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LBU Transformers


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LBU Instruction
Status of
Issued by: Hai HoangSy document: Released
Reviewed by: Vinh VuQuoc Revision: 00
Approved by: JanPeder Dareus Document
Identity No.: 1ZVN938360-612



1 Responsibility
These instructions are intended for the guidance of personnel who have been trained for, or who
have experience in the transformer oil, related OHS rules, Transformer oil testing, maintenance
and servicing of high-voltage electrical power equipment including the use of good safety
2 Applicability and validity
contained therein. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties
We reserve all rights in this document and in the information

The user of the transformer may have issued an oil specification of his own, or may have
without express authority is strictly forbidden.

specified oil of a particular trademark from an internationally recognized supplier. This may add
to, but does not relieve any of the requirements specified in this instruction. They are necessary
for long-term reliable operation of the transformer.
@ ABB 2004

3 Objective

This instruction lists the main quality requirements that are to be fulfilled when transformer oil is
delivered to an installation site for filling into the transformer.

4 Definition

QMS: Quality Management System

EMS: Environment Management System

OHS: Occupational Health and Safety

LBU: Local Business Unit

PPTR: Power Product Transformer

: OHS requirement

: Quality requirement

: Environment requirement
LBU Transformers
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LBU Instruction

: Recommendation

: Attention

5 Equipment

 Oil Test Set with measurable BDVs:

a) Up to 80 kV/2.5 mm gap in accordance with IEC 156 standard or

b) Up to 60 kV/0.08 ‘’ gap in accordance with ASTM D1816 standard or

c) Up to 60 kV/0.1 “gap in accordance with ASTM D877 standard.

 Clean, dry sampling bottle(s)- Capacity of 01 liter/bottle.

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6 Content
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6.1 Health and Safety

The compliance with Instructions:
1/ Service Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) Induction Training Policy, Document identity
@ ABB 2004

2 Health and Safety Requirements for Hazardous Substances, Document identity No.

This Guide has been developed by ABB. It sets the minimum requirements for ABB
operations. If higher performance is required by national regulations and or customers then
that higher requirement should be followed.

6.2 Environment
In addition to complying with the local relevant environment rules & regulations, team leader /
supervisor and operator should follows:
* Before performing the work:
- Identify Environmental problems can arise during operation, especially oil leakage and/or spill
during this process.
- Understand the plan, how to handle in case of environmental accidents occur, especially in the
case of oil leakage and spillage.
- Ensure availability of equipment troubleshooting spilled oil and chemicals (eg: Bounded pallet,
sand, sawdust, rags or dedicated equipment to prevent oil spill and chemical - Spill kit ...).
- Make sure the devices are in good operating condition and easily accessible.
- Understand how to use these devices.
* During and after the process:
- Make sure the device is no longer leaking oil or is no longer able to leak into the environment.
* In the case of Environmental problems occur:
- Is necessary to comply with zoning action, minimizing the impact on other areas as well as
sewer pipe system.
- Quickly use of the facilities and equipment were prepared to troubleshoot.
- The facilities and equipment used during and after the process of troubleshooting environment
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classified according to the classification of waste, especially hazardous waste classification.

- Notify the persons in charge of Environment on environmental incidents occur.
6.3 Work instruction

6.3.1 Type of Oil

Transformer oils are specially refined products made from crude oils of different types from
different wells. The different types of oil are characterized by origin and chemical composition.
Terms such as naphthenic, paraffinic, aromatic and aliphatic refer to different types of
hydrocarbons in the oil, which are balanced by the manufacturer to give a combination of high
insulation withstand strength, low viscosity, low volatility/high flammability temperature, low sulfur
content, and low aging (oxidation) tendency.

At the present time there is no essential, documented difference in overall quality between
materials from different crude origins, as long as the final products are manufactured by
competent refineries and fulfill the requirements of the ABB material specification. A maximum of
10 % from a different oil base may be added to a primary oil supply.
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When transformers are shipped from the ABB Transformer factory filled with oil, or when oil for
We reserve all rights in this document and in the information

the first filling is part of the delivery from ABB, it is supplied against ABB’s own Material
without express authority is strictly forbidden.

Specification 1ZBA117 001-1, 2, 3 or 4.

6.3.2 Inhibited Oils

@ ABB 2004

An inhibitor is a particular substance added to the oil in small quantities in order to neutralize
certain intermediate "radicals" – agents in the process of oxidation of the oil. The result is a
retardation of the aging, which continues until the quantity of inhibitor has been consumed. From
that time onwards, the aging will proceed and accelerate freely.

The efficiency of the inhibitor depends on the degree of refining of the oil. Therefore, the best
result is obtained if the oil is refined with the objective to be inhibited.

Some users hold the view that inhibitors should not be used because they may mask, for a while,
the inherent aging properties of the oil and lull the operating staff into false security. After the
inhibitor has been consumed, it may escape attention that the oil deteriorates more rapidly.

ABB Transformers does not share this view, and recommends inhibited transformer oil.

