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Smart Notes
I know that triple quadrupole ICP-MS is the way to
go forward in trace elemental analysis, but what
do I need to know when looking at this technology
more closely?

Since its commercial introduction in the 1980’s, ICP-MS has revolutionized trace
elemental analysis by providing fast, multielement detection for a wide range
of applications. The development of collision/reaction cell (CRC) technology
to overcome polyatomic interferences helped to dramatically reduce detection
limits for key elements such as chromium and arsenic. Nevertheless, challenges
still remained, particularly in the areas of intense polyatomic interferences,
doubly charged ion signals and isobaric isotope overlaps. With the advent of
triple quadrupole ICP-MS instrumentation, many of these challenges can now
be overcome.

Triple quadrupole mass spectrometers were introduced in the early 1980´s to

allow structural elucidation based on fragmentation of a parent ion and analysis
of its daughter ions. Soon after, the advantage of triple quadrupole systems for
quantitation based on single reaction monitoring (SRM) and multiple reaction
monitoring (MRM) was recognized and is nowadays applied in a variety of
different applications. The first commercially available instrument combining
an inductively coupled plasma (ICP) ion source with a triple quadrupole mass
spectrometer (or ICP-MS/MS) was introduced in 2012, and from there on,
the technology has been increasingly accepted, first by research focused
laboratories and more recently by routine analysis laboratories. This is especially
true following the development of dramatically simplified instrument designs and
Safe and
compliant gas easier method set up software.
handling for H₂
and NH₃

QCell CRC with 4 dedicated mass flow

controllers for a variety of cell gases

Mass filtering quadrupole situated

axially in front of the CRC
What is the advantage of using a triple quadrupole
ICP-MS compared to a single quadrupole instrument?
Single quadrupole based ICP-MS systems like the
Thermo Scientific™ iCAP™ RQ ICP-MS are the current
standard in many routine laboratories. Modern generation
instruments feature innovative CRC technology, which
allows analysis of all elements in a single mode based on
kinetic energy discrimination (KED), and hence facilitates
rapid and sensitive multi-elemental analysis1. However,
there are cases where special interferences may not be
fully resolved. Table 1 shows an overview of typical
interferences that cause difficulties with single quadrupole
ICP-MS systems and shows how triple quadrupole ICP-MS
systems, such as the Thermo Scientific™ iCAP™ TQ ICP-MS
can help to overcome these interferences.
Table 1. Overview of different interference types and options for removal with either single quadrupole or triple quadrupole ICP-MS

Type of Technique to remove

interference Single Quadrupole ICP-MS Triple Quadrupole ICP-MS
Ar Ar on Se
40 + 80 +

Ar16O+ on 56Fe+ KED, often combined with selection of a less
Polyatomic 40
Ar35Cl+ on 75As+ interfered, but also less abundant isotope,
interferences 35
Cl16O+ on 51V+ e.g. 77Se or 57Fe
Ar 63Cu+ on 103Rh+ Differential reactivity to reaction
gases (e.g. O2, NH₃ or H₂)
Fe on Ni
58 + 58 +
Isobaric following mass separation before
Rb+ on 87Sr+
Mathematical correction
interferences the CRC
Hg+ on 204Pb+
Nd++ on 75As+ Not possible without full knowledge of
Other 160
Gd++ on 80Se+ which interferences are present (in which
interferences 138
Ba++ on 69Ga+ case, use mathematical correction)

• Some argon based polyatomics are very abundant For most elements, there is at least one isotope
(e.g. on 40Ar40Ar+ on 80Se+) and can only be suppressed at available that is free from isobaric interferences (with the
the expense of a severe reduction in detection sensitivity. exception of indium), that can be selected for quantitative
Other polyatomic interferences can cause elevated measurement. However, the available isotope is not
backgrounds where low level detection is required and always attractive for analysis when, for example isotopic
hence lead to false positive results. abundance (a factor influencing the achievable detection
sensitivity), is taken into account. Triple quadrupole
• Many elements share isotopes with identical mass ICP-MS systems can permit access to key isotopes that
number (corresponding to the total number of protons are inaccessible to single quadrupole systems (such
and neutrons). These so-called isobaric interferences as 80Se instead of the less abundant 77Se) or remove
can, in most cases, be easily avoided by selection of interferences which are irremovable with single quadrupole
a non-interfered isotope or the use of mathematical systems. However, for many elements, there will be no
correction equations. difference in the way a measurement is performed.
• Elements with low 2nd ionization potential (such as
alkaline earth or rare earth elements) can form ions with In short, triple quadrupole ICP-MS does not necessarily
two positive charges. Such ions would appear at half of offer better detection limits for all elements, but rather
their nominal mass (as quadrupole mass spectrometers provides significant improvements for key analytes in many
separate isotopes according to their mass to charge application areas.
ratio, or m/z), and therefore may cause unexpected
What is different for a triple quadrupole mass ICP-MS in TQ mode
spectrometer when having an ICP ion source as
compared to an LC-MS triple quad?
There is a fundamental difference between triple
Nd⁺⁺, 150Sm++

