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AC Circuits Analysis

Group 4 | Lesson 8 | 11 - EINSTEIN

What You
Let's have a short game to test what
you already know about AC circuits.
What does AC
stand for?
Bonus points if you can explain in
further detail.

AC stands for __________________,

which means ___________________.
What are these
Bonus if you can identify all three
symbols at once.
What is the supply
voltage used in
the Philippines?
Bonus points if you can also give the

____ V @ __ Hz
Alternating current
An electrical current which regularly and
periodically changes direction

Most commonly found in the form of sine

waves, hence "sinusoidal supplies"

Our electrical system uses AC for power

transmission to homes and businesses.
"In-phase" means that the voltage and current
are changing simultaneously and follow the
same waveform.

Both the voltage and the current will reach their

minimum, maximum, and zero values at the
same time.

Happens most commonly in purely

resistive circuits
AC Resistance Waveform

Phasor diagram
When dealing with a purely resistive circuit,
the voltage and current are in-phase because
the resistor does not affect the change in
either voltage or current.
AC Impedance
The term for the total electrical
resistance in an AC circuit

Follows Ohm's law, similarly to DC


Represented by the letter Z and is

measured in Ohms (Ω)
AC Reactance
The inertia or resistance against a
change in the flow of current

A pure reactance causes the voltage and

current to be 90 degrees out of phase.

Is a component of AC impedance (Z)

Represented by X and is measured in Ohms (Ω)

Depends on both the current flowing through

the inductor and the frequency of the voltage
AC Inductance


In a purely inductive circuit, the

In AC inductor circuits, the inductor
voltage "LEADS" the current by 90°.
resists the change in current, causing
it to lag behind the voltage by 90°. "ELI" -> electromotive force,
inductor (L), current (I)
Phasor diagram
AC Inductance

For a pure lossless inductor, VL "leads"

In AC inductor circuits, the inductor
IL by 90° or IL "lags" VL by 90°.
resists the change in current, causing
it to lag behind the voltage by 90°. "ELI" -> electromotive force,
inductor (L), current (I)
Inductive Reactance

The reactance caused by

inductors in an AC inductor circuit.

Causes the current to LAG

BEHIND the voltage by 90° ("ELI")

Increases as the frequency

increases (directly proportional)
Inductive Reactance against Frequency

At 0 Hz, the inductive reactance is zero (0) and the

current is at maximum and is akin to a short circuit.

As the frequency goes up,

the inductive reactance At ∞ Hz, the inductive reactance is also infinity (∞)
goes up and the current and the current is at zero (0), akin to an open circuit.
goes down.
AC Capacitance


In a purely capacitive circuit, the

In AC capacitor circuits, the capacitor
voltage "LAGS" the current by 90°.
resists the change in voltage, causing
it to lag behind the current by 90°. "ICE" -> current (I), capacitor (C),
electromotive force (E)
Phasor diagram
AC Capacitance

In a purely capacitive circuit, the

In AC capacitor circuits, the capacitor
voltage "LAGS" the current by 90°.
resists the change in voltage, causing
it to lag behind the current by 90°. "ICE" -> current (I), capacitor (C),
electromotive force (E)
Capacitive Reactance

The reactance caused by capacitors

in an AC capacitor circuit.

Causes the current to LEAD the

voltage by 90° ("ICE")

Decreases as the frequency

increases (inversely proportional)
Capacitive Reactance against Frequency

At 0 Hz, the capacitive reactance is infinity (∞) and

the current is at zero (0), akin to an open circuit.

As the frequency goes up,

the capacitive reactance At ∞ Hz, the capacitive reactance is at zero (0) and
goes down and the the current is at maximum, akin to a short circuit.
current goes up.
Thank You!

Template: Dark Blue Internet Technology Presentation

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