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Unit 8 1 -Read this article about holidays for young people.

For questions 1–10, choose from the

people (A–D). The people may be chosen more than once.
Which teenager(s):

helped choose the place they went to? (1) ____

went on a holiday with lots of activities? (2) ____ (3) ____
didn’t enjoy their holiday? (4) ____ (5) ____
said he/she didn’t meet young people? (6) ____
stayed in Britain? (7) ____
make suggestions for a different kind of holiday? (8) ____ (9) ____
mentions where they ate? (10) ____
Summer: Time for a holiday!
It’s that time of year again. Time to choose a holiday. Here at Guys and Gals we wanted to find holidays
which would suit British teenagers and their families, so we interviewed some young people to ask
their opinions about the best holidays.

A We started with Poppy, who had a lot to say.

‘I think it’s really difficult to go on holiday with your parents when you’re a teenager. You know, mums and dads
want to do different things than their kids. They want a quiet time, sitting round a pool and eating and sleeping
a lot. Well, that’s just boring. Having said that, we went on a really cool holiday last year. We stayed at
International Forests, a centre in Norfolk not too far from here, which has something for everybody to do. We
stayed in a self-catering flat but there were lots of restaurants in the centre with every kind of food you could
want. We went to one of them whenever my parents didn’t want to cook. The flat was cool, there was satellite
TV and we all had our own bedrooms. In the end, the holiday turned out to be quite nice for everyone.’

B Nick had less to say.

‘Since I’ve become a teenager, I’ve never been on a holiday with my parents that I liked, so I can only tell you
what’s not a good holiday. Last year we went to the Canary Islands and we stayed in a hotel. The hotel was
quite far from the nearest town and the beach was a good half an hour’s walk too. It was too hot to go there in
the daytime, so you really had to stay at the hotel all the time. That was boring. All the parents read books
around the pool and there were no kids my age, so I stayed in our room a lot of the time. I was so bored I
thought I’d die. To all teenagers, I’d say try not to go to a hotel in a hot country with your parents. Ask them to
take you to a place that’s more exciting.’

C Sasha wasn’t sure.

‘When I was younger any holiday was great, but last year I didn’t have such a good time. My family always
goes camping and we’ve stayed in many different places over the years. Anyway, last year we went abroad,
and I think that was the mistake. We went to a beautiful place in Poland and the rest of the family really liked it.
The problem was me. I think I’m getting to the age where I need teenage company when I’m on holiday. I’m an
only child and Mum and Dad are a bit boring for me now. That’s why I wasn’t so keen on camping abroad – I
didn’t meet any young people who could speak English. So although the teenagers there were friendly – they
smiled a lot – I didn’t have anyone to talk to. However, I did like Poland and the camp was very well organised.
Probably the best solution is to take a friend with you when you go on holiday.’

D Ted wasn’t disappointed with his holiday.

‘My parents let me search the internet to find information about holiday places we all would enjoy. I found a
number of cool places, and we finally decided on a resort called Island Paradise. It’s built on a small island in
the Mediterranean, where the weather is usually nice in the summer. It’s huge – it’s really like a small city –
and since it’s designed for families, it has lots of things to choose from. The reason I liked the place so much
was because there was so much to do. There was a really big indoor tropical pool – with a wave machine and
rapids – that was great. Then you could do loads of different sports. In the week we were there, I did bungee
jumping, horse-riding, and played golf and tennis. Oh, and the great thing is that no cars are allowed inside the
resort, so you go everywhere on foot or by bike. I’d really recommend it to everyone.’
… / 10
Listening-Track 9- 2 -You will hear a teenager talking about her first journey without her parents. For
questions 1–5, complete the sentences.

1 She only had one smallish __________. 2 .The shops in the airport were in the __________ lounge.
3 She didn’t get ________. 4. She saw all the __________ of New York. 5. She bought lots of __________.

3. Choose the correct option in each sentence.

1 It’s a long flight but there are several on the way.

A rests B stops C stopovers D breaks

2 Our final __________ is Hong Kong.

A destination B resort C departure D route

3 We finally chose a __________ holiday, so we wouldn’t have to make our own travel arrangements.
A pack B sightseeing C abroad D package

4 After flying half way round the world, I was suffering from serious __________.
A sea sickness B jetlag C sleeplessness D headaches

5 We’re staying in a __________ studio because we wanted to prepare our own food.
A self-catering B adventure C package D resort

6 The __________ was very well-planned with lots of restaurants and souvenir shops in pretty streets.
A route B destination C resort D hotel

7 We arrived late at the __________ and didn’t get the seats we wanted on the plane.
A customs B check-in desk C departure lounge D passport control

4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in bold.