quadrupole mass spectrometers using ICP as an ionization

source compared to systems commonly used for LC-MS Q3 set to
product ion mass
applications, such as pesticide screening and quantitation.
For identification and quantitation of a given compound in
a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer, a given precursor
ion is isolated in Q1 and fragmented in a collision cell.
Q2 filled with 75
As⁺ 91
One or more product ions are subsequently isolated in
reactive gas (O₂)
Q3, and signal intensity is recorded for a single transition
(selected reaction monitoring, SRM) or multiple transitions
(multiple reaction monitoring, MRM) for a given parent ion. 150
Nd⁺, 150Sm⁺,
Due to the potentially numerous combinations of carbon,
Q1 set to
hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen, there is a high number of analyte mass

molecules fitting to a particular m/z ratio typically resolved

in a quadrupole. This is the typical reason why different
transitions need to be monitored to confirm the presence of
a given compound.
SRM Mode for LC-MS
In contrast to this, ICP´s are high energy ion sources that
cause a complete decomposition of the sample. For the RF Only + Ar
Q1 Set Q3 Scanning
majority of elements, especially metals, singly charged
atomic ions (i.e. [M]+) are produced with a yield of close
to 100%. One of the challenges in ICP-MS is to remove
different types of interferences, potentially appearing at
a similar mass to charge range as the analyte. In these
cases, selective ion molecule reactions can be used in
order to create new product ions. These new product
ions are now different in mass and are separated in an
additional mass filtration step. Figure 1 shows the different
Q3 m/z
operating principles of triple quadrupole LC-MS and
ICP-MS systems. Figure 1. Operation principle for ICP-MS and LC-MS systems with
triple quadrupole mass spectrometers
How does interference removal work on a triple A few examples for elements benefitting from triple
quadrupole ICP-MS? quadrupole interference removal are shown in Table 2.
With a triple quadrupole system, different reactivity of the
Table 2. Selection of analytes and interference combinations
analyte and interference towards different reactive gases is resolved by triple quadrupole ICP-MS
used for interference removal. For example, arsenic reacts Reactive Product
with oxygen to form 75As16O⁺, detectable at m/z 91, through Analyte Interference Mode
gas ion
a “mass shift” reaction. Common interferences, including 31
P 14
N16O1H O₂ 31
P16O Mass shift
polyatomics such as 40Ar35Cl⁺ and doubly charged rare 32
S 16
O O 16
O₂ 32
Mass shift
earth elements like 150Nd++, do not react in the same
way and are separated in Q3, despite reaching the CRC.
V 35
Cl16O O₂ V O
51 16
Mass shift

Other ions of lower or higher mass (e.g. 91Zr+ or 150Nd⁺) 48

Ti 48
Ca, 32S16O NH₃ 114
[TiNH(NH₃)₃] Mass shift
are filtered out in the first mass filtering quadrupole, so 40
Ar Cl,35
As O₂ 91
As16O Mass shift
don’t even reach the CRC. However, the analyte will not
always react to form a new product ion. In some cases, 40
Se O₂ 80
Se16O Mass shift
interference removal is based on the chemical reaction
of the interference, using a so called “on mass reaction”.
Sr 87
Rb O₂ 87
Sr16O Mass shift
Examples for interference removal using triple quadrupole 111
Cd 95
Mo O 16
O₂ 111
Cd On mass
ICP-MS is shown in Figure 2. 137
Cs 137
Ba O₂ 137
Cs On mass
Yb 156
Gd16O NH₃ 172
Yb On mass
Scan modes typically applied for structural elucidation
Pt 179
Hf16O O₂ 195
Pt On mass
of molecules, such as precursor ion scans, product ion
scans, or neutral loss scans are not applied in ICP-MS
Pb 204
Hg NH₃ 204
Pb On mass
since the chemical reactions and hence the resulting
product ions used for interference removal are generally
much easier to interpret.


