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Dear Pastors,

I miss you so much, not because we just met yesterday but I want to go to Thailand many year ago.

Why: because I use to worship at heartland church with you lead the worship, I use to grow up in Spirit
with you but since 2008 I don’t receive what I have before. (as a mother feed her child Brest feeding
then turn to bottle milk) I never enough and don’t know how to get close to Jesus sometime I feel afraid.

The night before I meet you, I saw Jesus stand in the big storm waiting for me. And then I met you and
you told me the verse that I have been seen. I felt connecting to your spirit it warm and feel of love.

This is my short story

2009 Papa and Mama left. It was too hard for me to work in Destiny Rescue. I don’t have a home like
other girl. No place welcome for me. Then I went to Australia. I just want to make people stop confusing
Papa Mana. I didn’t want to go for a holiday, but 3 months there I don’t feel people welcome me they
look to me strange. I came back with sadness. I told myself I will keep in my heart forever.

2010-2012when I’m making Visa to Australia I was failed. Then Mr.Chhom help me for free. When I
came back from Australia. People I met in Australia Support me for English school. Papa Mama didn’t
know. Then Papa come to Cambodia I skip term because I want to helped Papa while he came. People in
Australia were upset with me and stop support me. I still keep in my heart and want to see the people
again to say sorry. Then Mr.Chhom has problem at his work and his family. I helped him to know Jesus
then he divorces with his wife, his wife goes back to work in karaoke. Fortunately, I knew Jesus so Jesus
can help him.

Later Papa has a team came to Cambodia, Mr. Chhom not work so I let him come to guys the team. So
he has some money to his life. Then Papa’s daughter tells me Mr. Chhom love me and I told her he is my
friend then she told me it is ok to start a life with a divorce man. “I helped him with his work because at
that time I don’t have work I don’t have family, and I don’t love him.” We working and save around two
thousand, and we married. Most table we are free. We start form 3o’clock and finished after eating.

2013 I gave birth to Manna. we are living by faith, we are fault business fault, people leave us we have
no place to live. I help destiny recuse staff to connect with Papa then they kick me out. Then a volunteer
woman from Australia she been work for Destiny Recuse and still work for new NGO that Papa built in
Chhouk-Kampot. She gave us one thousand one hundred to start business again and that money
continue until now.

2015 I gave birth to Serey

2017-2018 we divorce. We were deposit a flat then another flat next to. Then we don’t be able to pay
for the flat (monthly payment). People nearby that can’t afford have to give back the flat.

From May 2017 to now today 16 May 2023 I don’t pay and no one come to lock the door, we been try to
connect with the owner but now reply we send message they seen but no reply. So I live here until I can

We divorce it turn out for a reason. We help other people then everyone put Mr.Chhom to fault.
The people want to put Mr. Chhom to Court but other people help him secret. When I feel straight I sing
after I sing I knew that was a trap at the corner for Mr.Chhom but every time God blind bad people. I live
peace because of divorce paper. We divorce but we are friend until one month ago I start to like him

. Mr.Chhom has two children before he married with me. Last year his daughter came to live with us
then she run away with her boyfriend.

.My relative don’t like me because I married to not a single man.

.Papa Mama also like my relative because Mr.Chhom not working with their NGO.

As my past after I tell you I want to forget forever.

Last night when I pray I hear the word forgive,

So, I want to forgive my parent for they don’t want since I was born until now. I always want to have a

I forgive my aunty she looks after me from 15months to 13years old then leave me in the world.

I forgive Papa Mama who hurt me for many years.

I forgive everyone that trap us to court.

I forgive Mr.Chhom that lies unfaithful.

I forgive myself.

I really want to live a new life. I want to make a group of faith. A real prayer. Everything I have God Bless
me. I don’t have friend because I don’t like them,

They can go out but my children always with me, they go to bible school I don’t. they have real job I live
by blessing. They have house have relative have family I don’t. I live day by day.

I don’t have saving I offering that why I never run out of money.

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