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Module Code & Module Title:

CS6004NT Application Development

Assessment Weightage & Type:
30% Group Coursework
Title: EazyStocks (Inventory Management System)
Title (Where Required):
Year and Semester
2020-2021 Autumn

Group Name: Blaze

SN Student Name College ID University ID

I confirm that I understand my coursework needs to be submitted online via Google Classroom under the
relevant module page before the deadline in order for my assignment to be accepted and marked. I am
fully aware that late submissions will be treated as non-submission and a mark of zero will be awarded.

We as a team would like to extend our deepest gratitude to the module leader for
providing us with this wonderful opportunity. This has been a great learning experience
for us as it created an environment to work as a team. We would also like to extend our
gratitude towards institution Itahari International College for giving us the resources to
complete the project on time.

Lastly, we would like to thank everyone that has been a part of this project and have
encouraged and guided us to successful completion of this project.

The system ‘EazyStocks’ is an inventory management system. It is developed in

framework C# programming language. The system is developed in Visual Studio
integrated environment. It is a widely used IDE for web app development with Http
protocol for running the web app in debugging mode. The system is developed by a team
of 5 members with diverse work division. Each of the members handled few features of
the system. The system features admin and user login where they can manage the items,
customers, supplier for every item, and out of stock items. The web app is also able to
classify the items based on category and for every 31 days of no purchase of certain
items for certain user lists them on unsold items and inactive user.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 1

2 User Manual ............................................................................................................. 2

3 Description of Logical Solution ............................................................................... 10

4 System Architecture ............................................................................................... 20

4.1 ERD of database .............................................................................................. 20

4.2 Class Diagram.................................................................................................. 21

4.2.1 Category .................................................................................................... 21

4.2.2 category Class ........................................................................................... 22

4.2.3 Customer_details1 Class ........................................................................... 23

4.2.4 Customer_details Class ............................................................................. 24

4.2.5 dashboard Class ........................................................................................ 24

4.2.6 Dashboard Class ....................................................................................... 25

4.2.7 Dashboard1 Class ..................................................................................... 26

4.2.8 Item_details Class ..................................................................................... 26

4.2.9 items_details Class .................................................................................... 27

4.2.10 loginpage Class ...................................................................................... 28

4.2.11 nav Class ............................................................................................... 28

4.2.12 profile Class............................................................................................ 29

4.2.13 Profile Class ........................................................................................... 29

4.2.14 purchase_details Class .......................................................................... 30

4.2.15 Purchase_history Class .......................................................................... 30

4.2.16 sales_details Class................................................................................. 31

4.2.17 Sales_details Class ................................................................................ 32

4.2.18 Supplier Class ........................................................................................ 32

4.2.19 supplier_details Class ............................................................................ 33

4.2.20 Universalconnect Class .......................................................................... 34

4.2.21 user_details Class .................................................................................. 34

4.3 Purpose of all the classes ................................................................................ 35

5 Method Description ................................................................................................ 37

5.1 User_details.aspx.cs ........................................................................................ 37

5.2 User_details.cs................................................................................................. 38

5.3 Category.aspx.cs ............................................................................................. 39

5.4 Category.cs ...................................................................................................... 40

5.5 Supplier.aspx.cs ............................................................................................... 41

5.6 Supplier.cs ....................................................................................................... 42

5.7 Customer_details.aspx.cs ................................................................................ 43

5.8 Customer_details.cs......................................................................................... 44

5.9 Item_details.aspx.cs ......................................................................................... 45

5.10 Item_details.cs .............................................................................................. 46

5.11 Sales_details.aspx.cs ................................................................................... 47

5.12 Sales_details.cs ............................................................................................ 48

5.13 Purchase_history .......................................................................................... 49

5.14 Purchase_details .......................................................................................... 49

5.15 Dashboard1 .................................................................................................. 49

5.16 Dashboard .................................................................................................... 49

6 Testing ................................................................................................................... 51

6.1 Admin Login ..................................................................................................... 51

6.2 Validate whether user detail page is viewed for user ....................................... 53

6.3 To check whether incomplete detail gives access to the system ..................... 57

6.4 To validate email for admin login...................................................................... 59

6.5 Admin Sign out ................................................................................................. 60

6.6 Adding new user .............................................................................................. 62

6.7 Editing User details .......................................................................................... 65

6.8 Deleting a User ................................................................................................ 68

6.9 Adding a Customer .......................................................................................... 69

6.10 Editing a Customer ....................................................................................... 72

6.11 Deleting a Customer ..................................................................................... 74

6.12 Adding Category to the Inventory.................................................................. 77

6.13 Editing Category ........................................................................................... 79

6.14 Delete a Category ......................................................................................... 81

6.15 Adding Supplier............................................................................................. 83

6.16 Editing Supplier details ................................................................................. 85

6.17 Deleting a Supplier........................................................................................ 87

6.18 Adding new Item ........................................................................................... 89

6.19 Editing Item detail ......................................................................................... 91

6.20 Deleting an Item ............................................................................................ 94

6.21 Validating email id for User ........................................................................... 96

6.22 Validating address field for adding user ........................................................ 97

6.23 Validating user phone number ...................................................................... 98

6.24 Sorting for Out of Stock ................................................................................. 99

6.25 Changing user’s password ................................................................................... 103

6.26 Validate whether profile page is viewed for Admin...................................... 108

6.27 To test whether items not sold for too long gets displayed in unsold section

6.28 To test whether a user gets inactive after not purchasing for 31 days ........ 114

7 Individual Member’s Reflection ...................................................................................... 116

8 Conclusion ........................................................................................................... 119

9 References ........................................................................................................... 120
Table of Figures

Figure 1 Admin and User Login Page ............................................................................. 4

