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INTRODUCTION: Today’s modern culture, advanced technology and fast life style

leading irregular eating habits. Eating outside has become fashion which increased risk of
contaminated food and water. And also there is lack of concern about Dincharya and
Ritucharya. Irregular time of taking meals , ati katu-amla lavan rasa sevan ,increase alcohol
consumption, increase anger due to stressful life ,All these etiological factor are responsible
for vitiation of ‘Pitta Dosha” by causing increased Dravata,Tikshanata,Sarata,Guna of
‘samyak pitta”. Hence most of the population suffers from ‘Agnimandhya”,Aruchi, Fatigue,
Avipak, Indriyadaurbalya haridra varnata, etc. which are the common symptoms of pittaj
vyadhi like KAMALA.
In Ayurveda ‘Kamala” vyadhi is known from ‘Vedic kala”.Aacharya's of
Bhrihatrayee i.e. Maharshi Charak has considered Kamala as Pravardhamanawastha of
PANDU ROGA. Acharya Sushruta has considered Kamala as separate disease as well as
further complication of Pandu roga. Acharya Vagbhat has described Kamla as ‘Swatantra

Nirukti of word ‘KAMALA’:

v= dkey¢fr dke'kCn®·; alkèkkj.k 'kCn fo'k¢"kkr~ LoYi¢
ÒDrk|fÒyk"® izorZr ¢]ra ykrhfr dkeyk AA ¼lqŒmŒraŒ44@6½
Means a disease in which there is loss of desire of eating, drinking, doing work,

ik.Mqj®xh rq ;®∙R;ZFka fiRrykfu fu"®or¢A

rL;fiRral`³ekala nXËok j®xk; dYir¢AA ¼pñfpñ16@34½
Kamala is produced by two different ways. The first one is-Excessive consumption of
paittika ahar vihar by pandu rogi then aggrevated pitta burns the ‘Rakta and Mansa and
manifest Kamala. And the second is-excessive intake of ruksha,seeta,guru and Madhur aahar
vihar , Ati vyayam and vega nigraha etc.increases kaph and vata which obstruct pittavaha
shrotasa causes ruddhapath kamala.
Kamala can be correlated with ‘JAUNDICE’ in modern medical sciences that is yellowish
discolouration of the skin ,body fluids, mucus membrane sclera etc. due to
Kamala is a ‘Nanatmaja vyadhi’ of pitta dosha and ‘Raktapradoshaj Vikar. It shows
similarities with sign and symptoms of jaundice. The presence of jaundice is usually, but not
always a sign of liver diseases. The liver plays a major role in the maintenance of metabolic
Homeostasis. The development of clinically important liver disease is accompanied by
diverse manifestation of disordered metabolism. Jaundice is the most reliable marker of the
severity of liver diseases.
A total of 192 cases of jaundice were detected during the 12 month study period, from an
annual incidence of 2.76/1000 papulation. Almost 60% of these cases occur during the
summer and Mansoon.( June-september),suggesting a feco oral mode of transmission.

Why ‘Lauhchurnadi yog’ is selected:-

In this study, selection of Lauhchurnadi yog ( Yog ratnakara) is done on the basis of the
fact that these ayurvedic herbo-miniral preparations act on the root of disease i.e. on Vitiated
Pitta dosha by their tikta rasa ,sheeta virya, mradu virechak, rakta Vardhan and sarak guna
etc. and thus these herbs are pitta shamaka. Also this herbo- miniral preparation is cost
effective as per the socio-economical status of the patients.
Our aacharya’s have given thousands of medicament for specific disease One of them is
Lauhchurnadi yoga for the treatment of kamala.

Need of this research work:-

Kamala is a common disorder seen in urban as well as rural areas with poor hygiene and
sanitization . Individual who indulge in nidana sevana as indicated under kamala become
victims of this disease. Liver diseases is 8th leading cause of death worldwide and kamala
may end up with many fatal complications like kumbhkamala , halimaka , panaki ,
yakritodara etc. So early diagnosis of kamala rog is very necessary.
Modern sciences has limitations in treating Kamala Vyadhi (Jaundice) but ayurvedic
Literatures clearly explained Pathology and treatment of Kamala vyadhi.
Ayurveda literatures have wealth of resource information regarding the nidana,
samprapti, and samprapti vighatan of Kamla roga which is helpful to prevent aggravation of
disease and its complications.
By considering all these factors the study is needed at understanding the etiological
factors , its samprapti , Role of different present day causative factors & Investigations in
evaluating the disease kamala and lastly its samprapti vighatana by LAUHCURNADI YOG
because it has the properties of Deepan, Aampachana, mraduvirechaka, Rakta vardhaka,
Saraka etc.

Aim and Objective:-

To study the literatures pertaining to Kamala and jaundice in different Ayurvedic samhitas
and modern literatures.
To evaluate the upshayatmak parikshana of Lauhchurnadi yoga in the remission of the
symptoms/illness in the patients suffering from kamala.
To evaluate the efficacy of lauhchurnadi yog in hyperbilirubinemia & elevated SGOT ,SGPT

