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Autoimmunity Reviews 22 (2023) 103287

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Autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA)

in 2023☆
Jan Willem Cohen Tervaert a, b, *, Manuel Martinez-Lavin c, Luis J. Jara d, e, Gilad Halpert f, g,
Abdulla Watad h, Howard Amital h, Yehuda Shoenfeld g
Division of Rheumatology, Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
School for Mental Health and Neurosciences (MHeNs), Maastricht University, Maastricht, the Netherlands
Chief Rheumatology Department, National Institute of Cardiology, Mexico City, Mexico
Rheumatology Division, National Institute of Rehabilitation Luis Guillermo Ibarra Ibarra, Mexico City, Mexico
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico
Department of Molecular Biology, Ariel University, Ariel, Israel
Zabludowicz Center for Autoimmune Diseases, Sheba Medical Center, Tel-Hashomer, Ramat Gan 52621, Affiliated to Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University,
Tel Aviv 69978, Israel
Department of Medicine ’B’ and Zabludowicz Center for Autoimmune Diseases, Sheba Medical Center, Tel-Hashomer, Ramat Gan 52621, Affiliated to Sackler Faculty
of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel


Keywords: In 2011, a syndrome entitled ASIA (Autoimmune/inflammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants; Shoenfeld’s
Autoimmunity/autoinflammatory syndrome syndrome) was first described. ASIA aimed to organize under a single umbrella, the existing evidence regarding
induced by adjuvants certain environmental factors which possess immune stimulatory properties, in order to shed light on a common
pathway of autoimmune pathogenesis. Such environmental immune stimulators, or adjuvants, include among
Silicone breast implants
others: aluminum salts as in vaccines, various medical implants, as well as various infectious agents. After the
Fibromyalgia launch of the ASIA syndrome, the expansion and recognition of this syndrome by different researchers from
Chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic different countries began. During the past decades, evidence had been accumulating that (auto)immune symp­
encephalomyelitis toms can be triggered by exposure to environmental immune stimulatory factors that act as an adjuvant in
COVID-19 vaccination genetically susceptible individuals. A panoply of unexplained subjective and autonomic-related symptoms has
Autoimmunity been reported in patients with ASIA syndrome. The current review summarizes and updates accumulated
Autonomic nervous system knowledge from the past decades, describing new adjuvants- (e.g. polypropylene meshes) and vaccine- (e.g. HPV
Small fiber neuropathy
and COVID vaccines) induced ASIA. Furthermore, a direct association between inflammatory/autoimmune
HPV vaccine
diseases with ASIA syndrome, will be discussed. Recent cases will strengthen some of the criteria depicted in
ASIA syndrome such as clear improvement of symptoms by the removal of adjuvants (e.g. silicone breast im­
plants) from the body of patients. Finally, we will introduce additional factors to be included in the criteria for
ASIA syndrome such as: (1) dysregulated non-classical autoantibodies directed against G-protein coupled re­
ceptors (GPCRs) of the autonomic nervous system and (2)) small fiber neuropathy (SFN), both of which might
explain, at least in part, the development of ‘dysautonomia’ reported in many ASIA patients.

1. ASIA syndrome characteristics described [1], but the idea of such an immune-mediated disease was not
a new one. During the past decades, evidence had been accumulating
In 2011, a syndrome entitled ASIA (Autoimmune/inflammatory that (auto)immune symptoms can be triggered by exposure to envi­
Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants; Shoenfeld’s syndrome) was first ronmental immune stimulatory factors that act as an adjuvant in

A report from the 13th International Congress on Autoimmunity. From 10 to 13 June 2022 this congress was held in Athens, Greece. The conference was attended
by more than 1000 delegates from more than 60 different countries.
* Corresponding author at: Division of Rheumatology, Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta,
E-mail address: (J.W. Cohen Tervaert).
Received 10 January 2023; Accepted 30 January 2023
Available online 3 February 2023
1568-9972/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
J.W. Cohen Tervaert et al. Autoimmunity Reviews 22 (2023) 103287

