Cellphones and Modern Life

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Life, as we know it today, has modernized quite considerably since the introduction of

cellphones, which brought worldwide improvements over the last few decades.
Nevertheless, some people oppose that these advanced devices can leave a hard time
for the community to deal with the problems that they brought along. Whilst the
benefits should be taken into account, leaving out the downsides cannot be an option.

On the one hand, mobile phones have such a vast arrangement of utilities that these
gadgetries have transformed into multi-purpose ones. First and foremost, with the
invention of phones, people won’t have to deal with the hassle of communicating face-
to-face, since it takes quite a while for others to show up, this is without considering
other factors that may delay the process even more. Instead, it is being replaced by
calls, text messages, and most notably, the creation of social media, which drastically
changed the way of life ever since. Secondly, cellphones grant us access to a library of
applications to choose from, thus providing entertainment in many forms, just like
videos from YouTube by way of example.

On the other hand, cellphones improving modern life doesn’t necessarily mean
improving human behavior, and that is the basis for the drawbacks to come into play.
High usage time for cellphones, for instance, can cause addiction to young people,
especially students nowadays, therefore bringing just about any health problems related
to heavy usage of these devices. This also means the majority of youngers will be as lazy
as couch potatoes because when they are immersed in a virtual environment, the
surroundings and their corresponding actions will be almost non-existent. Though in the
future, but for the development of smartphones, not just teenagers but society
wouldn’t be able to adapt to the technological changes and revolutions ahead.

To sum up, I agree with the proposal that cellphones have improved modern life quite
reasonably, however, it’s not all black and white. Yes, it does have a lot of pros to our
daily lives, as a matter of fact, but that doesn’t mean leaving the cons on the shelf.
Instead, people should consider that and balance out their lives to their most
appreciable level, without causing any harm or concerns.

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