明代宦官与佛教寺院 马明达

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2004年第5期 暨南学报(人文科学与社会科学版) 总第112期

5 2004 Journal of Jinan U niversity(Humanities and Social Sciences) Sum No.



(暨南大学文学院‚广东 广州 510632)

[摘 要 ] 宦官政治是明史研究的重要课题。明代宦官普遍信奉佛教‚积极营建寺院‚是天下佛教寺院
[ 关键词 ] 明代 ;宦官;佛教寺院
[ 中图分类号 ] K248      [ 文献标识码 ]A    [ 文章编号 ]1000-5072(2004)05-0108-09

们所关注的对象‚有关明代宦官的政治史研究也 寺院是僧众供佛修行的专门场所‚对于信众
取得了丰硕成果。近年来‚学术界又从社会史、宗 而言‚施营寺院是表达信仰、修行功德和祈求福祉
教史的角度进一步拓展了明代宦官研究的新领 的重要形式。明代宦官普遍信佛、奉佛‚其与佛教
域。很显然‚这些研究有助于人们更全面地观察 关系中‚最引人注目的现象便是营寺活动。明代
和认知明代宦官群体‚更多地了解政治史之外的 宦官营寺‚大致有三种形式‚即:存寺修葺、废寺重
宦官。明代宦官盛行佛教信仰‚因此宦官与佛寺 修、新创。但受明太祖时所定“其原非寺额‚创立
僧团之间保持着极为密切的关系‚但宦官群体作 庵、堂、寺院名色‚并行革去”(卷2《 钦录集》) [1] 法
为一个特殊却又有相当政治影响的宫廷存在‚他 令的制约‚宦官新创寺院相对较少。
们与佛寺僧团的关系也存在有不同于一般宗教檀 就目前我们所能见到的资料‚明代宦官中最
越与宗教教团间关系的特点;同时‚宦官在同样持 早有修造佛寺之举的便是以“下西洋”而著称的郑
有奉佛立场的皇室与佛寺之间关系中的作用和影 和‚而南京吉祥寺是其所修最早的佛寺。万历时
响也相当瞩目。所以‚宦官与佛教及其寺院间的 焦 撰有《 敕赐吉祥寺重修碑》载:“ 吉祥禅寺者‚
关系实际上是明代整个宫廷与佛教关系的一个重 胜国时天妃庙‚……永乐初中官郑和归自西洋‚增
要构成。关于明代宦官的佛教信仰以及宦官与佛 置为寺‚朝廷降敕护之” (卷19) [2] 。按郑和首次
教关系的研究方面‚已有若干成果发表① 。本文 出洋在永乐三年至五年间‚五年归后‚同年又再
则着眼于明代宫廷与佛教的关系‚主要围绕宦官 使。故吉祥寺之修造当在永乐五年郑和第一次下
施营佛寺的活动‚来探讨宦官与佛教寺院之间的 西洋归来后所为。郑和出身于穆斯林家庭‚但其
关系。 自幼入宫‚大致在成祖藩邸时即已皈依佛门‚

  [ 收稿日期 ] 2004-06-14
[ 作者简介 ] 马明达(1943-)‚男‚河北沧州人‚历史系教授‚从事元史及中国文化史研究。杜常顺(1963-)‚男‚青海化隆人‚教授‚
① 主要有:何孝荣《
明代宦官与佛教的关系》‚《 2000年第1期;程恭让《
南开学报》 明代太监与佛教关系考述》(上、下)分载于《首都师
2004年9月      邱一江 秦珊 中美电视合作与竞争关系探析 ·109·
          暨南学报(人文科学与社会科学版) 第26卷 第5期
2004年9月       马明达 杜常顺 明代宦官与佛教寺院 ·111·
          暨南学报(人文科学与社会科学版) 第26卷 第5期
2004年9月       马明达 杜常顺 明代宦官与佛教寺院 ·113·
          暨南学报(人文科学与社会科学版) 第26卷 第5期
2004年9月       马明达 杜常顺 明代宦官与佛教寺院 ·115·
          暨南学报(人文科学与社会科学版) 第26卷 第5期
          暨南学报(人文科学与社会科学版) 第26卷 第5期

The Analysis of Sino-American Compilation and Examination on

Television Cooperation and the Shi Run-zhangʾs Scattered
Competition Relationship Poems and Articles
QIU Y- i jiang‚
QIN Shan LU Yong-Qiang
College of Journal and Comm unication College of L ibery A rts‚Jinan U niversity
Jinan U niversity G uangz hou 510632‚China
G uangz hou 510632‚China Abstract:Shi Run-zhangʾs collection published by
Abstract: By the end of 2001‚two American mass Huang Shan Press is the complete collection of his
media companies proclaimed that they would works at present∙Although the compilers did their
broadcast their programs in some areas of Guang- best to search for Shi Run-zhangʾs works‚some
dong.At the same time the programs of CCT V-4 were still not collected∙ T he article found out 2
and CCT V -9 would be broadcasted in America. prefaces‚4 letters and 22 poem from different
T his is the new phenomenon of Sino-America cul- kinds of documents such as separate collections‚
tural relationship∙Competition is unavoidable dur- complete works‚local records‚etc∙‚and gave cor-
ing the cooperation.In order to keep the largest responding explanation and textual research to the
w atching market cake‚China should learn to use figures and historical facts in these materials∙
the capital operation‚and deepen the reform of the Key words:Shi Run -zhang;poems out of collec-
traditional system∙ tion; compilation; examination
Key words: China;America; television;
and cooperation

The Study of the Zhang Xue-chengʾs

Theory of “Liu Jing Jie Shi”
Eunuchs and Buddhist ZHANG Yu-chun
Temples in Ming Dynasty T he College of L iterature‚Jinan U niversity
MA Ming-da‚ DU Chang-shun G uangz hou‚510632
College of L iberal A rts‚Jinan U niversity Abstract: From the end of the Qing Dynasty to the
G uangz hou 510632‚China beginning of the Republic of China‚the theory of
Abstract: In Ming Dynasty‚eunuches usually be- “Liu Jing Jie Shi” w hich Zhang Xue-cheng had
lieved in Buddhism.As a result‚they usually be- put forw ard got great respect but did not find his
came a powerful supporting institution to the Bud- w ay into the textual research world‚because of the
dhist temples∙ Consequently‚monks and their or- special background.T hrough researching the back-
ganizations were inclined to play up to these eu- ground w here Zhang Xue-cheng put forw ard his
nuchs∙ T he interactions between monks and eu- theory‚and combining Zhangʾs research with his
nuchs exercised a great influence on normal‚popu- academic practice‚this article confirms that Zhang
lar communities in the society‚so that the real put forw ard the topic of “Liu Jing Jie Shi” from the
meaning of these religious supporting activities ex- point of the historical compiling‚the aim of w hich
ceeded the pure religious scale‚and had even more w as to clear the origin and development of the his-
social and political impacts∙ torical theories.
Key words: Ming Dynasty;eunuch;Buddhist tem- Key words: Zhang Xue-cheng;T he history;tex-
ple tual research;Liu Jing Jie Shi

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