susceptible individuals [2,3]. Adjuvants are compounds that, when dedicated to ASIA. In this special issue, a series of articles from different
introduced into the body, enhance a specific immune reaction resulting countries were published and provide the clinical and experimental
in higher titters of antibodies, for instance against specific pathogens bases for support the existence of ASIA [13]. More than a decade has
[4]. Well-known examples of adjuvants are aluminum hydroxide, passed since the initial description of the ASIA syndrome. New cases
squalene, and silica as well as various infectious agents [5]. During the from ASIA have been described and new adjuvants have been added.
last decade, it became clear that human medical implants, including Substances other than silicone and mineral oil, previously described
injectables such as silicones and polypropylene meshes may act as ad­ [13], may be associated with the development of ASIA syndrome after
juvants as well [2,6–8]. injection of bioimplants for aesthetic purposes, such as, hyaluronic acid,
Typical clinical symptoms of ASIA are: chronic fatigue, arthralgias, methacrylate, polyacrylamide, polyalkylimide, and metals in implants
myalgias, pyrexia, sicca symptoms, cognitive impairment, and or as used in orthopedic surgery and/or in birth control devices [14–17].
(atypical) neurological symptoms (Table 1; Fig. 1). Typically, patients
present with severe fatigue, nonrestorative sleep, and a majority 2. Metals-induced ASIA syndrome
reporting post-exertional malaise as is observed in ME/CFS [9,10]. Sleep
disturbances such as problems falling asleep and/or staying asleep are Mercury has been associated with autoantibody production and
common with poor sleep quality being linked to greater fatigue. Another immune tissue mediated-complex injury. A case of ASIA syndrome
early symptom is the occurrence of arthralgias and most patients fulfill associated to liquid metal mercury injected subcutaneously was
the 2016 criteria for fibromyalgia [11]. Patients often suffer from severe described [18]. In 2019, a new case of ASIA syndrome associated with
morning stiffness, myalgias and/or muscle weakness. Weakness can be metallosis [16] was reported. The authors presented the case of a 51-
severe and may render the patient bedridden. Furthermore, most pa­ year-old woman with a 6-month history of asthenia, anorexia, weight
tients report pyrexia and night sweats, while others report dry eyes and/ loss, headaches, nausea, vomiting, hand and foot paresthesia, instability
or a dry mouth. Dry eyes are often severe and may result in blurred and pain in her hip. She referred impaired memory, fatigue, difficulty
vision and/or a keratitis sicca if left untreated. Symptoms of cognitive concentrating and apathy due to intoxication with metal ions from hip
impairment are not infrequent [12] manifesting as mental fogginess, metallosis. Blood tests showed high levels of chromium (7.6 μg/l) and
memory deficits, absent-mindedness, anomic dysphasia, and inatten­ cobalt (1.5 μg/l), confirming the diagnosis of metallosis with systemic
tion. In some patients, the neurological manifestations are very dis­ manifestations. Surgical debridement was performed and the hip pros­
turbing and patients may present with a stroke or multiple sclerosis-like thesis was replaced with a new one. Histology of the bursae was
attacks. Patients may suffer from allergies and gastrointestinal symp­ compatible with the xanthogranulomatous inflammatory process with
toms such as abdominal pain with changes in bowel movement patterns histiocytic granulomas. After 6 months of follow-up, most clinical
typical of irritable bowel syndrome. New-onset Raynaud’s phenomenon manifestations disappeared. This case highlights the importance of
can be present as well, while in other instances pain and burning sen­ follow-up and continuous monitoring of patients with a hip prosthesis
sations (“pins and needles”) of the skin points towards a diagnosis of [16,19].
small fiber neuropathy. Patients may have recurrent hives or ill-defined In 2021, it was reported that ASIA could also be induced by Essure
skin rashes, unexplained (sometimes severe) pruritus and/or alopecia. sterilization [17]. The essure device is a small, flexible insert with an
Cardiovascular complaints include signs of orthostatic intolerance such inner stainless-steel coil wrapped in polyethylene terephthalate (PET)
as dizziness, and disturbed balance as observed in postural tachycardia fibers and an outer coil of Nickel-Titanium alloy to anchor the device. All
syndrome (POTS). Finally, a substantial number of patients have inter­ material components of Essure have been demonstrated to have adju­
stitial cystitis. vant activity. Indeed, surgical removal of the device results in marked
After the launch of the ASIA Syndrome in 2011 [1], the expansion improvement of ASIA symptoms [17].
and recognition of this syndrome by different researchers from different An interesting review about aluminum, an adjuvant used in multiple
countries began. In 2012, a special issue of the LUPUS journal was vaccines, and its possible relationship with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) has been published in 2019 [20].
The authors present epidemiological, clinical and experimental evidence
Table 1
Criteria for the diagnosis of autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by
that ME/CFS constitutes a major type of adverse effect of vaccines,
adjuvants (ASIA). especially those containing poorly degradable particulate aluminum
adjuvants. Once the aluminum-containing vaccine is injected, instead of
Major criteria
rapidly solubilizing in the extracellular space, it accumulates at the in­
• Exposure to an external stimulus (implants such as silicone and mesh are classic jection site, forming aluminum conglomerates. This delay in solubili­
adjuvants) prior to clinical manifestations
zation allows the injected aluminum particles to be quickly captured by
• The appearance of ‘typical’ clinical manifestations such as:
• Chronic fatigue, unrefreshing sleep or sleep disturbances cells of the immune system and transported to different organs,
• Myalgia, Myositis or muscle weakness including the brain, where aluminum stimulates the inflammatory
• Arthralgia and/or arthritis response and causes chronic neurotoxicity. Something similar happens
• Cognitive impairment, memory loss
in the syndrome of macrophagic myofasciitis (MMF) [20]. Therefore,
• Pyrexia
• Sicca (dry mouth, dry eyes)
post-immunization ME/CFS represents one of the main manifestations of
• Neurological manifestations (especially associated with demyelination) ASIA syndrome [20].
• Removal of inciting agent induces improvement In 2020, another case of ASIA syndrome was published [21]. A 38-
• Typical biopsy of involved organs year-old woman with no health problems, underwent a dental proced­
ure and received a porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) crown. The metal
Minor criteria component of the crown was a chrome and cobalt alloy (Cr-alloy). One
• The appearance of autoantibodies or antibodies directed at the suspected adjuvant. month later she developed profound fatigue, xerostomia, sleeping dis­
• Other clinical manifestations (i.e., irritable bowel syndrome, Raynaud’s
orders, depression, acne, hair loss, facial pain, headaches, tinnitus,
• Specific HLA associations (i.e. HLA DRB1, HLA DQB1) dizziness, heart palpitations, and cognitive impairment. She visited
• Evolvement of an autoimmune disease (i.e. multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, various specialists, including oral and maxillofacial specialists, ear nose
Sjogren syndrome, systemic sclerosis) and throat physicians, and neurologists, all of whom found nothing
Criteria for the diagnosis of autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by abnormal. Blood analysis was within normal limits. Since the patient’s
adjuvants (ASIA) [1,2]. Patients are considered to have ASIA when either two symptoms began shortly after her procedure, the authors decided to
major or one major and two minor criteria are present. remove the PFM crown. Five months later the patient improved her

J.W. Cohen Tervaert et al. Autoimmunity Reviews 22 (2023) 103287

Fig. 1. Clinical features of the autoimmune/inflam­

matory syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA).
Mesh-induces ASIA (Autoinflammatory/autoimmu­
nity Syndrome induced by Adjuvants) presents with
neurological/musculoskeletal, immunological, and/
or vascular manifestations.
ANA = antinuclear antibodies; ANCA = anti-neutro­
phil cytoplasmic antibodies (from Ref [119]: Cohen
Tervaert JW, Osman M. Autoimmune/inflammatory
syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA or Shoenfeld’s
syndrome) due to polypropylene mesh implants. In:
Watad A, Bragazzi NL, Shoenfeld Y (Eds): The auto­
immune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adju­
vants (ASIA). 2023: in press).