Review of Previous work:-

An etiopathological study of Kamala -Dr.Jyotsana Chaturvedi {B.H.U.} ,Varanasi -1992
Clinical evaluation on the role of ‘Amruta’ in the treatment of Kamala rog -Dr.Prashad
Mahendra{B.H.U.} , Varanasi- 1996
Clinical study of some indigenious drug in the treatment of Kamala rog- Dr. S.K.Gupta
{B.H.U.} Varanasi -1998
An experimental and clinical study on Kamala (Viral hepatitis) w.s.r. to antioxidant
properties of some indigenous drugs-Dr. Vijay Sath (B.H.U.), Varanasi-2002
Clinical evaluation of ‘Markanyadi Hima’ in the management of kamala rog w.s.r. to viral
hepatitis- Dr.P.S.Yadav Jaipur-2003
Effect of ‘Phaltrekadi kwath’ in the management of kosthashasharita kamala w.s.r. to
hepatocellular jaundice- Dr Sandeep Kaushik (A& U Tibbia college Delhi University)
To study the effect of ‘Dhatri Avaleha’ in the management of Bahupitta kamala (MUHS.
A Clinical study of ‘Yograj Rasayana’ in the patients of kamala Hepatocellular
jaundice- Dr. S.N.Mishra(R.A.C) Lucknow ,UP
An etiopathological study of jaundice and therapeutic effect of ‘Phaltrikadi ghan vati’-
Dr.Awadhesh Kumar, N.I.A. ,Jaipur -2004

Plan of Study:-
Conceptual study
Clinical study
Observation and result
Summery and conclusion
Conceptual study :-It is the literary review- the base of any research work. Before
performing any practical part of the research work is needed to go through books.. and
published articles regarding the subject.

Clinical study:-
Source of data:-For the study total 60 patients which is fulfilling the clinical criteria for
the diagnosis of Kamala will be selected from the OPD and IPD of Rajkiya Ayurvedic pg
college , Varanasi.

Method of collection of data:-The patients will be diagnosed on the basis of ayurvedic

and modern parameters. Clinical sign and symptoms described in classical texts will be
considered for the diagnosis of kamala.

Inclusion crietaria:-
Patients having sign and symptoms of Kamala.
Patients having raised serum bilirubin >2 mg / dl .
Patients between age group of 18 to 70 years of both sexes.
Exclusion critaria:-
Pregnant lady
Age below 17 years and above 70 years.
Liver cirrhosis and Liver cancer, Liver abscess
Obstructive jaundice and viral hepatitis
Kamala with upadravas and kamala occurring as a upadrava in other diseases.
Aaharaj Nidana + Viharaja nidana + Mansika Nidana +
or o or
_ r _
Excessice intake of Amla, Ati Vyayam
Lavan, ((Excessive exercise) Kam
Aahar(Intake of hot ,spicy
& junk food)
Tila ,Sarsap, Atasi,Taila ati Vega vidharana
sevan (stoppage of natural Krodha
Vidagadha anna
Viruddha anna
Madya pana Shoka

etc sevana
Gradation of Parameters:-
S.N. Grade 0 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3
Netra absent Mild Can be seen in Can be seen
Pitata sunlight without sunlight
Peet Normal in urine Yellowish coloured Dark yellow Highly coloured
Mutrata colour urine coloured urine urine
Jwara Absent Temp b/w 99-100F Temp b/w 100- Temp above
102F 102F
Chardi No vomiting Less then 3 episodes 3-6 episodes per More then 6
(vomiting) per day day episodes per
Sadan No weakness Weakness not Weakness Weakness
disturbing daily disturbing daily required
routine work routine work complete bed
Avipaka Normal stool Heaviness in Heaviness with Heaviness with
abdomen sticky hard stool constipation
more than 2-3
Udar Absent Mild Moderate Severe
Aruchi Normal Less desire to eat Less desire to eat No desire to eat
(anorexia) with nausea with severe
Objective criteria:-
S.bilirubin , SGOT ,SGPT values before and after upshayatmaka Parikshana was assessed.
The statical analysis of these values were done before the start of the upashayatmaka
parikshana and finelly after the completion of upshayatmaka parikshana.

S. bilirubin(mg/dl):-

Grade Upto the level

0 Decrease upto 0.5 mg/dl

1 Decrease upto 1.0mg/dl

2 Decrease upto 1.5 mg/dl

3 Decrease upto 2.0 mg/dl

Investigations1 :- CBC





Drug Name- Lauhchurnadi Yog

Refference- Yogratnakar
Action- Kamala and Pandu Rog nashan
Duration- 30days
Follow up- 7 days
Doses- 4 gms twice a day with Madhu and Ghrit.
No. Content Latin name Main Work Ras Panchak Part
name (family) used Ratio
1 Lauh Iron Rakta Ras- Bhasma
bhasma (Ferrum) vardhak , Tikta,Madhur,
balya, Kashaya Guna- 1Part
rashayana sar,Guru,ruksha,
2 Haridra Curcuma longa Kaph- vat Ras-
(Zingiberaceae) shamak, Pitta Tikta,katu,Guna- Rhizome
rechaka Rukha,laghu 1part
3 Daruharidra Berberis aristate Deepan, Pitta Ras- Kand
(Berberidaceae) sarak, yakrit Tikta,Kashaya,
uttejak Guna- 1part
4 Chiraita Swetia chirayita Deepan,Pacha Ras-Tikta,Guna- Pnchang
(Gentianaceae) n, Laghu,rukha,Viry
Sarak,Rkta a-ushna,Vipak- 1part
Shodhak Katu
5 Triphala_ _ Deepan
Amalaki Emblica Mraduvirechak Phala
officinalis Vatanuloman
(Euphorbiaceae) Antioxident 1part
Vibhitaki Terminalia
Haritaki Terminalia

Criteria for Assessment of overall Effect of Therapy:-The treatment effect will be assessed
weekly on the basis of the relief of sign and symptoms of the disease on scoring pattern by
specially designed performa:-
1 Excellent result >75% Relief in sign and symptoms and
S.bilirubin within the normal range.
2 Moderate result 50%-75% Relief in sign and symptoms
3 Poor result 25-50% Relief in sign and symptoms
4 No result <10% relief in sign and symptoms.

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