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NIM: 2030104026
Class: TBI 4A
Prompt: the presence of technology in the classroom has become more and more apparent
and offers students tremendous resources with which to supplement their education. Given
time, technology will completely replace the traditional teacher in the classroom. There will
be soon no role for teachers in the classroom.
Supports/ Pro Againts/ Cons
1. Have wider and unlimited information 1. Technology can cause health problems
2. Easy access to learning 3. Can’t improve the competence of
3. The material is more interesting and students
varied 4. Teacher can be a place to vent
4. Flexible study time 5. Can’t hone students' mindsets
5. Effective learning methods 6. Don’t know understanding students’
6. Improve learning ability growth
7. Technology make students lack of
interest in learning

1. According to the article (POSI) of Indonesian Science Olympic Center (2021) the
current state of technology is present as a savior, student who don not learn face to
face with teacher so that if something is not understood by their students, they can use
technology as a source of information.
2. According to the web manager the junior high school directorate (2021) the use of
technology in education can make student more comfortable and not seem bored
3. According to the article (POSI) of Indonesian Science Olympic Center (2021) the
technology is currently very useful for the world education, because the information
on the internet is more update and always up-to-date.


1. According to the Dr. Nabila Viera Yovita (2021) argues that technology can reduce
physical activity, excessive use of technology triggers various health problem, such as
obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes mellitus and premature death.
2. According to the Kompasiana beyong blogging (2021) the teacher is able to become a
place for students to vent by telling something personal or helping to solve the
problem of their student.
3. According to Victoria Akpan TMLT (2022), by using technology some of them may
even think they can skip school because they can find answers and lessons online.

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