Noun Clauses

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Phrase vs Clause vs Sentence

Phrase Clause Sentence
 More than one word. She sleeps. Complex sentence
 Must have either the S She sleeps soundly.
or the V  Must have both S + V When I went there, the shop
e.g: I ate nasi lemak. was already close.
She sleeps. She made it.
He was waiting for the rain The ship sinks.
to stop.
You might enjoy a massage.
My sister (/) Noun phrase
Eats alone (/) Verb phrase
Buttery popcorn (/)
I saw the dog running towards
the car.
Eating an ice cream can be a
good way to cool off.
At the zoo I saw a zebra.

Faris is tall.
Faris kicks the ball.
Functions of Nouns
1. The baby is cute – Subject (S)
2. Faris is a prefect – Subject Complement (SC)
3. Danny hates the prefect – Object (DO)
4. I jumped over the fence – Object of a preposition (OP)

Noun Clause Markers

Question words how, what, when, where, which, who, whom,
whose, why
Conjunctions if, that, whether
Words ending with -ever whatever, whoever, wherever, whomever

See how a noun/noun phrase can be changed to a noun clause

(What I had for breakfast) | gave me heartburn. (S)
It gave me heartburn.
1. I don’t know (why she dislikes me.) (DO)
I don’t know it.
2. They now understand (they should not cheat in test). (DO)

3. Her excuse for being late was (that she forgot to set her alarm).(SC)
4. The teacher will give a prize to (whichever team scores the highest). (OP)

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