Nd⁺⁺, 150
Sm ++

Ar 35CI+
Q3 set to product Q3 set to product ion
ion mass (m/z 91) mass (m/z 111)

As+ is converted
Q2 filled with reactive Q2 filled with Mo16O⁺ forms higher oxide
into 75As16O⁺
gas (O₂) reactive gas (O₂) products such as MoO₂

Nd⁺, 150Sm⁺,
Q1 set to analyte mass Q1 set to analyte
(m/z 75) mass (m/z 111)

As+, 150Nd++, 150Sm++, 40Ar35CI+ Cd+, 95Mo16O+

“Mass Shift” “On Mass”

Figure 2. Interference removal for 75As (mass shift reaction) and 111Cd (on mass reaction) using the iCAP TQ ICP-MS
Does this have any implications on the design? This again depends on other factors, such as the length of
Yes, because far fewer combinations of ions need to be the device and the frequency in which polarity changes are
removed in an ICP-MS compared to an LC-MS system, applied, as well as the initial ion velocity. As can be seen
this allows for a difference in the design. As per the IUPAC from the equation, a reduction in length of the device can
definition of a tandem mass spectrometer, the iCAP TQ be compensated for by other factors.
ICP-MS features “two transmission quadrupole mass
spectrometers in series, with a (non-selecting) RF-only What resolution is required in order to resolve all
quadrupole (or other multipole) between them to act as a potentially interfering ions in the first quadrupole?
collision cell”2. However, in contrast to LC-MS systems, a As always in mass spectrometry, an increase in resolution
short quadrupole is used for the initial selection of a given goes hand in hand with a reduction in detection sensitivity.
m/z ratio before the collision cell. In the case of interference removal using a triple
quadrupole ICP-MS system, there are some important
This allows the design of a true triple quadrupole based considerations required to evaluate the impact of the
ICP-MS system with the same footprint and size as the exposure of other ions to reactive gases in the CRC:
iCAP RQ ICP-MS single quadrupole instrument. There are
• Ions of higher mass must be removed before the CRC as
important benefits associated with this different design of
they potentially do not react (or at least not quantitatively)
an ICP triple quadrupole mass spectrometer:
with the reactive gas used for a mass shift reaction of the
• The system has a compact footprint and will easily fit into analyte. In this case, the intended mass of the product
space limited laboratories ion may again be interfered. For example, although
molybdenum reacts with O₂ to form MoO (and other
• A smaller quadrupole mass filter can be integrated higher oxides), there may be residual 96Mo⁺ interfering
into the vacuum system of a single quadrupole mass with mass shifted 80Se (96[80Se16O]⁺).
spectrometer and hence eliminates the need for an
additional turbo pump • Ions of lower mass must be removed to avoid other
elements (equally or even more reactive with a particular
• A more straightforward design of the mass spectrometer gas) also reacting and forming ions with the same mass
simplifies instrument construction and reduces downtime to charge ratio. There can be side reactions with other
for maintenance ions in the ion beam, which may seriously bias results.
For example, the analysis of selenium in presence of
The iCAP TQ ICP-MS features the same innovative design nickel can be dramatically affected through the formation
elements as the iCAP RQ ICP-MS, for example, the of cluster ions of Ni with H₂O⁺ or H₃O⁺ ions³.
RAPID lens, effectively deflecting the ion beam vertically,
and removing unwanted material such as neutrals before • Ions with adjacent mass need to be removed to avoid the
entering Q1 or the CRC. As with the iCAP RQ ICP-MS, this formation of product ions with less abundant isotopes
creates a maintenance free mass spectrometer. of the reactive gases. For example, when analyzing
As16O⁺, full elimination of 74Se is key to avoid the
Is the first quadrupole of the iCAP TQ ICP-MS limited potential formation of 74Se17O⁺, having the same nominal
in its resolution capabilities? mass as 75As16O⁺. Although 16O is the most abundant
The first quadrupole of the iCAP TQ ICP-MS is fully capable isotope of oxygen (99.76%), the presence of 17O (0.04%)
of achieving a resolution of less than 1 amu where required. and 18O (0.20%) must not be neglected, especially for
The resolution of a quadrupole mass filter is proportional cases where an element has another isotope of lower
to the number of alternating potential changes an ion mass, as they would naturally react in the same way.
experiences, as can be seen in the equation below: The determination of isotope ratios is a good way to
prove the full elimination of interferences caused by
R ∝ N= adjacent mass4, 5.