0 I demanded an explanation from the holiday rep as to why the hotel was dirty and unfinished. EXPLAIN
1 I had great __________ sleeping in the hotel because of the noise from the airport. DIFFICULT
2 I stopped being a holiday rep because the _______ was too much for me. RESPONSIBLE
3 Their customs and __________ are quite different from ours. BELIEVE
4 There were a lot of __________ for the lifeguard’s job. APPLY
5 I booked an adventure holiday because there was such a __________ of things to do. VARY
6 My sister and I went on separate holidays because we __________ about where to go. AGREE

5 Choose the correct answer. 0.I’d prefer travelling / to go travelling in Europe this summer.

1 You would / had better put your coat on – it’s cold today. 2.Would you rather have / having Chinese or
Indian food for dinner? 3. I’d rather not do / to do my homework tonight. 4 We’d better to hurry / hurry
or we’ll miss the bus. 5. She’d prefer to have / have lunch in the garden. 6. They’d rather to buy / buy
their souvenirs later.
Grammar and Vocabulary
6 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word
given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words.

0 Dad said he would look for the photographs from last year’s holiday tonight. planning
Dad is planning to look for the photographs from last year’s holiday tonight.

1 I don’t think we have enough money to go on holiday this year. afford

I don’t think we _____________________ on holiday this year.

2 My friends and I are seeing each other in Paris next month. meet
My friends and I have arranged _____________________ next month.

3 Mum says she is not staying in a self-catering place. refuses

Mum _____________________ a self-catering place.

4 I will buy the children a big ice cream when we get to the beach. promised
I _____________________ a big ice cream when we got to the beach.

5 You didn’t remember to bring your guidebook, did you? forgotten

You've _____________________ your guidebook, haven’t you?

6 I’d rather stay in a luxury hotel by the sea. prefer

I’d _____________________ in a luxury hotel by the sea.

7 Choose the correct answer. 0 We haven’t decided for / about where to go yet.

1 Who is responsible for / from the delay of our flight? 2 The travel company is to blame for / from the bad
hotel. 3 We went on / for holiday with Sun Tours. 4 I don’t like travelling on / by plane, but it’s fast. 5 Let’s
buy a souvenir to / for my parents while we’re here. 6 Would you prefer for / to stay in a hotel or rent a room?
7 A long boat trip isn’t a good idea for Jim as he suffers from / by seasickness. 8 Do you agree about / by
sharing a room? 9 Lin stayed in / on a horrible youth hostel in Bristol. 10 We’ll meet from / at eight at
terminal 3.

8. Complete with the following words.

Direction----- arrived------ step-----progress------went -------pace

1 OK. We’ve booked the flights. What’s the next _______________? Book the hotel? 2 When his
first book sold a million copies, he knew he’d _______________. 3 I can’t keep up the
_______________. I think I need a break from work. 4 He’ll never be the best but he is making
_______________. 5 His life took a different _______________ after he went to live in Italy.
6 Fiona _______________ through a difficult time but she’s over it now.

9. Match the words to their meanings.

1 self-catering ____ a describes a break in a long flight

2 destination ____ b something you might buy to remember your holiday
3 stopover ____ c describes the kind of rooms/holidays where you cook for yourself
4 jetlag ____ d a place for holidays
5 souvenir ____ e a booklet with information about holidays
6 resort ____ f a word that means ‘the place you’re going to’
7 abroad ____ g this is what you suffer from after flying to a different time zone
8 brochure ____ h in another country

10. Circle the correct answers.

1 The tourist / holiday rep knew loads of useful information about the country. 2 We have to plan
our route / way carefully. I think we should drive through France and then go to Spain. 3 Have you
packaged / packed your suitcase? The taxi will be here soon. 4 James was delayed at customers /
customs when they stopped him and searched his bags. 5 I love going sightseeing / seeing when I
travel abroad. 6 We got some money back because of the damage / damages to my suitcase.

11. Complete with the following words.

departure ---- adventure ------- accommodation ------- such ------ agent ------ package--- checked

As Tom and Chris (1) ____ in at the airport, they wondered if they had made the right decision in
booking a(n) (2) _____ holiday. They both really liked exploring places on their own but the travel (3)
____ had told them that they would still be able to do that. Sitting in the (4) _____ lounge, they
decided that they would make the most of it. After all, there were advantages, (5) ____ as the cost of
the holiday, which was incredibly cheap. When they got there, and saw the pool and how nice the (6)
_____ was, they agreed that they could have a(n) (7) ______ holiday the next year!

12. Circle the correct answers.

1 Do you remember meeting / to meet Julia last year? 2 I tried phoning / to phone the travel agent
but they couldn’t help me. 3 We stopped at the side of the road looking / to look at the view. 4 I
regret going / to go on a package holiday. 5 Don’t forget bringing / to bring your passport.
6 I hope you remembered telling / to tell Hannah we were leaving. 7 I’ll never forget seeing / to see
Paris for the first time. 8 We’re going to try having / to have a holiday nearer to home. We’ve booked
a hotel in Brighton.