clinical picture [21]. This case demonstrates that to determine the 4. ASIA registries: associations between ASIA, autoimmune/
diagnosis of ASIA it is necessary to consider not only the elements auto-inflammatory diseases and lymphomas
implanted for aesthetic purposes, but also curative ones. If no other
cause is identified that explains the non-specific symptomatology, the Through the ASIA syndrome International Registry (established in
probable causal agent must be removed. 2011) up to December 2016, 300 patients were identified [26]. The
An experimental model of the ASIA syndrome has recently been mean age at disease onset was 37 years, and the mean duration between
published. The aim of this study was to investigate cognitive and adjuvant stimuli and the development of autoimmune conditions was
behavioral changes in sheep subjected to repetitive inoculation with 16.8 months (a range of: 3 days to 5 years). Arthralgia, myalgia, chronic
products containing aluminum. Twenty-one lambs were assigned to fatigue, sleep disturbances, weakness, sicca symptoms, fever. Arthritis
three groups: control, adjuvant only, and vaccine. Sixteen inoculations and neurological manifestations were the most frequently reported
were administered over a period of 349 days. Animals in the vaccine and symptoms. Clinically well-defined diseases were observed in 89% of
adjuvant-only groups exhibited individual and social behavioral patients. Undifferentiated connective tissue disease (UCTD) was the
changes. Affiliative interactions were significantly reduced and aggres­ most frequent disease, followed by fibromyalgia and/or chronic fatigue
sive interactions and stereotypies were significantly increased. Some of syndrome. Other autoimmune diseases that were observed included:
these alterations observed in this experimental model are similar to SLE, vasculitis, mainly giant cell arteritis (GCA), ANCA-associated
those observed in the ASIA syndrome [22]. vasculitis, Behçet’s disease, Henoch-Schoenlein purpura, polyarteritis
It is worth mentioning that aluminum salts and other metals are nodosa, and cutaneous sarcoidosis. Cases of type 1 diabetes mellitus
known to be part of the components in tattoo ink – another adjuvant (DM1) were related to exposure to the HBV and HPV vaccines, whereas
found to be associated with ASIA syndrome [23]. autoimmune liver diseases were associated with HBV vaccination. In the
HBV group, the most frequent diagnosis was UCTD; in HPV, fibromy­
3. Mineral oil-induced ASIA syndrome algia; and in influenza, UCTD or GCA. The materials identified as ad­
juvants were: cosmetic fillers of mineral oil, hyaluronic acid,
The first case of methyl methacrylate injection in the buttocks for polyalkylimide (PAL), polyacrylamide gel (PAC) and collagen. Metallic
cosmetic reasons resulting in ASIA complicated by seronegative anti­ implants and silicone breast implants were also found. Vaccines iden­
phospholipid syndrome and lymphoma has recently been described tified as adjuvants were hepatitis B virus (HBV) vaccine, human papil­
[24]. ASIA syndrome associated to mineral oil (ASIA-MO), and other lomavirus (HPV) vaccine, influenza vaccine, and other vaccines
substances are the result of the interplay of genetic and environmental (hepatitis A virus; diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, measles, mumps, and
factors. ASIA-MO has been reported in many countries, especially on the rubella [27].
Latin American continent, and are used illegally and surreptitiously. Between 2011 and 2016, 4479 ASIA cases have been identified [28].
This practice constitutes a real health problem and endangers the health Severe cases of ASIA were mostly associated with HPV vaccine, influ­
and life of patients [25]. The clinical spectrum of ASIA-MO is very enza vaccine, silicone, and mineral oil injections [28].
heterogeneous and varies between mild and severe clinical manifesta­ Another study investigated the different subtypes of autoimmune
tions. The clinical manifestations can be nonspecific, such as fatigue, diseases (autoimmune vs auto-inflammatory or intermediate states) in
fever, polyarthralgia, myalgia, depression, sleep disorders, and chronic 500 patients accumulated from 2016 to 2019 in the ASIA Syndrome
pain, leading to poor quality of life. These manifestations have been International Registry [29]. The mean age of the patients was 43 ± 17
observed in approximately 60% of ASIA-MO patients. 40% of patients years, and the majority (89%) were women. 69% of patients had well-
have systemic manifestations that met criteria for different autoimmune defined autoimmune diseases. Polygenic autoimmune diseases were
diseases, such as SLE, systemic sclerosis (SSc), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), significantly higher than autoinflammatory disorders (92.7% vs. 5.8%,).
dermatomyositis (DM), and overlap syndrome. These clinical manifes­ Polygenic autoimmune diseases were found to be significantly related to
tations are similar to those observed in other cases of ASIA syndrome. HBV vaccine exposure, whereas polygenic autoinflammatory diseases