Figure 2 Dashboard of the EazyStocks ........................................................................... 4
Figure 3 User Page of the system ................................................................................... 5
Figure 4 Customer Page of the System........................................................................... 5
Figure 5 Category Page of the System ........................................................................... 6
Figure 6 Supplier Page of the System ............................................................................. 6
Figure 7 Items page of the System 1 ............................................................................... 7
Figure 8 Items page of the System 2 ............................................................................... 7
Figure 9 Sales and Billing Details page of the System .................................................... 8
Figure 10 Purchase History page of the System ............................................................. 8
Figure 11 User Profile navigation bar for User Login ....................................................... 9
Figure 12 Change Password for user .............................................................................. 9
Figure 13 Dashboard of the System 1 ........................................................................... 10
Figure 14 Dashboard of the System 2 ........................................................................... 10
Figure 15 User Page of the System 1 ........................................................................... 11
Figure 16 User Page of the System 2 ........................................................................... 11
Figure 17 Supplier Page of the System ......................................................................... 12
Figure 18 User Profile page for User ............................................................................. 13
Figure 19 Item Page of the System 1 ............................................................................ 14
Figure 20 Item Page of the System 2 ............................................................................ 14
Figure 21 Sales Details of the System .......................................................................... 15
Figure 22 Customer Page of the System 1.................................................................... 16
Figure 23 Customer Page of the System 2.................................................................... 16
Figure 24 Category Page of the System........................................................................ 17
Figure 25 User Profile page for User ............................................................................. 18
Figure 26 Sign Out Navigation Button ........................................................................... 19
Figure 27: Entity Relationship Diagram ......................................................................... 20
Figure 28 Category Class .............................................................................................. 21
Figure 29 category Class .............................................................................................. 22
Figure 30 Customer_details1 Class .............................................................................. 23
Figure 31 Customer_details Class ................................................................................ 24
Figure 32 dashboard class ............................................................................................ 24
Figure 33 Dashboard Class ........................................................................................... 25
Figure 34 Dashboard1 Class ......................................................................................... 26
Figure 35 Item_details Class ......................................................................................... 26
Figure 36 items_details Class ....................................................................................... 27
Figure 37 loginpage Class............................................................................................. 28
Figure 38 nav Class ...................................................................................................... 28
Figure 39 profile Class .................................................................................................. 29
Figure 40 Profile Class .................................................................................................. 29
Figure 41 purchase_details Class ................................................................................. 30
Figure 42 Purchase_history Class ................................................................................ 30
Figure 43 sales_details Class ....................................................................................... 31
Figure 44 Sales_details Class ....................................................................................... 32
Figure 45 Supplier Class ............................................................................................... 32
Figure 46 supplier_details Class ................................................................................... 33
Figure 47 Universalconnect Class ................................................................................. 34
Figure 48 user_details Class ......................................................................................... 34
Figure 49: Admin credentials in Database..................................................................... 51
Figure 50: Admin Login page ........................................................................................ 52
Figure 51: Filling Admin credentials and logging in ....................................................... 52
Figure 52: Logging in as Admin ..................................................................................... 53
Figure 53: Admin navigation panel ................................................................................ 55
Figure 54: Logging in as Customer ............................................................................... 56
Figure 55: Customer navigation panel........................................................................... 56
Figure 56: Login attempt with empty fields .................................................................... 57
Figure 57: Prompt to enter correct credentials for logging in ......................................... 58
Figure 58: Attempting login with incorrect email ............................................................ 59
Figure 59': Signing out of Admin Dashboard ................................................................. 60
Figure 60: Redirection after Sign out ............................................................................. 61
Figure 61: Empty Fields and initial table values in User addition page.......................... 62
Figure 62: Filling new user details and adding the user ................................................ 63
Figure 63: Successful user addition .............................................................................. 63
Figure 64: Updated table with new User detail .............................................................. 64
Figure 65: Data in table before editing .......................................................................... 65
Figure 66: Changing address for User and updating ..................................................... 66
Figure 67: Successful user updation ............................................................................. 66
Figure 68: Updated user table with changed data ......................................................... 67
Figure 69: Deleting a User ............................................................................................ 68
Figure 70: Table after User deletion .............................................................................. 68
Figure 71: Empty Customer fields and table.................................................................. 69
Figure 72: Filling Customer details and adding ............................................................. 70
Figure 73: Successful Customer addition ...................................................................... 70
Figure 74: Updated Customer table .............................................................................. 71
Figure 75: Triggering edit button ................................................................................... 72
Figure 76: Changing phone no and updating ................................................................ 73
Figure 77: Customer detail successfully update ............................................................ 73
Figure 78: Updated Customer table .............................................................................. 74
Figure 79: Deleting a Customer..................................................................................... 75
Figure 80: Customer deleted ......................................................................................... 75
Figure 81: Customer database update .......................................................................... 76
Figure 82: Add category field ........................................................................................ 77
Figure 83: Adding Category .......................................................................................... 78
Figure 84: Added category successfully ........................................................................ 78
Figure 85: Triggering edit button ................................................................................... 79
Figure 86: Changing Category name and updating ....................................................... 80
Figure 87: Updation successful ..................................................................................... 80
Figure 88: Deleting an existing category ....................................................................... 81
Figure 89: Category deleted .......................................................................................... 82
Figure 90: Category deleted from database .................................................................. 82
Figure 91: Add Supplier form ........................................................................................ 83
Figure 92: Filling the form and adding the supplier ....................................................... 84
Figure 93: Supplier added successfully ......................................................................... 84
Figure 94: Supplier name before editing ....................................................................... 85
Figure 95: Changing the supplier name and updating ................................................... 86
Figure 96: Supplier updation successful........................................................................ 86
Figure 97: Triggering delete button for supplier ............................................................. 87
Figure 98: Supplier deleted ........................................................................................... 88
Figure 99: Supplier update in Database ........................................................................ 88
Figure 100: Empty fields for Item addition ..................................................................... 89
Figure 101: Adding an Item ........................................................................................... 90
Figure 102: Item table updation after item gets added .................................................. 90
Figure 103: Item table before editing detail ................................................................... 91
Figure 104: Changing the required data except for other and updating......................... 92
Figure 105: Item editing Successful .............................................................................. 92
Figure 106: Item detail successfully edited .................................................................... 93
Figure 107: Navigating to the Item and deleting ............................................................ 94
Figure 108: Item table after item deletion ...................................................................... 94
Figure 109: Item deletion and database update ............................................................ 95
Figure 110: Validating User email ................................................................................. 96
Figure 111: Address Validation for User........................................................................ 97
Figure 112: User phone no validation............................................................................ 98
Figure 113: Out of Stock Items .................................................................................... 100
Figure 114: Items sorting by Item name ...................................................................... 100
Figure 115: Selecting purchase date to sort the items ................................................ 101
Figure 116: Items sorted according to purchase date ................................................. 101
Figure 117: Selecting Quantity as sorting method ....................................................... 102
Figure 118: Items sorted according to quantity............................................................ 102
Figure 119: Logging in as User ................................................................................... 104
Figure 120: Navigating to profile ................................................................................. 105
Figure 121: Changing Password ................................................................................. 106
Figure 122: Password changed successfully .............................................................. 106
Figure 123: Password updation in database ............................................................... 107
Figure 124: Logging in as admin ................................................................................. 108
Figure 125: Navigation for admin ................................................................................ 109
Figure 126: Logging in as user .................................................................................... 110
Figure 127: Navigating to profile page......................................................................... 111
Figure 128: Item sales details in database .................................................................. 112
Figure 129: Data in Unsold section ............................................................................. 113
Figure 130: Item sales date ......................................................................................... 114
Figure 131: Data displayed in inactive customer table ................................................ 115
Table of Tables
Table 1 Logical Solution of the Dashboard .................................................................... 10
Table 2 Logical Solution of the User.............................................................................. 11
Table 3 Logical Solution of the Supplier ........................................................................ 12
Table 4 Logical Solution of the Profile ........................................................................... 13
Table 5 Logical Solution of the Items ............................................................................ 14
Table 6 Logical Solution of the Sales ............................................................................ 15
Table 7 Logical Solution of the Customer ...................................................................... 16
Table 8 Logical Solution of the Category ....................................................................... 17
Table 9 Logical Solution of the Profile ........................................................................... 18
Table 10 Logical Solution of the Sign out ...................................................................... 19
Table 11 Purpose of all the classes ............................................................................... 35
Table 12: Login and Signup........................................................................................... 51
Table 13 Validate whether user detail page is viewed for user ...................................... 53
Table 14 To check whether incomplete detail gives access to the system .................... 57
Table 15 To validate email for admin login .................................................................... 59
Table 16: sign-out of Admin panel ................................................................................. 60
Table 17 Adding new user ............................................................................................. 62
Table 18 Editing User details......................................................................................... 65
Table 19 Deleting a User ............................................................................................... 68
Table 20 Adding a Customer ......................................................................................... 69
Table 21 Editing a Customer ......................................................................................... 72
Table 22 Deleting a Customer ....................................................................................... 74
Table 23 Adding Category to the Inventory ................................................................... 77
Table 24 Editing Category ............................................................................................. 79
Table 25 Delete a Category........................................................................................... 81
Table 26 Adding Supplier .............................................................................................. 83
Table 27 Editing Supplier details ................................................................................... 85
Table 28 Deleting a Supplier ......................................................................................... 87
Table 29 Adding new Item ............................................................................................. 89
Table 30 Editing Item detail ........................................................................................... 91
Table 31 Deleting an Item ............................................................................................. 94
Table 32 Validating email id for User............................................................................. 96
Table 33 Validating address field for adding user .......................................................... 97
Table 34 Validating user phone number ........................................................................ 98
Table 35 Sorting for Out of Stock .................................................................................. 99
Table 36 Changing user’s password ..................................................................................... 103
Table 37 Validate whether profile page is viewed for Admin ....................................... 108
Table 38 To test whether items not sold for too long gets displayed in unsold section 112
Table 39 To test whether a user gets inactive after not purchasing for 31 days .......... 114
CS6004NT Application Development