13. Write one word in each gap.

1 Daisy would rather __________ go away with her parents. 2 I’m not ____ ______ in going abroad
this year. 3 You’d _______________ not be late for the plane! 4 Did you __________ to book the
hotel you wanted or was it full? 5 So, you don’t like Dortmund. Where ___________ you rather go?
6 I can’t _________ flying – it terrifies me. 7 I think I would __________ to travel by train. 8 We can’t
decide on the hotel we want. I think we ________ better have another look at the brochure.

14. Complete with these verbs in the correct form.

intend ----- involve ---- mention ------- discuss ---- succeed --- think

1 I’ll go anywhere as long as it doesn’t ________ getting on a boat! 2 Mum and Dad are _________
of buying a holiday home in France. 3 Don’t ___________ flying to Anthony – he’s afraid of heights!
4 I don’t _________ to spend a lot of money on holiday. 5 We __ ____ going to Australia but it’s too
far to go for a week. 6 Finally, I _______________ in getting Noel to agree to come with us.

15. Put the verbs in the correct columns.

be able begin continue appreciate hate love avoid be capable of mention
appear prepare promise

followed by the followed by the -ing followed by the

infinitive form infinitive or the -ing
__________________ __________________ __________________
_________________ __________________ __________________
__________________ __________________ __________________
_________________ __________________ __________________

16. Circle the correct answers.

1 I’m planning to visit / visiting my brother in Portugal. 2 We can’t afford to go / going on holiday
this year. 3 Where did you decide to go / going in the end? 4 Janie offered to help / helping me
pack. 5 I don’t mind to spend / spending my holidays alone. 6 Where do you want to go / going
this afternoon? 7 Dad agreed to let / letting me go away with my friends. 8 Can you imagine to lie /
lying on a beautiful golden beach right now?

17. Read the texts and say which writer(s) …

is planning to go somewhere different this year? 1 ____

did not have a foreign holiday recently? 2 ____
stopped on the way to where they were going? 3 ____
mention spending money on food? 4 ____ 5 ____
learned new skills? 6 ____
brought gifts back with them? 7 ____
talk about the weather? 8 ____ 9 ____
would probably rather go with different people next time. 10 ____

A --- We flew to Bali for a two-week holiday last year. It was wonderful. In fact we had a fantastic
time even before we got to our destination because we had a stopover in Singapore. It was such a
lively and exciting city and we had to be careful not to spend all our money because there were so
many shops and the prices were much cheaper than at home. But Bali itself was completely different
– quiet, peaceful, and very beautiful. Although there was food available at the resort as part of the
package, we wanted to eat where the locals go, so we tried a few restaurants. The food was so
cheap there that we could afford to eat like kings and we still had lots of money left over to buy
souvenirs for our family and friends! The sightseeing was impressive too, and our rep helped us book
various trips. My favourite was a traditional theatre – it was unlike anything I had ever seen.

B ---- We usually go for a package holiday in a popular holiday resort and so far we’ve been happy
enough with the places we’ve been. But after a discussion with my mum and dad, and a short holiday
in Paris this spring, we decided that it would be nice to go to a large European city this year. We all
love sightseeing and, well, if I’m totally honest, lying in the sun does get a bit uninteresting, especially
after two weeks. So we’re thinking about going to Madrid or Barcelona – we haven’t decided which –
because we haven’t been there before and we think it will be nice to see some architecture and a bit
of history. I hope we’re not making a mistake and we don’t end up regretting going somewhere that’s
not by the sea, but I suppose we can find a beach without too much trouble – Barcelona’s near the
sea, isn’t it? Perhaps that will be the best choice.

C----- Mum and Dad decided to do something completely different last year and they took us on a
holiday to the USA. It was incredible because we stayed on a farm and learned to do things that the
cowboys used to do a hundred years ago. That was the first week. Then, in the second week, we
went onto the forests on our horses and camped out in the wild. The scenery there was unbelievable
and I can still remember lying by the camp fire and looking up at the stars. It was an unforgettable
experience. We tried different things such as rock-climbing (no fun for my dad – he’s afraid of
heights!) We also went canoeing, which was very scary but amazing fun. And they took us fishing and
showed us how to cook the fish we had caught on our camp fire. Food is so tasty when you prepare it
like that, and of course, it’s free!

D---- Last August, three of us travelled by train through Europe. I’ve always preferred travelling by
train so it was a holiday of a lifetime for me, but I’m afraid it was a bit much for the others. One of
them said he got bored with what he described as ‘endless hours on platforms and in smelly railway
carriages’. The other said he was tired of living on packets of biscuits and crisps! That was the real
problem – we hadn’t brought a lot of money with us. We thought we could live cheaply – and we did –
but that meant sometimes sleeping at railway stations and missing out on proper meals. The other
two were glad to get back to home-cooked food and comfortable beds. I was sad that it was over.
Perhaps the mistake I made was in my choice of travelling companions!