J.W. Cohen Tervaert et al. Autoimmunity Reviews 22 (2023) 103287

were significantly associated with exposure to influenza vaccination. 5. ASIA due to medical implants
Polygenic autoimmune diseases included: vasculitides such as ANCA-
associated vasculitis, rheumatoid arthritis, SLE, UCTD, Sjogren’s syn­ Supporting evidence from the literature underlines the development
drome, systemic sclerosis/morphea, dermatomyositis, antiphospholipid of ASIA in susceptible patients after breast or testicular implantation,
syndrome, recurrent polychondritis, MCTD, multiple sclerosis/optic rhinoplasty, polypropylene mesh implantation for hernia repair or for
neuritis/ neuromyelitis optica, diabetes mellitus type 1, Guillain-Barré reinforcement of a weak pelvic floor, tension free vaginal tape implan­
syndrome, dysautonomic neuropathy, postural orthostatic tachycardia tation for stress incontinence, Essure sterilizations, implantation of
syndrome (POTS), autoimmune liver diseases, transverse myelitis, prosthetic materials for arthroplasty, and/or metal implants as used in
autoimmune encephalitis, hemolytic anemia, autoimmune thyroiditis, orthopedic surgery [2,7,16,17] (Fig. 2). At present, clues underpinning
adrenal insufficiency, inflammatory polyradiculopathy, primary biliary patients’ susceptibility to development of ASIA after implantation of
cholangitis, chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, ce­ medical devices remain to be elucidated. Several factors, however, have
liac disease fibromyalgia, ME/CFS, sarcoidosis, panniculitis, alopecia, been postulated [2]. Patients with an allergic past medical history are at
macrophagic myofasciitis, inflammatory polyarthritis, autoimmune a greater risk of developing ASIA after implantation. Furthermore, pa­
recurrent abortions, and/or juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Polygenic tients with an established autoimmune disease or a familial predispo­
autoinflammatory diseases include: giant cells arteritis/polymyalgia sition to autoimmune disease are at risk of developing symptoms after
rheumatica (GCA/PMR), Adult Still’s disease, and inflammatory bowel silicone breast implantation (“SBI”). It is important to note the interplay
disease (IBD). Mixed pattern diseases include: ankylosing spondylitis, between immunogenetic (i.e., human leukocyte antigens “HLA”) factors
psoriasis, Behçet’s disease, psoriatic arthritis, undifferentiated- as well as environmental factors such as smoking and obesity in the
spondylarthritis. In relation to the treatments used, the majority of development of medical device induced ASIA.
ASIA syndrome patients were treated with oral or parenteral steroids In general, commonly used biomaterials for implantation are non-
and with hydroxychloroquine. Other patients were treated with disease- immunogenic and non-toxic. However, implanted biomaterials trigger
modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) and <10% were treated with a foreign body reaction (FBR) resulting in granulomatous inflammation
biologicals [29]. [40,41]. Immediately after the implantation of a biomaterial, a layer of
Recently, a 70-year old patient was reported who developed a severe host proteins is absorbed, resulting in the attraction of phagocytes
relapse of PMR after a trivalent influenza vaccine [30]. Furthermore, the (predominantly macrophages of the pro-inflammatory M1 subtype)
association between ASIA syndrome and the development of PMR/GPA [42]. Such process is dependent on the presence of activated mast cells
was reported in 12 patients older than 50 years, vaccinated against and histamine [43] which plays a pivotal role in pain, at times severe, at
Influenza (Influenza vaccine [I.V.]) [31]. Of 358 GCA/PMR patients the site of implantation secondary to sensitization of the transient re­
recruited since 2002, 10 (2.8%) patients had GCA/PMR after I.V. Two porter potential channel V1 (TRPV1), a nociceptor [44]. Furthermore,
patients developed PMR 10 days after vaccination. Patients with post-I. microbial biofilms form on implants [45,46] and contribute to the
V. GCA/PMR had the DRB1*13:01 haplotype more frequently than those chronic inflammatory response. Importantly, the biomaterial may
with familial GCA/PMR or with GCA/PMR without a known trigger. It is deliver a “danger signal” to the immune system and subsequently result
of interest that the post-I.V. GCA/PMR generally appeared to be self- in an enhanced immune response [47,48]. As such, the biomaterials act
limited. This study confirms that post-I.V. GCA/PMR may be part of as an adjuvant in the development of an adaptive immune response to an
the ASIA syndrome spectrum [32]. Thus, I.V. can trigger GCA or PMR, antigen [2,14].
especially in people at higher spontaneous risk, such as those with a
personal or family history of GCA/PMR. Whether the presence of the 6. Explantation of the medical implant that causes ASIA, results
DRB1*13:01 allele further increases the risk of post-I.V. GCA/PMR in amelioration of symptoms
through a stronger vaccine-induced immune reaction warrants further
investigation [31]. A major criterion of ASIA includes the improvement of symptoms
In 2020, cases of ASIA syndrome associated with autoimmune and signs that ensued after implantation (such as chronic fatigue or
endocrine diseases were described [33]. These diseases were: sub-acute widespread pain) upon explantation. The cessation or reduction of
thyroiditis (n = 54), Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (n = 2), primary ovarian symptoms after removal (also called “dechallenge”) is an extremely
failure/primary ovarian insufficiency (n = 11), autoimmune diabetes important observation in diagnosing ASIA as well as determining
type 1 (n = 13), and auto-immune adrenal gland insufficiency (n = 1) causation. Such improvement has been documented in patients with
[33]. silicone breast implants ([49–60], mesh implants [7]. Essure devices
In a recent review five diseases, including sarcoidosis, Sjögren’s [17], arthroplasty [16] and/or metal implants [14]. Most case series
syndrome, undifferentiated connective tissue disease, silicone implant describing the improvement of ASIA after medical device explantation,
incompatibility syndrome (SIIS), and immune-related adverse events have been published on breast implants. In 2017, de Boer et al. reviewed
(irAEs) were identified as classical examples of ASIA [34]. These entities the literature regarding symptoms after SBI explantation [49]. Eleven
occur in genetically predisposed individuals (HLA-DRB1 and PTPN22 case reports with a total of 19 patients and 12 case series with a total of
gene), in which the adjuvant induces an hyperstimulation of the immune 703 patients (of which clinical symptoms were well described after
system eventually leading to the development of autoimmune diseases explantation in 603 patients) who underwent explantation were found.
[34]. In total (case reports + case series), 469 of 622 patients (75%) experi­
It has been suggested that chronic activation of the immune system enced improvement of silicone-related complaints after explantation
by adjuvants may also lead to the development of lymphoma and form [49]. During the last 5 years several new case series regarding the effects
part of the ASIA spectrum [35]. Indeed, a large number of reports of explantation in >2000 patients have been published [50–60].
indicate an increased risk of lymphoma, particularly of the anaplastic Improvement of symptoms have been reported in 50–98% of the pa­
large cell type in patients with breast implants [36,37]. In addition, tients. Importantly, in the study by Spit et al. [52] patients with symp­
patients with ASIA syndrome associated with a silicone breast implant toms that underwent explantation (n = 152) were compared with
may develop other forms of non-Hodgkin lymphomas such as Epstein- patients who did not want to remove their implants (n = 180). A sig­
Barr virus positive large B cell lymphoma and/or intravascular large nificant improvement occurred in 30% of patients who underwent
B-cell lymphoma [8,38,39]. In addition, the FDA recently issued a safety explantation whereas in the non-removal group 12% reported a signif­
communication stating that also squamous cell carcinoma linked to icant improvement (OR = 2.86; CI 1.31–6.24). No significant differences
breast implants occur [39]. were found between women with only moderate improvement, no
change and/or deterioration between the removal and non-removal

J.W. Cohen Tervaert et al. Autoimmunity Reviews 22 (2023) 103287

Fig. 2. Autoimmune/inflammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants (ASIA) due to implants and/or fillers.
Typical examples of implant-related or filler-related examples of ASIA are shown.
Upper three from left to right: mesh, gluteal biopolymer injections, arthroplasty.
Lower three from left to right: Silicone breast implants, essure and metal implants.

group. Magno-Padron et al. [57] reported that 60% of their patients did systemic autoimmune diseases such as Sjogren syndrome, sarcoidosis,
not want to undergo an explantation. The most common reasons for this systemic sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus,
were costs (64%) and/or cosmetic reasons (30%). anti-phospholipid syndrome, eosinophilic granulomatosis with poly­
angiitis and/or different other forms of vasculitis. Epidemiologic evi­
7. Which patients are likely to benefit from explantation? dence for an increased occurrence of these autoimmune diseases has
been clearly reported [51]. Watad et al. [61] studied 24,651 women
As stated above, it is clear that not all SBI patients benefit from with silicone breast implants and found that women with breast im­
explantation. plants had a 45% increased risk for being diagnosed with at least one
Several factors can be postulated that might influence the outcome of autoimmune/rheumatic disorder, compared to those without breast
explantation, e.g., implant characteristics, disease characteristics, implants (n = 98.604). In medical-implant induced ASIA patients with a
duration, surgery, post-explantation reconstruction and/or other well-established systemic autoimmune disease (such as rheumatoid
factors. arthritis or systemic sclerosis), recovery after explantation is often not
complete and –as expected because the breakdown of immune tolerance
is not recovered by explantation - disease modifying drugs are needed to
7.1. Implant characteristics
treat the complicating autoimmune disease [49].
Breast implants can have a different filling material (silicone,
7.3. Duration: time between implantation and explantation
hydrocellulose or saline), can have a different outer silicone shell that
has either a smooth surface or a textured surface and can have a different
Brawer [62] reported in 2000 that improvement of systemic symp­
shape (round or anatomic). Not much is known regarding these char­
toms was less likely to occur when the length of time of implantation
acteristics and outcome after explantation. Katsnelson et al. [54],
increased. In addition, Spit et al. [52] recently found that that the
however, found in their study that capsular inflammation was more
likelihood for improvement of Breast Implant Illness/Autoimmune In­
often present in silicone-gel filled implants compared to saline implants,
flammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants (ASIA) due to silicone
whereas capsular inflammation was more severe in implants with a
implant incompatibility syndrome declines with the duration of expo­
textured surface when compared to patients with smooth implants. This
sure to SBI. Fifty-nine percent of women who removed their implants
might be relevant since Wee et al. [53] found in their large group of
within 10 years after implantation showed significant improvement,
explanted patients that patients with capsular contracture had a signif­
whereas this was only 33% in women who had their implants for over
icantly better outcome compared to those without a capsular contrac­
10 years, suggesting that the duration of exposure to gel bleed and
ture. Wee et al. [53], however, did find similar improvement in
increasing amounts of gel bleed over the years may be related to
symptoms between removal of saline and silicone-gel filled implants.