However, if a customer specification forbids inhibited oil, the filling will be made with un-inhibited
oil complying with the relevant ABB material specification.

Note: The chemical short name for the usual inhibitor substance is DBPC (di-butyl-para-cresol).
This must not be confused with the objectionable class of compositions, called PCBs (poly-
chlorinated biphenyl’s - "askarels"). DBPC is not environmentally noxious - as a matter of fact it
has an alternative use as a stabilizer agent in foodstuffs.

6.3.3 Supplier Certificate

The supplier of transformer oil shall guarantee, and supply a certificate that the oil, delivered from
the refinery, fulfills the list of requirements specified in the actual ABB material specification.

The quality of the oil at delivery condition shall be guaranteed through certificates of the oil
characteristics from the oil in the transportation containers or through sample tests.
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This certificate or tests shall include Power Factor/Dissipation Factor at 100C or 90C and the
Interfacial Tension against water. These tests are to assure that no contamination of the oil has
occurred during transportation and storage.

6.3.4 Sampling on Site

No specific sampling is required for certified oil. The following comments applied to non-certified

For transformers shipped dry-gas filled, bulk deliveries of oil in tank trailers are normally
scheduled to arrive just in time for the filling procedure. This oil will be tested after final filling and

For transformer shipped oil filled, the top up oil may be delivered in drums. Oil in drums will be
kept in storage with unbroken seals up to the time when filling procedures are to be commenced.
The drums shall be stored in horizontal position, with the openings horizontal (at same height).

When the oil is delivered in drums and if it has to be tested, the extent of sampling shall be as
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No. of Drums Delivered No. of Drums Sampled

without express authority is strictly forbidden.

2 to 5 2
@ ABB 2004

6 to 20 3

21 to 50 4

51 to 100 7

101 to 200 10

201 to 400 15

Most of the properties of insulating oil are affected by impurities, particularly water. Care must be
taken in order to avoid contamination of the oil samples. All equipment used in obtaining samples
and the sample container shall be clean and dry.

When the oil is delivered in tanker trailers, take two samples from each separate tank

6.3.5 Testing of Characteristics of Oil Samples (for non-certified oil)

The requirement for breakdown strength of the oil at delivery condition is specified according to
IEC Standard Publication 296, AS 1767 or ASTM D3487.

The test procedure is according to IEC Publication 156 [using hemispherical electrodes (VDE
electrodes) with 2.5 mm spacing]. The minimum breakdown strength for oil as delivered is
30 kV/2.5 mm.

The test procedure in accordance with ASTM D877 is using cylindrical electrodes with 0.1 inch
spacing. The minimum breakdown strength for oil in delivery condition is 30 kV/0.1 inch.
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The dielectric strength of the filtered oil which is taken from storage tank before filling into the
transformer shall meet or exceed the following:

a. 60 kV/2.5 mm method IEC 156 (VDE electrodes).

b. 56 kV/0.08” method ASTM D1816

c. 30 kV/0.1” method ASTM D877

After heating with particle and vacuum filtration the breakdown strength shall rise to at least:

a. 70 kV/2.5 mm method IEC 156 (VDE electrodes)

b. 64 kV/0.08” method ASTM D1816

c. 35 kV/0.1” method ASTM D877

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This method is only accepted for transformers with nominal voltage below 230 kV. And oil sample
is taken from bottom/drain valve or from sampling valve of main tank and in some cases even
from separate cooling batteries, etc.
@ ABB 2004

New oil that never has been in contact with the equipment shall have:

a. Power Factor/Dissipation Factor 0.005 at 100C or 90C and 50 or 60 Hz

b. Interfacial Tension Against Water  40 mN/m at 25 C.

Note: Oil with Power Factor at 100C or 90C > 0.2, or Interfacial Tension Against Water
< 20 mN/m shall be regenerated or substituted.

6.3.6 Treatment of the Oil before filling into the Transformer

The necessary quantity of oil is collected and prepared in one or more clean storage tanks.
Before being used, the tanks are visually inspected inside for cleanliness. Any liquid residue from
earlier use will be carefully removed, and the container flushed with a small quantity of new oil,
which is then discarded.

Oil received in drums is pumped through the vacuum filter plant into the storage tank. The drums
or trailer tanks shall not be emptied to the last drop; a sump of an inch or so is left to avoid
possible solid dirt or water on the bottom.

7 References

No. Document

1ZBA4601-213 (Rev.C) Receiving and handling transformer oil on site – Quality control
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IEC 60422 (3rd Edition Mineral Insulation oils in electrical equipment-Supervision and maintenance
2005-10) guidance

Quy định mới về việc giám sát thi công nghiệm thu các công trình trạm biến
áp và các quy chuẩn kỹ thuật quốc gia về điện (Nhà xuất bản Lao động-

8 Revisions

Rev. Index Rev. Date Revision content

2013-06-05 First issue

contained therein. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties
We reserve all rights in this document and in the information

without express authority is strictly forbidden.

@ ABB 2004

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