ISO-UD 06-Exam Act Split1 Nieto - Daniel

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Daniel Nieto Cerdán

Unit 06 - Act Exam
ED 01 - 09/05/2023
Daniel Nieto Cerdán ISO UD06 ES1 ED01 - 09/05/2023

In this lab we will install the Rocky Linux 8 operating system in a virtual
machine and configure its network. We will create a user with our name, Daniel
Nieto, with which we will operate. The machine will have two network adapters, one
NAT and the other HOST-ONLY, which we will configure, test your connection from
host to guest and vice versa, as well as to the internet. We will configure a static IP
for the HOST-ONLY adapter.

In the first place we have a series of previous operations and considerations,

with the aim of facilitating this practice and its following parts.

- Creation of the virtual machine: Rocky Linux 8 with 2GB of RAM.

- Installing the epel-release package for the services to work.
- We will not be able to use root, we will do everything with our user.
- We will clone the machine and make one exactly the same, with the
same configuration, which will help us to later test that certain services
work correctly, such as DHCP.

First we will create the HOST-ONLY and NatNetwork interfaces in Virtualbox:

Daniel Nieto Cerdán ISO UD06 ES1 ED01 - 09/05/2023

Then we will enable and properly connect the two adapters:

After this we start the machine and install Rocky Linux 8. During the
installation, we create a user with our name and in "Installation destination" we enter
and press "Done" to make an automatic partitioning:

Daniel Nieto Cerdán ISO UD06 ES1 ED01 - 09/05/2023

Once we are inside Rocky Linux, with the “ip addr” command we will see the
situation of the different interfaces, noting that 3: enp0s8, coincides with the MAC of
the HOST-ONLY interface.

Daniel Nieto Cerdán ISO UD06 ES1 ED01 - 09/05/2023

We will now launch nmtui, a network configuration utility.

We will press “Activate a connection” and we will activate all the available ones:

Daniel Nieto Cerdán ISO UD06 ES1 ED01 - 09/05/2023

After this, we go back and enter "Modify a connection", choosing enp0s8:

Now I proceed to verify the network configuration of my personal computer,

specifically the Wi-Fi part:

Daniel Nieto Cerdán ISO UD06 ES1 ED01 - 09/05/2023

The gateway would be Now let's look at the IP of the

HOST-ONLY adapter in VirtualBOX. Let's put as static IP in Rocky Linux the next
belonging to the same range,, and as DNS.

Daniel Nieto Cerdán ISO UD06 ES1 ED01 - 09/05/2023

Now we just make sure to check the option “Connect automatically” and press

We will now go back to the Activate section, and Deactivate and Activate the
enp0s8 interface again to make sure the changes are committed.

Daniel Nieto Cerdán ISO UD06 ES1 ED01 - 09/05/2023

After this we choose "Accept" and we will proceed to verify that the
connections are correct:

First of all we will ping Google from Rocky Linux, checking that it accesses

Now we see the IP of our personal computer through the CMD:

Daniel Nieto Cerdán ISO UD06 ES1 ED01 - 09/05/2023

We ping our computer from Rocky Linux and see that it connects successfully.

Now we ping from our computer to the static IP that we assigned in Rocky
Linux, and we see that it is also successful:


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