1 Introduction

EazyStocks is a web-based stock management system developed with

framework within a visual studio development environment for an appropriate
implementation of the functionality, user-friendliness, and effectiveness. ASP.NET is a
Microsoft open-source server-side web application framework that runs on Windows and
was first released in the early 2000s. Designers use ASP.NET to create dynamic content-
driven websites, web apps, and web administrations (Microsoft, 2021). Visual studio runs
on HTTP protocol to launch the web application on a local server for a debugging session
(geeksforgeeks, 2021).

The system is a web application that actively manages the detail of items, User’s and can
keep the record of sold items. The system is developed as a team by members that are
well versed within the problem domain. It is developed within a set timeframe. The system
‘EazyStocks’ is developed keeping in mind the services it is to provide for management
of stocks in an Inventory. EazyStocks is accessible by an admin or staff that are registered
to the system. Each of them has features exclusive to them. The admin is able to register
a staff into the system, but the staff can’t. The staff can be modified, meaning their details
can be edited or deleted. The system is able to Add item to the stock, which can also be
edited or deleted. For each Item supplier is also added which can also be modified. The
system stores all the items under appropriate category.
CS6004NT Application Development

2 User Manual

This set of user manual is to facilitate the user with instruction on how the system interacts
and works. The displayed pictures below show how to operate the system.

Button 1: This field takes in email address for user and admin of the system.

Button 2: This field takes in password for admin and user of the system.

Button 3: Sing in as admin checkbox marks whether the information filled in 1 and 2 field
is for admin or for user.

Button 4: This button is clicked after entering correct credentials into 1 and 2 textfields
and is used to get access to the system.

Button 7: This button adds user into the system after filling in the appropriate details.

Button 8: This button is used to update any details related to user that is to be altered.

Button 9: The details to be altered are put into the fields without changing other data that
are not to be edited after pressing this button. Then button no 8 is pressed for updation
of altered data.

Button 10: This button deletes the selected user from the table and database.

Button 11: This button adds customer into the system after filling in the appropriate details.

Button 12: This button is used to update any details related to customer that is to be

Button 13: The details to be altered are put into the fields without changing other data that
are not to be edited after pressing this button. Then button no 12 is pressed for updation
of altered data.

Button 14: This button deletes the selected customer from the table and database.

Button 15: Add Category button adds category name to database.

CS6004NT Application Development

Button 16: Update Category button updates category name.

Button 17: Edit button is used to alter the name of category if it is to be changed.

Button 18: Delete button deletes the selected category from the table and database.

Button 19: This button adds supplier into the system after filling in the appropriate details.

Button 20: This button is used to update any details related to supplier that is to be altered.

Button 21: The details to be altered are put into the fields without changing other data that
are not to be edited after pressing this button. Then button no 20 is pressed for updation
of altered data.

Button 22: This button deletes the selected supplier from the table and database.

Button 23: This button adds items into the system after filling in the appropriate details.

Button 24: This button is used to update any details related to items that is to be altered.

Button 25: The details to be altered are put into the fields without changing other data that
are not to be edited after pressing this button. Then button no 24 is pressed for updation
of altered data.

Button 26: This button deletes the selected item from the table and database.

Button 27: This button adds sales details into the system after filling in the appropriate

Button 28: This dropdown feature displays all the purchases done by certain customer.

Button 29 Profile: This feature is exclusively for User; it features password change
functionality for User.

Button 30: This button functions to change the password for user. After new password Is
filled this button is pressed.
CS6004NT Application Development

Figure 1 Admin and User Login Page

Figure 2 Dashboard of the EazyStocks

CS6004NT Application Development

Figure 3 User Page of the system

Figure 4 Customer Page of the System

CS6004NT Application Development

Figure 5 Category Page of the System

Figure 6 Supplier Page of the System

CS6004NT Application Development

Figure 7 Items page of the System 1

Figure 8 Items page of the System 2

CS6004NT Application Development

Figure 9 Sales and Billing Details page of the System

Figure 10 Purchase History page of the System

CS6004NT Application Development

Figure 11 User Profile navigation bar for User Login

Figure 12 Change Password for user

CS6004NT Application Development

3 Description of Logical Solution

Table 1 Logical Solution of the Dashboard

Involved forms: Dashboard

Privileges for: Admin and User
Description: This displays all the out of stock and unsold items as well
as inactive customer.

Figure 13 Dashboard of the System 1

Figure 14 Dashboard of the System 2

CS6004NT Application Development

Table 2 Logical Solution of the User

Involved forms: User details

Privileges for: Admin
Description: This allows for addition of a user into a system and also
allows for updating and deleting of User of a system.

