Class 2

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Conjugate the ser verb

1. Yo _____(ser) estudiate.
2. Tú ____(ser) alta.
3. Ellos _____(ser) grandes.
4. Ella _____(ser) delgada.
5. Vosotros ____(ser) bajos.
padre: father
madre: mother
hijo: son
hija: daughter
esposo: husband
esposa: wife
padres: parents
hermano: brother
hermana: sister
abuelos: grandparents
abuelo: grandfather
abuela: grandmother
nietos: grandchildren
nieto: grandson
nieta: granddaughter
tío: tio
tía: tia
primos: cousins
primo: cousin (male)
prima: cousin (female)
sobrino: nephew
sobrina: niece
My mother
your sister
his brother
our parents
her sisters
their aunt
my uncle
your grandparents
Translate the following
Eg. Él es alto. he is tall
Eg. Mi hermana es baja. My sister is short
1. She is thin
2. They are fat
3. My mother is tall
4. His parents are old
5. Your aunt is funny

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