Copia de Marrón Historia Educación Presentación

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By David Salesa Pop

All starts in 1919 after the oficial sign of
the treaty of Versallies, where Germany
lost WW1 and had to pay huge amounts
of money, could only have 100.000
soldiers, no quemical weapons, no
tanks, no airforce and only 6 army
marine boats, after a state punch the
weimar republic was former in 1919.
Leaders of countries in ww2
Flags of countries ww2
After annexing Austria and Checoslovakia,
Hitler wanted to get the Danzig corridor
territory that was from the German
Empire almost 20 years ago, he wanted to
retake all past german territories. Poland
refuse to give it and France and Great
Britain told Hitler if he invaded Poland
there was going to be war, in 23 of Agoust
1939 Germany signed the Robbentrop-
Molotov pact, where Germany and the
Soviet Union had an non agression pact,.
In the 1st of September 1939 , german
troops attacked Poland, two days latter
France and Great Britain declared war on
Germany, in just one month Poland was
invaded and divided 50-50 between
Gernany and the Soviet Union.

Iron was giving Iron through Norway to

Germany, the allies had put mines in
Norway ports so Germany couldn't get iron
for their army, on 9th of April 1940
Germany started the operation WeserÜhurg,
an invasion of Denmark and Norway,
Denmark last only 6 hours, allied troops
landed on Norway but German air
superiority act and Norway was invaded,
soon Winston Churchill became the new
Prime Minister of Great Britain
France had build the Maginot Line and
defence through the border of
Germany, Hitler decide to attack France
through Berlgium, Luxembourg and
the Neetherlands, the Ardennes what
the Frech thought it was naturally
impenetrable but the germans pass
throught it and in 2 weeks the invaded
France, a little bit before France
surrenders Italy entered the war on the
Axis side

The battle
The battle of Britain was an
decisive battle for the surviving
of Great Britain, Great Britain
won that battle and
theoperation of the invasion of
GB couldn't be done, soon
Hungary, Romania and
RAF Luftwaffe Bulgaria join the Axis and
invaded Yugoslavia and Greece
to prepare operaton Barbossa
The operation Barbosa was the biggest land
invasion in history thet will land in mora
than 26 million people dead, on 22 of June
1941 Germany attacked the Soviet Union
breaking the non-agression pact it would
be succesful until the battle of Moscow
where because of the Winter German
troops had to retreat, in 1942 they will start
a new offensive to the Caucasus to get the
oil from the Soviets, but it would be a
failure to after the battle of Stalingrad ( the
deadlist battle in history, Germany will
have to defend from Sviet attacks until the
end of the war

On 1943 after the end of the African campaing, Allied

troops landed in Sicily and then in the italian peninsula,
Italy btoke in a civil war and Italy was defeted, Mussolini
was being killed by his people on 28 of April 1945
On 6 of June 1944 Alied troops landed in Normandy and in
some months liberated France and Belgium, Germany was
lossing all battles in Soviet front, Romania, Bulgaria and
Finland change sizes, croatia was defeated with all the balkans
in 1945 all German allied and inavded territories in Europe
were inaved and after the defeat on the battle of the Ardennes
and the Battle of Berlin, Adolf Hitler killed himself with his
wife in his bunker on 30 of April 1945 and on the 8 of May
1945 Aliied victory was in Europe and soon in the Pacific
Thanks for watching

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