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Unit-9 1 Read the article about a car.

For questions 1–5, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you

think fits best according to the text.

Folding car
There’s a new type of car around called a micro-EV (electric vehicle). Though electric and hybrid cars, which
are powered by both a petrol engine and batteries, have been around for a while, this one is different. It folds
up so its length of 2.5 metres shortens to 1.5 metres when it is not being driven. This means that seven of
these vehicles can fit into a normal parking space. It is also unique because it is the first car originally designed
for use in city car-share programmes.

The idea is that cities would have fleets of these cars strategically placed at charging points throughout a city
and its suburbs in the same way as many cities already have bicycle-sharing schemes, where you rent and
pick up a bike from a particular point and drop it off at another point at the end of your journey. The trouble with
bikes though, is that some people can’t or don’t want to use them, particularly in bad weather. You could argue
that people could use public transport to get around cities, which is true, but urban planners have identified
what they call a ‘first and last mile’ problem. This refers to the situation where people don’t live or work within
walking distance of a place to take public transport. Micro-EVs are intended to solve this problem. It would
encourage car users to leave them at home, therefore reducing road congestion, carbon emissions and fuel
and parking costs for drivers.

The idea of a compact folding electric city car came from America, at the Michigan Institute of Technology
(MIT) and was taken up by a group of businesspeople from the Basque part of Spain. With financial help from
the Spanish government, which provided around a quarter of the development budget, they formed a company
that built the Hiriko Fold. Hiriko comes from two Basque words and means ‘from the city’.

Apart from being small and light, there are some other special features. There is no steering wheel for a start.
Instead, you steer with an aircraft style control which you move forwards to go ahead and faster, back to slow
down and reverse and left or right to turn. The wheels also rotate 60 degrees, which means you can almost
move sideways. That will help with parking in tight spaces. You and your passenger get in and out by lifting up
a door at the front, which is also the windscreen. It’s not particularly cheap or fast with a top speed of just 50km
an hour and a maximum range of about 120km before the batteries need recharging, but that only takes 15
minutes. So it’s not meant for motorway driving, but as a solution for urban transport, this could possibly take
off. In some countries, you may not need a licence to drive it because it weighs less than 500kg, so it could be
registered as a quadricycle –a four-wheeled bike – rather than a car.

1 What does the first paragraph say is new about the micro-EV?
A It can change shape. B It is battery driven. C It was the first car to be used in some cities.
D It needs to be parked in a special way.

2 Micro-EVs might be a solution for people who

A don’t want to use public transport. B think cycling in cities is sometimes dangerous.
C are far from a public transport route. D want free transport around cities.

3 Who built the Hiriki Fold?

A MIT B The Spanish government C A Basque company D Two organisations

4 The Hiriki Fold

A can’t go backwards. B isn’t driven like other cars. C has two doors.
D has a problem with going sideways.

5 One disadvantage of the Hiriki Fold is that it

A isn’t heavy enough to be registered as a car. B can’t be recharged very quickly.
C is too slow for most city roads. D costs quite a lot.™

Listening- Track 10 -- 2 You will hear people talking in five different situations. For questions 1–5,
choose the best answer (A, B or C).

1 You hear a young man talking. What does he believe about laptops?
A They’re better than other computers. B . They aren’t the best kind of computer.
C They don’t need to be improved.

2 You hear a teacher talking. What does she say about the experiments?
A They carry them out in school time. B They’ve made a few discoveries.
C They have fun doing the research.

3 You hear a man talking on the radio. What does he say about the future?
A There won’t be a separation between TV and computers.
B There won’t be any computer games. C. There won’t be any machines.

4 You hear a mother talking to her daughter. What does she think about computer games?
A They are violent. B They have to be taken care of. C.They are a waste of time.

5 You hear a man talking. What is his problem?

A He can’t find his mobile phone. B He can’t send a text message.
C He finds mobile phones make his life difficult.