7.2. Disease characteristics

A substantial number of SBI patients may develop well-defined

J.W. Cohen Tervaert et al. Autoimmunity Reviews 22 (2023) 103287

7.4. Surgery of vaccine adjuvants. Vaccines are given to large population of healthy
individuals; therefore, constant safety surveillance is a priority. Open
There is controversy whether explantation of SBI should be accom­ debate on vaccine untoward reactions should not be taken as an anti-
panied by a capsulectomy [59,60]. In 2012, Kappel and Pruijn [63] vaccine crusade [64].
reported a study in which women after explantation with capsulectomy Starting in 2014, independent clinicians from different parts of the
(n = 22) were compared with women after explantation without cap­ world described a chronic syndrome of dysautonomia and neuropathic
sulectomy (n = 13). Symptoms improved in both groups; however, the pain occurring soon after human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccination
improvement was more pronounced in the women who had undergone a [65]. Differing from these reports, the European Medicine Agency [66]
capsulectomy [63]. Experience of the surgeon might be another factor and the United Kingdom Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory
that plays a role. Indeed, amazing results were recently published Agency [67] found no evidence supporting the existence of such syn­
demonstrating that nearly all patients improve after explantation drome. This section updates the controversial HPV vaccination syn­
[53–55,60]. drome status and discusses the fact that HPV vaccine adverse events
were already present in the pivotal randomized preclinical studies but
7.5. Post-explantation reconstruction were minimized or ignored by the investigators.

After explantation, a new implant can be placed (saline, hydro­ 9. Post-HPV vaccination syndrome clinical features
cellulose or silicone-gel filled), a reconstruction with autologous mate­
rial can be performed or no reconstruction can be done. Cohen Tervaert Independent practitioners from different countries have described
compared the results of women that were followed in the Reinaert the following symptom-cluster occurring soon after HPV vaccination:
Clinic, Maastricht, the Netherlands, after explantation and who did not Disabling fatigue, headache, widespread pain, fainting, gastrointestinal
undergo a reconstruction (n = 60), women with an autologous recon­ dysmotility, limb weakness, memory impairment episodes of altered
struction (n = 7), and women who choose to have a new (hydro­ awareness, and abnormal movements. Different clinical diagnoses have
cellulose) implant (n = 19). Initial improvement was 72% for women been proposed to explain this syndrome including: ME/CFS, postural
without reconstruction, 68% for women with a new implant, versus 72% orthostatic tachycardia, complex regional pain or fibromyalgia. These
for women with autologous reconstruction. Relapses, however, occurred are overlapping entities with similar proposed pathogenetic features.
frequently (47%) in the patients with a new implant, whereas this Dysautonomia and neuropathic pain are common elements to these
occurred only infrequently in the other two groups. Similar results were syndromes [65].
reported by Brawer [62], i.e., a low relapse rate if no reconstruction was
done and a high relapse rate when new (saline) implants were placed 10. Similar Post-HPV vaccination symptoms are steadily
(46% relapse). reported over the years

7.6. Other factors In 2015, Martínez-Lavín et al. reported a questionnaire-based study

on symptoms cluster appearing after HPV vaccination. Patients who had
Many other factors such as smoking, age, BMI, and/or comorbidity an illness onset soon after HPV vaccination were asked to enumerate
could play a role regarding outcome after explantation. In the study by their main symptoms. The most common presenting complaints were
Wee et al. [53] it was found that explantation in obese patients resulted musculoskeletal pain (66%), fatigue (57%), headache (57%), dizziness/
in a greater improvement than explantation in patients with a normal vertigo (43%), and paresthesia/allodynia (36%) [68]. After these data
BMI. The authors speculate that the inflammatory response triggered by publication, the investigators kept receiving similar post-HPV vaccina­
leaked silicones was greater in obese patients than in patients with a tion adverse events reports. Table 2 list the original published cohort
normal BMI since obesity is a proinflammatory condition. compared with the post-publication group. Both groups show similar
In summary, from these studies it can be concluded that women who post-vaccination cluster of symptoms.
developed symptoms after breast implantation have significant
improvement of symptoms and quality of life when the breast implants 11. HPV vaccine adverse events were already present in the
are removed. Improvement in the ASIA symptoms (fatigue, arthralgia, pivotal preclinical trials but were minimized or ignored by the
muscle pain and weakness, cognitive impairment, alopecia, widespread investigators
pain and allergies) after removal of breast implants also provides con­
firming evidence of causation. These symptoms would not be expected In the pivotal preclinical VIVIANE randomized trial, the group of
to improve spontaneously after removal of breast implants if they were 2881 mid-adult women injected with the bivalent HPV vaccine had
not caused by the device. Similar symptoms as found in ASIA are re­ more deaths in the four-year follow-up period than the 2871 women
ported by patients with “idiopathic” chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/ who received “aluminum placebo” (14 versus 3, p = 0.012). Neverthe­
CFS) and/or “idiopathic” fibromyalgia, but spontaneous improvements less, this hard to believe, but significant, statistical difference was
are extremely rarely observed in these patients. Improvement upon improperly overruled by a post hoc unblinded investigators opinion
explantation of the medical device points to a different pathophysiology concluding that no deaths were related to vaccination [69]. Later on, a
for the autoimmune-like symptoms seen in patients with implants than Cochrane meta-analysis confirmed the higher fatality rate in women
in patients with idiopathic ME/CFS and/or fibromyalgia. All of the aged 25 to 45 who received HPV vaccine (relative risk 2.36, 95% con­
above studies support the evidence that ASIA in patients with an fidence interval 1.1 to 5.0). Again, the hard-statistical data were over­
implanted medical device is caused by these implants. ruled by experts’ assessment concluding there was no pattern in the
cause or timing of deaths [70].
8. Post-HPV vaccination illness: another ASIA syndrome facet A safe vaccine should not have a biological gradient of adverse
events. Nine valent HPV vaccine has more than twice the virus-like
Vaccination has been one of the most effective public health mea­ particles and aluminum adjuvant as the four valent dose. In the largest
sures in the history of medicine. This strategy has prevented or attenu­ HPV vaccine trial (14,149 participants), those who received the nine
ated several dreaded diseases. Nevertheless, any substance designed to valent dose had more vaccine related systemic adverse events than those
chronically stimulate the immune system, may produce untoward re­ receiving the four valent dose (29.5% versus 27.3%, P = 0.003) and had
actions in predisposed individuals. This immune system hyperstimula­ more serious systemic adverse events (3.3% versus 2.6%, P = 0.01) [71].
tion may be more pronounced after multiple inoculations or with the use These worrisome incongruities arising from two key HPV vaccine

