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Transparent Pressure –
A Quality Criterion for
Optical Parts

Dr.-Ing. Oliver Schnerr,

Kistler Instrumente AG,

Dr.-Ing. Erwin Bürkle,

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Bernd Klotz,
Krauss-Maffei Kunststoff-
technik GmbH, Munich

Reprint from
Kunststoffe international
Carl Hanser Verlag

Special print

2 © Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich Kunststoffe international 5/2007


A Quality Criterion for
Optical Parts. In injec-
tion moulding of optical
parts, there are limita-
tions to the direct meas-
urement of cavity pres-
sure, since marks on the
surfaces are taboo. But to
The sensors are introduced into the compression plunger, where they measure the compression of allow this important
the steel caused by the cavity pressure (photo and graphics: Kistler)
process parameter to be
used for quality monitoring, the cavity pressure is measured by a contactless
method with special measuring dowels. The flow path is incorporated into the pvT
diagram to develop the new process monitoring technique.

ERWIN BÜRKLE The above-described optical tests are slightly increases the geometrical accura-
BERND KLOTZ difficult to perform for a continuous pro- cy. However, the optical characteristics are
OLIVER SCHNERR duction process such as injection mould- significantly improved by a factor of
ing. Quite apart from the fact that the nec- about 7, and, therefore, testing of the part
here can be no compromises on the essary sensitive test equipment must be geometry is not of itself sufficient for as-

T quality of high-end optical compo-

nents – on the contrary: Optical ap-
plications can only be produced at the very
externally mounted, this is a very time-
consuming process. A disproportionate-
ly long waiting time is necessary until the
sessing the optical properties [1]. Injec-
tion-compression moulding has therefore
proved a more suitable process for man-
highest quality level. In lenses, not only do results of the measurements are available, ufacturing optical parts [2]. During the
geometry and surface structure play an im- which delays the entire sequence, partic- pressing, the holding pressure phase
portant role, but the reproduction quality ularly during start up. In general, the ma- directly follows the compression phase.
is also strongly influenced by internal chine must be stopped during this time, The pressure is applied over the surface,
properties such as inherent stresses or mo- since rejects are unacceptable in view of which is equivalent to a homogeneous
lecular orientation. Consequently, for an the very long cycle times and high ma- pressure distribution. As examples of dif-
individual case, in order to assess the op- chine costs. ferent variants on injection-compression
tical properties at the machine,it is not suf- moulding, conventional injection-com-
ficient just to check the part geometry or Process Variants for pression and expansion-compression
visually inspect the surface. It is more im- Manufacturing Optical Parts moulding are discussed below.
portant to carry out optical testing, for ex- Conventional Injection-compression
ample to use a Shack-Hartmann sensor In the injection moulding of optical parts, Moulding: In contrast to standard injec-
(SHS) to test the distortion of the wave- the moulding process not only influences tion moulding, injection-compression
front as a result of the lens. Mathematical the geometry but also has a crucially im- moulding permits flow path/wall thick-
methods can be used to derive further im- portant effect on the interior properties ness ratios of up to 500:1. It is important
portant quality functions [1]. of the parts. Comparative studies to as- that there are no changeover marks on the
sess the part quality showed, for example, part surface. The individual processes and
that changing from injection moulding movements during a cycle must therefore
Translated from Kunststoffe 5/2007, pp. 26–31 to injection compression moulding only flow into one another.