Figure 15 User Page of the System 1

Figure 16 User Page of the System 2

CS6004NT Application Development

Table 3 Logical Solution of the Supplier

Involved forms: Supplier

Privileges for: Admin and User
Description: This allows for addition of a Supplier and also allows for
updating and deleting of Suppliers.

Figure 17 Supplier Page of the System

CS6004NT Application Development

Table 4 Logical Solution of the Profile

Involved forms: Profile

Privileges for: User
Description: This allows for changing of user password for the system.

Figure 18 User Profile page for User

CS6004NT Application Development

Table 5 Logical Solution of the Items

Involved forms: Items

Privileges for: Admin and User
Description: It allows for adding items and also allows updation and
deletion of items

Figure 19 Item Page of the System 1

Figure 20 Item Page of the System 2

CS6004NT Application Development

Table 6 Logical Solution of the Sales

Involved forms: Sales details

Privileges for: Admin and User
Description: This allows for addition of the sales details and displays the

Figure 21 Sales Details of the System

CS6004NT Application Development

Table 7 Logical Solution of the Customer

Involved forms: Customers

Privileges for: Admin and Users
Description: This allows for changing of user password for the system.

Figure 22 Customer Page of the System 1

Figure 23 Customer Page of the System 2

CS6004NT Application Development

Table 8 Logical Solution of the Category

Involved forms: Categories

Privileges for: Admin and User
Description: This allows for addition of categories and also updation
and deletion of Categories.

Figure 24 Category Page of the System

CS6004NT Application Development

Table 9 Logical Solution of the Profile

Involved forms: Profile

Privileges for: User
Description: This allows for changing of user password for the system.

Figure 25 User Profile page for User

CS6004NT Application Development

Table 10 Logical Solution of the Sign out

Involved forms: Sign out

Privileges for: Admin and User
Description: This allows for signing out of the system

Figure 26 Sign Out Navigation Button

CS6004NT Application Development

4 System Architecture

4.1 ERD of database

Figure 27: Entity Relationship Diagram

CS6004NT Application Development

4.2 Class Diagram

4.2.1 Category

Figure 28 Category Class

CS6004NT Application Development

4.2.2 category Class

Figure 29 category Class

CS6004NT Application Development

4.2.3 Customer_details1 Class

Figure 30 Customer_details1 Class

CS6004NT Application Development

4.2.4 Customer_details Class

Figure 31 Customer_details Class

4.2.5 dashboard Class

Figure 32 dashboard class

CS6004NT Application Development

4.2.6 Dashboard Class

Figure 33 Dashboard Class

CS6004NT Application Development

4.2.7 Dashboard1 Class

Figure 34 Dashboard1 Class

4.2.8 Item_details Class

Figure 35 Item_details Class

CS6004NT Application Development

4.2.9 items_details Class

Figure 36 items_details Class

CS6004NT Application Development

4.2.10 loginpage Class

Figure 37 loginpage Class

4.2.11 nav Class

Figure 38 nav Class

CS6004NT Application Development

4.2.12 profile Class

Figure 39 profile Class

4.2.13 Profile Class

Figure 40 Profile Class

CS6004NT Application Development

4.2.14 purchase_details Class

Figure 41 purchase_details Class

4.2.15 Purchase_history Class

Figure 42 Purchase_history Class

CS6004NT Application Development

4.2.16 sales_details Class

Figure 43 sales_details Class

CS6004NT Application Development

4.2.17 Sales_details Class

Figure 44 Sales_details Class

4.2.18 Supplier Class

Figure 45 Supplier Class

CS6004NT Application Development

4.2.19 supplier_details Class

Figure 46 supplier_details Class

CS6004NT Application Development

4.2.20 Universalconnect Class

Figure 47 Universalconnect Class

4.2.21 user_details Class

Figure 48 user_details Class

CS6004NT Application Development

4.3 Purpose of all the classes

Table 11 Purpose of all the classes

Classes Purpose
universalconnect The purpose of this class is to SQL
connection object which is used
throughout the project. This class creates
a universal connection string by which is
created the connection object.
Dashboard The purpose of this class is to create
connection for executing SQL query for
data retrieval of Out of stock items, Unsold
item and inactive user from the database
and displaying them in tables
Purchase_details This class retrieves data related to
purchase history of customer by creating
a connection and fetching data from
Sales_details The main purpose of this class is to
facilitate CRUD operations where the
methods within perform insertion, update
and deletion of the data. It adds sales
data, gets the sales details and remove
the sales.
Item_details The purpose of this class is to create a
global connection which helps with the
CRUD operation. The methods within the
class uses universalconn to add new
items, get items, update supplier and
remove items.
CS6004NT Application Development

Customer_details The main purpose of this class is to

facilitate CRUD operation where the
global uconn object is used to create a
SQL connection. Series of SQL query are
executed for adding new customer,
getting customer details, updating
customer and removing customer.
Supplier This class helps facilitate the various
operation related to adding, updating and
deleting supplier data. Series of SQL
queries are executed within a method
where it takes various parameters.
Category The main purpose of this class is to add,
get data’s, update data and delete data
from within a database. It is achieved with
an instance of universal connection which
is referred by the methods within class.
User_details The main purpose of this class is
authenticate the user credentials and
provide CRUD operations through SQL
query execution.
Profile The main purpose of this class is to
provide password updation to the user.
CS6004NT Application Development

5 Method Description

5.1 User_details.aspx.cs


Page_Load method loads the Grid view persistently for every reload.


This method is triggered only after add user button is pressed. It creates an object
addUser of User_details class after which it gets all the value from text fields of Add User
page and then calls another method newUser. An update message is pushed out
representing the addition of new user. Then all the text fields are emptied after.


This method creates a instance getUser of user_details class which then gets and
displays the data of grid view. Then calls a getUser method is called.


UserSelectCommand method contains switch case where edituser and deleteuser are
two cases. This method executes one block of code among these two cases. Case
edituser shows the selected user in the suitable textfields and case deleteuser removes
the selected user from the gridview and calls the RemoveUser method.


this method is executed only when the update user button is pressed in the user details
CS6004NT Application Development

5.2 User_details.cs


This method takes a username, contact_no, email, password, and address as a

parameter. This method inserts the values of new user and store to the database. This
method is being called by the addBtn_click() method.


This method is used to retrieve the user’s data from user_details table. This method is
being added by the RetrieveGridView() method.


This method takes a username, contact_no, email, password, and address as a

parameter. This method updates the values of new user and store to the database. This
method is being called by the updateBtn_Click() method.


This method takes user_id as a parameter. This methods delete the selected user from
CS6004NT Application Development

5.3 Category.aspx.cs


Page_Load method loads the Grid view persistently for every reload.


This method is triggered only after add category button is pressed. It creates an object
addCategory of category class after which it gets all the value from text fields of
category page and then calls another method newCategory. An update message is
pushed out representing the addition of new category. Then all the text fields are
emptied after.


This method creates an instance addCategory of user_details class which then gets and
displays the data of grid view. Then calls a getCategory method is called.