J.W. Cohen Tervaert et al. Autoimmunity Reviews 22 (2023) 103287

Table 2 13. ASIA syndrome and post-covid-19 vaccination

Clinical features of patients who had the onset of a chronic illness soon after HPV
vaccination. Unlike antimicrobial agents used to treat infected persons, vaccines
Cohort 1 Cohort 2 p are applied to healthy subjects to prevent infectious; therefore, adverse
n = 45 n = 37 effects acquire great relevance. Nevertheless, adverse effects do not
Demographic features outweigh the demonstrated advantages vaccines offer humanity by
Age (mean ± SD) 19 ± 6 19 ± 11 0.100 preventing diseases that constitute a significant economic, social, and
Female (%) 98 95 0.438 family burden [74,75].
Age at vaccination time (mean ± SD) 14 ± 5 16 ± 10 0.255
Mass vaccination campaigns against COVID-19 began in January
Quadrivalent vaccination (%) (gardasil) 79 43 0.003
Bivalent vaccination (%) (cervarix) 21 5 0.051 2021. At present >5.3 billion persons, and it is considered that currently
Time elapsed between HPV vaccination and 2.9 ± 69% of the population has been vaccinated with one or more doses,
symptom onset (weeks) 2.3 ± 3.1 5.3 0.370 however, the lack of access to vaccines in some countries is a challenge
for health authorities [76].
Most common presenting complaints (%) The efficacy of vaccines against COVID-19 have been widely
Musculoskeletal pain 66 73 0.438 demonstrated in the population and are responsible for the significant
Fatigue 57 54 0.534
decrease in hospitalization, admission to the intensive care unit, and
Headache 57 54 0.563
Dizziness/vertigo 43 27 0.080
death [77]. In relation to rheumatic diseases, a EULAR study showed
Paresthesias/allodynia 36 30 0.475 that in 5121 participants, adverse events were observed in 37%, and
Nausea/vomiting 27 16 0.138 relapses of rheumatic diseases was observed in 4.4% of patients [78].
The World Health Organization has defined a post-vaccine adverse event
Most frequent complaints at survey time (%) as follows: any adverse medical event that follows immunization, even if
Fatigue/tiredness 88 86 0.615 not necessarily causally related to the use of the vaccine. Therefore, a
Muscle pain 76 81 0.288 minority of people may develop adverse effects after applying any
Headache 74 73 0.583
Muscle weakness 69 89 0.024
vaccine, including autoimmune syndromes [79].
Thinking or remembering problem 63 64 0.412 In April 2021, the first cases of immunothrombosis with autoimmune
Dizziness 63 70 0.174 thrombocytopenia were described after the Astra Zeneca vaccine, now
Pain/cramps in the abdomen 60 38 0.084 known as VITT (Vaccine-Induced Immune Thrombotic Thrombocyto­
Numbness/tingling 60 70 0.299
penia) syndrome [80]. Of interest, none of these patients had previously
Nausea 60 54 0.534
received heparin. This complex interaction caused in a minority of
vaccinated persons to adverse effects, either anaphylaxis or autoim­
Questionnaire score
% of cases fulfilling fibromyalgia 2010 diagnostic
munity due to cytokine activation. Immune activation followed by this
criteria 53 59 0.370 vaccine, can lead to the formation of antiplatelet factor 4 (PF4) anti­
COMPASS 31 score 43 ± 21 45 ± 20 0.616 bodies, with platelet activation and subsequently the coagulation
10.3 ± cascade [80,81]. After intramuscular inoculation of the Adenovirus-
S-LANSS score 7.6 15 ± 6.7 0.026
vectored DNA vaccine, a chain of events develops, including microvas­
% of cases with S-LANSS score > 12 and
musculoskeletal pain 83 76 0.324 cular damage, microhemorrhage and platelet activation with PF4
% of cases able to go to school (or work) on a release. PF4-DNA cargo dispersion can break immunological tolerance,
regular basis 7 6 0.645 leading to rare PF4-driven autoimmunity [82]. Acute management of
Outstanding clinical features of patients who had the onset of a chronic illness this new syndrome consisted of parenteral anticoagulants, corticoste­
soon after HPV vaccination. Cohort 1 = 45 patients published in the original roids, intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG), and eculizumab. A long-term
case-series compared to cohort 2 composed by 37 individuals who reported their follow-up suggest that VITT appears to be a highly prothrombotic con­
symptoms after publication of the original case-series. dition and direct oral anticoagulants appear to be safe and effective
preclinical randomized trials remain unaccounted for. After the initial publication of the VITT Syndrome, various authors
confirmed the existence of this new entity [84,85]. In addition, auto­
12. Post-HPV vaccination syndrome: postulated pathogenesis immune syndromes were described, such as autoimmune neurological
diseases [85,86], thrombocytopenia [87], de novo cutaneous and/or
Dorsal root ganglia are key neural sites where different types of systemic vasculitis and/or dermatomyositis [88–90]. A recent study,
foreign substances including viruses, immune complexes or vaccines can evaluated immune mediated disease flares or new disease onset within
induce neuropathic pain and dysautonomia. Recent studies in mice have 28 days of SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in five large tertiary centers in
shown that after vaccination dorsal root ganglia sensory neurons are countries with early vaccination adoption: Israel, UK, and USA [91]. The
able to sequester and retain antigen-specific antibodies released by authors, described 27 cases, that included 17 flares and 10 patients with
antibody-secreting plasma cells [72]. Trapped vaccine-induced antigen- new disease onset. 23/27 patients, received the BNT - 162b2 vaccine, 2/
specific antibodies could theoretically cross-react with dorsal root 27 the mRNA-1273 and 2/27 the ChAdOx1 vaccines. The mean age was
ganglia epitopes thus inducing neuropathic pain and dysautonomia in 54.4 ± 19.2 years and 55% of cases were female. 21 cases (78%) had at
predisposed individuals. A different animal model demonstrates that least one underlying autoimmune/rheumatic disease prior the vacci­
aluminum adjuvant can damage dorsal root ganglia [73]. nation. In relation with a flare or activation, four episodes occurred after
In summary, clinicians from different places, circumstances, and receiving the second-dose and in one patient they occurred both after
times had reported a similar syndrome of neuropathic pain and dysau­ the first and the second-dose. In those patients with a new onset disease,
tonomia following HPV vaccination. HPV vaccine adverse events were two occurred after the second-dose and in one patient occurred both
already evident in the randomized preclinical trials. Much more after the first (new onset) and second-dose (flare). Over 80% of cases had
research is needed to define post-HPV vaccination adverse reactions and excellent resolution of inflammatory features, mostly with the use of
their possible pathogenesis. Beyond causality assessment, there is an corticosteroid therapy [91].
urgent duty to provide proper medical care to those youngsters who The first systematic review of the literature on the different new-
have developed a disabling illness after HPV vaccination. onset autoimmune phenomena after the application of various vac­
cines against COVID-19 was published in 2022 [92]. All the