Where R = Mass resolving power

N = Number of RF cycles experienced by the ion
f = RF frequency
l = Quadrupole length
VZ = Initial ion velocity along the quadrupole axis
The negative impact through possible and unwanted side
reactions is further illustrated for the analysis of 80Se⁺ using
a mass shift reaction. Figure 3 shows which ions with both
lower and higher mass could impact the accurate detection
of the target isotope if they are not fully eliminated in the
first quadrupole:

Figure 3. Impact of other ions for the detection of 80Se

What is Intelligent Mass Selection (iMS)? Table 3 highlights the benefit of using Intelligent Mass
Whereas for some analytes, such as 31P and 32S, there are Selection over a fixed resolution of 1 amu for a variety
potentially many interferences, and a resolution of less than of elements typically analyzed using triple quadrupole
1 amu for Q1 is absolutely required, this is not the case modes. In all cases, full removal of potentially occurring
for the majority of elements typically analyzed in regulated interferences is achieved.
methods. For most analytes, a flexible and dynamic way
Table 3. Sensitivity improvements through the use of iMS in triple
to adjust the resolution of the first quadrupole can be quadrupole based measurement modes
used and leads to a benefit in sensitivity. With Intelligent Relative sensitivity [%]
Mass Selection (iMS), the iCAP TQ ICP-MS features an Analyte
1 amu iMS
innovative control for mass filtration in the first quadrupole,
which intelligently controls ion transmission through Q1 for 48
Ti as [TiNH(NH₃)₃]
every analyte, leading to complete removal of all potentially 51
V as 51V16O 151
interfering ions with lower or higher mass. At the same 75
As as 75As16O 212
time, iMS improves the transmission in order to increase 80
Se as Se O 80 16
100 181
sensitivity where it is needed – for measurement modes
utilizing triple quadrupole technology for interference
Cd as Cd
removal on key analytes. 138
Ba as 138Ba16O 196
U as 238U16O₂ 384
What is the benefit of Reaction Finder? With triple quadrupole ICP-MS systems, abundance
The effective use of triple quadrupole ICP-MS requires sensitivity is defined for the combined mass spectrometer
knowledge of the right reaction pathway for each analyte (Q1 and Q3 set to filter for the same ion) and is determined
or its interferences (in order to select the right isotope, in standard mode (with no gas in the CRC). Although
which may be different from a single quadrupole system), it seems evident that abundance sensitivity should be
the right mode (SQ vs. TQ), collision/reaction gas improved by several orders of magnitude through the
(KED, O₂, NH₃ etc.) and product ion (where applicable). use of a second quadrupole mass filter (e.g. 10 -6 from Q1
In order to enable all laboratory personnel to fully leverage multiplied by 10 -6 from Q3), it is in fact normally only slightly
interference removal, the Reaction Finder Method improved (by one or two orders of magnitude) if the initial
Development Assistant was developed. Reaction Finder characteristics of an ion remain unchanged (e.g. kinetic
is integrated in the graphical user interface of the energy or direction of travel), as a result of, for example,
Thermo Scientific™ Qtegra™ Intelligent Scientific Data using a collision gas in the CRC. While it is true for some
Solution™ Software, and returns optimized measurement applications highly intense signals of other elements may
conditions for each element selected by the user. The cause problems, for some applications there are additional
applied selection criteria are based on the lowest detection polyatomic species as well, in which case the use of triple
limit and assure full removal of interferences. All settings in quadrupole technology can drastically improve the results.
Reaction Finder can be modified by the user, e.g. addition
of other measurement modes, selection of other reactive For example, the determination of 129I (a long-lived
gases or product ions etc., so that the ability to perform radioactive isotope of iodine), which is screened for in
method development or optimization is not restricted for areas that have been historically exposed to radioactive
experienced operators. material released as a result of nuclear power station
accidents. Although the main interference on m/z 129 is
Analyte and Automatic process through Interference free