3 Choose the correct option in each sentence.

1 The only thing a computer needs is a __ ____ of instructions.

A collection B group C set D pack

2 I love reading about space travel and in fact anything to do with science ______.
A friction B faction C facts D fiction

3 I must get some new ink for my ______ because it’s running out.
A printer B keyboard C mouse D laser

4 Some people say that computers are the best ______of all time.
A discovery B theory C invention D experiment

5 They asked for volunteers to come to the laboratory to take part in ______.
A a research B an experiment C a theory D a computer game

6 As part of her job as a researcher she spends a lot of time ______the internet.
A skiing B swimming C skating D surfing

7 Every day, new ______ are being formed as to how the human brain functions.
A experiments B theories C inventions D discoveries

4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of a phrasal verb in the box.

call off go off make off put off take off turn off see off

1 When I went on holiday my friends came to the airport to see me off.

2 Make sure you __________ the computer when you have finished with it.
3 Last year my little sister wanted to become a famous inventor, but she’s __________ the idea a bit now.
4 I must be more disciplined with my work – I keep __________ it __________ from one day to the next.
5 __________ your watch before you go through the security check.
6 The computer seminar was __________ at the last minute because the instructor was ill.
7 The thieves managed to __________ with all the company’s electronic files.

5 Read the text and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. Write
your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS.

Life has changed so much because (0) OF technology. If somebody from 30 years ago (1) __________ to
wake up now, they’d be amazed. I think they
(2) __________ believe they had woken up in a science (3) __________ book! They’d feel quite shocked by all
the progress, (4) __________ they were a scientist and knew what to expect. Of course, I don’t think they’d
have a problem using things like mobiles and computers as (5) __________ as someone showed them what to
do. I imagine they would need to take notes in the beginning in (6) __________ they forgot something, but
they’d soon get the idea. Learning how to run (7) __________ program on a computer is easy, and modern
mobiles don’t take much explaining. In fact, I think they’d have fun surfing the internet and (8) __________
emails to their friends. When I (9) __________ online, I always enjoy myself and I especially like spending time
in internet chat rooms. So if you meet anybody from the past, don’t worry! If he or she is a sociable type, they
(10) __________ definitely love our technology!

6 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word
given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words.

0 I have to finish my homework before I can play on my computer. until

I can’t play on my computer until I have finished my homework.

1 You have to wash the dishes before you go out. unless

You can’t _____________________ the dishes.

2 Say you’re sorry and we can be friends again. as

We can be friends again _____________________ you’re sorry.

3 Take your coat with you because it might rain. case

Take your coat with _____________________ rains.

4 If you pass your exams, we’ll buy you a new computer. so

We’ll buy you a new computer _____________________ your exams.

5 That dress won’t fit me until I’ve lost three kilos. unless
That dress won’t fit me _____________________ three kilos.

6 As long as you promise to give it back tomorrow, I’ll lend you my CD player. if
I’ll lend you my CD player _____________________ it back tomorrow.

9.07 Complete the phrasal verbs.

1 The football match was __________ off because of the weather. 2 Can we __________ off our meeting
until next week? 3 It’s hot in here. I think I’ll __________ off my jacket. 4 Johnny never __________ off
his computer – it’s on day and night. 5 The thieves __________ off in a dark blue car.
6 I used to love computer games but I __________ off them and I haven’t played any for a year now.

9.08 Circle the correct answer (A, B or C).

1 If I _______________ a car, I would be able to take you home.

A) would own B) owned C) own
2 You will break it if you _______________ pressing the keys like that.
A) would keep B) will keep C) keep

3 If you _______________ your computer on all night, it uses up a lot of electricity.

A) leave B) left C) will leave

4 I’d buy a new one if I _______________ the money.

A) had B) will have C) would have

5 What _______________ if you fail this test?

A) are you doing B) would you do C) will you do

6 If it rains here in the summer months, it _______________ last very long.

A) didn’t B) won’t C) doesn’t

9.09 Read the article and complete the sentences with a short phrase from the text.

1 Before the 1990s, it wasn’t normal to have a ____________________.

2 The writer questions how a ____________________ like the PC can be considered out of date so soon.
3 People say that PCs are ____________________ by smaller, more portable devices.
4 If your company ____________________ a free laptop, you can use it at home.
5 As well as the desktop, people are already talking about the ____________________.
6 The writer argues that you can have ____________________ as a laptop on a pocket-sized device.

Computers in the home and office are a relatively new phenomenon. Before 1980, there might have been a
computer in the manager’s office, but other than that, computers were used for specialised jobs only. And it
was not until the 1990s that having a PC at home started to become normal. It is, perhaps, a bit surprising
then that we have already started talking about the death of the PC. Surely such a revolutionary invention
can’t be out of date already?