J.W. Cohen Tervaert et al. Autoimmunity Reviews 22 (2023) 103287

autoimmune syndromes identified in this review were of a new onset. A published. A recent report described 7 cases of demyelinating neuro­
total of 277 cases were identified. The autoimmune entities identified logical disease (3 of them were new onset), 1 to 21 days after receiving
were: Guillain-Barre syndrome (151 cases), VITT (93 cases); Autoim­ vaccines against COVID-19 (Moderna (n = 3) or Pfizer (n = 4) SARS-
mune liver diseases (8 cases); Immune thrombocytopenic purpura (7 CoV-2 mRNA vaccines. These patients developed neurologic symptoms
cases); IgA nephropathy (5 cases); Autoimmune polyarthritis (2 cases); and MRI findings consistent with active CNS demyelination of the optic
rheumatoid arthritis (2 cases); Graves’ disease (2 cases); Diabetes Mel­ nerve, brain, and/or spinal cord [85]. The first case of a concurrent
litus type I (4 cases); and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (3 cases). The antineutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibody and anti-glomerular basement
association between the COVID-19 vaccine and the development of membrane glomerulonephritis after COVID-19 vaccination has been
autoimmune syndromes is a matter of study. So far, no components of published [101].
COVID-19 vaccines have been identified as being responsible for these Fortunately, autoimmune syndromes induced or stimulated by the
rare immune-mediated adverse events. In this regard, 3 mechanisms COVID-19 vaccine are rare, short-lived and respond quickly to steroids
have been proposed: 1. Molecular mimicry. 2. Production of autoanti­ and other treatments, including immunomodulatory drugs and therefore
bodies and 3. Vaccine adjuvants. Molecular mimicry is based on immune have a good prognosis [74,75]. However, it is necessary to follow these
cross-reactivity, caused by the similarity between vaccine components patients in order to determine if these autoimmune phenomena
and specific human proteins, which would trigger an immune system observed after the COVID-19 vaccine are really transitory or if it is the
response against pathogenic antigens and similar human proteins in beginning of a chronic autoimmune disease, which will present with
susceptible individuals and cause autoimmune diseases. In fact, only a lifelong exacerbation and remission periods. Jara et al. experience on
minority of individuals develop autoimmunity after vaccination against this topic has been recently published [102] and it is expanded in
COVID-19, which supports the concept of a genetic predisposition for Table 3.
the development of vaccine-induced autoimmunity [92,93]. Several
candidates for “adjuvants” of the immune response have been proposed, 14. ASIA-induced dysautonomia: association with
such as: Polyethylene glycol (PEG) 2000, present in lipid layer autoantibodies directed against autonomic nervous system
BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273, Polysorbate 80 (ChAdOx1 nCoV-19), and receptors
anti-spike antibodies developed after exposure to the SARS-CoV-2 virus
that stimulate the production of anti-idiotypic antibodies after the anti- As already been suggested in 2011 [1], the major and minor criteria
COVID vaccine [91,92]. Interestingly, RNA in vaccines might contribute of ASIA syndrome include, at least in part, the appearance of subjective
to the development of vasculitis as has been demonstrated in a patient and non-specific clinical manifestations such as: chronic fatigue, sleep
who developed de novo ANCA associated vasculitis after receiving a disturbance, dry mouth, cognitive impairment, memory loss and irrita­
RNA containing vaccine [94]. ble bowel syndrome – in genetically predispose subjects following
It has recently been proposed that COVID 19 vaccination can trigger exposure to external stimuli (e.g. viruses and adjuvants). Notably,
autoimmune phenomena, probably inducing age-associated B cells (ABC removal of such inciting agents, should induce clinical improvement [1].
cells). ABC cells (double negative, CD11c + T-bet+ B cells) are impli­ Recently, Shoenfeld’s group and others found that adjuvants such as
cated in the increased production of (autoreactive) immunoglobulin silicone can cause autonomic-related manifestations in both animal and
production occurring in advanced age, autoimmune diseases, and humans and might lead to an ‘autoimmune dysautonomia’ condition in
infections.TLR-7 increases ABC cell activity. TLR-7 and TLR-9 increase genetically predispose subjects [103,104]. Silicone breast implant in­
Interferon I production.TLR-7/8 and TLR-9 are stimulated by mRNA/ compatibility syndrome (SIIS) is a classic example of ASIA-induced
DNA from SARS-CoV-2 vaccine. Therefore, vaccine-stimulated ABC cells dysautonomia condition in genetically predispose subjects [34,105].
may be responsible for the production of autoantibodies and the The silicone adjuvant can cause chronic stimulation of both the innate
development of post-vaccine autoimmune syndromes [95]. However, and adaptive immune system resulting in the production of classical
the exact mechanism of the development of post-vaccination autoim­ autoantibodies and occasionally in the development of a rare-type of T
mune syndromes against COVID-19 is not yet established. cell lymphoma [106]. Moreover, using a large population-based study, a
After the description of this great diversity of autoimmune syn­ significant increase in the development of various autoimmune and
dromes after COVID-19 vaccine, it is clear that although the “adjuvants” rheumatic diseases in women with silicone breast implants (SBI) as
have not been identified, the vaccines against COVID-19 contain mate­ compared with sex and aged matched controls was demonstrated [61].
rials that hyperstimulate the immune system and can present clinical Women with SBI can suffer from a panoply of autonomic-related
manifestations and meet the minimum criteria for the diagnosis of ASIA manifestation such as: palpitations, dry eyes and mouth, depression,
syndrome. Indeed, various researchers have described ASIA syndrome chronic fatigue, widespread pain, cognitive impairments, hearing loss
post-vaccine against COVID-19. The first reports on post-Covid 19 etc. [2,103]. Unfortunately, these subjective symptoms are neglected by
vaccination ASIA syndrome were published almost simultaneously in most clinicians and rheumatologists, as the routine laboratory tests for
August and September 2021 [96,97]. The first 3 patients developed these patients show normal results. Recently, significant changes in the
subacute thyroiditis after inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine (Corona­ circulating level of non-classical autoantibodies directed against G
Vac®) and the other 2 patients developed Graves’ disease after protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) of the autonomic nervous system
BNT162B2 (Pfizer-BioNTech) SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. All patients (such as: anti-β1 adrenergic receptor, anti-endothelin receptor type A
developed thyroid disease a few days (2–7 days) after the application of and anti-angiotensin II type 1 receptor) in symptomatic women with SBI
the COVID-19 vaccines [96,97]. None of these patients had a history of were demonstrated as compared to healthy women [103]. GPCRs
prior autoimmune thyroid disease. These cases have been observed by comprise the largest family of integral membrane proteins and func­
other authors in different parts of the world [98]. In 2022, another case tional antibodies (agonists or antagonists) directed against them are
of ASIA syndrome with isolated adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) involved in physiological processes and pathological conditions in our
deficiency (IAD) following mRNA vaccination against COVID-19 was body [107,108]. It has been postulated that dysregulation in the level
published [99]. The patient was treated with hydrocortisone, with rapid and function of these anti-GPCRs autoantibodies might explain some of
improvement and without recurrence of his symptoms [99]. A case of the subjective/autonomic-related manifestations reported by women
atypical Kawasaki disease was described in an 18-year-old patient, as an with SBI. Of note, the removal of SBI from these symptomatic subjects,
adverse event after the application of the COVID-19 vaccine. This case, as one of the major criteria of ASIA syndrome [1], lead to a clear
as well as several of those previously described, meet the sufficient improvement in their autonomic symptoms and clinical status (53, vide
criteria to be diagnosed as ASIA syndrome [100]. In 2022, case-series of supra and unpublished new data) – strengthening the introduction of
post-Covid-19 vaccination autoimmune syndromes have continued to be SIIS as a classical example of ASIA syndrome [34,105].