CategorySelectCommand method contains switch case where editcategory and

deletecategory are two cases. This method executes one block of code among these
two cases. Case editcategory shows the selected category in the suitable textfield and
case deletecategory removes the selected category from the gridview and calls the
RemoveCategory method.


this method is executed only when the update category button is pressed in the
category details page. It creates a instance updateCat of category class. It then updates
the category and pushes a update message after which a RetrieveGridView() method is
CS6004NT Application Development

5.4 Category.cs


This method takes a category_type as a parameter. This method inserts the values of
new category and store to the database. This method is being called by the
addBtn_click() method.


This method is used to retrieve the category data from category table. This method is
being added by the RetrieveGridView() method.


This method takes category_type as a parameter. This method updates the values of
category and store into the database. This method is being called by the
updateBtn_Click() method.


This method takes category_id as a parameter. This methods deletes the selected
category from database.
CS6004NT Application Development

5.5 Supplier.aspx.cs


Page_Load method loads the Grid view persistently for every reload.


This method is triggered only after add user button is pressed. It creates an object
addSupplier of Supplier class after which it gets all the value from text fields of Supplier
page and then calls another method newSupplier. An update message is pushed out
representing the addition of new Supplier. Then all the text fields are emptied after.


This method creates an instance addSupplier of Supplier class which then gets and
displays the data of grid view. Then calls a GetSupplier method is called.


SupplierSelectCommand method contains switch case where editsupplier and

deletesupplier are two cases. This method executes one block of code among these
two cases. Case editsupplier shows the selected supplier in the suitable textfield and
case deletesupplier removes the selected category from the gridview and calls the
RemoveSupplier method.


this method is executed only when the update supplier button is pressed in the supplier
details page. It creates an instance updateSupplier of supplier class. It then updates the
supplier and pushes a update message after which a RetrieveGridView() method is
CS6004NT Application Development

5.6 Supplier.cs


This method takes a supplier_name, address and phone_no as a parameter. This

method inserts the values of new supplier and stores into the database. This method is
being called by the addBtn_click() method.


This method is used to retrieve the supplier’s data from Supplier table.


This method takes ‘supplier_name’, ‘address’, ‘phone_no’ as a parameter. This method

updates the values of supplier and stores into the database. This method is being called
by the updateBtn_Click() method.


This method takes supplier_id as a parameter. This method then deletes the selected
category from database.
CS6004NT Application Development

5.7 Customer_details.aspx.cs


Page_Load method loads the Grid view persistently for every reload.


This method is triggered only after add Customer button is pressed. It creates an object
addCustomer of Customer_details class after which it gets all the value from text fields
of Customer_details page and then calls another method newCustomer. An update
message is pushed out representing the addition of new customer. Then all the text
fields are emptied after.


This method creates an instance getCustomer of Customer_details class which then

gets and displays the data of grid view.


CustomerSelectCommand method contains switch case where editcustomer and

deletecustomer are two cases. This method executes one block of code among these
two cases. Case editcustomer shows the selected supplier in the suitable textfield and
case deletecustomer removes the selected Customer from the gridview and calls the
RemoveCustomer method.


this method is executed only when the update customer button is pressed in the
customer details page. It creates an instance updateCustomer of Customer_details
class. It then updates the customer and pushes a update message after which a
RetrieveGridView() method is called.
CS6004NT Application Development

5.8 Customer_details.cs


This method takes a name, address, contact_no as a parameter. This method inserts
the values of new customer and stores into the database. This method is being called
by the addBtn_click() method.


This method is used to retrieve the customer data from Customer table and displays
them in Grid format.


This method takes ‘name’, ‘address’, ‘contact_no’ and ‘email’ as a parameter. This
method updates the values of customer and stores into the database. This method is
being called by the updateBtn_Click() method.


This method takes Customer_id as a parameter. This method then deletes the selected
Customer from database.
CS6004NT Application Development

5.9 Item_details.aspx.cs


Page_Load method loads the Grid view persistently for every reload and binds the
category and supplier dropdownlist.


This method is triggered only after add Item button is pressed. It creates an object
addItem of Item_details class after which it gets all the value from text fields of
item_details page and then calls another method newItem. An update message is pushed
out representing the addition of new Item. Then all the text fields are emptied after.


This method creates an instance getItem of Item_details class which then gets and
displays the data of grid view.


ItemSelectCommand method contains switch case where edititem and deleteitem are two
cases. This method executes one block of code among these two cases. Case edititem
shows the selected supplier in the suitable textfield and case deleteitem removes the
selected Item from the gridview and calls the RemoveItem method.


This method is executed only when the update item button is pressed in the item details
page. It creates an instance updateItem of Item_details class. It then updates the item
and pushes a update message after which a RetrieveGridView() method is called.
CS6004NT Application Development

5.10 Item_details.cs


This method takes item_name, description, string unit_price, purchase_date,

manufacture_date, expiry_date, category_id, quantity_available, supplier_id as a
parameter. This method inserts the new item details and stores into the database. This
method is being called by the addBtn_click() method.


This method is used to retrieve the items data from item_details table and displays them
in Grid format.


This method takes item_name, description, string unit_price, purchase_date,

manufacture_date, expiry_date, category_id, quantity_available, supplier_id as a
parameter. This method updates item details and stores into the database. This method
is being called by the updateBtn_Click() method.


This method takes item_id as a parameter. This method then deletes the selected item
from database.
CS6004NT Application Development

5.11 Sales_details.aspx.cs


Page_Load method loads the Grid view persistently for every reload and binds the
category and supplier dropdownlist.


This method is triggered only after add Item button is pressed. It creates an object
addSales of Sales_details class after which it gets all the value from text fields of
Sales_details page and then calls another method newSales. An update message is
pushed out representing the addition of new Item. Then all the text fields are emptied


This method creates an instance getSales of Sales_details class which then gets and
displays the data of grid view.


ItemSelectCommand method contains switch case where deleteitem is a switch. Case

deleteitem removes the selected Item from the gridview and calls the RemoveItem
CS6004NT Application Development

5.12 Sales_details.cs


This method takes quantity_bought, total_item, item_id, member_number and sales_date

as a parameter. This method inserts the new sales details and stores into the database.
This method is being called by the addBtn_click() method.


This method is used to retrieve the items data from sales_details table and displays the
last data of sales detail in Grid format.


This method takes sales_id as a parameter. This method then deletes the selected item
from database.
CS6004NT Application Development

5.13 Purchase_history


This method binds the Customer dropdown.


This method creates an instance getPurchase of purchase_details class which then

gets and displays the data of grid view.

5.14 Purchase_details


This method retrieves purchase data from the database tables and displays them in
Data Table.

5.15 Dashboard1


This method creates multiple instances of ckass like getOutOfStock, getUnsoldItem and
getInactiveCustomer and binds them and to the table.


