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Answers Questions
Genetics Study of inherited traits
Heredity Transmission of traits and biological
Genes Units of heredity
Cells Basic unit of life
Nucleus Location of DNA
Genome Complete set of genetic instructions
characteristics of an organism
Exome Tiny slice of genome
Genomics Analyzing and comparing genome
Bioethics This field addresses concerns that arise from
use of new technologies
Double helix Shape of DNA
Alternating sugars and phosphates The backbone of DNA
Adenine and Thymine Nitrogenous bases
Cytosine and Guanine
DNA replication The chains of double helix untwist, separate,
and builds a new partner
Daughter cells It inherits identical copies of genome
Hydrogen bonds It holds the bases of a pair together
Transcription DNA to mRNA
Uracil This replaces Thymine
Translation mRNA to protein
Mutation Change in gene
Allelles Gene variants
Chromosomes DNA sequences of a human genome grouped
among 23 structures
Autosomes Non-sex chromosomes (22 pairs)
X and Y chromosomes Sex chromosomes
XX Female chromosomes
XY Male chromosomes
Karyotype Displays chromosome pairs from largest to
Mendelian trait Trait caused by a single gene
Complex traits Trait caused by one or more genes and
environmental factors
Genotype Underlying DNA instructions (alleles present)
Phenotype Visible trait (alleles expressed)
Dominant alleles Has an effect even in one copy present
Recessive allele Must be present on both chromosome pair to
be expressed
Pedigree chart Depicts family members and particular
inherited traits
Population Group of individuals that can have healthy
offspring together
Gene pool All alleles in a population
Population genetics Changing allele frequencies in a population
DNA profiling Compare DNA sequences among individuals
Microbiome Microbes that live on or in the human body
Pharmacogenetics Pharmacogenetics
Genetic Modification Altering a gene or genome in un-natural way
Genome editing Replace, remove, or add specific genes
Exome sequencing Determines the order of DNA bases of all
parts of the genome that encode proteins
Metagenomics DNA collected from specific habitats

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