Kunststoffe international 5/2007 3


During the filling phase, the mould is With this method, weld seam critical parts The filling phase takes place in the
only slightly open. The gap corresponds (lenses with a large wall thickness ratio closed mould, as in standard injection
to the compression stroke. The plastic SA / SI ≥ 3, e. g. biconcave lenses or diffu- moulding. In the expansion phase, the
melt is injected into the mould and the sion lenses with a negative meniscus) can mould, possibly with a falling clamping-
compression process is started as a func- be produced without a weld seam or the force profile, is forced open by means of
tion of the screw position. Since the weld marks selectively shifted to the edge the screw to a defined, precisely repro-
mould is open, internal stresses are re- regions. ducible position. The precision with
duced or eliminated completely during Expansion-compression Moulding: which the position is approached is the
injection. The compression phase is ini- Expansion-compression moulding by crucial factor in achieving a reproducible
tiated via an adjustable screw position. means of the clamping unit is preferably wall thickness. The expansion phase
Before the cavity has been completely suitable for parts with a constant wall serves to bring the compression core of
filled, the plastic melt is displaced towards thickness across the cross-section. The the mould into the compression position.
the end of the flow path and compressed advantage of the process is that it does When the point has been reached
by further compression stages; this com- not introduce stresses into the part after (measured directly on the mould), the
pensates for shrinkage. mould filling, since the holding pressure compression phase is initiated and the fill-
If the cavity is already filled at the end is not applied via the screw as in injec- ing process is stopped. The compression
of the filling phase, the compression phas- tion moulding but via the mould. The and holding pressure phase consists of a
es are initiated directly. With some ma- cavity pressure is thus uniform and the multistage clamping force/compression
chine settings, material can also be forced plastic can cool with virtually no stress- force profile.
back into the plastication unit, against the es, and develop a homogeneous mi- Both expansion compression mould-
holding pressure of screw, in this phase. crostructure. ing and injection-compression moulding
can be varied by compressing not the ma-
chine clamping unit but a mould core.
Idealised Process Control However, that only makes sense if a part
only needs to be partially compressed.
Depending on the concept of the injec-
tion moulding machine clamping unit,
however, compression is also possible just
with the mould core. Greatest flexibility
Fig. 1. Ideal process is offered by fully hydraulic tie-bar clamp-
flow in the pvT dia- ing units.
gram for standard
injection moulding Process Control with a Three-
dimensional Problem Area

In the production of optical parts, a

three-dimensional problem-area must be
managed: The geometry, surface, and op-
tical properties must be brought into line
with the required product quality. This
© Kunststoffe
requires precise process control, which
presupposes that it is known what states
are present in the mould and what
processes are taking place there. Under-
Practical Process Control standing this requires a knowledge of the
cavity pressure. Because the cavity pres-
sure precisely describes the filling phase,
compression phase and holding pressure
phase during injection moulding, this in-
Fig. 2. Actual process formation is helpful both during process
flow in the pvT dia- optimisation and for process and quali-
gram for standard ty monitoring.
injection moulding With idealised, holding pressure-free
The individual phas- injection moulding, the mould is theo-
es are explained in retically filled isothermally, the melt is
the text compressed and then cooled isochorical-
ly, that means that the specific volume re-
mains constant in this phase (Fig. 1).
However, such a filling operation would
require an extremely high pressure, which
is not always possible because of the
© Kunststoffe
stresses it puts on the mould and ma-

4 © Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich Kunststoffe international 5/2007


The classical pvT diagram illustrates

the actual process profile (with holding Three-Dimensional pvT Diagram
pressure) (Fig. 2):
(1) During the injection phase (1-2), the
pressure increases at almost constant
temperature (isothermally).
(2) At the end of the filling phase, with Fig. 3. Actual process
volumetric filling of the cavity, the flow in the pvT dia-
compression phase begins. The melt gram for standard
is compressed to ensure proper re- injection moulding,
production of the part contours. supplemented by the
(3) The maximum cavity pressure is flow path
reached – the holding pressure phase
begins. It compensates for the high
thermal contraction of the polymer,
i. e. the reduction of its volume as a
result of cooling, by feeding further
© Kunststoffe
(4) Solidification of the melt in the gate
region (sealing point) – the progres-
sive thermal contraction allows the
pressure in the mould cavity to be re- Three-Dimensional pvT Diagram
duced to the ambient pressure (5).
The phase (4–5) is isochoric.
(5) The ambient pressure is reached –
processing shrinkage starts.
(6) The part reaches the ambient tem- Fig. 4. Actual process
perature – the change of specific vol- flow in the pvT dia-
ume in phase (5–6) is the processing gram for expansion
shrinkage. compression mould-
The important point is that during injec- ing, supplemented by
tion moulding, the pressures are trans- the flow path
mitted pointwise by the screw, through
the gate, to the part. Cooling effects cause
the outer layers to freeze along the flow
path. This results in a pressure gradient
that induces stresses in the part during
the compression and holding pressure
© Kunststoffe
The important thing about this con-
sideration is that the pvT diagram, as a creasing pressure and falling temperature phase (1–2) and then merges into the ex-
two-dimensional representation, actual- along the flow path. pansion phase (2). During this phase, the
ly only gives spot information. That For the example of expansion com- maximum pressure is reached (3) and the
means that it does not show the pressure pression moulding (Fig. 4), the ideal process is controlled isobarically. In (4),
states in the part along the flow path. For process runs with an isothermal filling the compression phase starts, which is al-
optical parts, however, the constancy of so isobaric. From (5), the process is iso-
the internal properties along the flow path choric again until the ambient pressure is
is important for quality – no internal
stresses must be induced.
i Manufacturers reached or until it has cooled down to am-
bient temperature (7). During isobaric
To determine the actual conditions, the Kistler Instrumente AG process control, the process flow is a flat
pvT diagram must be extended around Eulachstrasse 22 surface with constant pressure along the
the flow path into the third dimension CH-8408 Winterthur / Switzerland entire flow path.
(Fig. 3). Only this makes clear that, in Tel. +41 (0) 52/2 24 11 11 Starting from complete filling of the
standard injection moulding, there is an Fax +41 (0) 52/2 24 14 14 cavity, the process runs analogously to
inhomogeneous pressure state in the part, standard injection moulding during the
which leads to internal stresses. Com- filling phase (1–2). Constant pressure
pensation of shrinkage by the screw hold- Krauss-Maffei Kunststofftechnik GmbH along the entire flow path also cannot be
ing pressure acting pointwise via the gate Krauss-Maffei-Straße 2 achieved with compression during the in-
has the effect that every point along the D-80997 Munich / Germany jection phase, since the flow resistance in-
flow path is subject to a different pvT Tel. +49 (0) 89/88 99-0 creases along the flow path. While the
state. In this three-dimensional diagram, Fax +49 (0) 89/88 99-2206 standard process then transforms into the
the process profile is represented as a sur- compression phase with higher pressure,
face, for the standard process with de- the pressure is kept constant during com-