The main reason people are saying that the PC, or desktop computer, is on the way out is that it is being
replaced by more portable devices. In the workplace, just ten years ago, every desk had its own PC,
keyboard and monitor. These days you are more likely to see laptops which often come in and leave with
the staff due to the fact that many workers tend to take their work home with them. And of course, if your
company provides you with a free laptop, you can use it at home and you don’t have to use your own home
computer. It’s also more common for young people to be bought a laptop than a desktop, and in many
families today, each member will have their own laptop. So the desktop computer gathers dust and is
eventually thrown away.

The demand these days is for smaller and more powerful devices, so more and more processing power is
being put into tablets and smartphones. In fact, never mind the desktop, people have already started
talking about the death of the laptop. Why carry around a huge, heavy bag when you can have the same
functions on a device that fits in your pocket?

But smaller is not always better. In reality, the desktop will probably not die out anytime soon. Some people
who do a lot of typing find a full-size keyboard is more comfortable to use. And for those people who need
a big screen, or more than one screen, the traditional desk set-up is probably going to keep the traditional
desktop PC alive for a while yet.

9.10 Read the article and find phrases that mean the same as the following.

1 quite a recent development (paragraph 1) _________________________________

2 about to disappear (paragraph 2) _________________________

3 work at home (paragraph 2) ___________________________

4 gives you (paragraph 2) _____________________

5 stays unused (paragraph 2) ___________________________

6 what people want nowadays (paragraph 3) ________________________________

7 forget for a moment about (paragraph 3) _____________________________

8 the way we have used computers up to now (paragraph 4) ______________________

9.11 Read the article and choose the correct answer (A, B or C).

1 Before 1980,
A) only managers had computers. B) computers were too expensive for most offices.
C) computers were not common in the workplace.

2 At the end of paragraph 1, the writer wonders if it is possible

A) that home and office computers have become old-fashioned.
B) to do the work we have to do today on a desktop computer.
C) for people to invent anything better than the PC.

3 What does the writer say about computers in modern offices?

A) Most of them are old desktop computers. B) Many of them get stolen.
C) Some of them are taken home at night.

4 According to the writer, what do most young people have today?

A) a desktop B) a laptop C) a tablet

5 Which aspect of a laptop makes it less popular, according to paragraph 3?

A) its size and weight B) its processing power C) its functions

6 What does the writer feel about the future of the desktop?
A) It has no future. B) It will definitely be replaced in the next ten years.
C) We may replace it eventually.

Tracks 22, 23, 24, 25 and 26 - 9.12 Listen and choose the best answer (A, B or C).

1 You hear a man talking. What does he usually think of new technology?
A) He doesn’t pay much attention to it. B) He wishes he had more money to buy it.
C) He doesn’t understand it.

2 You hear a woman talking about something that happened to her. Where was she when it
A) at home B) with a customer C) on a train

3 You hear a boy talking. What does he describe?

A) losing his work B) sending a message C) playing a game

4 You hear a girl talking about electronic games. Which sentence best sums up how she feels?
A) She wishes she had more time for them. B) She never plays them.
C) She sometimes plays them.

5 You hear a man talking about mobile phones. What does he say?
A) He doesn’t have a need for one. B) He’s not used to his new one yet.
C) He’s always bought the latest model.

9.13 Listen and answer the questions.

Speaker 1- 1 How does technology help the man’s friend? _______________________

Speaker 2 - 2 What happened to the woman on the train? ______________________

Speaker 3 - 3 What happened just before he lost his work? _________________

Speaker 4 - 4 Where and how does she play games most? ________________________

Speaker 5 - 5 What difficulty does he have with his phone? ______________________

9.14 Listen and decide which speaker …

1 talks about playing games. Speaker ____

2 had a problem with a computer. Speaker ____
3 has recently bought a new device. Speaker ____
4 is impressed with technology in the home. Speaker ____
5 was a victim of a crime. Speaker ____

9.15 Listen and fill in the words you hear.

Speaker 1
1 If I had the money, I ____________________ spend it on technology. 2 He ________ all he did
was put the food in the oven and pressed a few buttons.

Speaker 2
3 I was just about to phone a customer to say that ___________ ten minutes late. 4 I’m sure that’s
when they ______________ it.

Speaker 3
5 We’d been ___________ at school. 6 I tried everything, ____________ an expert.

Speaker 4
7 I admit that some of them are really clever in the way they ____________________. 8 I reach for
my mobile phone for something to ____________________ with.

Speaker 5
9 I really didn’t think I needed one and I __________ one for years. 10 Millions of people can’t be
wrong, ___________?

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