Hajj the pilgrims pass the night between the eighth and
ninth day and proceed to Arafat on the ninth day.
5. Circling of the Kaaba seven times in counterclockwise direction.
6. A white seamless garment worn during the pilgrimage.
7. A hill near the Kaaba in conjunction with Safa.
8. Located at the eastern corner of the Kaaba as the marking point.
9. A hill near the Kaaba. Pilgrims go back and forth between this hill
and the Marwah seven times during the pilgrimage.
10. The place where pilgrims stay overnight. They also collect pebbles
here for the next ritual.
11. An invocation to be spoken out loud during hajj. It starts with

Find the Path

Aisha needs to find her brothers on
Mount Arafat. Which path will take
her to them?

Make a Word
Arrange the parts of the picture from
1 to 9 from top to bottom. Write the
letters in this order in the boxes below.

Can you find the silhouette matching
these kids celebrating Eid?

Find Letters
Put the figure below on the sign
so that it contains all the letters
in “Eid Adha” (A, D, E, H, I).

Which bird does not exist
on both these pages?

Delete the numbers and then read the remaining letters in order.

10 Differencies
Can you find ten differences between these twins? 47

Meryem Esma (6), Buffalo Belma, Houston Erdem (11), California

Zeliha, Dallas TX Mehmet Akif (7), Cleveland

Safiyye (12), Florida

Selim, Canada
Leyla (5)

Send us your work!
These pages are yours,
Atlasians! We'd love to see
your drawings, photos, DIY
projects, and more. Share
your works today at!

48 Selma (8), Kitchener Safiyye (12), Florida

Sumayyah Muhammad (8), Lombard, IL Faik (8)
Safiye Esma (10), Kenya

Bahadir (6), London-UK

Meryem (9), Sugar Land

Sueda (11), Sugar Land

Surayya Abdulla (11),


Seyma Sare (6), Kenya

Angel Hope (7), Stratford Elvin (9), Waterloo

Sezai (10), PA Azra, Vietnam Betul (6), San Antonio

GAMEL AN D By Asem Osmanova

AM onster
Your mission is to tell the most
story instead of racing to a finish
Set up
• Have a number cube before starting the game.
• Grab some paper and pencils.
• Cut out the two cubes on the right page by
following the lines. Call a grown-up if you need help
with scissors. Use glue on the white tabs, and then
fold the sides up to have a cube.

How to play
• Choose a player to go first by playing rock-paper-scissors.
• The first player rolls the number cube.
• According to the number shown on the cube, each player
draws their monster’s body. If the cube shows six, roll it
again. You need to draw a number from 1 to 5.
• Then, each player takes turns for their monster’s eyes,
mouths, arms, and legs.
• When everyone's monster is complete, each player takes
turns rolling the story cubes.
• Use the two images you see to create your monster’s story.
• Take turns telling your stories, then give each one an
“award.” Which one gets “Scariest Story”? Which one gets
“Funniest Story”?
Body Eyes Mouths

Arms Legs

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