This method creates an instance getOutOfStock and retrieves the out of stock data
which is bonded to the table.

5.16 Dashboard


This method basically gets all the Out of stock related data’s from database and sorts
them into ascending order according to the order type defined.

CS6004NT Application Development

This item gets all the items data that have not been sold for 31 days and binds them to
a table.


This method gets all the user who have not purchased for last 31 days and binds them
to a table.
CS6004NT Application Development

6 Testing

6.1 Admin Login

Table 12: Login and Signup

Objective To test whether Admin Login feature

Action Fill Admin credentials within the related
fields and trigger login function.
Expected Output The Admin will be logged in to the
system and routed to Admin panel.
Actual Output The Admin was logged in to the system
and routed to Admin panel.
Conclusion Test Successful

Figure 49: Admin credentials in Database

CS6004NT Application Development

Figure 50: Admin Login page

Figure 51: Filling Admin credentials and logging in

CS6004NT Application Development

6.2 Validate whether user detail page is viewed for user

Table 13 Validate whether user detail page is viewed for user

Objective To check whether user detail page is

displayed to user or is only exclusively
for Admin.
Action Login as a admin and user one at a time
with appropriate credentials and
navigate to the navigation panel.
Expected Output The user detail page will not be shown to
user while it will be functionable to the
Actual Output The user detail page was not shown to
user while it was be functionable to the
Conclusion Test Successful.

Figure 52: Logging in as Admin

CS6004NT Application Development
CS6004NT Application Development

Figure 53: Admin navigation panel

CS6004NT Application Development

Figure 54: Logging in as Customer

Figure 55: Customer navigation panel

CS6004NT Application Development

6.3 To check whether incomplete detail gives access to the system

Table 14 To check whether incomplete detail gives access to the system

Objective To test whether Admin login form

Action Leave both the email and password field
of admin empty and click on login button.
Expected Output The Admin will not be given access to the
system rather prompted to enter the
correct and complete credentials.
Actual Output The Admin was not given access to the
system rather prompted to enter the
correct and complete credentials.
Conclusion Test Successful

Figure 56: Login attempt with empty fields

CS6004NT Application Development

Figure 57: Prompt to enter correct credentials for logging in

CS6004NT Application Development

6.4 To validate email for admin login

Table 15 To validate email for admin login

Objective To test whether Admin login form

validates email.
Action Navigate to admin panel then enter an
incorrect email address with wrong email
format and click on login button after
entering password.
Expected Output The admin will not be given system
access, rather be prompted to enter a
correct email address in correct email
Actual Output The admin was not given system access
and was instead prompted to enter a
correct email address in correct email
Conclusion Test Successful

Figure 58: Attempting login with incorrect email

CS6004NT Application Development

6.5 Admin Sign out

Table 16: sign-out of Admin panel

Objective To test whether Sign out feature

Action Trigger the sign out function by
navigating to sign out button and clicking
Expected Output The Admin will be logged out of the
Actual Output The Admin was logged out of the system.
Conclusion Test Successful

Figure 59': Signing out of Admin Dashboard

CS6004NT Application Development

Figure 60: Redirection after Sign out

CS6004NT Application Development

6.6 Adding new user

Table 17 Adding new user

Objective To add new user to the system.

Action Fill the field ‘First Name’, ‘email’,
‘password’ and ‘contact Number’ with
suitable data and prompt the Add user
button for triggering the add user
Expected Output The new user will be registered to the
Actual Output New use was registered to the system.
Conclusion Test Successful

Figure 61: Empty Fields and initial table values in User addition page
CS6004NT Application Development

Figure 62: Filling new user details and adding the user

Figure 63: Successful user addition

CS6004NT Application Development

Figure 64: Updated table with new User detail

CS6004NT Application Development

6.7 Editing User details

Table 18 Editing User details

Objective To edit and update the user detail.

Action Trigger the edit button for a user then fill
all the details that are to be edited after
which click on update button to update
the edited details
Expected Output User details will be updated
Actual Output User details were updated.
Conclusion Test Successful

Figure 65: Data in table before editing

CS6004NT Application Development

Figure 66: Changing address for User and updating

Figure 67: Successful user updation

CS6004NT Application Development

Figure 68: Updated user table with changed data

CS6004NT Application Development

6.8 Deleting a User

Table 19 Deleting a User

Objective To Delete a User.

Action Navigate to user section then under a
user click on delete to set off the delete
Expected Output The User will be deleted.
Actual Output The User was deleted.
Conclusion Test Successful

Figure 69: Deleting a User

Figure 70: Table after User deletion

CS6004NT Application Development

6.9 Adding a Customer

Table 20 Adding a Customer

Objective To add new Customer to the system.

Action Fill all the fields “name”, “address”,
“contact_no”, “email” and
“member_type” with appropriate date
and trigger the add Customer button.
Expected Output The new Customer will be registered to
the system.
Actual Output New Customer was registered to the
Conclusion Test Successful

Figure 71: Empty Customer fields and table

CS6004NT Application Development

Figure 72: Filling Customer details and adding

Figure 73: Successful Customer addition

CS6004NT Application Development

Figure 74: Updated Customer table

CS6004NT Application Development

6.10 Editing a Customer

Table 21 Editing a Customer

Objective To edit and update a Customer.

Action Navigate to the Customer section then
under a certain Customer click on edit
button to set off the edit function after
which under a field give a new value that
is to be updated the Customer with.
Expected Output The Customer detail will be updated.
Actual Output The Customer detail was updated.
Conclusion Test Successful.

Figure 75: Triggering edit button

CS6004NT Application Development

Figure 76: Changing phone no and updating

Figure 77: Customer detail successfully update

CS6004NT Application Development

Figure 78: Updated Customer table

6.11 Deleting a Customer

Table 22 Deleting a Customer

Objective To Delete a Customer.

Action Navigate to Customer section then under
a certain Customer, click on delete to set
off the delete function.
Expected Output The Customer will be deleted.
Actual Output The Customer was deleted.
Conclusion Test Successful
CS6004NT Application Development

Figure 79: Deleting a Customer

Figure 80: Customer deleted

CS6004NT Application Development

Figure 81: Customer database update

CS6004NT Application Development

6.12 Adding Category to the Inventory

Table 23 Adding Category to the Inventory

Objective To add item category to maintain items

under it.
Action Navigate to the add category section in
admin panel and give a name to a
category then trigger the add category
Expected Output A new category will be added.
Actual Output A new category was added.
Conclusion Test Successful

Figure 82: Add category field

CS6004NT Application Development

Figure 83: Adding Category

Figure 84: Added category successfully

CS6004NT Application Development

6.13 Editing Category

Table 24 Editing Category

Objective To edit and update a Category.

Action Navigate to the category section then
under a certain category click on edit
button to set off the edit function after
which under a field give a new value that
is to be updated the category with.
Expected Output The category will be updated.
Actual Output The category was updated.
Conclusion Test Successful.

