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Born heroes and leaders who combine the best features of humans and elves RACIALTRAITS ‘Average Height: 5° 5°-5° 2" ‘Average Weight: 130-190 Ib Ability Scores: +2 Constitution, +2 Chaeisma Size: Medium Speed: 6 squares Vision: Low light Languages: Common, Elven, choice of one other Skill Bonuses: +2 Diplomacy, +2 Insight Dilettante:At 1st level you choose a Istlevel at will attack power from a class different from yours. You can use that power a5 an encounter power. Dual Heritage: You can take fats that have elthe elf lorhuman as prerequisite (as wel as those speci cally forhalFelves) as ong as you meet anyother requirements Group Diplomacy: You gran alies within 10 squares of yous #1 racial bonus to Diplomacy checks. Descended from elves and humans, halfelves are vital race in which the best features of elves and. humans often appear. Play ahalfelfifyou want + tobe an outgoing, enthusiastic leader + tobe a charismatic hero equally at home in two different cultures. + tobe amember of a race that favors the warlord, paladin, and warlock classes. PHYSICAL QUALITIES Halfelves tend to be sturdier of build than elves but rmore slender than most humans. Halfclves have the same range of complexions as humans and elves, and like elves, halCelves often have eye or hair colors not normally found among humans. Male halfelves can, ‘grow facial hair, unlike male elves, and often sport ‘thin mustaches, oatees, or short beards. Halfelves ears are about the size of human ears, but they ate tapered, lke the ears of ther elven ancestors. HalFelves usually adopt the dress and hairstyles ofthe society they spend the most time with: for example, ahalfelf raised among a barbaric human tutbe dresses inthe furs and skins favored by the tribe and adopts the tribe's style of braids and face paint. However, t would not be unusual for halFelves raised among humans to seck out articles of elven clothing or jewelry so that they can proudly display signs of their dual heritage Halfelves have life spans comparable to humans, bout ke elves they remain vigorous wel int old age PLAYING A HALF-ELF Halfelves are more than just a combination of two races~the combination of human and elf blood pro: duces a unique race with qualities al its own. They share some of the natural grace, athleticism, and keen perceptiveness of elves, along with the passion and drive of humans, But in their own right, they are char: Ismatic, confident, and open-minded and are natural diplomats, negotiators, and leaders. Half-elves like to be around people, the more diverse the better. They gravitate toward population, centers, especially larger settlements where members of many races mingle freely, Halfelves cultivate large networks of acquaintances, as much out of genuine friendliness as for practical purposes. They like to establish relationships with humans, elves, and mem. bers of other races so they can learn about them, the way they live, and how they make their way in the world. Halfelves rarely settle down for any length of time. ‘Their wanderlust makes them natural adventurers, and they quickly make themselves at home wherever ‘they end up. When their paths take them back to a place they have visited before, they track down old friends and renew old contacts. Ultimately, halfelves are survivors, able to adapt to almost any situation. They are generally well liked and admired by everyone, not just elves and humans. They are empathetic, better at putting themselves in others shoes than most Halfelves naturally inspire loyalty in others, and they return that feeling with deep friendship and a keen sense of responsibility for those who place them: selves in their care, Halfelf warlords and generals do not order their followers into danger that they would not face themselves, and they usually lead from the front, trusting their allies to follow. Halfelves have no cultare of their own and are not numerous people, They usually bear human or elf ‘names, sometimes using one name among elves and a different one among humans. Some are anxious about their place in the world, feeling no kinship with any race, except other half-eves, but most call themselves citizens of the world and kin to all Half Elf Characteristics: Accommodating, adapt able, charming, confident, gregarious, open-minded Half ELfNames: Typically elf or human names, though some half elves have names more typical of other races: HALF-ELF ADVENTURERS Three sample halfelf adventurers are described below. Daran is a halfelf warlord and an enthusiastic tact cian. He has no aspirations to march atthe head of an army; he is content leading a small band of friends in 4 quest for personal glory. Wealth sa welcome benefit of adventuring, and between adventures, he enjoys spending his time and wealth inthe world’ cites, He wins friends easily, draws on a wide network of con tacts to find adventuring opportunities, and can callin favors across the land. Shuva sa halfelf warlock whose brooding force ofpersonality inspires more fear than loyal. Unlike many of her kind, she grew up feeling part of neither Ihuman nor elven society. She has always been aloner and is accustomed to relying only on herself. Nove that she’s part ofan adventuring group, she's slowly learn- ing to trust her companions Calder isa halfelfpaladin of Pelor, the god of the sun, A strong sense of compassion leads Calder to ald those in need and alleviate their suffering in any way hie can, Often he fights agains evil forces that prey on the weak, whether the forces are bandits harrying ear vans or gnolls laying waste to farmsteads, He refuses tole fighting define him, however, and spends more time helping the victims of hardship than he does cel- erating his successes. CHAPTER 3 | Character Races HALF-ELF

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