Kunststoffe international 5/2007 5


pansion and compression phases, and

Cavity Pressure Curve in Expansion provides concrete information about ex-
Compression Moulding pedient optimisation measures.

Contactless Measurement
of the Cavity Pressure

Obviously, parts for optical applications

must not have any marks or other flaws
in visible or functional areas. This elimi-
nates conventional sensors because they
Fig. 5. The test results measure the pressure in the cavity at the
recorded during the part surface and may generate impres-
optimisation phase sions. A possible remedy is to dimension
show an optimised the parts larger to displace the measure-
cavity pressure curve ment point to the edge region (outside
(top), and its collapse the optically useful zone) and then sub-
during the expansion sequently mechanically remove the pro-
phase (centre) and jection. But this approach does not come
during the compres- into consideration because it increases
sion phase (bottom) costs and reduces productivity (damage).
For contactless measurement of the
cavity pressure, Kistler Instrumente AG,
Winterthur/Switzerland, has developed
special measuring dowel sensors and, to-
gether with Krauss-Maffei Kunststoff-
technik GmbH, Munich/Germany, has
realised this instrumentation in an injec-
tion compression mould for lenses. The
new sensors are introduced into the
mould structure behind the cavity wall or
in the compression plunger, where they
© Kunststoffe
measure the compression of the steel

pression (3–5 in the pvT diagram). The changeover to compression, the force and
pressure drop along the flow path is com- injection pressure must be set to constant
pensated during injection-compression cavity pressure again. If a constant value Kunststoffe intern. 5/2007
moulding by the large-area pressure ap- is not achieved, loss of optical quality can Volume 97 5/2007

plication. The aim of the compression be expected. Measurement of the cavity
stroke, to achieve isobaric process control pressure in the production of optical parts
during the embossing phase, is thus ful- is thus a prerequisite for optimum process Magazine for Plastics

filled. control. In addition, measurement of this Injection

Like the ideal process flow in standard process parameter makes it much simpler Moulding

injection moulding, this idealised flow to optimise this complex process.

can also not be completely realised. That During the optimisation phase, differ-
One-piece Flow: Inline

is partly because of the freezing of the out- ent cavity pressure curves were recorded Production and Finish-
ing of Plastic Parts
page 16

er layers of the part. The actual flow de- (Fig. 5): The top figure shows the opti- Nanoparticles

scribed in the diagram is therefore not mised curve. In the centre graph, the cav-
usually achieved. ity pressure collapses during the expan-
sion phase. In this phase, the force acting Improved Flame-
resistance of PP
page 49