J.W. Cohen Tervaert et al. Autoimmunity Reviews 22 (2023) 103287

Table 3 candidate for therapeutic intervention, have been suggested

Demographic, clinical, and laboratory characteristics of patients with autoim­ [108,111–114]. Of note, the presence of anti-GPCRs autoantibodies is
mune diseases associated to COVID-19 vaccines (n = 45). not the only objective parameter found in various clinical entities which
Syndromeordisease Number Brand Time to Antibodies express the ASIA syndrome. An additional clinical objective finding is
cases Vaccine presentation positive for instance the presence of small fiber neuropathy (SFN)
(days) [2,109,114,115]. SFN is defined as structural damage of thin myelinated
Astra- A-delta and unmyelinated C-fibers, specifically in the distal termination
GuillainBarré RF: 2
Syndrome (Miller 11
Zeneca: 8
30 (1–60) SS-A: 1 of the nerves [116]. The aetiology of SFN can be attributed to toxic,
Sputnik V: 2
Fisher 4 cases) ANA: 1 metabolic, immune-mediated or genetic factors [116]. Clinical charac­
Sinovac: 1
Sputnik V: 1 teristic of this syndrome includes neuropathic pain and autonomic-
Astra- related manifestations such as: fatigue, anxiety, depression etc. [115].
Zeneca:1 AQP-4: 5 Overall, the observation of autonomic-related symptoms, autoanti­
NeuromyelitisOptica 5 Pfizer 20 (5–50) Anti- bodies directed against GPCRs of the autonomic nervous system and/or
BioNTech:1 RBBP9: 1
SFN in genetically predispose subjects, introduce these new parameters
Sputnik V:1 as additional factors to be included in the criteria for ASIA syndrome.
AL: 1
Zeneca: 3
Longitudinal Myelitis 4 26 (1–63) ANA: 1 15. Conclusions
AQP-4: 1
Transverse myelitis 1 Sputnik V 1 ANA: 1 From its launch in 2011 until today, the ASIA syndrome (Shoenfeld’s
Autoimmune Astra-
Anti- syndrome) have been dramatically expanded and recognized by many
4 22 (10–60) NMDA: 3
encephalitis Zeneca: 3 researchers. New cases of ASIA associated with new adjuvants (e.g.
Gab-Ab: 1
Astra- Anti-Musk:
polypropylene meshes) were described. New subtypes of the ASIA syn­
Myasthenia Gravis 1 7 drome have been introduced, related to exposure to different types of
Zeneca:1 1
Anti-CCP: 9
vaccines (e.g., HPV and COVID vaccines) in genetically predisposed
Neuropathy 2 Zeneca:1 17 (1− 33) individuals, i.e., HLA DRB1 haplotypes [117,118]. Recent evidence
describing a clear association between the removal of a specific adjuvant
ANA: 1
Vasculitis ANCA 2
5 (3–7) p-ANCA: 2 (e.g. silicone implants, mesh, Essure sterilization devices, metal im­
BioNTech: 2
RF: 1 plants or even porcelain-fused-to-metal dental crowns) followed by
Anti-SSA: 1 symptoms relieve/disappearance in ASIA patients, strengthen some of
ANA: 2
the criteria of ASIA syndrome. Finally, new findings, such as a potential
Atypical Kawasaki Astra- COOMBS:
Zeneca: 2
41 (22–60)
dysfunction of autoantibodies directed against GPCRs of the autonomic
antibodies: nervous system and the presence of SFN, are being suggested as new
1 criteria for ASIA and as an explanation for the dysautonomia that is often
Astra- Anti-CCP: 1 reported in ASIA patients.
Rheumatoid Arthritis 1 1
Zeneca:1 RF: 1
Autoinmune Astra-
1 2 ESR: 80
Polyarthritis Zeneca: 1
Sinovac:1 Declaration of Competing Interest
Still’s disease 2 Astra- 30 (1–60)
Dr. Cohen Tervaert appeared as expert witness in court for patients
ANA: 2
Anti-TSH-R: with adverse effect due to biomaterials. Dr. Shoenfeld appeared as
Pfizer expert witness in court for patients with adverse effect due to vaccines.
Graves’ disease 3 BioNTech: 2 3 (2–6)
TSI: 1
Sputnik V:1
Anti TPO: 3 Data availability
Anti-Tg: 1
Subacute thyroiditis 2 Zeneca:1 4 (1–7) Anti-TPO: 1 Data will be made available on request.
VITT 4 2.5 (1− 10) References
Zeneca: 4

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