Gerund + Infinitive - Non Sastra Class

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(Infinitive +Gerund)

►Verbs that are always followed by the infinitive

Some verbs can take another verb as the complement instead of a noun. Sometimes the verb
functioning as a complement must be in the infinitive (to+verb) and sometimes it must be in the
gerund (verb+ing) form. The following verbs are always followed by the infinitive if the
complement is a verb.

Agree attempt claim decide demand

Desire fail forget hesitate hope
Intend learn need offer plan
Prepare pretend refuse seem strive
Tend try want wish expect


Timmy decided to postpone his plan.

V Inf.
John expect to begin studying law next semester.
V Inf.
Marry learned to swim when she was very young.
V Inf.

Notes: V = Verb
Inf. = Infinitive (to+verb)

► Verbs that are always followed by Gerund.

Other verbs must always be followed by the gerund. These verbs imclude:

Admit appreciate avoid can’t help consider

Delay deny enjoy finish mind
Miss postpone practice quit recall
Regret report resent resist resume
Risk suggest
we regretted going to the party last night.
V Gr.
We enjoyed watching the television.
V Gr.
I quit reading comics since I was twelve years old.
V Gr.

Notes: V = Verb
Gr. = Gerund (verb+ing)

These sentences are made negative by adding the negative particle not before the infinitive or

Timmy decided not to postpone his plan.
V Inf.

we regretted not going to the party last night.

V Gr.

The following verbs can be followed by either the infinitive or the gerund with no change in

Begin can’t stand continue dread hate

Like love prefer start

It begins to rain. Or it begins raining.
V Inf. V Gr.

Joan hate to ride her bycicle to school. or Joan hate riding her bycicle to school.
V Inf. V Gr.
Fill in the blank by using the correct form of a verb (gerund or infinitive).

You shouldn’t risk ____________ that building in its present condition.



To enter

To entering

The president will attempt __________ inflation in the next four years.

To reduce



To reducing

Carlos hopes __________ his thesis this year.

To finish


To finishing


The soldiers are preparing ___________ the village.

To attack

To attacking



Would you mind __________ the window, please?


To open

To opening


We discussed ____________ Colorado for our vacation. (visit)

I need _______ tonight. (study)

Jack promised __________ me this night (meet).

My friend has decided _____________ a new car (buy)

The Porter’s house is too small. They’re considering ___________ a bigger house. (buy)

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