Figure 85: Triggering edit button

CS6004NT Application Development

Figure 86: Changing Category name and updating

Figure 87: Updation successful

CS6004NT Application Development

6.14 Delete a Category

Table 25 Delete a Category

Objective To Delete a Category.

Action Navigate to Category section then under
a Category, click on delete to set off the
delete function.
Expected Output The Category will be deleted.
Actual Output The Category was deleted.
Conclusion Test Successful

Figure 88: Deleting an existing category

CS6004NT Application Development

Figure 89: Category deleted

Figure 90: Category deleted from database

CS6004NT Application Development

6.15 Adding Supplier

Table 26 Adding Supplier

Objective To add a supplier.

Action Fill the field ‘Supplier Name’, ‘Address’,
and ‘Phone Number’ with suitable data
and prompt the Add Supplier button for
triggering the add user function.
Expected Output A new supplier will be added.
Actual Output A new suppler was added.
Conclusion Test Successful

Figure 91: Add Supplier form

CS6004NT Application Development

Figure 92: Filling the form and adding the supplier

Figure 93: Supplier added successfully

CS6004NT Application Development

6.16 Editing Supplier details

Table 27 Editing Supplier details

Objective To edit and update the Supplier details.

Action Trigger the edit button for a supplier then
fill ”Supplier Name”, “Address” and
“Contact Number” fields with altered
detail that is to be edited while other data
remaining the same, after which click on
update button to update the edited detail.
Expected Output Supplier details will be updated
Actual Output Supplier details were updated.
Conclusion Test Successful

Figure 94: Supplier name before editing

CS6004NT Application Development

Figure 95: Changing the supplier name and updating

Figure 96: Supplier updation successful

CS6004NT Application Development

6.17 Deleting a Supplier

Table 28 Deleting a Supplier

Objective To Delete a Supplier.

Action Navigate to Supplier section then under
a Supplier click on delete to set off the
delete function.
Expected Output The Supplier will be deleted.
Actual Output The Supplier was deleted.
Conclusion Test Successful

Figure 97: Triggering delete button for supplier

CS6004NT Application Development

Figure 98: Supplier deleted

Figure 99: Supplier update in Database

CS6004NT Application Development

6.18 Adding new Item

Table 29 Adding new Item

Objective To add new Item to the system.

Action Fill the field ‘Item name’, ‘Description’,
‘Quantity’, ‘Price’, ‘Purchase Date’,
‘Manufacture Date’, ‘Expiry Date’, with
appropriate data then select category
and supplier from drop down list and
prompt the Add Items button for
triggering the add Item function.
Expected Output The new Item will be registered to the
Actual Output New Item was registered to the system.
Conclusion Test Successful

Figure 100: Empty fields for Item addition

CS6004NT Application Development

Figure 101: Adding an Item

Figure 102: Item table updation after item gets added

CS6004NT Application Development

6.19 Editing Item detail

Table 30 Editing Item detail

Objective To edit and update an Item detail.

Action Navigate to the Item section then under
a certain Item click on edit button to set
off the edit function after which under a
field give a new value that is to be
updated the Item with. Here we are
editing price, so we are changing from
initial price of 2000 to 2400.
Expected Output The Item detail will be updated.
Actual Output The Item detail was updated.
Conclusion Test Successful.

Figure 103: Item table before editing detail

CS6004NT Application Development

Figure 104: Changing the required data except for other and updating

Figure 105: Item editing Successful

CS6004NT Application Development

Figure 106: Item detail successfully edited.

CS6004NT Application Development

6.20 Deleting an Item

Table 31 Deleting an Item

Objective To Delete an Item.

Action Navigate to Item section then under an
Item, click on delete to set off the delete
Expected Output The Item will be deleted.
Actual Output The Item was deleted.
Conclusion Test Successful

Figure 107: Navigating to the Item and deleting.

Figure 108: Item table after item deletion

CS6004NT Application Development

Figure 109: Item deletion and database update

CS6004NT Application Development

6.21 Validating email id for User

Table 32 Validating email id for User

Objective To test whether User add form validates

Action Navigate to add user form then enter an
incorrect email address with wrong email
format and click on add user button after
entering all the other appropriate data.
Expected Output The User won’t be registered to the
system rather be prompted to enter a
correct email address in correct email
Actual Output The User was not registered to the
system rather was prompted to enter a
correct email address in correct email
Conclusion Test Successful

Figure 110: Validating User email

CS6004NT Application Development

6.22 Validating address field for adding user

Table 33 Validating address field for adding user

Objective To test whether User add form validates

Action Navigate to add user form then leave the
address field empty except for other
fields and then click on add user button.
Expected Output The User won’t be registered to the
system rather be prompted to enter an
Actual Output The User was not registered to the
system rather be prompted to enter an
Conclusion Test Successful

Figure 111: Address Validation for User

CS6004NT Application Development

6.23 Validating user phone number

Table 34 Validating user phone number

Objective To test whether User add form validates

phone no.
Action Navigate to add user form then add
incorrect phone no except for other fields
and then click on add user button.
Expected Output The User won’t be registered to the
system rather be prompted to enter
correct phone no.
Actual Output The User was not registered to the
system rather be prompted to enter
correct phone no.
Conclusion Test Successful

Figure 112: User phone no validation

CS6004NT Application Development

6.24 Sorting for Out of Stock

Table 35 Sorting for Out of Stock

Objective To test whether sorting for out of stock

items functions.
Action Navigate to out of stock section then
choose each of the sorting method listed
in a drop-down box to sort items
Expected Output The out of stock items will be sorted and
displayed according to the sorting
method choosed.
Actual Output The out of stock items were sorted and
displayed according to the sorting
method choosed.
Conclusion Test Successful
CS6004NT Application Development

Figure 113: Out of Stock Items

Figure 114: Items sorting by Item name

CS6004NT Application Development

Figure 115: Selecting purchase date to sort the items

Figure 116: Items sorted according to purchase date

CS6004NT Application Development

Figure 117: Selecting Quantity as sorting method

Figure 118: Items sorted according to quantity

CS6004NT Application Development

6.25 Changing user’s password

Table 36 Changing user’s password

Objective To change password for user login.

Action Login to the system, after which navigate
to the profile section where fill the
password of choice and click on change
password button.
Expected Output The password for user will be changed
and updated in the database.
Actual Output The password for user was changed and
updated in the database.
Conclusion Test Successful.
CS6004NT Application Development

Figure 119: Logging in as User

CS6004NT Application Development

Figure 120: Navigating to profile

CS6004NT Application Development

Figure 121: Changing Password

Figure 122: Password changed successfully

CS6004NT Application Development

Figure 123: Password updation in database

CS6004NT Application Development

6.26 Validate whether profile page is viewed for Admin

Table 37 Validate whether profile page is viewed for Admin

Objective To check whether profile page is

displayed to Admin or is only exclusively
for User.
Action Login as an admin and user one at a
time with appropriate credentials and
navigate to the navigation panel.
Expected Output The profile page will not be shown to
admin while it will be functionable to the
Actual Output The profile page was not shown to admin
while it was be functionable to the user.
Conclusion Test Successful.