Interference Reaction Finder detection isobaric overlap from xenon (a common impurity in argon
gas), its detection can also be affected by the formation of
IH₂ (natural iodine is monoisotopic at m/z 127), especially
when a low amount of 129I needs to be detected in the
presence of even moderate amounts of natural iodine.
Both interferences can be reduced significantly when
m/z m/z using oxygen in the CRC. When used in combination with
mass filtration in the first quadrupole, there is a double-
improvement effect of improving abundance sensitivity and
polyatomic interference suppression. Table 4 shows the
improved efficiency of background reduction on m/z
SQ vs. TQ Reactive Gas Product Ion 129 achieved by triple quadrupole operation in comparison
to operation in single quadrupole mode.
Can a triple quadrupole ICP-MS better reduce the
Table 4. Reduction of the impact of a high concentration of 127I on
impact of high signals in adjacent masses? the detection of 129I at ultra-trace levels when analyzing a sample
In some cases, samples may contain high concentrations containing up to 200 mg·L-1 natural iodine. In both cases, O₂ was used
as a reactive gas.
of certain elements that have isotopes with masses close
to the mass intended for analysis, for example, when Signal @ 127I [CPS] Signal @ 129I [CPS]
manganese is analyzed in blood, which contains high Single quadrupole mode
amounts of iron (54Fe and 56Fe ‘surround’ 55Mn). In general, 1 x 10⁹ 3000
the ability of a mass spectrometer to fully resolve the
Triple quadrupole mode
contribution of a neighboring signal on the observed
m/z ratio is described by the term abundance sensitivity. 2 x 10⁹ <2
For example, an abundance sensitivity of 1 ppm
(i.e. 1 x 10 -6) corresponds to a false positive signal of
1 cps at an m/z ratio of m+1 or m-1, caused by the
presence of a signal at an m/z of m of 1,000,000 cps.
As can be seen from the data, even differences of up to Conclusion
nine orders of magnitude (e.g. detection of 10 pg·L-1 of Whereas single quadrupole ICP-MS systems are perfectly
I in presence of 100 mg·L-1 natural iodine) are possible suited for most routine applications, triple quadrupole
using a triple quadrupole ICP-MS instrument, whereas the systems such as the iCAP TQ ICP-MS can deliver better
equivalent analytical range for a single quadrupole system results in many cases. This is due to the higher selectivity
is lower by at least three orders of magnitude. available through the use of reactive gases for removal
of isobaric or doubly charged interferences. Additionally,
Which reactive gases do I need? sensitivity can be increased in triple quadrupole modes
The use of different reactive gases has been described for as compared to KED. For some elements, this permits
triple quadrupole ICP-MS. Apart from standard gases such significantly improved detection limits. At the same time,
as He, O₂ or H₂, other gases may be used for selective modern software solutions reduce the potential complexity
chemical reactions in the CRC, such as NH₃, N₂O, CH₃F in method development, so that all laboratories are able
or SF₆. Whilst there is almost no limitation to the use of to leverage the full potential of state-of-the-art ICP-MS
these gases on the iCAP TQ ICP-MS (given appropriate technology.
safety installations in the laboratory as per country specific
requirements), in most cases special reactive gases only 1. Smart Note 44415, Thermo Fisher Scientific
provide moderate improvements for a single analyte, or a 2. IUPAC Standard Definitions of Terms Relating to Mass Spectrometry; K. Murray and co.,
limited subset of analytes. Therefore, especially for routine Pure Appl. Chem., 2013, Vol. 85, No. 7, pp. 1515-1609
3. Application Note 43404, Thermo Fisher Scientific
orientated laboratories, the benefits of using gases other
4. Application Note 44365, Thermo Fisher Scientific
than He or O₂ will be limited. For research orientated
5. Application Note 44387, Thermo Fisher Scientific
laboratories, a larger selection of reactive gases on
installation of the instrument (e.g. inclusion of H₂ and NH₃
with He and O₂) is recommended.

Find out more at

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are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific and its subsidiaries. This information is presented as an example of the capabilities of
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