Guidelines for Process on the plunger is too small – material is SPECIAL

Optimisation displaced. The force must be increased to


achieve a constant rise in the cavity pres-

The pvT diagram for the compression of sure. Fig. 5 bottom shows how the cavity
optical parts shows the basic procedure pressure collapses during the compres- from page 53 on

for process control, explained here for sion phase because the shrinkage is not
the example of expansion-compression compensated.A higher compression force
moulding. After volumetric filling of the makes the process more favourable. © Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich. 2007.
cavity, the injection pressure and force of Besides the pressures and forces being All rights including reprinting,
the compression plunger must be opti- too low, the cavity pressure curve also photographic reproduction and translation
mised for the expansion phase so as to shows forces that are too high or incor- reserved by the publishers.
achieve a constant cavity pressure. After rect transitions between the injection, ex-

6 © Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich Kunststoffe international 5/2007


caused by the cavity pressure. With this

measurement set-up, it is possibly to Machine Parameters during Expansion
quickly and easily optimise the process Compression Moulding
control in a two-cavity test mould by
means of two measurement dowels. Dur-
ing production, the quality of the lenses
was monitored by means of the cavity
Fig. 6 shows the cavity-pressure curve
(beige), the pressure in front of the screw
(black) and the compression-plunger po-
sition (red) for expansion compression
moulding. In the injection phase, the cav-
ity pressure increases until volumetric fill-
ing. Then the cavity pressure is built up
as a result of the holding pressure and ex-
pansion force. According to the pvT
curve, this remains constant. The com-
pression phase begins, which is ultimate-
ly followed by demoulding.

Quality Defects are Recognised © Kunststoffe

at an Early Stage
Fig. 6. The graph shows the curves for cavity pressure, for pressure in front of the screw and for the
Injection-compression moulding has mould position during expansion compression moulding
proved a suitable process for manufac-
turing optical parts. Numerous parame- reached much faster on renewed start-up egy, it will also be possible in future for a
ters have a significant effect on the qual- of a mould. machine to adjust itself fully automati-
ity, and their variation can only be tracked The decisive factors are thus the mould cally for production start-up. This could
and controlled if the cavity pressure is trials and the subsequent mould optimi- eliminate manual optimisation, since on-
known. The cavity pressure curve during sation phase. “Classical” cavity pressure ly the maximum permissible cavity pres-
injection moulding is a function of the measurement is required to determine the sure would have to be specified. ■
variation of compression force or clamp- ideal basic process. Only when a reason-
ing force with time. able process flow has been achieved are REFERENCES
Continuous process monitoring by the parts subjected to the optical quality 1. Bürkle, E.: Forschung fördert Durchblick. Kunst-
measuring the cavity pressure provides test discussed above. When the necessary stoffe 96 (2006) 6, pp. 81–86
early information about the part quality quality is achieved, the reference curve has 2. Bürkle, E.; Klotz, B.; Lichtinger, P.: Transparency in
without complicated determination of also be found that ultimately makes pos- Injection Moulding. Kunststoffe plast europe 91
the optical properties. A production shop sible production monitoring – and there- (2001) 11, pp. 17–21
therefore does not need to produce rejects fore quality monitoring. 3. Informations from Kistler Instrumente AG
for an unnecessarily long time before the
quality defects are recognised. Outlook THE AUTHORS
The above-described results were con- DR.-ING. ERWIN BÜRKLE, born in 1942, is Head of
firmed in various series of experiments. Because this reference curve correlates Preliminary Development, New Technologies and
This demonstrates that a “pvT diagram with the optical properties, it is conceiv- Process Engineering at Krauss-Maffei Kunststofftech-
along the flow path”, a “three-dimension- able to use the cavity pressure in future as nik GmbH, Munich/Germany.
al pvT diagram”, is suitable as a reference a control parameter for the compression DIPL.-ING. (FH) BERND KLOTZ, born in 1956,
curve for the quality monitoring in the process. For this purpose, the current cav- works in applications development at Krauss-Maffei.
production of optical plastic parts. The ity pressure (actual state) must be track DR.-ING. OLIVER SCHNERR, born in 1967, is Head
reference curve also offers the advantage the reference curve (setpoint cavity-pres- of Product Management in the Plastics Business Unit
that the optimum operating state can be sure curve). With a suitable control strat- at Kistler Instrumente AG, Winterthur/ Switzerland.

Kunststoffe international 5/2007 7

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