Figure 124: Logging in as admin

CS6004NT Application Development

Figure 125: Navigation for admin

CS6004NT Application Development

Figure 126: Logging in as user

CS6004NT Application Development

Figure 127: Navigating to profile page

CS6004NT Application Development

6.27 To test whether items not sold for too long gets displayed in
unsold section

Table 38 To test whether items not sold for too long gets displayed in unsold section

Objective To check whether items unsold for 31

days gets displayed in unsold section
Action Navigate to unsold section and observe.
Expected Output The items not sold for 31 days will be
displayed in unsold section.
Actual Output The items not sold for 31 days were
displayed in unsold section.
Conclusion Test Successful.

Figure 128: Item sales details in database

CS6004NT Application Development

Figure 129: Data in Unsold section

CS6004NT Application Development

6.28 To test whether a user gets inactive after not purchasing for 31 days

Table 39 To test whether a user gets inactive after not purchasing for 31 days

Objective To check whether a user gets inactive

after not purchasing items for 31 days
Action Navigate to inactive customer section
and observe.
Expected Output The user will be inactive after not
purchasing for 31 days and data will get
displayed in inactive customer section.
Actual Output The user got inactive after not
purchasing for 31 days and data was
displayed in inactive customer section.
Conclusion Test Successful.

Figure 130: Item sales date

CS6004NT Application Development

Figure 131: Data displayed in inactive customer table

CS6004NT Application Development

7 Individual Member’s Reflection


EazyStocks an Inventory system is developed as a team by few members with concise

knowledge of the solution. The system is developed with visual studio as a
development environment. It is a powerful development tool with enhanced code
formatting and variety of useful packages. As for the language C # is used for the core
working of the system. The project is completely developed after meeting the set
milestones and plans that were formulated. Before starting the project all the members
gathered around to discuss the development plan and to breakdown the tasks. I
handled user registration into the system and login and signup for both the Admin and
User. I also handled all the validation concerning the functionality of the system. The
project duration has been extremely productive, and a lot of things were learnt. All
team members were co-operative, and the project is developed under set deadline.
All of the group member contributed to the documentation of the system. The
experience of using visual studio has been a learning chance, it is powerful with
various packages that contributes to making things easier for developer but testing
and debugging the code is far too tedious and the software is heavy for my liking.

The stock management system developed is made within visual studio as a Integrated
development environment and C # as a programming language. The system is able
to manage the items and associated users and suppliers related to them. It actively
manages the stock and also automatically lists out the items that are not available.
The project is developed in group, where all the group members were given out
individual tasks to carry out. This group of people have really been great, and I am
very thankful for their contribution to the project. I managed the Item and sales addition
feature as well as query for the dashboard of the system. I oversaw the working of
purchase history of a customer, for which a month worth of data is stored and
displayed. All of us contributed to the documentation of the system. Working with
CS6004NT Application Development

Visual studio has also been a kind of experience. I liked the functionality of the
integrated development and what it contributes to the developers but the only thing
where I found it hard to get by was debugging the code. The project has been
wonderful, and all the members were co-operative.


My major contribution in this project lies in adding customer. I also contributed group
in formulating ideas let us not say that I alone did this task, but all the group members
discussed together and decided how to formulate the ideas and implement them in
the simplest and fastest way with a better result. This assignment is part of the
Application Development module which was a group project so working together and
the best utilization of having a team member on it for developing any project and its
impact on a project was the main moto of the whole work. While this assignment was
in progress, I used visual studio code for the development of the project, it is
lightweight but very powerful source code editor with inbuilt support for the .NET
framework which we used to develop the system. Also, while doing the other various
tasks of this assignment, all of us contributed to the documentation of the system., I
felt glad to have such a group member who worked hand in hand with each other and
made this assignment possible within the time frame.


My contribution to this group project in application development was. I have

contributed our group with add supplier feature and helped complete this project on
time. We group member have contributed each part of this project to make it for the
completion of the project before the given deadline. The main motive of this group
project was to work together in a group by dividing the project into each part for group
members and complete the given individual task on time to complete the project on
time. Working in a group also helped me gain skills and learn as a team and complete
the task in the fastest way with a fruitful result. It is always a great way to learn skills
and ideas by interreacting with group members due to which we have completed this
CS6004NT Application Development

project in an easier and faster way to get the best result. I would also like to thank all
my group members of this project for working together, sharing knowledge, and for
encouraging me to learn more and more skills throughout the completion of this
project. They also helped with documentation of the system. I felt glad while doing this
assignment with my group. Enjoyed everything about this assignment. Using visual
studio for the development and using it also was a great experience.


In the starting phase of the project, we as a group member discussed about the project
and planned the work, completed the individual tasks and gathered all the tasks
together and made a whole project. Being the only girl member in group made me
uncomfortable for a while but adjusted within a short period of time. I faced problem
while doing my individual task as this type of task which is a part of a big project but
separated into fragments was my first time. But researching about the task and
implementing it was easier as the tasks mainly required me to focus on a single
propose. I am really glade as my group members helped me a lot in doing the project.
Despite those problems and their solution I enjoyed doing this assignment with the
group which I was in, it is because I was able to learn lot of things which would have
not been possible if this assignment would be a solo task. All of us contributed to the
documentation of the system. I over saw the working of add category feature. Also,
visual studio for performing the coding part made as the visual studio is very user-
friendly environment for code editing. Best user guidance is also available on visual
studio which made it easier for performing the task.
CS6004NT Application Development

8 Conclusion

The project has been a great opportunity to try and implement some ideas into making a
wonderful stock management system. The system has couple of great features ranging
from feature like adding stocks to recording of sales and generating reports. The system
developed is sure to be a helping hand and easing the arduous task of managing stocks
the old way.

This project has given us a chance to work as a team and try and coordinate with the
members into building a system. It tested the collaborative aspect of members and
reflected the time management skills of each and every group member. It helped us
realize the most basic essence of group working and time management to get the work
done. This year has not been great so far, all the group members were required to stay
home due to pandemic, so the workflow was greatly hindered.

This project has taught us the working of and MySQL. It also taught time
management for effective workflow. This had been a great experience that taught us
working with a group and division of work, so it helped us realize the necessity of optimal
work environment and co-operative team members. We learnt it was better to work with
group, but the workload division is the most difficult part. As a final product a functioning
inventory management system is developed.
CS6004NT Application Development

9 References

geeksforgeeks, 2021.

Available at:
[Accessed 26 04 2021].

Microsoft, 2021. Introduction to .NET. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 30 04 2021].

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