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PLANTS - Workshop about Flower Reproduction (Pair Activity)

Names: Juan David Jaramillo, Felipe oviedo Grade: 8A

Date: 16/10/2020

1. What is the flower? ​A flower, also known as a bloom or blossom, is the

reproductive structure found in flowering plants.

2. What are the parts of a flower? (you can include a diagram)

3. Create a comparative chart about Roots, Cuticle, Stem, Leaf, and Seeds. (Write
down the functions for each structure)
Roots: Are the ones that absorb nutrients from the soil.
Cuticle: Permeability barriers from water.
Stem: Is the one that sustains the plant and the one who transports nutrients.
Leaf: Leaf contains chlorophyll which is the essential part of the photosynthesis
Seeds: Are the ones in flowers that when you seed them they grow.

4. Explain, can plants move? (search for experiments that explain this question)
Yes, they move, they need to do it to grab sunlight and nutrients. An experiment is,
when you have sunflower and you turn her for her to don’t grab sunlight, she will
lant-biology/plants-movement-phototropismagain to face the sunn

5. Name 5 adaptations that plants can show in their roots, their leaves, or their stem.
Leaves: ​ “They have narrow leaves as these lose less water.”
Stem: Soft stem so the grass can bend because of the wind
Roots: Extend deep into the soil to grab water.

6. How seedless plants spread to new areas?

Bees are the ones that make seedless plants reproduce

7. How can colorful sepals and petals help a flower reproduce?

Colors attract bees which grab the polem and when they go to another flower
sperm is delivered

8. What is the advantage of animal pollination for a flowering plant? It is much faster
because animals can disperse quicker than the wind can do.

9. What is the function of fruits? ​The main purpose of fruit is to protect seeds
during development. They are also important for attracting birds and other
animals to eat seeds.

10. What are the ways that flowering plants disperse their seeds? ​There are five main
modes of seed dispersal: gravity, wind, ballistic, water, and animals.

● References​ (Remember to write the web pages, books, or magazines used for
searching the information, the references must be in APA Format!)


● flower​. (s. f.). Science Daily. Recuperado 16 de Octubre de 2020, de

● Biological dispersal, Part 1/2: Movement of plant species induced by climate

change​. (2008, 2 Agosto). way back machine.

● The American Horticultural Society. ​The American Horticultural Society

Encyclopedia of Plants and Flowers.​ New York: DK Publishing, 2002.

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