E --- We usually go abroad once a year but my last holiday was closer to home. We went to Cromer,
which is a holiday resort on the north-east coast of England. It was fun doing all the things that
English people traditionally do on holiday, like eating fish and chips and going for donkey rides on the
beach. We went to an amusement arcade – where they have all these machines and you try to win
money. I didn’t win much but it was a pleasant way to spend a rainy afternoon. That was the only
problem with the holiday – you aren’t exactly guaranteed hours of sunshine the way you would be in
Greece or Spain. But it didn’t matter – we went for long walks along the coast and there were lots of
indoor activities for us to do. When the sun came out, we went swimming. It was cold but that didn’t
stop us from enjoying ourselves!

18. Read the texts and answer the questions.

Text A . 1 What was unusual about the journey? ____________________________

2 What did the holiday rep do for them? _____________________________________________

Text B 3 Why did they decide against their usual kind of holiday? __________________________
4 What is this writer worried about? ___________________________________________

Text C 5 Where did they stay in the second part of their holiday? ___________________________
6 Which activity was not enjoyable for someone? Why? __________________________

Text D 7 What complaints did the writer’s friends have? _______________________________

8 How did the writer feel about the holiday? _________________________________

Text E 9 What traditional activities did the writer do? __________________________________

10 What problem does the writer mention? _________________________________

19. Read the texts, and decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F).

1 Singapore is a good place for shopping. ____

2 Bali is similar to Singapore. ____
3 The writer of Text B is thinking of going to Paris. ____
4 The writer of Text B usually has beach holidays. ____
5 On the trip in the USA, they travelled by horse. ____
6 The writer of Text C often goes to the USA. ____
7 The writer of Text D couldn’t find good restaurants. ____
8 The people travelling by train stayed at hotels every night. ____
9 The holiday in England was a success. ____
10 The writer of Text E has never been abroad. ____

20. Read the texts and match them to the type of holiday they have recently had or are

1 Sightseeing in a city Text ____ 2 An overland journey Text ____

3 A holiday in their own country Text ____ 4 An adventure holiday Text ____
5 A package holiday Text ____

21. Listen and complete the sentences. Track 21

1 Giles Deakin is a ______. 2 The woman asks if the economy has caused any changes in _______
Giles has received. 3 Giles says that people don’t seem to be _______. In other words, they still want
their holidays. 4 Giles says that people are not booking ________ because they’re trying to spend
less. 5 People who work in tourism in Spain ______ they are looking for. 6 For most British people,
_______ is the most important thing when booking a summer holiday. 7 ____to the USA are now
shorter and cheaper. 8 After the break, they are going to talk about holidays __.

22. Listen and circle the correct answer (A, B or C).

1 Giles says that a lot of people

A) have less money to spend on a holiday. B) spend too much money on holiday.
C) are spending more on their holidays.

2 Some holidaymakers are saving money by

A) going for a shorter time. B) using self-catering accommodation. C) not travelling so far.

3 Mexico and Cuba are examples of places where you can

A) arrive at your destination more quickly. B) still get cheaper package holidays.
C) find more things to see.

4 Holidays in Spain are

A) no longer popular. B) more popular than they’ve ever been.
C) rising again after being less popular for a while.

5 Countries such as Latvia and Belgium offer

A) great sightseeing opportunities. B) the best beaches. C) the most expensive holidays.

6 One thing that has helped tourism in the USA is that

A) it is now quicker to get there. B) they offer special prices for British tourists.
C) there are more places to go.

23. Listen and match the places with the things you hear.

1 the Seychelles, the Maldives and the Caribbean____ a has a special appeal for British people
2 Mexico and Cuba ____ b has a long history of tourism
3 Spain ____ c more people are going to these places this year
4 Malta, the South of France and Croatia____ d are attracting more tourists
5 Morocco and Tunisia ____ e you can still get cheaper packages here
6 Turkey ____ f has been popular for 20 years or so
7 Latvia, Holland, Germany and Belgium____ g business is down 5% this year
8 the USA ____ h are attracting a lot of visitors

24. Listen and decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F).

1 The people are talking after the summer. ____

2 People spend less money on holidays than they used to. ____
3 A lot of people are staying at home to save money. ____
4 It’s difficult to find holidays in the Seychelles, the Maldives or the Caribbean. ____
5 Tourists have to travel further to get good prices. ____
6 The only reason people like Spain is because it’s cheap. ____
7 Croatia is popular in the summer. ____
8 Morocco and Tunisia are popular non-European destinations. ____

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